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Pages: 15253
Posts: 14,736
22:32 Mon 11 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What would Captains like the fixtures release to be?

* If we can ascertain that information then we can sort out the schedules etc.

I'd like FCL and FBL released together then come their deadline the SL be released.
Posts: 14,736
17:12 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
IF the teams maximum amount of players were reduced to say 10-12 players, would that really be a huge problem? Especially if it keeps Clans alive!! 8-10 would possibly encourage other teams to be created but that's a risk and it didn't work over on Snooker.

Just a thought?

Obviously all the league formats will need to be adjusted to accommodate the amount of players but that can easily be done.
Posts: 38,097
17:18 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
IF the teams maximum amount of players were reduced to say 10-12 players, would that really be a huge problem? Especially if it keeps Clans alive!! 8-10 would possibly encourage other teams to be created but that's a risk and it didn't work over on Snooker.

Just a thought?

Obviously all the league formats will need to be adjusted to accommodate the amount of players but that can easily be done.

Only if clans can have an A Team and a B Team in FCL etc as we have been focusing on 16 players and wouldn't be right or fair to remove half the list. I also fear top teams would kick the weaker players out and go for an all star lineup.

If we have to reduce then start at 14, then review to 12 then 10 in 3-4 seasons time. 16 to 10 is too steep so would need to lower it slowly over the seasons.
Posts: 10,109
17:27 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Keeping the players that are in clans already has to be of paramount importance. I'm sorry, but you have to be practically brain dead to think a reduction in numbers is the answer. Let's punish the clans that are good at recruiting to the max and keeping people interested? It's ridiculous.

The only people that struggle for numbers are the inept, the lazy, or the people that won't accept players because they don't think they're good enough. Cut teams down to 12 and we'll have the same amount of clans we do now, it's just we'll have the same captains struggling to keep 12 instead of 16.

If you think small you'll only ever be small. Any reduction starts a backwards momentum going, and everything will shrink at a faster rate than it already is. If numbers got cut to 12, that's 4 Uprising players that would immediately quit funkypool for good. How does that help the site or clans?

Encourage captains to make more of an effort to recruit. Don't reward the incompetent captains and punish the competent ones!
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17:44 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
keep it at 16 rduce fcl to 7v7 and give clans the option of entering 2 teams for fcl giving th e 3 remaining subs a chance to sub in to any team . allowing all 16 to play for either clan also so u can stick your strongest out against the likes of uprising
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17:46 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
you could have fcl

df A
df B
uprising A
uprising B
phoenix A
phoenix b

possibly to leagues of 4
Posts: 10,109
17:48 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We have 3 leagues. I think it's daft to experiment with the one everyone likes the best. People have always loved the 5 of each, 8 v 8 format. I agree with Ash (rare thing) that 2 teams with a 2 week deadline is better, but the 3 and 3 doesn't alter the format at least.
Posts: 643
17:56 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i agree with Stu, experimenting on the league that has been around the longest as is liked the most is not right. Leaving its format but changing the game size would be no issue i would think. I see you saying about two teams like A and B in FCL Shadows but that won't really work, four in a division is kind of boring and far too repetitive, the season would also last less i think.

It's not me being brain dead or what ever on the idea too possibly decrease clan size a little too see if it helps, in fairness captains would could there most active anyway. There is a limited amount of players out side of the clan scene right now who you could recruit. Activity on the game is one thing but you need too be 100% in your choice that they will play so many clan games within a week or two.

Ultimately it comes down too the league choosing what may be best for the league i just think all aspects need too be looked at before deciding everything.
Posts: 10,109
18:00 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah i agree with Stu, experimenting on the league that has been around the longest as is liked the most is not right. Leaving its format but changing the game size would be no issue i would think. I see you saying about two teams like A and B in FCL Shadows but that won't really work, four in a division is kind of boring and far too repetitive, the season would also last less i think.

