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Deleted User
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13:19 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Duration: Yearly event
Name of Event: Clan Premiership League
Number of participants: 10 clans (of at least 7 players)
Fixture: 6 vs 6, with 2 week deadline
Number of games: every clan will meet each other twice
Game format: race to 3 wins (as in FPL) just without straight pool
Points: Each single game win 3pts
Each single game tie 1pt
Overall clan win 3pts
Overall clan tie 1pt
Frame difference will be considered if 2 or more clans have same points.


Clan1 33 vs 37 Clan2 (3pts clan2)

player1 vs player1; 3-0, 1-3, 3-2; overall 7-5; 3pts for clan1
player2 vs player2; 3-2, 1-3, 3-2; overall 7-7; 1pt for each clan
player3 vs player3; 1-3, 1-3, 0-3; overall 2-9; 3pts for clan2
player4 vs player4; 3-0, 0-3, 3-2; overall 6-5; 3pts for clan1
player5 vs player5; 1-3, 3-0, 1-3; overall 5-6; 3pts for clan2
player6 vs player6; 3-2, 0-3, 3-0; overall 6-5; 3pts for clan1

Clan1, 10pts
Clan2, 10pts

I think this kind of league would be interesting. Also one good player will not make much difference, it would enhance team quality, not individual. Great individual results will make difference in race for golden cue (as in FCL).
I would propose to organize it as official league if there is interest!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:27 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firstly I think playing 9 clans twice would make one really long season and I think you'd more often than not end up with a few clans leaving mid way through the season

I like the various bonus point systems, this one being similar to the CPL. One different one I have thought of is maybe having a bonus point for the person who wins each game type. So for example I play pod and he beats me 3-1 in US8 he gets an extra point for doing so.

Thirdly and this kind of contradicts my second point is to have a clan league where a player is elected to play a specific game type. Say 2 people are picked for each game type, this could incorporate straight as well.


Team X
US8 - cphaynes, rubber_duck
US9 - ucyforit, me_again
UK8 - fefeta, niomi92
Straight - shooter001, diamond_cut

Play maybe 5-10 frames of their game type, with possible bonuses for winning, etc...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:45 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
There was an interesting discussion about 18 months ago now where many different formats were considered for the FCL.

My own view on the one stated by pod is that as soon as a player reaches an unassailable lead that is game over and little incentive for an opponent to finish the game at all, let alone properly.

Also most players will have a favourite game type and unless a set order is given to play the games there is the potential for arguments as most players would want their favourite to be either of the first two types played.

I think it has been proven in every season of every league that one good player does not make a difference. All the successful teams have good quality players throughout the team.

And finally, something I was hoping to bring up as a general discussion at some point is that ideally i am not sure there should be more than one clan competition running to the same schedule. Any additional competitions could really do with being staggered, and to cover close seasons etc, to lessen the pressure on clans to get games played. I think the three running simultaneously has not been a great success.

But interested to hear what others think about that.

Maybe all those that end up running clan leagues could perhaps get together to plan a coherent schedule to please everyone?
Deleted User
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18:50 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well this is only idea.
I didn't mean to organize 4th league.
It would be too much.

Maybe modifying some of existing to similar format it is one of options, either i am very satisfied with all of them. They are doing great job.

Now one player could make difference, as now in our clan match ucy won 14-1, which allows 4 lost games with 6-9 result to other our players. So everyone can relax. In my way that result of ucy might only get 3 points in overall result.

And kev might be right to give bonus point for every discipline won, but then we should play 4 or 6 frame in order to have tie possibility. I immagined more like FPL format where games are played up to 3 wins. But kev's mode might be better.

But as you said chris let see what others think.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:05 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
podgoricanin said:
Now one player could make difference, as now in our clan match ucy won 14-1, which allows 4 lost games with 6-9 result to other our players. So everyone can relax. In my way that result of ucy might only get 3 points in overall result.

