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Posts: 13,570
22:05 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If several of the main diggers could stop, maybe the funkypool clan grave would not be needed
Posts: 38,097
22:05 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
alternative is two teams in FCL too, not sure how popular it would be however as half the games.

scoring Jay is 60-60 = 1 point, 61+ = 3 points, any less than 60 then 0 points

Edited at 19:15 Tue 29/03/16 (BST)
Posts: 274
22:09 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 274
22:09 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 3,846
22:11 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
They will just shut the site soon, whilever theres the premium membership option, and the product is broken there stands a chance that thesite will just get closed
Posts: 7,974
22:14 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I personally think 10 is too small, maybe 12 as that would leave enough for two sets in the FCL if the games were to be decreased too six. Im only saying reduce in FCL really as there is a set scoring system now and some players might feel a bit put off playing 15 frames which then just leads too a few points (what ever it is, not played in FCL yet so don't know the actual scoring)

you only get 2 points for a fixture win now
so frame count means nothing unless
its a draw

the reason I say 10
because most clans only have 10 reliable players

so it gives a chance for more teams
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:14 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I was under the impression that 15 frames where not calculated for points. I thought it was like win gets you free and stuff. I now understand though cheers.

Yes i have seen several "diggers" as Gaz put it, saying that the league is dying we need too do something about it but then some of those are partially the reason for it when you count up the amount of useless arguments and stuff that arise and what drives people away.

I personally see it as a change in numbers will be needed, there is what now five clans or so which is very small.

Clans have been fortunate too pick up some really good players then others are knocking them for it.... seen people have a go at Stu because of Uprising. He got too them players first and they wanted too go there, whether it be poaching or not makes no odds it has always been like that in clans for years. You make the best of what you can get and Uprising have grown with that and now are the top team in this era of the site. Deal with it.

Yes a new ruling on numbers could hurt the bigger clans a little like Uprising but Stu is a good captain and he as well as others would manage and try too build the best team possible for them.....
Posts: 7,974
22:23 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
and I think new captains could muster 10 players
less games
more teams

if it stays at 14 to 16
the better players are still played anyway above reliable
ones, because of the golden cue
then they become less reliable

only a select few players have any chance of winning the golden cue, because players are not playing all the games

just my opinion
Posts: 38,097
22:26 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Just don't think 10 will work unless you force two teams and have a maximum of 10 players and say minimum of 6. I see your logic Craig i really do but i can't see many teams wanting to kick 6 players and those 6 probably wouldn't form another team so its 30 less in the clan league unless people step up as captain, just doesn't seem right for a league that wants more teams. If you can create more with just 10 per team then i will support your idea but with your idea the way to go for me is to force teams to have two teams of 10 (6 minimum) so then it is 4 more players for each league for every team but even that has flaws as people may not sign new players so i can't see a way round it unless you restrict teams on amount of top players they can sign but that wouldn't be popular.

I don't see a way out and decreasing or increasing i don't think will change things. I still think its Java (prevents new players from registering and players leave as not fixed) and Arguments which we see daily, along with some banter (nice to see) after my toxicity post.

Not arguing with you though, trying to be constructive to the discussion
Posts: 7,974
22:27 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
another one is putting players into a fixture, who haven't been online for 7 days plus and leaving them in for 2 weeks, then they still don't come online
,, be it rules or not

its stupid
and what does that say to reliable players

simple your not good enough
so give them a chance in another clan the values them
every clan should value reliability
Posts: 7,974
22:30 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
James reliable players are not getting played anyway
there left out to allow the better players to have a shot

some come on once or twice in a fixture
so is 10 out of the question

I know your not arguing James
clans are in trouble

reliable players are there
just not utilised to there potential
its happened for the last 3 seasons time and time again

Edited at 19:34 Tue 29/03/16 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
22:41 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
yep i agree with you 100% there about reliability, i think FBL/SL helps reliability as you have to split forces which means the % of a reliability player being chosen usually goes up.

Unfortunately in DFE this season we had to ask some members to play in 4 sets per fixture as normally limited to one sub (sometimes 2), no one elses fault but ours in DFE. Next Season should be a good turn around for us in terms of reliability and fatigue shouldn't be an issue.

Usually players pick top players vs top players which is fine but the weaker people don't get a shot but having to split forces unless both are very good then the weaker player has a chance to experience a clan game against a top player, more often than not, it goes wrong but it is a learning curve for them to get better.

