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Resetting all time rank leader boards?

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Deleted User
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18:40 Thu 26 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought people got auto changed lol.
Posts: 182
18:54 Thu 26 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought the rank changes came in when tournys became ranked?

not quite, at first the rankings in tournaments where double, making it harder to win but alot more newbies and others joining ect, Why would you enter a tyournament at 960 if it wasnt double points? now its about or around 1.5 times,

and normal rank has been halved,

meaning when onua acheived these things of 970, it was during the trial process of the tournapoints and rankings system,

Remember, it was normal and friendly tournaments,

'then the site moved to normal rank and double ranked tournaments,

then finally when tournapoints got introduced it became,
half normal rank and 1.5 times tournament rank,

( that was changed to make the rankings fair ect, but what nick missed out is that nowdays, its practically impossible to even make it in the top 10 all time ranks in any game type, )
Posts: 491
09:25 Sat 28 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fairly obvious solution to this.......set the site back to how it was 4 years ago
Posts: 7,324
09:38 Sat 28 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fairly obvious solution to this.......set the site back to how it was 4 years ago

Posts: 182
15:29 Sun 29 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fairly obvious solution to this.......set the site back to how it was 4 years ago


Agreed aswell :P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:33 Sun 29 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fairly obvious solution to this.......set the site back to how it was 4 years ago


Agreed aswell :P
I triple that!
Posts: 491
10:59 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Reasons you aren't seeing anyone with ranks that high anymore is because practically all of the people who can reach that level either keep making new accounts and don't stay with one long enough to reach those ranks, or have completely lost interest in the site since the new format and are losing so many points because they don't come on for up to months at a time. When they do come on, nearly 3/4ths of the tournaments are flukey gametypes in races to 1.

There should just be a poll held on the forum where players vote for the old site or the new site, and majority wins. The mods would definately be able to sort through the forum to make sure no one is creating multiple accounts to place more than one vote by checking ip adressess. Hasnt funky always been a site for the members anyway?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:14 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
As always, people are confusing high score tables (which is what existed before) and ranking tables (which is just about what exists now).

Until everyone gets to grip with that and decides what it is they actually mean and what they want, then there is no point any further discussion on side issues.

I prefer ranking tables as they actually mean something. That's not to say the system could not be tweaked to improve it still further for all players - particularly those that dont wish to commit to tournaments.
Posts: 182
14:08 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
As always, people are confusing high score tables (which is what existed before) and ranking tables (which is just about what exists now).

Until everyone gets to grip with that and decides what it is they actually mean and what they want, then there is no point any further discussion on side issues.

I prefer ranking tables as they actually mean something. That's not to say the system could not be tweaked to improve it still further for all players - particularly those that dont wish to commit to tournaments.

as the thread states and still stands we are basically saying that the all time ranking tables, eg, people that got 970. 960's is impossible to reach nowadays.

I was one of those people who achieved high ranks all the time,
2 years ago people where able to hold a position on the opverall tables aroun 910 - 920, in fact there where 3 of us at the time,

nowdays its around 860- 870.

that shows that the ranks are out dated and they should be there for people to try compete in achieving something that is nowdays simply impossible., whats annoys me of this game people that are competitive cant compete with impossible,... hence they dissapearence of player ect, onua hasnt been online for a long time to actually play, destiny? killer_1 alot of people even marc used to maintain a high rank, but nowdays you cant,

i think the average high rank to be held nowdays is 860, unless you play killer, which is not affected at all,
Posts: 38,097
14:18 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
only thing with polls is it would be unbalanced as you would only get the people who post regularly vote (unless nick did an announcement thing and made a free poll on another site) as probably 50% don't use forum.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:13 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
as the thread states and still stands we are basically saying that the all time ranking tables, eg, people that got 970. 960's is impossible to reach nowadays.

