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Posts: 38,097
20:18 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yet again the arguing continues, its just constant with some people on this game!
Play the game and have fun like the good old days!!

No one arguing here mate, it is a discussion on recent events so not arguing, If people started to insult then it would be an argument.

Discussions are fine
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20:20 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If me and Ash where arguing i would take it too PM, i would take it there even if we wasnt as well I got no issues with Ash, like he don't with me.

Unless you want too settle it in a clan game Ash? Hehe
Posts: 368
20:20 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yet again the arguing continues, its just constant with some people on this game!
Play the game and have fun like the good old days!!

No one arguing here mate, it is a discussion on recent events so not arguing, If people started to insult then it would be an argument.

Discussions are fine

These kind of "discussions" always result in arguing
Posts: 7,974
20:22 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
totally agree with captains
being muted

set the example

don't blame anyone but yourself

the crap on threads has killed clans
don't blame others for trying to sort it
Posts: 38,097
20:22 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If me and Ash where arguing i would take it too PM, i would take it there even if we wasnt as well I got no issues with Ash, like he don't with me.

Unless you want too settle it in a clan game Ash? Hehe

Rock, Paper, Scissors to choose the type, Best of 5
Posts: 14,736
20:33 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
1. I didn't receive no such warning
2. The message was posted in general for everyone's notice
3. I don't appreciate being or feeling singled out
4. I don't feel like I'm arguing with anyone tbh just trying the best for my team.
5. Within the space of 3 minutes last night I'd received 2 posts identical from a captain and vice over the same issue. IF they'd bothered to actually communicate with their own player as I did via offline message they'd realize the fixture is in fact arranged.
6. I wasn't arguing and instead used my own initiative to speak amicably offline with their player.
7. I'm sick and tired of being accused of arguing...i'm not!
8. IF people want me to argue then i will and trust me it's not a pleasant site.

Sure Jay we can have an FCL match - but you'll need to join the list on the 'Mountain out of a Molehill' Thread - instead first
Posts: 7,974
21:21 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I am not singling anyone out
I am generalising

a captains role is to look after teams and sort games
with as little hassle as possible

if you read threads
its mostly captains and vice captains giving crap out
and snipping its truly unreal

players looking at this must laugh
there are serial stirrers as well
but so is life, I guess

the site and clans are dying
there appears to be more people
posting on threads these days
to make themselves look good or trying to boost their egos

how about try a season
with captains making subs etc
and stop twisting on like Old Mother Hubbard's
chair legs
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21:40 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Shame you couldn't practice what you preach when you were a captain.
Posts: 7,974
00:10 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Shame you couldn't practice what you preach when you were a captain.

how many years ago ??
you are one of the many reasons I quit
running teams
you and a few others have taken the fun out of clans

do you ever have anything positive to say or
do you just snipe at everyone

this is one of the many reasons this site is dying
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00:56 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't remember been involved in any arguments for a good while tbh, and this is gonna be my last season so some great news for you.
Posts: 9,456
02:35 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Firstly thank you lolumadbro for making out I ruined the site, really appreciate that and after all the years of my free time glad it hasn't gone missed cheers. Re: tournaments we had a plan but the overall team and with the response with change was negative, if the limited few out of all the site members feel something is missing then please feel free to post, 4 or 5 wanting a change with 50 issues out ranks I'm sorry.

Now I'm not going to comment on each of the replies on here but let me make it clear, dgen etc my comment wasn't aimed for you to worry or feel worried about making comments on threads and never have we made you feel different.

The reason I posted was around all the crap that has happened on the forums recently and letting everyone know that it has now become an issue for staff, we receive complaints and 80% of these are based on you lot. We don't expect 100% argument free zone but the manner some people react on the forums isn't welcome just recently.

As for the rumours about captains being muted, this is 100% false the only reason you will be muted is for breaking the site rules, or.... Constant arguements that are being personal or abusive.

Admin will not be involved in the running of clans, we are just pointing out that action will be taken if you don't listen to staff on the forums. I think we have been fair at times.

Posts: 38,097
02:50 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds fair enough crazzy and thanks for putting my mind at ease again, hopefully gain more confidence soon as i haven't got any at the minute.

Hoping that if things get out of hand, Staff will post on thread rather than just revoke then people know they're being monitored and can choose to listen or be revoked.

Regarding complaints, some users do it for every little thing even if isn't really an argument. When i have an issue i don't like to go to Staff but try and sort amongst ourselves.
Posts: 38,097
02:52 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
want to bump my posts on last page about the guidelines as captains are still putting in inactive players even when the guidelines tried to prevent it.

think something should be done next season
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:31 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry crazy don't take that personally, I meant admin in general. It's just that you are the only 1 that posts.

