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Posts: 643
00:31 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I get that and after speaking too a few friends and such past few weeks i know their main concern was how many games there is too play now... that is why i suggested maybe the possibly removal of the FBL league?

It would certainly free up more time for the runner and all the players as well, i have always been a fan of the FBL over the SL but in recent weeks i actually like the SL more. I know some straight fans would be against this as FBL is the only league that uses that mode but it could be easily implemented into the SL. You could make it four frames of straight (constant straight players would like more games) and the bonus point system could be rewarded on runs. Say a 30 plus gets you that bonus point you would get for a run out or golden break. Would definitely make the SL a little more competitive too.

As a whole it means less games for everyone which i am sure most would be very happy about and you have a little more moving room with your squad. It is only a suggestion but i think it could work. Plus the bonus point system for straight would be fair as at least you have too earn a good run un like a golden break Not even Seb can hit constant 30 runs its always down too how the ball are and how you maneuver around them too get there.

It is only a suggestion but i think it would work and i would think some others would agree.
Posts: 274
00:39 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Be sure you got my vote for that, Jay
Posts: 38,097
00:46 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If i had to remove league it would be FBL as thats the type what promotes tactical subbing (similar to GSC) or players may not sub into types they dislike etc.

FCL and SL are set types so no real need to think there
Posts: 4,046
00:51 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi. I read the above. Everyone is entitled to an opinion of course but Jay seems to have a lot to say for someone who has only been back on the scene for 5 mins, regardless of previous experience. His advice is to delete 1/3 of the the competition so that it makes things easier. Things are easy enough as it is. There is nothing wrong with the current set up, and i mean nothing. If you have a team of 12-16 players you can play all the games with ease. 3 matches from three comps gives you 3 matches a week. Now if a regular player cant get 3 games played in a week then they shouldnt be in the league. At most its 1 1/2 hrs in the week. The reason we are looking at changing things is for the players that cant do that. We should not be catering for players that are not reliable. We should cater for players that want matches and enjoy playing. Players like miss_harriet or legend_pot only come on at certain times on certain days (they are examples not blaming them) so because its hard to get them on to play you want less games for the rest like silent_phil who will happily play anytime of the week in as many games as i can put him in.
The site is suffering but it has absolutely nothing to do with the way the league is formatted. End of last season was the same, pulling existing formats apart to implement something better and after 2 months almost nothing changed. And this season worked fine with almost no defaults of note, so what is the problem????
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00:56 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

All teams play each other twice, but going by rank ( if you look at the clans finishing positions this season you keep the top 2 away from each other until the final set in the 1st half of the season and again until the last set in the second half of the season), that way the FCL won't be won by uprising in the 1st month lol.

suggestion only.

as for the rest i don't care tbh, and only valid opinions should be noted and the rest binned as it's all not worth even reading to be fair!

Horse runs the leagues, if you are not happy please quit then or else don't moan as he gives up more time than most and it's the same cobswabble each and every season only this time it started earlier cause Uprising wiped the floor in all leagues, even if Uprising don't win Killer i wouldn't class that as a team effort as most clans will pick the same 5 for 1 max 2 it;s hardly a league is it!

Uprising smashed.
Posts: 4,046
01:00 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
As for team sizes. Faust is not only right, he is 100% right. If you start telling people they have to move clans because they have been cut then there is a good chance they will leave FP or not be involved in the league. Whos gonna tell their 4 worst players that they have to go? Good luck with that. You only need 10 reliable players, 12 is nice, and other than uprising if you can overide the delusions of granduer and take some less quality players 18-20 is possible. Reducing anything at this stage is a slippery slope to closure.

Anyway, on and on and on it will go and around and around in circles before Keith tells us what his intentions are.
Posts: 643
01:03 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I have been back in the clan playing scene for all of five minutes but have kept up to date on everything when i was logging in once a month if your lucky and catching up with everything that was happening. Be surprised how much you can read while being bored.

It is not just the site that is suffering though Buckjam, the clan league is suffering as well and as clan players that is something neither of us want too see along with everyone else. It was an idea not advice and it is not only my idea, i have spoke too other who brought it up without me saying anything too them about it. You need too factor in how long it can take too arrange a game as well especially since there is some hard nuts out there that want it done on there time and give no breathing room for both players involved. Many of the players also work as well and can not be on all the time like others and that is also a factor.

