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05:10 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
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13:32 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Crazy - your killing the site off as it is so why not do something more useful that wouldn't help the site die quicker than it already is, for example..

Horse - If captains are been forced to sub their players out again when they've been active throughout the fixture and their opponent barely online why does the no subs rule for the first 2 weeks even exist? I know it works well most of the time but in terms of stopping captains putting inactive players in It's been a massive fail.
Posts: 38,097
14:10 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
agree mate, i had high hopes for the sub rules but its beginning to look like Snooker where you will be nagged to sub out a player then lose points because it may be deemed playing for default. One example was Zantes match on Snooker, he lost points as Sarah refused to sub but understanding the guidelines in one sided fixtures, you shouldn't have to sub as it isn't your fault. saw it all the time on Snooker but it is worse on Pool as people try and manipulate to remove your best players who has made effort in the fixture to get a game done (worse when an important win is at stake).

i know people are sick when people play for defaults but in one sided fixtures sometimes they are needed. I learned that the hard way and not scared of defaults any longer but i wouldn't play for them normally.

the issue i have is inactive players aren't being punished as you have to bend over to help stop a default then no punishments happen because if you play for a default, you're the one who is punished and not them. Black Scorpions is a prime example of this, put in a player who only plays 2 days a week and an inactive player but if we don't help them then we are playing for defaults which feels wrong.

Maybe an idea is to deduct points from the table if captains choose inactive if they have active available. Some cases like FPD this fixture it can't be helped so need common sense for the deductions. captains are punished and may learn not to do it frequently
Posts: 38,097
14:14 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The post above, i posted to some friends last night however i was scared to post as "action will be taken". I know arguing is bad but Captains are passionate and sometimes discussions are needed to make things better. I felt scared as before mods told me, it is ok to post as not breaking rules which i felt reassured but since last night i'm afraid of posting in case something happens to my account.

I shouldn't have fear of posting but i do, feels like i have to think of every word and think will staff revoke me for this
Posts: 2,588
14:34 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Absolutely right.

Playing a player that can only play weekends is all well and good in a 3 week fixture .. But in a week long fixture it's beyond stupidity, yet if seb can't make his times at the weekend it can go against us even though seb has been available all week. Great stuff.

As for the 8 days offline player, let's not even go there.

Stupid captaining, yet 0 punishment for it, time and time again this season.
Posts: 38,097
14:54 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah in a 3 vs 3, grand slam playoff you have the whole clan to work with so no excuses for inactivity, It isn't like FBL/SL where you are limited, then i could understand (like FPD in our fixture, didn't have a choice really but to field an inactive player) but when you have the whole clan to choose from then no excuse. You need a balance between Reliability, Activity and Top Player, Bonus if all three but they chose two who don't meet those requirements of being active and reliable so the other team shouldn't have to bend over. If Subs were restricted in playoff it would help as well, one sub per playoff (unlimited swaps but unless timezone you don't need them) i think would do nicely as things can happen even with active players but choosing two people who don't meet those requirements in a 3 v 3, 7 day playoff, i can't find an excuse but the active team is expected to sub if needed to prevent a default which as long as they made effort, shouldn't feel the need to sub even at expense to getting the game done, opposition is the one who has to sub, not the active team.
Posts: 14,736
16:38 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
There appears in to be IMO a misinterpretation between a Captain standing by their principles and opinions compared to being accused of 'arguing'.

Since when did it become wrong to have an opinion and stand by it? How the words on a screen are received isn't the senders problem and definitely shouldn't be punished as a consequence.

We all want rhe best for our teams and for each and every player and Captain alike to be treated with the same respect, dignity, toleration, fairness, equality but the fact is we are all competitive too so it's not going to happen every day. "We can only all but try".

I agree and admit a lot of the petty bickering is due to Captain's trying to get one over the oppositions and vicer-versa and that is silly. It all roots and stems back too respect and Captains actually putting getting the fixture played before any of this newly adopted 'politics garbage'.

We need to ensure only players active are selected, takes 2 mins to log on and post a message to their Captain. Common sense needs to be put first from now on instead of only thinking and harboring the teams best players.

