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Posts: 4,046
00:47 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I like Stu's idea with the captains. All 5 captains from the other teams could play for the 6th team. Theres 6 players incl. the captain of 6th team. Im sure whoever it is could get 6 more without too much trouble.

FCL format is fine as is.

FBL is ok but the Killer could be added. 3 players from each team. 3 points to the winner, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd. This might have a bearing on winning the fixture as well.

SL I like the short format and its quick and painless for most to get the games done.

I think that the overall layout with the three week fixture thing has worked well for two seasons now. Hardly any defaults to talk of and gives everyone a chance to get them done. Plus as one finished another one started.

The league has been great. Some great games and close at the top between the big two. There wasnt really a dog to kick down the bottom either. Cues Brothers did ok although short of players.

As for numbers. You need 8 reliable players to play 3 fcl matches. Ok you need 12 min ideally but 8 will do. If when the fixtures go in you declare 2 players who can sub in to any of the three fixtures at any time in the three weeks it would ease issues with players dissapearing ect. It would also help if numbers drop further. I actually suggested that the opposing team select these two subs so you couldnt pick your best from your squad. Eg. The team opposing FPD would pick our weakest two players to play as subs against them.
Posts: 10,109
00:58 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't we have an FCL reduced to 6 vs 6 (2 subs) and Teams have 2 sides so utilising the whole 16 players. Those who do not have 16 players have the accessibility to play a Wild Card player but can only win half points etc.

I'd like to Enter 2 sides in to the FCL therefore playing the entire squad and it replicating the fun and enjoyment we have with the FBL and SL.

So instead of only having 5 teams we in fact have 10.

The reason myself and faust do not play is we aren't obligated too, IF that wasn't a possibility then we'd have no choice but to play.

Reduce the FCL to 6 v 6 and you've got yourself a 4 team league.
Posts: 9,926
01:02 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't we have an FCL reduced to 6 vs 6 (2 subs) and Teams have 2 sides so utilising the whole 16 players. Those who do not have 16 players have the accessibility to play a Wild Card player but can only win half points etc.

I'd like to Enter 2 sides in to the FCL therefore playing the entire squad and it replicating the fun and enjoyment we have with the FBL and SL.

So instead of only having 5 teams we in fact have 10.

The reason myself and faust do not play is we aren't obligated too, IF that wasn't a possibility then we'd have no choice but to play.

Reduce the FCL to 6 v 6 and you've got yourself a 4 team league.

Reducing to 6 v 6 wont change anything, there is not hardly any team that has 12 active players so you would end up with lots of subs and swaps to get games played, when we really want to get away from subs and swaps as they just cause arguments.

We have already more than hit the top clans by shortening formats to try and mix things up, it would be unfair to shorten FCL which has always been the league that everyone has always said is the true test for who is the best clan.
Posts: 10,109
01:03 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't we have an FCL reduced to 6 vs 6 (2 subs) and Teams have 2 sides so utilising the whole 16 players. Those who do not have 16 players have the accessibility to play a Wild Card player but can only win half points etc.

I'd like to Enter 2 sides in to the FCL therefore playing the entire squad and it replicating the fun and enjoyment we have with the FBL and SL.

So instead of only having 5 teams we in fact have 10.

The reason myself and faust do not play is we aren't obligated too, IF that wasn't a possibility then we'd have no choice but to play.

Reduce the FCL to 6 v 6 and you've got yourself a 4 team league.

Reducing to 6 v 6 wont change anything, there is not hardly any team that has 12 active players so you would end up with lots of subs and swaps to get games played, when we really want to get away from subs and swaps as they just cause arguments.

We have already more than hit the top clans by shortening formats to try and mix things up, it would be unfair to shorten FCL which has always been the league that everyone has always said is the true test for who is the best clan.

I also take issue with the term "replicate the enjoyment of the SL and FBL", both of which are far less enjoyable than the FCL to the majority of the site.
Posts: 9,926
01:09 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't we have an FCL reduced to 6 vs 6 (2 subs) and Teams have 2 sides so utilising the whole 16 players. Those who do not have 16 players have the accessibility to play a Wild Card player but can only win half points etc.