The crap that goes on in clans is never going to stop no matter how many warnings you post or what action you take, It's not going to help bring any new members in either so I stand by what I said.

Sorry I'll leave the thread alone now
Posts: 38,097
11:59 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah Sam is around too but rest are busy i guess. always said they should promote active mods who has done a good job as an Admin.

Keith and Zante pop up immediately, thats no disrespect to other mods, just two names that popped up.

Agree about arguments, it happens every season and will probably continue regardless of how strict Admin are. Was worse years ago when people insulted you for what you do in real life. Now it is more about clan games in general, inactive players, sub, defaults etc. Still think at times discussions are needed to move forward as when you argue a lot you see common problems which most could agree with
Posts: 14,736
14:56 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Arguing is only normal or having a difference of opinion, the main issues are not everyone accepts or recognises everyone is entitled to one. There is no tolerance with a select few who as a result stifle and obliterate the fun from being with Clans.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The main objections I have is when the recipient isn't astute enough to handle a reply therefore result in getting and making personal comments.

IF we all just let bygons be bygons and accept a difference of opinion isn't such a bad thing then I have no doubts we can continue or rekindle the fun back within clans and the site in general.
Posts: 7,297
16:57 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Arguing is only normal or having a difference of opinion, the main issues are not everyone accepts or recognises everyone is entitled to one. There is no tolerance with a select few who as a result stifle and obliterate the fun from being with Clans.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The main objections I have is when the recipient isn't astute enough to handle a reply therefore result in getting and making personal comments.

IF we all just let bygons be bygons and accept a difference of opinion isn't such a bad thing then I have no doubts we can continue or rekindle the fun back within clans and the site in general.

Ash you start all the silly childish squabbles which you need to kindly refrain from doing as it only makes clans look silly in general. Example posting my offline messages to the threads to cause trouble but the problem is i dont mind, so kinda backfires in what you want to achieve. Saying you may let bygons be bygons is a laugh as you only posted today more silly posts regarding a match we have just won lol

Ash posted this :
Phoenix Revenge OFFER Black Scorpions A proper FCL match (Friendly), I'll include mich as he's on the team for next season too. In fact let's make it 10 vs 10!

Let's have an FCL match with 10 players each! Accept?

My reply is Except defeat graciously.
Posts: 38,097
17:32 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You started it Huts by posting this

Love it !!!!!

My players played outstanding and deserved this great win above so I'm delighted to win overall by 5 points ! Hehe

3rd win in a row vs phoenix now lol

Correct Ash shouldn't have posted private messages but this kind of post is just gaging for a response then lead to all this mayhem on who is better.

It shouldn't matter who is better or first etc as it is just a virtual league with virtual trophies but with real people, site is meant to be fun, you play to win but i think enjoying the match is better as that is all that matters.

These types of posts which lead to the 'who is better' argument is why Crazzy posted what he did. Have your moment in the sun then forget about it as every match is different.
Posts: 14,736
17:41 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
They've won 3 fixtures over a short format so all I did was offer a match 10 vs 10 over a longer one. How that is a silly post is beyond me and I cannot see the necessity or logic in it being even mentioned on this thread

The offer has been declined, we accept that but please less of the bragging and boasting when he isn't prepared to back up his 'silly and unnecessary ' posts such as the one James has posted before.

Correct it's a virtual league and all that nonsense but it's also a site where a lot of people are prepared to apply and utilise their own time and effort. So let's cut the garbage about it only being a game, it's a game we all enjoy and being able to operate and accumulate a group of scores together brings clans it's own dimension.

I'm not arguing with anyone, cannot for the life of me understand nor justify the reason for huts post but I'll just leave the thread and this post with a bizarre state of mind.

Posts: 14,736
21:59 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
This might not go down very well but oh well:

Can we scrap the while lot FCL, FBL and SL leagues and just have 1 big league which incorporates all formats?

Have 10/12 players attached to their Teams and say 20/30 individual fixtures be drawn out totally at random and 3-5 days be the deadline?

Quickfire fixtures instead of dragging them out over 21 days. The players names drawn and the format.

3 points for a Win
1 for a Draw
0 for a Loss

We keep mentioning the clans are in demise we need to try something to keep it alive and what better than than a completely new system?

All players are tied too their Teams once it's started,

Just an idea, I find three weeks tedious, languid and just the same old, same old every season.

Make the leagues a little more current.
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