* A Team at end of the day is only as strong as it's weakest player.
Posts: 14,736
17:03 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I cannot for the life of me understand why in a 1 week fixture it's not been disallowed to select a weekend player only?

Surely common sense is to sub in the weekend player on a Friday then back out on the Sunday evening if still remained unplayed? That would allow the fixture to be covered for the week day time slots.
Posts: 4,046
17:33 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I cannot for the life of me understand why in a 1 week fixture it's not been disallowed to select a weekend player only?

Surely common sense is to sub in the weekend player on a Friday then back out on the Sunday evening if still remained unplayed? That would allow the fixture to be covered for the week day time slots.

Because it's not for us to decide who a captain picks to play. That's his job. To be fair it's the same as keeping Harriet in a game when she can only play at 9pm Sunday. We have all done it. Doesn't make it right though.
Posts: 38,097
18:20 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
There appears in to be IMO a misinterpretation between a Captain standing by their principles and opinions compared to being accused of 'arguing'.

Since when did it become wrong to have an opinion and stand by it? How the words on a screen are received isn't the senders problem and definitely shouldn't be punished as a consequence.

When Staff say if you disagree and post we will revoke your posting rights, I agree some situations get out of hand and a Night Cap usually solves things (did on Snooks anyway) but the vibe feels like you have to agree with things or have a revoke. Makes me worried if i'm honest and while i enjoy no digs/arguments this will make me even more insecure wondering at any minute if i will be revoked or not.

Worrying Times
Posts: 38,097
18:28 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Because it's not for us to decide who a captain picks to play. That's his job. To be fair it's the same as keeping Harriet in a game when she can only play at 9pm Sunday. We have all done it. Doesn't make it right though.

True, the thing is though, the guidelines should prevent this as Keith said, it has been a common theme for years, pick best, regardless of availability type thing and with no subs for two weeks it kind of works but still happens so feel the rule isn't working.

The Playoff is worse though as they're no restrictions in place and with it being one week deadline, you need active players involved.

With Fortnight or 3 Week Deadlines you can afford to be lenient but One Week games, inactivity can't exist even for 3-5 days offline as it is the same mindset as Week 3 of a regular fixture. First 2 Weeks you can be flexible but that final week, people worry about inactivity (usually 3-5+ days).
Posts: 14,736
18:31 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I've heard a rumor that any arguments from Captains will result in them being muted next season. I wholeheartedly disagree with that stance, opinions and principles will continue to be maintained and of course we ALL want every fixture completed without any or too much hostility.

IF Admin want to start getting involved with clan issues then just bring on the clan demise even quicker. Time and time again I've read Admin aren't anything to do with clans then make up your minds and stand by it. Agreed some of the recent disagreements have escalated to personal comments and that is wrong but to categorize as 'having an argument' is just lame and pretty much way off the truth.

Mute a Captain and watch matches not be completed as players whether you accept it or not appreciate their captains assistance at times as it shows they have support. Gone are the days when messages are sent offline, hence not much default information submitted any longer. Players would rather catch their opponent online and play on a whim than mess about with offline messages. That is why it appears Captains seem to be more involved than they used to or should be.

IF Captains are muted for representing and standing by their decisions then I'm afraid you'll see some either deactivate of fold the team due to being treated unfairly.

That's the last thing we want, the last thing we want is threads being full to the brim of unnecessary disagreements too. Let's try to respect one another!!!
Posts: 38,097
18:46 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
hopefully it is just a rumour and not true otherwise i may not post as much next season as i wouldn't want to be muted (if i did i would just ask my friend fastboysam for a self-revoke, been on the brink of that a few times for a cooldown period), i'm feeling insecure as it is at the moment without worrying next season. may be a case of being like snooker where you only post for results only (captain, fixtures too, runners, general stuff) which isn't enjoyable (know from experience) and forums would be more dead than currently as people wouldn't want to post in fear of being muted.

already bored of the game and friendlies, events and leagues are only things what keep me here

regarding games not being played when captain is muted, once me and seb got muted at the same time and had to run the league for a week or two without posting on the forum. We managed it and games still got played so if a captain got muted i don't think flow of the games would be disrupted but would need a temp person to bump the fixtures.

yep captains probably get involved with stuff what doesn't concern them (i'm probably one of the worst) but with this inactivity thing, i can't just sit back and do nothing, knowing it will keep happening then having to bail them out
Deleted User
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19:51 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If a captain gets muted it is their fault, you can not come just sit there and disagree with what admin said as let's face it arguing is the worst thing about the league and that alone drives players away.