There was that many games in that season there that you had too make up a thread for FPD solely for that purpose of keeping track of them. Most players forget who they are too play or even when they are too play. It comes down too what the runner thinks is best and what ever is chosen i will follow it even if my opinion may be different. It is a discussion thread too discuss ideas. Many ideas ran through here have been dumb but some have been good, its better too discuss than too keep quite.
Posts: 643
01:09 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah as for your comment about the clan size, yes Faust is right and i have told him this but again it is a discussion thread and the idea was about possibly having more clans at the end of the day. If that is a no go then it don't really bother me.

I have a mountain of people too message about Crazy Eights, some of which have never even been in the clan scene and i will do my best too make the team happen and run for a season. Im more worried about failing than anything else as with randoms so too speak you never know what you are going too get. The game schedule could scare them off or just the abuse that is hurled around the forums Giving it a bash though and hopefully it works out we will have too see though as it is too early too tell. My main issue right now is do i build it now not knowing how long till new season will start (Dont want too have some eager players waiting weeks/month too play in their first game) Yes friendlies are possible but they are also boring and most clans dont put the effort into them as they don't affect the league anyway.
Posts: 38,097
01:19 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
My ideas:

Two Fixtures in two weeks to ease the amount of games.

"3 matches from three comps gives you 3 matches a week. Now if a regular player cant get 3 games played in a week then they shouldnt be in the league."

could be right Jamie but for some of us it is too exhausting to play 3 games a week. If i didn't have the time, i may struggle to do it but for those like me who has the time it is easy to play 3 games per week. some of team a in DFE wanted less games but didn't have the resources to give them a rest until recently. Our (as in DFE) own fault there but with the sub rules, i find it hard to trust randoms.

2nd idea which is most important for me is sort out the guidelines and default punishments as one point, one sided fixtures would normally be punished heavily but recently if the active team don't sub then they're punished instead. Just contradicting the other basically, We either need to remove the sub rule and guidelines or make it harsher as until this fixture, inactives was being put into fixtures which is what the guidelines tried to prevent.

Sorry for bringing idea #2 up again but didn't feel like i got a real response last time.
Posts: 4,046
01:19 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont see a problem with league at all. I was going to pack up when the crazy 8 clan was formed as i couldnt be bothered chasing about keeping the players i had. I made a mistake, a big one as they are so loyal that not one, other than 2 who had already declared an intention to go, wanted it to end.Thats 12 players. Not once have i had a message declaring there is to many games. They are in a pool league and have made a commitment to play. Not one game a month but 2-3 games a week. They do that freely and are in the team because they want to play in it. The problematical players are the ones that say yes and then dont turn up. As i said the league should not under any circumstances be molded to suit these players.
Posts: 274
01:23 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Trust me. I would love to be around more on funky but I have to earn my food somewhere else as funky is not paying my duties.

For sure it is not only 90 mins a week you have to be on. If it was that easy why has there been so many sh.t with arranging games!

Swap here, swap there. Sub in and out again ....

I stand with my point. It is just too many games with people not replying to messages in a decent time frame and getting games done.
If you, buckjam and fran_, think you get 80 full time players into the clans I wish you best of luck. Unfortunately without me then!
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01:27 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Trust me. I would love to be around more on funky but I have to earn my food somewhere else as funky is not paying my duties.

For sure it is not only 90 mins a week you have to be on. If it was that easy why has there been so many sh.t with arranging games!

Swap here, swap there. Sub in and out again ....

I stand with my point. It is just too many games with people not replying to messages in a decent time frame and getting games done.
If you, buckjam and fran_, think you get 80 full time players into the clans I wish you best of luck. Unfortunately without me then!

Hey hey hey hey, hey lol

i only made a small suggestion, regarding how many players can get involved i do not have the slightest idea..i usually just follow with what is put in front of me, but if you have a sensible change mate by all means please post it so i can agree or disagree
unfortunatly i am unable to come up with good ideas just the one i posted as it seems viable.
Posts: 274
01:36 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I only meant your paragraph stating "horse runs the leagues...."
which sounded like "eat poo or die" but dont criticize!