I know what you mean however the feeling was that under the point per rack system everybody was contributing to the team win or lose. Battling to a 7-8 defeat was almost as good as a win, whereas otherwise battling to an 7-8 defeat would be no different to simply losing 0-9.

Unfortunately I can't find the thread at the moment, but it was quite a good discussion about the pros and cons of each different format that was proposed.

And I wanted to add that I don't mind how many different people run any number of different clan leagues/formats - just that it would really be good if they could get together and plan to spread them out evenly.
Posts: 2,601
23:15 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i would say its a good idea.. but with 3 on the go (and CPL hasnt exactly worked out in clan numbers as it is) .. would be abit too much.. but definately a good idea.
Deleted User
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23:41 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's an unfortunate fact of clan league life that teams fall by the wayside.

That has happened in all three of the leagues but is a reason why the shorter the season lasts, the better!!
Deleted User
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21:26 Tue 11 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris m8,

you can cap this thread.

there is no interests :)

thank you all for the comments.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:02 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Going to bump this thread up with the futures of the CPL and FPL looking uncertain this may be a chance for us to combine the efforts into one and create a new league to suit the interests of all players.

So please post your ideas here for what you would like to see in an additional league

Posted on behalf of podgoricanin
Posts: 4,195
19:09 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont think a new clan league needs made i think with the fcl losing janmb all people shud join together and run that league, many hands make light work and have 1 big league that has everything. Iv thought this for ages now even when i was captain of warriors. Having more than 1 league is a pain in the bum tbh to many games.
Posts: 5,224
19:10 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
love it :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:59 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seeing as this thread has been brought back ....

There are plans to possibly have one new league to incorporate both the CPL and FPL hopefully taking forward the best aspects of both and incorporating one large singles tournament as well.

Ideally this would work in conjunction with whoever takes over the FCL so that there can be an agreement to alternate the leagues. I agree with Kirk's view on game numbers, so I would prefer there to be one league on the go at a time. This way it would spread the load easily and give the league runners decent breaks between seasons plus it would give a variety of formats rather than the same every time.

An additional benefit would be that teams would be consistent without players having to play for different teams in different leagues at the same time which I don't think has been great.

Anyway the basic format and a website are already in place, and subject to a good level of support from you (the clan players) this would start in mid February. Without the support obviously it won't
Posts: 4,195
21:39 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds good to me
Posts: 38,097
21:53 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i prefer just to be 1 league as i have to not only run pool clan league next season (with kev's help) but the snooker one as well. I am also captaining a clan at the moment as well.

3 or 4 leagues will be too much work for me to do and 2 is at my limit already, its up to kev but id rather stick with just the 1 league.

its a good idea though ill give you that

Edited at 19:57 Sat 29/01/11 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:05 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It would in effect be one league - just alternating between the two - I would estimate 10 to 12 weeks per season per league depending on entries.

As a league runner you would therefore get a 10-12 week window/break between your own seasons.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:08 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i would say yes to the 1 league i have my new Team

The Legend Killers with 9 players so far but i havent been accepted into a league yet

Posts: 38,097
22:11 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
if its just CPL/FPL them im all for it but if FCL is included then im not keen on the idea.

FCL is perfectly alright imo just CPL/FPL which is rocky
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:13 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yah if u combine the 2 that would be interesting as 1 league
Deleted User
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22:20 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
if its just CPL/FPL them im all for it but if FCL is included then im not keen on the idea.

FCL is perfectly alright imo just CPL/FPL which is rocky

So you prefer the idea of two different leagues running against each other at the same time?

Not sure any of the three are rocky. They have all come to a successful conclusion and have all been subject to the same problems caused by teams withdrawing. Plus all three have been run by members who have now opted to step aside for their own reasons.

Seems like an ideal time to consider the best way forward working together.
Posts: 38,097
22:25 Sat 29 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
just want less work for me as possible, i don't think i could cope running more than 2 clan leagues (snooker and FCL) also captaining a clan so its tough for me as it is.

i did captain wipeout for a season but gave it up as i couldn't cope with captaining 2 clans and running snooker clan league.
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