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Deleted User
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19:07 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd make a clan for this if you need more interest
Deleted User
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19:26 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firstly going back to previous posts, this idea of creating a new league will not involve the FCL, that league has run independently of others for so long and never faced any problems so we wouldn't enter into enter negotiations that may scupper their record.

Secondly before we think about which clans would or would not be in we should come up with a format. I think whatever we introduce should be something unique that the FCL doesn't provide, so it may include things like bonus points for run outs, 7 ballings, straight runs or winning the individual matches and also would most likely straight as a discipline.

So I think we want suggestions what you guys would like to see from a secondary league, I can tell you that I've had interest from people to help run the league, so please give us your ideas and we'll build from there!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:52 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is this going to effect the FPL?

because i think the FPL was very good this season and doesnt need much changing if any..
Deleted User
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20:45 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well if there are FCL, FPL and CPL one more league would be too much. But if FPL and CPL collapse then we can make one great league to coexist with FCL. Or we can merge those 2 leagues with creation of new big and great one.

and d_c m8, it championship wouldnt be played if there is not at least 6 clans.

we can make premier league of 8 clans and championship of 8 clans if there is enough clans and players.

Then clans should meet 2 times each other, to have in total 14 games. After the end of regular season, play off and play out will be played.

Play off
4 best ranked clans would play each other twice to obtain winner of the league.
Play out
4 worst ranked clans would play each other twice to decide who will stay in premier and who will relegate to championship. last two clans after play out will relegate to championship.

Same situation will be in Championship, except in play off first 2 clans will be promoted and one clan will be relegate after play out. play out in championship will be played only if there is some new clan on waiting list, if there is no new clans who want to join then there is no point of playing play out.

Well if we started to talk about this let see how many clan captains would be interested in this kind of league.

Please post here!

Posts: 1,728
21:33 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd be interested in bringing TFS into this league providing certain things happen... 1. FPL/CPL fold 2. There is no merge with FCL. 3. My players are happy with playing in this league. 4. It has at least THREE experienced clan members/captains at it's helm, so that none of the issues that happened at the FPL/CPL can arise regarding running the league
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:53 Tue 1 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I totaly agree m8.

All this discussion is to see what to do if those 2 leagues fold. Because i wish my clan to play 2 leagues, I think kev will agree with me and Cobras will be part of this league in that case.
Deleted User
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12:50 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes i agree, and would have T.L.K play 2 leagues
Deleted User
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12:59 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
probobly cpl and fpl.....?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:00 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hmmm seems like people dissagree with me on that 1 tho
Deleted User
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14:13 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The reason I brought this back up was because of the lack of willing candidates to take over the reigns of the FPL and chris telling me it was unlikely the CPL would get back on its feet. So this would be the 2nd league to the FCL if you like.

The sole reason for the thread is we want to know what the public want from another league. Myself and pod obviously have our own ideas but would to know what you guys would want.

So what we need is:

1. Game Format (do you want to see straight involved? How many frames of each? Or does one players play one discipline, etc...)

2. Bonus Points (obviously there are very few in the FCL, so which ones would you like to be implemented here)

3. Fixture Format (5v5, 8v8 or somewhere in between, maybe have a bonus player who plays twice in a fixture, just some general ideas)

4. Would you like to have an individuals league, maybe something like Liam's Champions League event.

5. League structure (I'm not one for having one big league, I think that destroys clans, I prefer either promotion/relegation leagues or a playoff structure with 2/4 pools to start)

I've already had interest from 2 people who would like to help with the running of this league, if you would like to as well please offline message myself or podgoricanin.

So last thing give us your ideas and we'll build from there
Posts: 2,601
16:00 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would be interested in entering Evolutions in this clan league if:

1) FPL Collapses

2) There is no merge or interference with the FCL in anyway including the time scale or rotating system that was suggested.

Evolutions dont participate in the CPL so that does not affect us.
Posts: 2,601
16:20 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to see the players also compatible with the FCL

for instance, max 14 players and min 8 players (this would mean most clans have the same players for both competitions)
Deleted User
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16:22 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes I agree, will definitely be same squad sizes as the FCL to keep continuity and reduce confusion, it's also likely that we'll run the same times as the FCL once again to reduce confusion, so deadlines will all be Sundays
Posts: 2,601
16:23 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah, thats a great idea, would reduce confusion.

On the idea of Format.. are you planning:

Same 3 types as FCL
Including Straight?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:27 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
All 3, so US8+9 and UK8

and yes straight will more than likely be included

What needs to be worked out is how many frames of each
Posts: 38,097
17:08 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
need something which doesn't last too long but not too quick (roughly 30 mins-1 hour), i think 1st to 3 on each and 1 straight was perfect.

in my league on snooker as that system doesn't work i have 2 people play an individual game type with 6 frames (with power being 1 fixture with 3 frames) a game of power is roughly a game of straight
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:09 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Kev i will give you some ideas just to start and to encourage others to do same:

my opinion is:

1. Game Format
*** first to 3 wins (8us, 9us, 8uk) + 1 game of straight, and that winning of one dicipline counts 1 point and frames difference will be counted if players

2. Bonus Points
*** considering that i dislike bonuses because you can if you beat someone 3-2 and he had 2 rounouts, you lost a game 3-4, according to me it is not right.

3. Fixture Format
*** i am for 8v8 fixture format, and no bonus players. one player can play one fixture.

4. Would you like to have an individuals league, maybe something like Liam's Champions League event.

*** Individual leagues is always interesting and would be nice to have it, but we already have 9 and 8 us in FCL, then we should make 8uk and str8 individual league.

5. League structure
*** I am for big league. Because my system of points suits only for big league. But i would agree even on having world championship system of groups and then the knockout system.

That would be it.

Posts: 2,601
21:11 Wed 2 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
My Opinion:

1. Format:
*** Because the FCL covers the main 3 types well, but not straight i would suggest a:
First to 3 Frames in 8 ball, 9 ball and 8 ball uk
one frame of straight (pretty much old FPL)

2. Bonus Points:

10 - 20 points for your clan winning the fixture.
10 points for no defaults in the fixture.

(these encourage games to be played, and also rewards for winning as a clan and not just individually)

3. Fixture Format
*** I like 8 v 8 or 6 v 6 .. this covers most of the clan.
2 week deadline.. sunday to sunday. avoids confusion.

4. Individual league.

Because not all players would join, i would go for something like liam's champions league or my old FYCL.

5. League Structure
*** i like the idea of group stages and final ... but promotion/relegation is good too, therefore i would go with at least 2 leagues/groups.

That is my input
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:28 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any more ideas guys?
Deleted User
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14:20 Thu 3 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
Any more ideas guys?

Short games are the key for me. I can't think of anything worse than losing, or winning for that matter, a game by 13-2, 14-1 or 15-0 etc.

Any new competition needs to even up the playing field instead of it always being in favour of the better players. In any format the best teams should win but there needs to be the chance of shock results too. I can't think of the last real shock result in any of the leagues.

Any that ever have occurred have only come in cup games with smaller sided games. Maybe that would be the way forward? Much smaller clans and more of them?
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