Ash you and Lee got warned other day by admin and still you and him are at each others throats... bringing up stuff from earlier fixture(s) it is the same old argument which others are bored with and you and Lee must be bored of it too. Just let your players figure it out, if they can not they will come too you and then you and Lee can try and work something out.

Lee might not be the best captain too get along with at times but from experience he does his best with the team he has too get games done, yes he can be a little unorthodox in his ways but who isn't. Not all captains are saints but they do what they do for THEIR team just like you would do. Just take a back seat a little and let it play out, if you need too make a sub then you do it. If he does not want too make one then it is his choice and if it went too a default it would show in your players favour if it was deserved.

I don't think admin will be looking at every argument that arises, i think they have had enough of personal attacks so anything of that nature may be punished in the future.
Posts: 14,736
19:57 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not at Lee's throat at all, also I received no such warning as you call it. so please get your facts right with making ridiculous comments. IF me asking if he had any possible way of contacting his player before even mentioning a sub is 'at someone's throat then're WRONG!

Jay I respect you and it's good to have you back but please stop posting or making false comments about situations you really aren't aware about.

Edited at 17:02 Tue 05/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
20:03 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If a captain gets muted it is their fault, you can not come just sit there and disagree with what admin said as let's face it arguing is the worst thing about the league and that alone drives players away.

I don't think admin will be looking at every argument that arises, i think they have had enough of personal attacks so anything of that nature may be punished in the future.

I get that, i really do and even said myself arguments is a cause for the decline but i do partly disagree as every disagreement could now lead to a revoke even if it is a discussion like we are having. Arguments fair enough but can't mute someone for having a constructive discussion about the league as it would be saying "Heads i win, Tails you lose so those are the rules", you can't post the other side of the coin or you get a revoke. That is the reaction i got from the post made last night.

At the moment we are having a constructive conversation about the league so no revokes should happen but if it got heated then revoke for the night to cool off as things can get said in heat of the moment then revoke gets longer if the moment hasn't cleared.

Me and Ash used to insult each other all the time and now we are fine (except some general league queries but opposite captains) so shows anyone can forgive if they put their mind to it
Deleted User
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20:04 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
This is what people mean, i speak too you as a friend and actually said it too both you and Lee and now your telling me too get a grip. I am not talking about this week with these certain games being played just now i am also talking about the other week regarding the game with Fresh and Askingfan/Tombo.

Keith posting solely on Phoenix and Scorpions thread with the initial post he put on here too looks too be a warning as it was posted in the middle of you and Lee tearing up each others threads. Also what i mean by at each others throat's is neither of you seem too give up and argument which leads too you both just getting frustrated, leads the argument too go longer.
Deleted User
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20:06 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
James if the argument as you put it is constructive then yes i would not agree with a mute either. But over the years it has turned too personal attacks on some players and captains and that is the part where i would agree on muting possibly.
Posts: 38,097
20:13 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
James if the argument as you put it is constructive then yes i would not agree with a mute either. But over the years it has turned too personal attacks on some players and captains and that is the part where i would agree on muting possibly.

Yep i agree there but general league queries you have to expect disagreements, one cap asks for a sub, other says no because hes inactive etc. If it gets personal then revoke could happen as captains disagree and use the past or start insulting then i would agree (even a night cap would be good).

Still stand by what i said today though about the guidelines and the revoke post.
Posts: 368
20:14 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yet again the arguing continues, its just constant with some people on this game!
Play the game and have fun like the good old days!!
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