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Deleted User
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18:37 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
as much as i dont like some member of 1 team right decision was made....but full stop was made under it so dont call out lee when he is unable to respond
Deleted User
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18:45 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys, if we could drop the subject please, and just move on.

Thanks, good luck in the season!

FBL Staff.
Deleted User
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18:47 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig you are the most argumentative person on this site and of course you think they made the right decision.
I make no bones about disliking you and a couple of other members of your team, you've made it that way but I get on well with all the unbeatables team though so it has nothing to do with my opinion on this as I have proved a couple of posts ago.
I think 12/16 is ridiculously low and it should be 13/16 for both leagues so 11/16 is a joke in my opinion but as I said i've dropped it please do the same.
Deleted User
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18:48 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
No more comments on the subject please!!!!

Posts: 7,164
19:09 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont think they made the right decision, they did

and will you please keep your ill feeling and constant harrasement of myself and fellow shooters off this discussion thread

maybe one day moderators will do somthing about you. and bring an end of your constant breaches of forum rules, harrasing and nameing and shaming
Posts: 38,097
19:10 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
why dont you all do us a favour and be quiet (everyone in general), im bored of the constant arguing across FP, surely you can keep to offline messages?
Posts: 5,702
19:11 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Got to be the most ridiculous, gutless, corrupt decision ever to be honest.
Shooters and unbeatables don't make it blatantly so you just move the goal posts and let them in!
What's the point in having these friendlies at all if you haven't got the guts to make a big decision.
12/16 games is ridiculously lenient 11/16 just makes a mockery of every other teams efforts!
Pool Sharks got refused entry into FCL last season with 12/16 and adding 1 part game of straight to try and make it look better is unbelievable.
They played 1 frame in 2 weeks!!! Shooters player wasn't on for the last 3 days it isn't like they were missing each other.

In our defence, i don't believe it was our fault about any unplayed games other than the straight one which was played but unfinished, 9onllorrac didn't know he had to play 3games of straight which is my bad, i thought he knew what to do but he's not been in FBL before (i know your not trying to be melicious Lee, just wanting rules to be followed)

Just for confirmation could someone please message me wether unbeatables are in or not, i've got a splitting head ache and don't want to read thru it all
Posts: 38,097
19:13 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the difference with the FCL last season and this lee is last season was mostly kev's influence where as this i like to keep things fair as possible
Deleted User
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19:23 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This is a league discussion thread I certainly didn't break any forum rules in any of my posts please feel free to report any you think have again Craig.
If the harrassment accusation refers to pointing out when shooters have broken rules dextr thanked me for doing that both times.
If it was in regards to this adam was in the same boat and saw it as not malicious.
Adam-I wouldn't want to see a team not get in when the defaults were not their fault either can't say any more on that one.
Please move this on now

Edited at 16:28 Wed 19/10/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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19:26 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
the difference with the FCL last season and this lee is last season was mostly kev's influence where as this i like to keep things fair as possible

Will you stop telling people not to argue then raising a point that i'm not allowed to answer to support an argument that's finished!!!!
It's like when you come on threads 4 hours after an argument has finished to tell people to stop arguing...called passive aggression
Posts: 38,097
19:27 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 11,063
19:27 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap_adam said:
Just for confirmation could someone please message me wether unbeatables are in or not, i've got a splitting head ache and don't want to read thru it all
Yes, you're in.
Posts: 12,419
19:29 Wed 19 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys you have been warned. There will be no more arguments otherwise action will be taken and warnings given out to those who insist on arguing and posting petty comments. This decision was not up for discussion as already stated.

Any problems should be directed towards the league runners

Posts: 5,250
00:29 Thu 20 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
[QUOTE=dextr]FBL Pre Season

Results of games played and decisions that have been made on entrants and Division Placings are Final.

Team Angry (15)
Fighting Eagles (15)
Wolf Pack (15)
Pythons (14)
Top Dogs (14)
Snooker Squad (13)
Underdogs (13)
Top Pool Aces (13)
Latin Legends (12)
Mouseketeers (8) +default set v Vipers
Top Guns (6) +default set v Vipers
Shooters Revenge (11) +1 part played straight
Unbeatables (11) +1 part played straight

Decision was made to allow Shooters & Unbeatables to participate.

[B][U]Season 3[/B][/U]

[B]Division 1[/B]

2..Shooters Revenge
3..Team Angry
4..Top Dogs
6..Wolf Pack

[B]Division 2[/B]

1..Fighting Eagles
2..Latin Legends
4..Snooker Squad
5..Top Guns
6..Top Pool Aces

Season will start on same date as the FCL.[/QUOTE]

Bumped incase anyone missed it [:)]
Posts: 6,262
00:31 Fri 21 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the chance to play in FBL this season league runners. The last few weeks that were crucial to the pre season games I was unable to do as much I would normally have been to get games played and the other issue of two players unable to play has been known accepted and not to be brought up again. I'm not on this site to be liked or accepted, I'm here to play pool and dont like to see anyone slated. I'd like to thank Craig my vice for doing what he has in my absence and the FBL runners for their hard work...

Good Luck to all teams in the upcoming season
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:09 Sat 22 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i have 2 agree with adam.I was in the shooters and we was denied in the fcl.But ill stay out of this 1 lol a Joke to me.
Posts: 6,262
01:50 Sat 22 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike I'm unsure what you on about here... you was in the shooters ?
You're talking about fcl, this is fbl discussion thread I'm lost mate

This decision was not up for discussion as already stated.
Posts: 11,063
02:13 Sat 22 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
shshshshhsh nobody respond on this topic anymore lol...
Posts: 5,224
02:17 Sat 22 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,512
03:21 Sat 22 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Glad to be apart of the default team for the FBL thank you dextr for approaching me
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