Only way 10 could work for me is either ask the clan to kick 6 people or leave 6 out and not play all season (not recommended) or possibly sign 4 more players to make two teams of 10 but i don't think it would change things truthfully. Only solution for me would be 2 teams in FCL but that would eliminate the FCL that i remember and add a new dimension
Posts: 7,974
22:48 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
James I don't see any clan with 16 active and reliable players anyway

its why I'm banging the drum for a reduction
it was 10 many moons ago
and worked very well

clans sizes only went up because of the demand of all the leagues, cups, killer and PC

reduce games reduce inactive players

that's my lot on the subject

Now its time for England
have a good night
Posts: 38,097
22:58 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
but you have to kick 6 players out, i can't see Dee kicking out 6 players, At the moment if our list is right we have to kick one or two anyway but clans have prepared for 16 players for next season.

could ask them to sign 4 more and go with two teams of 10 and 6v6 in FCL and 4v4 in FBL/SL which would be more teams with no risk of kicking anyone.

at the moment each clan would have to kick 6 players out and if none of those 6 step up and captain your still stuck with 5-6 teams but 30-36 less players, just doesn't seem right to me.
Posts: 9,926
23:41 Tue 29 Mar 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Reducing clan numbers does not guarantee more clans. FCL used to be 6 games so we could revert back to that, but doesn't really make much difference. You could make FCL 4 players same as FBL and SL. You could then allow clans to enter one team in each competition and would only require 8 players per clan so may encourage more players to create clans as it would be easier. This would be unpopular with top teams like uprising / Phoenix as the FCL is the league with the long format and high numbers that is the true mark for which team is best in most of the top players eyes. New small clans may be far more unreliable than existing established clans so this may create new problems. The facts are we have probably 60ish active reliable players then a few fillers who are added to boost team numbers but cause problems when put in fixtures from the start. Captains are always going to play who they perceive as there best players over reliable ones, then when these players don't play or are inactive they demand a sub when there player finally logs in, completely wrong but it happens every fixture set so unless captains take responsibility for their teams properly we are never going to improve.
Posts: 9,926
00:53 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can captains stop the constant bickering and let the players arrange and play games. Any unplayed game will go to default and will be decided by actual effort by the players involved in the game. Players been offline for 2, 3 or 7 days will have no impact if their opponent has shown no effort in that time either. The captains posting will have no impact if their actual player has made no effort to actually play either.

I am sick of reading that people can play for defaults, if anyone wants to try i am more than happy to warn / punish any individuals found attempting this.
Posts: 9,456
01:57 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can captains stop the constant bickering and let the players arrange and play games. Any unplayed game will go to default and will be decided by actual effort by the players involved in the game. Players been offline for 2, 3 or 7 days will have no impact if their opponent has shown no effort in that time either. The captains posting will have no impact if their actual player has made no effort to actually play either.

I am sick of reading that people can play for defaults, if anyone wants to try i am more than happy to warn / punish any individuals found attempting this.


Rather than post on each thread, we can give an update on here from a staff perspective on the current clan leagues. The leagues have been ran fantastically for a great number of years I'd say much better when a member of staff is involved! it has now however become apparent that even after staff warnings from staff certain clans or players cannot take in the warnings being issued.

Admin never really want to get involved in clans as they are run and managed great from the teams involved, however in recent times all the stupid fights and petty arguements are now becoming an issue. This is an open message that if this type of behaviour continues then staff will get involved and action will be taken.

We're not trying to stop enjoyment but try reading back on some of the forums and tell me what reads better???! Play nice, be nice a much better site.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:14 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice too know Crazzy, and taken nothing away from admin but this was long over due. I think this warning may well indeed stop the nonsense all round from any guilty party (in the past i have been in the middle of it as well)

Glad too see this and think it will all round make the league a much easier and pleasant place too be, might even bring in some new players as well.
Posts: 4,046
03:16 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice too know Crazzy, and taken nothing away from admin but this was long over due. I think this warning may well indeed stop the nonsense all round from any guilty party (in the past i have been in the middle of it as well)

Glad too see this and think it will all round make the league a much easier and pleasant place too be, might even bring in some new players as well.

You will want to wipe that off your nose bud. And let the miss's know whats up with your breath
Posts: 2,588
03:48 Tue 5 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Do we get an updated tournament schedule as promised if we play nice .. Or has that been forgotten about?
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