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"gg" before game ends

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08:38 Fri 7 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
But in terms of this game, gg means 'Good Game' and to many people on this website, it means the most recently completed frame is considered good (if they wait until the end).

I know exactly what your saying spinner and I agree with you, but for the game of Funkypool, to 99% of people 'gg' is said as a courtesy in victory or defeat.

Then there is 'ggs' or 'Good Games', which can be interpreted in many other ways.

I'm sure we can explore this issue from both sides of the coin for many weeks and months
Posts: 12,185
08:59 Fri 7 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Irrespective of when or if people say "gg".

Members moan when someone doesnt say it and then when members do say it they moan because it is said too early!

What do they want?
Posts: 1,630
11:52 Fri 7 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I personally try not to say it until I leave, where I'll often say 'ggs'
otherwise, if I win I'll say 'ul', or if I lose I'll say 'wp'
If they didn't play well I'll say nothing at all
Posts: 8,939
01:51 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ranked_pro said:
spinner said:

The fact is, the idea of "gg" only being "equitite" at the end of a game is a myth that has evolved, and some won't like me saying this, to provide a "you put me off" excuse when they lose.

Lets face it, you are only going to say "gg" is someone is playing well, it would be impolite to say it when you yourself were playing well, so naturally it is said when an opponent is playing well, and if the then mess up, it is an easy target to blame as a distraction.
If thats the case you say wp not gg

Not if you consider them to be playing a Good Game surely

"wp" meaning "well played" implys they have finished playing well
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:05 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
im fairly sure effren reyes wouldnt shout "good game !" at johnny archer as he lined up the 9 ball matter how well he was playing

i think its etiquette, in most games the protagonists will wish eachother luck and shake hands before the start and at the end the loser will congratulate the victor who will in turn offer his hand in sportsmanship, but not during the event ....especially not during crucial moments of concentration
Posts: 11,057
02:05 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Re: Spinner
Semantics..... as I have tried to explain to you many different ways (even using "sources" lol), gg is widely accepted as something you say at the end of the game.
I think we can't make progress on that point.
How about this: for the sake of the discussion, just pretend briefly that "gg" is truly meant to be said at the end of the game. IF that was the case, would you still be ok with people saying it as you're taking a crucial shot?
Deleted User
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02:36 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just had marko do it to me on snooker deliberately to put me off then continued to pretend like he'd done nothing wrong, pretty immature really
Posts: 974
19:10 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
Just had marko do it to me on snooker deliberately to put me off then continued to pretend like he'd done nothing wrong, pretty immature really

Firstly you should know naming and shaming is against the rules.

Secondly you're just using it as an excuse that you lost, if he didn't say it you're saying you'd have won on 10/10 times in that sort of situation? Rubbish.
Deleted User
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19:15 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
No I didn't say I would've won had he not said it, the game was far from over but he put it there deliberately to attempt to put the opponent off and it is off putting seeing it there.
Posts: 113
20:51 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do it all the time lol
Posts: 2,530
22:44 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol gotta love the honesty!
Posts: 292
23:46 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be fair if 2 letters put you off which makes you lose a frame then you have issues

you shouldnt read it anyways if your taking shots surely?

So if you dont look you wont see it and it wont put you off will it

Just remember its only a game

Rant over lol
Posts: 113
23:51 Sun 9 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It doesnt bother me when people do it but i get laughs out of it when people miss a easy shot then blame me for it because i was being nice saying good game.
Deleted User
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01:43 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
nickh87 said:
To be fair if 2 letters put you off which makes you lose a frame then you have issues

you shouldnt read it anyways if your taking shots surely?

So if you dont look you wont see it and it wont put you off will it

Just remember its only a game

Rant over lol

Wouldnt put me off just think its unsportsman like.
Posts: 292
03:17 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
True i suppose, i despise the word anyways im suprised the G button on my laptop works after pressing it all these years haha
Posts: 5,224
09:51 Mon 10 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
too many abreviations now why cant you just play against the rules

well i do now

yeah i agree with matty and stueyy

its not them putting you of its your just rubbish
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:12 Fri 21 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Does anyone know of a way i can watch the marathon finals (8 ball usually) without getting timed out after 20 min? Takes several minutes to log back into the game, but it's usually over when I do get to return.

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 8,149
01:27 Fri 21 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
caperman said:
Does anyone know of a way i can watch the marathon finals (8 ball usually) without getting timed out after 20 min? Takes several minutes to log back into the game, but it's usually over when I do get to return.

Thanks in advance.


This post is not in any relation to this threads topic, please feel free to create a thread in "Game Queries" regarding your issue.

Back on topic please!

Posts: 9,456
01:38 Fri 21 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bless him joker new to posting!

As for gg (topic) the only time i get beat is when i type long words and chat for ages ALL THE TIME, happend last night in a final but this was my own doing... if gg can put someone off then i think they need to get out more and take this far to serious!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:06 Fri 21 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep totally agree crazzy!
gg wp
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"gg" before game ends

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