It's not me being brain dead or what ever on the idea too possibly decrease clan size a little too see if it helps, in fairness captains would could there most active anyway. There is a limited amount of players out side of the clan scene right now who you could recruit. Activity on the game is one thing but you need too be 100% in your choice that they will play so many clan games within a week or two.

Ultimately it comes down too the league choosing what may be best for the league i just think all aspects need too be looked at before deciding everything.

I just sent you a list of 30 actives. Want 30 more??

I guarantee you if you cut the clan sizes, the participation numbers will drop with it. It's not like you HAVE to have 16 anyway. You're allowed to run a clan with 12 players!!!
Posts: 643
18:06 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

It is a list with a mixture of players, and 30 more? i have not seen 30 people on the game server at one time so come on This could easily turn into 9ballsniper when he made a clan seasons ago and filled it with un proven players and it failed massively. Yes props too him for trying but that is the kind of issues clan scene has right now as there is limited amounts of players around. I have asked lots of players too join and had more no answers than maybe or yes but ill keep trying but im not going too sit on a player till bullied into joining. If it happens it happens.

I'll go fill up the clan in the next few days hopefully and see how long it lasts on unproven players (or some proven), least i can say i tried unlike many others who are scared too fail. If i fail no one can really judge it then.
Posts: 38,097
18:06 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I see you saying about two teams like A and B in FCL Shadows but that won't really work, four in a division is kind of boring and far too repetitive, the season would also last less i think.

Thats why Snooks failed, We eventually got down to 4 clans which isn't enough for a league and with 10 in a team on Snooker thats 40 people and only around 40-60% seemed interested. On Pool we need to think carefully, I do agree with Stu because those you have to kick won't form a clan which was the intention so you're losing around 30 more players which would put league in even more danger.

Best thing you could do for FCL is a 6 v 6 however 8 subs in a fixture is plenty so that isn't the issue. The issue i feel is being forced to have 2 teams in FBL and SL, while i get the idea and like it, i feel you should have the option of having one team and being able to fully use your players. Sure you can just put in dvz, harry, chocco and seb vs Uprising but you can do that anyway (risking the other team's activity). If one you could add restrictions like can't play in all 3 fixtures or other things.
Posts: 10,109
18:07 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  

It is a list with a mixture of players, and 30 more? i have not seen 30 people on the game server at one time so come on This could easily turn into 9ballsniper when he made a clan seasons ago and filled it with un proven players and it failed massively. Yes props too him for trying but that is the kind of issues clan scene has right now as there is limited amounts of players around. I have asked lots of players too join and had more no answers than maybe or yes but ill keep trying but im not going too sit on a player till bullied into joining. If it happens it happens.

I'll go fill up the clan in the next few days hopefully and see how long it lasts on unproven players (or some proven), least i can say i tried unlike many others who are scared too fail. If i fail no one can really judge it then.

A couple of seasons ago I offered a £500 bet that I could start a new clan of 16 players to anyone that would take it. No-one would!
Posts: 2,327
18:11 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
A clan reduction wouldn't benefit those of us who have worked hard from struggling with too few players to gaining 16

. I agree with Stu/James, reductions wouldn't form another clan, the people who would have to be forced out would just be put off of clans adding to the problem we're trying to solve.
Posts: 643
18:13 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes i know you told me that on FB you old goon

Heres the thing mate, your bet says start a clan with 16 players... that is a good trick. Maybe someone would take it if you said start a clan and finish a full season with that clan with non proven players. Lets say getting 80% of the games played (rest default) that does seem too be a decent percentage these days in the clan scene regarding games played v games going too default.

Most people on here are on this 10+ hours a day they don't have 500 man be fair
Posts: 643
18:20 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
In my eyes it is about the league not an individual captain or captains. The league has been around here longer than most of the players that play in it (Including me). Its about the survival of the league too me as the site is slowly dying. Yes if major changes are fixed we will probably see it liven up again but that is not right now. Some reductions would need even hurt some clans when you see they have at east 3/4 inactives sometimes anyway.

