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Posts: 38,097
02:39 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
exceptions can be made, if its same guidelines as FCL rick ran X Factor and Bulldogs so those count towards experience
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07:38 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rick doesn't have to give you an answer Craig, yetti is his player in FBL and it's up to him what he does.
When I was league runner last season for FBL we agreed that FCL experience would count for captains in FBL as the league is so young.
I think you complaining about this now is ridiculous

big_mouse said:
requesting a sub big_mouse please

big_mouse said:
can i have a sub relisys as be of for 7 days 2nd time of asking

big_mouse said:
iv ask you 3 times for a sub for relisys he as be of for 9 days and you have not bother to get back to me once

You never had the decency to tell him you didn't have any subs and that was in a match! Now he has to answer you straight away or you complain to the league?
You've antagonised him for weeks and then realised you need a favour.
As suggested before why don't you get the player to approach his FBL captain if relations aren't good between you.
Posts: 5,250
08:58 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
We are atm using FCL methods for allowing Captaincy at this time.
Posts: 7,164
09:36 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hang ipotalot i want no favours , i want an answer end of
dont read into things.

as for x factor

how can you say he is rick,, he told everyone for weeks on end he was scott that is a fact ,,, scott who ? isnt rick is it

and a minimum requirement in the rules is a seasons experience so where was the seasons experience gained now ipotalot they are facts

big_mouse is scott

why do you think both myself and blueberry call him scott, when no_talking deactivated i think you forget he was a shooter, so we had a vested interest.... he then called himself scott and tried wrecking sarahs clan that is a fact also and well documented

and this is the basis he is a clan captain mmmmmm
Posts: 7,164
09:44 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
and as for wanting the fav i dont give a jot i wanted an answer,
i didnt realise you were a league runner, but as you were one i bow to your greater experience

however for this remark
You've antagonised him for weeks and then realised you need a favour.

the comments youve posted are a little silly

im a clan captain, those posts are about getting games played i dont see your point, i have and so do all captains have a responsibility to get games played, those games were a qualification to get into the league. erm important i think

and may i also say there was another clan trying to get games played so were they also guilty of your comments above. you may need to take your rose coloured glasses off somtimes, instead of playing the oracle the font of all knowledge you may let a league runner answer not an x league runner
Posts: 5,250
09:51 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Our decisions Craig was that if they have 1 seasons experience in FCL that is allowed to enter FBL..Season 4 you must have FBL experience to Captain a Clan.
Posts: 7,164
09:53 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
and as i said he dosnt have a seasons experience in fcl he quit mousekeeteers half way through a season

Edited at 07:58 Sun 30/10/11 (GMT)
Posts: 5,250
09:58 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Under that name no ...But unless you can promote your case in FCL discussion thread that he is ineligible to be captain and win the moment cannot help you.
Posts: 7,164
10:00 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
thankyou dextr for your response
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10:18 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You're complaining on the league discussion thread because someone hasn't answered a question about releasing a player in 2 days, said it wasn't the behaviour you should expect from a captain yet you didn't even give him an answer regarding a sub for the whole fixture?!
It's totally hypocritical.
As for the eligibility of big_mouse as a captain how can you claim he hasn't captained before now when you have admitted to playing for him previously on the forum recently?
This is all ridiculous...stop trying to make your personal problems league issues when they blatantly aren't.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:20 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
From Top Pool Aces thread 2 days ago...

doubted2 said:

id like to think rick you may keep your mindless rants off our thread

whether both myself and blueberry where in a clan which you captained or not,, what has that got to do with anyone and what relavance is it to anyone

youve just got your team back in the league, why not concentrate on people who have supported you rather make yourself look a little silly

ive told you before we left the clan you captained because we didnt like you and we couldnt understand you

like ive said on our thread not much has changed

As that blatantly proves you are spreading malicious lies about another user in violation of the naming and shaming laws of the site maybe you want to drop this craig?
Posts: 7,164
16:26 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i said he told me tht and others., im taking NOW that he is and im questioning his eligbility to play as a captain

im not answerable to you

are you the funky police

the league runners answered my question, end of ,,, why do you always find it necessary to continue things when the league runners have made a decision and i have accepeted
there descision

so why dont you but out rather than trawl up things that clearly dont concern you. the league runners have answered
Deleted User
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16:49 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You tried saying he hasn't captained when according to what you wrote 2 days ago you knew blatantly he had because you were in his team.
You were just trying to cause trouble yet again and if you don't want things discussed don't post them on a league discussion thread!!
If you want an answer to a question from a league runner then message them.
Rick's eligibility as a captain has as much to do with me as it does to do with you doubted.
Posts: 7,164
23:44 Sun 30 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
again why dont you just ssssshhhhhhhhhhh

iv accepted the league decision again just for you ssshhhhhh
Posts: 5,224
00:13 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
craig i agree with you but lee you dont always have to get involved its the league runners that should sort this out , they have fingers so they can write? so just let them do there job
Deleted User
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00:51 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
James it's a league discussion thread. If he posts something on here that's totally wrong and I know it is then I will say so.
Dextr's initial reaction was if he could win an argument with FCL then big_mouse wouldn't be allowed to captain so I proved in one post using craigs own words that he was lying....problem solved.
Not trying to do any league runners job it's a league discussion thread and if people post something everyone has a right to voice their opinion.
Posts: 2,530
00:54 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
When do fixtures have to be sent in by
Deleted User
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00:58 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
People only have the right to post if they are not bullies

Edited at 23:02 Sun 30/10/11 (GMT)
Posts: 5,250
01:02 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team sheets for Fixture set 1 to be sent in by friday 4th to dextr
Posts: 2,530
01:17 Mon 31 Oct 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just 1 or 2?
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