I'd like to Enter 2 sides in to the FCL therefore playing the entire squad and it replicating the fun and enjoyment we have with the FBL and SL.

So instead of only having 5 teams we in fact have 10.

The reason myself and faust do not play is we aren't obligated too, IF that wasn't a possibility then we'd have no choice but to play.

Reduce the FCL to 6 v 6 and you've got yourself a 4 team league.

Reducing to 6 v 6 wont change anything, there is not hardly any team that has 12 active players so you would end up with lots of subs and swaps to get games played, when we really want to get away from subs and swaps as they just cause arguments.

We have already more than hit the top clans by shortening formats to try and mix things up, it would be unfair to shorten FCL which has always been the league that everyone has always said is the true test for who is the best clan.

I also take issue with the term "replicate the enjoyment of the SL and FBL", both of which are far less enjoyable than the FCL to the majority of the site.

You have no proof that this is the case, i would agree that the top players and clans prefer the longer format of the FCL but if you look at the leagues as a whole we had 6 clans which is approx 100 players, out of those 100 players you are only looking at between 20 to 30 who are in the top player category the rest are a mix of all levels thus why you have to accommodate them as without them you would not have any clan leagues at all.
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01:13 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Who said It's only the top players that prefer the longer formats? I'm average at best and I've always preferred the longer formats.
Posts: 643
01:22 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I also don't think you could reduce the FCL games coming too think about it and with what you said above about it. Stu has pretty much just said if it was too happen then Uprising would not be in it. Changing the main league too much would hurt more than anything, i am not fond of the way the point structure works now but i understand why it has been done.

Myself and Buckjam have not seen eye too eye on a few things lately but his idea above about killer and the point system he have i quite like and would spice things up whether it be in the FBL or just on its own.
Posts: 10,109
01:25 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You have no proof that this is the case, i would agree that the top players and clans prefer the longer format of the FCL but if you look at the leagues as a whole we had 6 clans which is approx 100 players, out of those 100 players you are only looking at between 20 to 30 who are in the top player category the rest are a mix of all levels thus why you have to accommodate them as without them you would not have any clan leagues at all.

My opinion is only based upon the response I have had from asking most people. I know for certain that all but one player in Uprising prefer FCL to the other types, with 2 of my players asking not to be selected for the shorter formats next season. It would be interesting to gather feedback from the other clans though. I am happy to mail every single player and garner each of their opinions if you like? I'd even be prepared to offer one of my infamous wagers beforehand?
Posts: 38,097
01:28 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I prefer FCL then SL for my style of play then FBL last as similar to Snooker a bit.

Yes to Killer League then have maybe top 2 play in a knockout final with the rest for the last final place.

I do prefer longer formats but myself and Seb on Snooker tried to promote as much short formats as possible as while we wanted the best to win, in this case Uprising BUT its no fun if the top clans win all the time so you need short and long formats for a balance to give all clans something to play for.

I'd still go with 5 clans though rather than 6 as if we have a repeat of Cue Brothers, it is a lot of work for something that could be prevented before it starts. Be great if 6 clans work but i'd rather have 5 stable clans than 5 stable, 1 wobbly
Posts: 643
01:37 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Too be fair though you say it is no fun when the top clan keep winning and all this stuff but FCL has been around how long now? I ran it for five seasons max i think and there was only one change at the top of the league i your lucky then. Still people keep on playing despite the teams like MVP who just crushed anything in their way and now same with Uprising. The fun part is competing and trying too take that top team off the top spot. As much as Stu and Ash don't get on im sure Stu will even admit that Phoenix more than gave them a run for their money this season especially in Super League i think it was.

Exact thinking i had when i ran all possible out comes through my head before deciding too fold Crazy Eights before it truly got started. Cue Brothers problem was part of that as well. Imagine a new clan but then the players come on and off like they did with Cues. That would hurt the league far too much half way into a season and i was no prepared too do that with such little room too move in way of players and going well out side my comfort zone.
Posts: 10,109
01:42 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Too be fair though you say it is no fun when the top clan keep winning and all this stuff but FCL has been around how long now? I ran it for five seasons max i think and there was only one change at the top of the league i your lucky then. Still people keep on playing despite the teams like MVP who just crushed anything in their way and now same with Uprising. The fun part is competing and trying too take that top team off the top spot. As much as Stu and Ash don't get on im sure Stu will even admit that Phoenix more than gave them a run for their money this season especially in Super League i think it was.