Like i said before it is an idea that the league needs too look at, do it or not it won't bother me but all ideas need too be looked at for the best of the league(s) The way it is right now is just a bundle of games throwing in at the same time, leaving people frustrated and other stuff.

Like yesterday with Priest, he is perfectly within his right not too play RIGHT away and did offer a time through his captain too your player. In my eyes although i think it may have been a little immature at least he gave a time too play and if Jack could not make that then another time would be given at some stage. No player needs too play soon as the games are out, thats not how it goes but you guys pushed for a sub. He refused too play at that time he did not refuse too play the fixture. That is just how i seen it from the outside looking in and i know a few more did.
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18:24 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
A few things that would help the site and league

1 when new players sign up they are automatically sent a message saying what java to use and step by step instructions instead of trying to figure it out by chance or by threads.

2. INVITE !! If we care about the site and want it to grow, invite some friends! Since we know there is no advertisement we have to do the advertising .. So post on your facebook status the link to this place .. People like pool and this is a good site still compared to other sites!

3. Clan threads have to be cleaned up ... way less fighting. We all know the majority of it is certain individuals . I feel that if they cant control arguing then mute them more often but only say 12 hrs to 24 hours first time then increase each time .. Might seem harsh but it will fix the problem.

4. Do not be so harsh on the league runner who imo keeps the site from looking like even more of a ghost town ..
Posts: 38,097
18:34 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I get that Jay he didn't want to play right away BUT he never said he would arrange another time. He said to Jack, "don't talk to me ever again" which to me says i never want to play you either. Craig has always been dramatic but hes still bitter at Jack for defending his Family which anyone would do.

Fact is he had to get Ash to arrange a time to play, Why is that? Craig is active, he can message Jack himself and if it went to default apparently Clan Captains effort doesn't count so we would lose points over it.

If Craig really wants to play why not message Jack and arrange a time? otherwise it can be seen as, "i never want to see or talk to you ever again".

We rightfully pushed for a Sub as Dee doesn't believe in early Swaps and neither do i as it can be classed as 'tactical' which is what i felt in past fixtures. Craig's problem so he should be the one to sub out. We had no issues with Jack playing Craig.

I mean now i have to ask Dee if Swaps and Subs are ok because i don't know what is true and what is manipulation for an easier fixture. I even asked Dee about Killer Time submitted by Uprising even though i knew Stu was talking 100% true and i trust him completely. Something wrong when you have to do that.

Edited at 15:44 Tue 12/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
18:36 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
2. INVITE !! If we care about the site and want it to grow, invite some friends! Since we know there is no advertisement we have to do the advertising .. So post on your facebook status the link to this place .. People like pool and this is a good site still compared to other sites!

Problem there is i know it won't help is because i doubt they will like Pool and around 25% are friends from here. Java also needs to be 100% fixed as i wouldn't recommend this site for a first time user
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18:43 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Didn't you guys read team changes thread. He had already left the clan. He said on there himself. So i don't think it would of been played. But yeah i agree it didn't have to get played right away and i was cool with that. And we didn't have to set up a time through each other i was fine with that and using a third party like ash speaking for him i was fine with. And i was cool with anyone sitting in on us playing so things could be on the up and up. What i was not cool with was what Ash had said in his first paragraph directed to me .. And Dgen that's my lil brother not son.
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18:45 Tue 12 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
2. INVITE !! If we care about the site and want it to grow, invite some friends! Since we know there is no advertisement we have to do the advertising .. So post on your facebook status the link to this place .. People like pool and this is a good site still compared to other sites!

Problem there is i know it won't help is because i doubt they will like Pool and around 25% are friends from here. Java also needs to be 100% fixed as i wouldn't recommend this site for a first time user

well really once the right java is used everything else is minor.. And in the U.S. i know alot of people would play this if they knew about it
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