I really would like to play on in leagues. And as I think I am a quite experience league player I can for sure judge if its too much (for me) or not. If the majority is willing to be stressed with a million games per week I have to say its nothing for me then.
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01:41 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah understood count_raven i maybe have used the wrong words the way i put that, but yes horse runs the leagues but i'm sure he will give all this a read and maybe implement something different.

who knows but you should keep playing clans mate, be it only in a certain league/leagues if that is your preference as you will make an impact this season coming i'v no doubt so don't quit it all mate, you will just be another name to the long list of players lost! which is growing rapidly may i say.
Posts: 274
01:53 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont see a problem with league at all. I was going to pack up when the crazy 8 clan was formed as i couldnt be bothered chasing about keeping the players i had. I made a mistake, a big one as they are so loyal that not one, other than 2 who had already declared an intention to go, wanted it to end.Thats 12 players. Not once have i had a message declaring there is to many games. They are in a pool league and have made a commitment to play. Not one game a month but 2-3 games a week. They do that freely and are in the team because they want to play in it. The problematical players are the ones that say yes and then dont turn up. As i said the league should not under any circumstances be molded to suit these players.

I just know myself not wanting to see any games getting defaulted. So even if I said its too many before deciding to leave it would not have changed my own attitude to jump in and save the games which did not get played. So I rather renounce on being part of th eleague directly instead of being torn into those matches again and again.

And I totally agree with you. If I declared freely to play in a clan here I stand with my word and wanna give as much as possible for the clan which obviously concurrs with my time available in future tho.
Posts: 7,940
01:55 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

All teams play each other twice, but going by rank ( if you look at the clans finishing positions this season you keep the top 2 away from each other until the final set in the 1st half of the season and again until the last set in the second half of the season), that way the FCL won't be won by uprising in the 1st month lol.

suggestion only.

as for the rest i don't care tbh, and only valid opinions should be noted and the rest binned as it's all not worth even reading to be fair!

Horse runs the leagues, if you are not happy please quit then or else don't moan as he gives up more time than most and it's the same cobswabble each and every season only this time it started earlier cause Uprising wiped the floor in all leagues, even if Uprising don't win Killer i wouldn't class that as a team effort as most clans will pick the same 5 for 1 max 2 it;s hardly a league is it!

Uprising smashed.

Thought I'd pick out these 3 points because they made me laugh.

Surely we are all entitled to an opinion, whether you like them or not is up to you.

Not happy is why a lot of players have quit clans, need to get members playing in clans, not chase them out.

Its not always about Uprising lol, do you really believe thats the reason for this discussion ?

I also think keith is doing a great job with what hes got to work with
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02:00 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

kinda person i wanted a reply from

valid opinion yes...most of use have some

only the constant moaners post dribble!

uprising has wiped the floor thou ..fcl was over in a month fgs lol

i will listen to all decent opinions not those who just make noise like lol. Kieth has done an superb job mate never have i doubted it either, maybe the way clans are a small change is needed?
Posts: 4,046
02:10 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm in my car now but had to answer Carsten. I give players the games they request. If a player says im busy atm then I reduce their games. Three matches in a set. Most players get 2 games. Not 3 unless they are available let to sub in. Only if!. Seb had a month off during this season. It was no issue. Wether you are a good player or not I do not dictate that you have to play a fair share. Just the games you are entered in when I know no different. There is no pressure. Only when games are left to the last weekend of a 3 week fixture. It looks like a lot of games when they are posted but when listed for one player it's 2 games a week. Just 2 fixtures. Gets busier with cup granted and Sl might throw in an extra short format. Thing is I don't play to give players my games so I can also reduce 3 games that way. I just havent been asked to.
Posts: 13,570
02:41 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Do yaz know what would be AMAZING
......if we did away with the 3rd week sub thing....... statements of such n such is offline 2.8 days we wanna sub.......this idea has brought on the biggest maddest idea I reckon I've had on here..........except for pushin for bein able to put previous player back in for killer, and, bein able to put a player back in when playing Straight Pool, but anyway lol...........all communication would be left to the players and the Captains!!!..........Clan Threads would be pure Results, banter and craic!!!!
and fixtures
Posts: 6,417
03:16 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem of clans is that some people take it too seriously. I mean if u look at Black Scorpions or Phoenix Revenge threads it looks like you are doing a diplomatic debate how to resolve the refugee crisis. Swap here, swap there.

And as for the clan sizes im in favour of increasing it, considering that now a clan can enter more teams in the league. For example clans like Uprising or FPD would have no problem entering 3 teams in the competition.
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