Exact thinking i had when i ran all possible out comes through my head before deciding too fold Crazy Eights before it truly got started. Cue Brothers problem was part of that as well. Imagine a new clan but then the players come on and off like they did with Cues. That would hurt the league far too much half way into a season and i was no prepared too do that with such little room too move in way of players and going well out side my comfort zone.

To be honest Jay, FPD's and DFE have worried us equally as much. FPD nearly knocked us out the GSC, and DFE beat us in the Killer Cup, and look likely to knock one of our teams out of the SL. That would be more than anything Phoenix have managed to do to us this season so far. DFE and FPD have improved so much, anything could happen next season.
Posts: 643
01:44 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I just used that as an example by the way taken nothing away from any other teams as there has been some nice results coming on from others and from what it looks like Fran is needed too come out big against James too keep UP Orig in it.
Posts: 14,736
02:40 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't like the idea of 5 Captains playing for the 6th side...nah the only team I will represent and contribute too will be my own. (when i chose too)

Killer League - is it really necessary?
The reason the Killer Cup is doing so well and players show an interest is the fact it's once a season. Encouraging players to be online at certain times isn't healthy and takes away their own flexibility.

A league with only 5 teams is really pointless, we need to change something in order to hopefully generate more teams.
Posts: 10,109
02:44 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't like the idea of 5 Captains playing for the 6th side...nah the only team I will represent and contribute to will be my own. (when i chose too)

Spoken like a true altruist! lol

To be fair, we didn't want him on board anyway. He's not compatible with fatmikee, who is essential to our chances of success!
Posts: 2,588
03:07 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I would absolutely love a killer league next season and even offer my services to actually run the thing.... Would be run smoothly and a lot better than we have experienced in the past (when it was joined to the FBL).
Posts: 6,417
03:09 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
A killer league is great. Hippesville gave a very good format about it some times ago.
Posts: 2,588
03:12 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
With 5 clans it would be pretty simple...

Chances of doing 3 v 3 v 3 v 3 v 3... 5 v 5 v 5's.

Possibilities are endless and the creation of a good format shouldn't be too difficult given some thinking time.

We've seen several times now that killer nights bring the biggest crowd online and offer the most social night on pool.. Why not just bring a league back for the last season or two.

Like I said, I'd love to run it if Horse and Ash passed up the opportunity.
Posts: 4,046
04:17 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok so Ash isn't it it. A clan wit a captain and vice from every team except Pheonix. That's 8 players plus the captain is 9. Only need 3 or 4 more for a fun team to make up a 6th clan. To avoid any conflicts of interest no Cap or vice can play against their own clan.

Immortal capt
Faust (vice)

There's 10 if they are interested. It's a good clan and doesn't affect anything as I see it. It's only fun isn't it.

All of the players above could still play for their respective clans without conflict imo
Posts: 10,109
04:47 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok so Ash isn't it it. A clan wit a captain and vice from every team except Pheonix. That's 8 players plus the captain is 9. Only need 3 or 4 more for a fun team to make up a 6th clan. To avoid any conflicts of interest no Cap or vice can play against their own clan.

Immortal capt
Faust (vice)

There's 10 if they are interested. It's a good clan and doesn't affect anything as I see it. It's only fun isn't it.

All of the players above could still play for their respective clans without conflict imo

Looks a great deal of fun to me, although everyone on the list past Jay should have vice status!
Posts: 14,736
05:54 Tue 26 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If it's kept separate (the Killer League) then I think it could be a success klien. It just doesn't need to be incorporated within Clans, we have the Killer Cup for that.

I'd never want to be in the same team as faust or fatmikee so yes please, keep me out of it. (fun or not...I'd rather watch paint dry!)
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