
Player Details

Member Details
Location: Offline since
02:19 Wed 12/07/17 (BST)
Member Since: Sun 10/04/16 (BST)2016/04/10 00:09 GMTE dd/MM/yy (z)
Forum Posts: 643
Details: Male, 26, United Kingdom
About Me
Posted Image
Clan Status - Semi Retired (Play When Needed)

For any event based games, my playing times vary but usually any time after 8PM UK Time.

I have achieved many great things on this site over the years including Virtuoso rank, High Professional rankings. Recorded two hundred tournaments in one month. This was during the times where tournaments could take anywhere up to an hour plus, not like these five man tournaments now a days. Have played with many great teams during my time, on here now just for some fun.

Played for a few great clan's during my time, more notably Crazy Eights (Captain), MVP (Vice), The Professionals & Uprising. I remember all the clans that i have played for but these three will always stand out.


8AR - 812.7 (2ND)
9AR - 809.5 (2ND)
8US - 882.2 (4TH)
9US - 927.4 (1ST)
8UK - 901.8 (3RD)
KILL - 912.3 (1ST)
STR - 888.2 (2ND)
OVR - 871.7 (5TH)

All the above leader rankings where when i had the ranking points.

One of the only five people who have ever achieved professional ranking in nine ball arcade. Achieved a record which still stands at 200 normal based tournament wins in a one month period

Posted Image
8 Ball Billiards Newbie
Ranked Games 0 / 50
Ranking 675.0 (875th)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 20 (40.8%)
Losses 29 (59.2%)
Run Outs 1
9 Ball Billiards Newbie
Ranked Games 0 / 50
Ranking 675.0 (915th)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 17 (37.0%)
Losses 29 (63.0%)
Run Outs 1
8 Ball Pool UK Newbie
Ranked Games 0 / 50
Ranking 675.0 (1,073rd)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 3 (18.8%)
Losses 13 (81.3%)
Seven Ballings 2
Run Outs 1
Straight Pool Newbie
Ranked Games 0 / 30
Ranking 675.0 (497th)
Maximum 675.0
Wins 0 (0.0%)
Losses 3 (100.0%)
Turn Success 57 of 69 (82.6%)
Greatest Run 30
Runs of 30+ 1
Overall Incomplete*
Ranking* 675.0
Wins* 40 (35.1%)
Losses 74 (64.9%)