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Deleted User
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20:06 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
In ur example dark_angel you would be given a rank of 3 for tournies regardless of reset / new account and when any calc is made the calc assumes ur rank is 750-799 (3) regardless of what ur day to day ranking states

so if 2 points for a win you would win 6 pts for beating a 850+ player or lose 2pts for losing

if 850 player plays 850 player then + or - 2 pts and so on - u can do the maths
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:20 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
al_ said:
In ur example dark_angel you would be given a rank of 3 for tournies regardless of reset / new account and when any calc is made the calc assumes ur rank is 750-799 (3) regardless of what ur day to day ranking states

so if 2 points for a win you would win 6 pts for beating a 850+ player or lose 2pts for losing

if 850 player plays 850 player then + or - 2 pts and so on - u can do the maths

My example was more of a case of how would the game know that my real rank is higher than the 675 that I start with?

I understand your idea perfectly though (maths I can't do by the way).
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:23 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well funky knows it is you unless you change ISP - families and / or multiple accounts is slightly trickier - based on previous knowledge.....

where someone moves home and has new account then there would be an issue but this is offset slightly by no newbies in tournie....
Posts: 2,530
20:27 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh al for gods sake shut up and just play the game! No one cares anymore.
Deleted User
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20:30 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Constructive and useless as always rubber_duck - I was responding to dark_angel post's but thank you for your words of wisdom
Posts: 4,195
20:35 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tbh he has made the most sence out of the nonsence thats being talked. And its all true.
Posts: 2,530
20:35 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
You were the one asking for all this and its always you thats complaining about it!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:41 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:41 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It is possible to change the ip address (or play through other ip's), as I have said, and it is possible for a new account to purposely lose games (it doesn't seem suspicious as they are a new account so seem like a new player) until they have come out of Newbie status, so they can then enter tournaments and alter ranks hugely.

Why stop the ranks at 700 and below? That's still people in a 200 point bracket who would get the same, surely it should continue to decrease to 500, else it's unfair on them?

If you do: consider a player who joins the site without playing before, starts off at 675 then starts naturally losing games. Do you count the 675 as his scoring rank? Or do you wait until he wins a game (where, especially in 9ball, it is easily possible for someone to fluke a win or the opponent to foul black and hand a win early on)?

An idea could be to use the rank after the Newbie period ends, but you'd need a different scoring rank for when they are a Newbie.

It's all well and good thinking about the high ranks, but those with low ranks, or genuine Newbies need to also be considered (as I have said regarding the tournament points too).

Also, I still don't like the fact that two people with 100 points difference would only win the same as people with 2 points difference...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:50 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think you can ignore the newbie period as they can't enter tournies and ranks are protected by the 10% rule.

The five ranks are each within 50 pt bands accept above 850 but you could have ten ranks with 25 pt bands just for tournies.

It does appear to me that funkyadmin are working hard behind the scenes to protect ranks and rid second account users so over next few weeks there should be fewer mismatches in rank.
Posts: 4,195
20:52 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not if people reset
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:01 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
al_ said:
I think you can ignore the newbie period as they can't enter tournies and ranks are protected by the 10% rule.

The five ranks are each within 50 pt bands accept above 850 but you could have ten ranks with 25 pt bands just for tournies.

It does appear to me that funkyadmin are working hard behind the scenes to protect ranks and rid second account users so over next few weeks there should be fewer mismatches in rank.

You never answered my query on why stop at 700 and not go all the way down to 500?

If you do go all the way down you need to think about what rank to use for those too. It can't be max rank as it'd all be 675, hence me suggesting using the rank they come out of the Newbie period at...but even then it's unfair on those new to the site who keep going down even after the period is over.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:16 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well u could keep going down in 25 or 50 pt stages but I think above 850 and below 650 should taper off any extremes anyway to avoid large rank multipliers. Thus avoiding say a 580 non newbie player fluking by winning in 9 ball or by foul on black and taking major pts gain.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:40 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can only see you thinking high-low, instead of high-high, or low-low games with respect to that. If a 580 beats a 640, I believe they should get the same difference as a 780 beating an 840.

Also, surely that negates the whole impossible-to-reach 1,000 rank if you can get 2 each game no matter how high you get? Unless you are still including the edge modification in the which case it would make sense to stop the stages at those two positions (600/900).

To be honest, I think the current linear model works fine (despite the double points in tournaments), I can't really see huge advantages to changing it, I still think someone who has a rank of even 20 points higher deserves those extra points they get for beating someone. All I see your model working towards is trying to use max rank instead of current, something that is flawed in my honest opinion, due to not everyone living up to where they might have once been. Rather than basing it on extreme cases (such as Ucy's), base it on the norm.

Example: a person of usually between 760-780 rank could possibly get those 20 points in a good couple of nights (especially around that rank where the difference in players can be astonishing) to jump into the next stage, but due to not being at the level to maintain it, falls back down to his/her usual-they will then lose more points it in the future to those of the same level who haven't been able to reach the next stage.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:51 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
This whole tornapoints thing is ruining Funkypool. I hate it with a passion. Where did this crummy idea come from anyway? it sucks big time.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:58 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
keysersoze said:
This whole tornapoints thing is ruining Funkypool. I hate it with a passion. Where did this crummy idea come from anyway? it sucks big time.

I've seen a number of people say this, are we talking about the tournaments being ranked and double points, or are we talking the actual tournaPoints, the things those who reach the Semi's and further get for doing so?

I have a feeling it's the latter...
Posts: 4,195
01:06 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dont know why this was ever listened to lol. Does anyone forget he has been reset more times than iv had runouts lol. Blows with the wind in a hurricane.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:22 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wouldnt of had players losing ranking points in tournament games,i would havea ranking points bonus system,5pts for the winner,3pts runner up,2pts semi final,1pts quarters.i think players would love this system and someone may break the 1000 points barrier .keep the tournapoints so players can get their medals.i also feel its very harsh losing a whole point everyday until you reach 775.just my opinion.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:49 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't see why it is so harsh, if you were good enough to get pro in the first place you should be good enough to get it again especially now that you get a higher reward for winning when in tournaments.

It is a game just get on with it.
Posts: 974
11:56 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
davidsylvian said:
i wouldnt of had players losing ranking points in tournament games,i would havea ranking points bonus system,5pts for the winner,3pts runner up,2pts semi final,1pts quarters.i think players would love this system and someone may break the 1000 points barrier .keep the tournapoints so players can get their medals.i also feel its very harsh losing a whole point everyday until you reach 775.just my opinion.

The whole point of the ranking system is to NOT break the 1000 mark (and the 500 mark for the contrary), so that idea just isn't viable.
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