I was one of those people who achieved high ranks all the time,
2 years ago people where able to hold a position on the opverall tables aroun 910 - 920, in fact there where 3 of us at the time,

nowdays its around 860- 870.

that shows that the ranks are out dated and they should be there for people to try compete in achieving something that is nowdays simply impossible., whats annoys me of this game people that are competitive cant compete with impossible,... hence they dissapearence of player ect, onua hasnt been online for a long time to actually play, destiny? killer_1 alot of people even marc used to maintain a high rank, but nowdays you cant,

i think the average high rank to be held nowdays is 860, unless you play killer, which is not affected at all,

Exactly why you are missing my point (and the point of ranking tables) again. The scores themselves are totally irrelevant its the position in the table that matters.

I have some sympathy with what you are saying about the high score tables, however a fair few of the people on there have achieved those scores under the new system so prove it can be done. Granted 9 Ball would be the hardest to achieve under the new system.

However the time to do it really would have been at the point the changes were made. Now it would be a little unfair to the likes of rubber_duck, lethal_lures and dvz (before he was banned) to see their achievements under the current system wiped.
Posts: 182
16:16 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
chris the only peple are and to reach into the top 10 are? yes rubber duck,

Killer pool does not count in this at all, and dvz did it in straightpool before the game changed, as did onua and everybody else.

so if it was to be changed then yes, rubber duck would be the only one in the top spot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:22 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dvz didnt - he did it from tournaments and ranked games as did onua, lethal_lures, its_me, tinotoon and a few others.

But yes it is easier to do in Straight due to the nature of the game.

Still not sure you are making a valid argument for resetting just because you have not made these tables (yet?)
Posts: 182
18:59 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
dvz didnt - he did it from tournaments and ranked games as did onua, lethal_lures, its_me, tinotoon and a few others.

But yes it is easier to do in Straight due to the nature of the game.

Still not sure you are making a valid argument for resetting just because you have not made these tables (yet?)

are you serious, tino dvz and onau. both played the game and made those scores before the change over,

seriously you call your self a mod and provide false information, lethal has yes but no great stats there, not anything that is un achieveble,

im saying that the ranking systems and points, are bogus, you cant acheive anything now that you could backl then,

UNLESS u just play killer, so stop bringin in killer players achievments, onua yes he alreqady made 800 tournament wins before the game changed over, he was already ranked 970 at that time by playing for the same rank you woulkd earn in a tournament, but he did it in normal format as did dvz.... i stopped playing the game shortly after those changes came in affect, and all the records are the same back then as they are now ecept for rubber duck, and the straightpool runs, that is all.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:29 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
straightline - before giving out the needless attitude I suggest you check your facts!!

onua posted on this thread five days ago confirming he achieved his score after the changes and dvz's account was only registered after the changes took place.

Maybe try and stick with an account and make these tables under these new ranking rules where you cannot pick and choose your opponents.
Posts: 31,220
23:03 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
960's is impossible to reach nowadays.

I haven't played ranked games in a while, so I'm utterly clueless. Why are 960's so hard to reach nowadays?

only thing with polls is it would be unbalanced as you would only get the people who post regularly vote (unless nick did an announcement thing and made a free poll on another site) as probably 50% don't use forum.

The announcement could contain a link to the forum, as it's done before.
Posts: 38,097
23:15 Tue 1 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

only thing with polls is it would be unbalanced as you would only get the people who post regularly vote (unless nick did an announcement thing and made a free poll on another site) as probably 50% don't use forum.

The announcement could contain a link to the forum, as it's done before.

yup but how many people use the forum? from numbers id say less than 50%, sometimes its not a true reflection on what people think.
Posts: 31,220
00:41 Wed 2 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I have no idea... A lot more than one would think though, I would think, cos of clans and all.
Posts: 491
11:01 Wed 2 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
link to the forum
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:29 Thu 18 Oct 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fairly obvious solution to this.......set the site back to how it was 4 years ago

Couldn't agree more!
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Resetting all time rank leader boards?

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