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New Tournament Competition, Big Update!

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Deleted User
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22:32 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the idea of ranked turnys why not ,,but the system were u lose 6.6 points in 1 game to an 800 rank player ,,that is harsh ,,just tweak it a small bit ,all will be good
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:35 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i know my opinon doesnt really count for much but i for one dont really like the new system, i think maybe it would be better if the tournapoints were spread right throughout the tournament to compensate for the heavy losing of rank if you had flukes go against you. (i have just fluked a few points so im not saying this because i lost)
Posts: 4,195
00:39 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beat the guy who is gonna win it tonight 2/2 times lol and still im only 2nd. Kinda annoying but if people dont play tournies i cant get more points so people enter grrrr
Deleted User
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01:10 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
jeeez look at that head swelll uppppPPPPP
Posts: 4,195
01:13 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao checked back and he won 3 tournies though so its fair he won just annoyinggggg lol
Posts: 4,195
02:45 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
GAME: al_ (766.4) v _k1rk_ (869.8)

Now i still turn up to this game knowing il lose some frames thinking il win of course cos i usually do lol, thinks thats all that needs said. I did go 2-0 up then with lag and just some bad shots and being drunk and lost the rest.

Did i run to boycott noooooo lol
Posts: 12
03:19 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i HATE tournapoints, I lose 7 points for losing to a 704 (im only 760)

its so gay, then i play regular games and i get only 2 points for beating a higher one. (i noticed u get less points in regular games now)

its frustrating, very.
Deleted User
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03:43 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
icemankev icemankev 8 Ball Pool UK Ranked - kev04 (3) loses to icemankev (1) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: icemankev 740.2 (+0.1), kev04 693.7 (-1.1)
about 7 hours ago kev04 kev04

hey this was never like this? whats happening to the ranks here????

i know its not me but this only ever happened if it was a 940 v's a 690. ranked player.
Deleted User
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03:56 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's down to one player, kev04, being a newbie and therefore the changes in the calculation of the newbie modification.


Section 2)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:36 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah but i played alot of newbies and i have never ever recieved 0.1 in a ranked game. except for when i was 940 in 9ball..
Deleted User
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09:10 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
these points are so unfair ,when u draw a supposed numpty and win 2 .1 yet lose say 6points in the overall result ,opponents should b ranked accordingly where the utmost loss ov points would be balanced out without a great advantage given to the SUPPOSED weaker opponent ppl pay subrisctions not what what is now bein sold to them ,reverse this action and return to orignal fairer competition
Posts: 4,195
15:29 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok so over in dedications thread al said he didnt play chocco for fear of losing his virt status. Yet it can work both ways, i could have avoided him to enhance my chances of getting virt again.

Simple fact of the matter is i didnt because i dont play like that, i never cheat or scam my way into getting high rank because i play everyone over 800 before the tourny changes come in but now i play everyone. So because of this i never get real high ranks even though i could if i wanted lets be honest.

Im sorry but people with that attitude to the game i can never even consider good on here or have any respect towards them. A lot of this is to do with attitude aswel and although im majorly outspoken lol i also know im more respected as a player at the end of the day. So why people will go to them lengths to get high rank and i dont mean al i mean anyone i dont know because no one will rate you.
Deleted User
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15:43 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
look mate we all no what he does.. he plays the same person over and over on all game types to keep his rank floating above virt.. only difference is now he only plays 3 games at a time to keep under the radar of admin. do you honestly believe he would say yes to a 1st to 20 at 9 balll with a top player?? he would run a mile with his tail between his legs.. end of the day he has a decent 9 ball game nothing special at all same for straight and 8 us. and as for killer!!! why does he only play 3 man games always with the same person with him.. and that final yesterday yeh i watched it but only the 1st 2 frames when balls got potted (by kirk ) then i dozed off.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:47 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi all,

I see some think the double points spread is a little harsh.
I think it is very harsh and not fair.

9 Ball Tournament - ucyforit (1) loses to knockout (1) who potted a 6-9 combination
RANKINGS: knockout 770.1 (+8.7), ucyforit 905.3 (-8.3)
9 Ball Tournament - knockout (1) loses to ucyforit (2)
RANKINGS: ucyforit 907.2 (+1.9), knockout 768.1 (-2.0)

Odds on Points = 4.57 ugg

Another example:
9 Ball Tournament - ucyforit (0) loses to al_ (1)
RANKINGS: al_ 793.5 (+8.3), ucyforit 906.2 (-8.0)

9 Ball Tournament - ucyforit (0) loses to al_ (2)
RANKINGS: al_ 801.5 (+8.0), ucyforit 898.5 (-7.7)

(Only using "Al" as example. SEE ABOVE.

Now this situation is because Al "reset" but he is still a scratch
player. No one has any skill advantage here but the point spread
is miserable.

I propose when a player is a scratch player from then on if he plays
another scratch player the point gain should be about 3 or 3.5 max.

A scratch player is anyone who, lets say, reaches 875.00 in ranking in any game.

So then the "reset" does not provide an advantage.

Also "resets" should not really be allowed. It's the "Life-time" percentages that is real.

Players also "reset" so the percentages look better... poor.

The reason for a handicap is to make things fair and I don't
think this is fair. It's in the math...

I have never reset.

I want to say the trnys are fun and enjoy.

Love you all.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:51 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
By the way,

I do like the rankings in trnys. Just not so harsh.

I like this new compition. FUN

Posts: 4,195
18:51 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ucy has a great point there. Even though iv reset millions of times iv just took advantage of it because i could. Ucy is a decent player and if anyone should be at about virt in this new way he is deffo one of them.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:18 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
One of the proposals I put forward before is that all players are given a tourny ranking based on funk's knowledge of the player and the tourny ranking is used for ranking calc changes in tournies. Funk's knowledge of the player would be based on any accounts used. e.g Onua, eemad would be rank 1 etc, and so on down to rank 5 for players such as k1rk and kpow lol

any player assessed as over 850 rank would be given rank 1; those assessed as 800 - 849 rank of 2, 750 - 799 rank 3; 700 - 749 rank 4, and below as rank 5

This would prevent players taking large rank gains as in Ucy's example above during tournies and even out the playing field.

There should be no differential if a 855 plays a 890 player as both are vg players and on any given day either will win.

This rank is then used as a mulitiplier during tournies.
Posts: 4,195
19:24 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats impossible though because youd still be higher ranked than what you actually are, some would be lower it wouldnt be really a feasible. Cos youd be ranked 2 when really you would be 10 LOL. And players like andyw1 for example who is one of the best UK players around would be say 20 when he should be a lot higher.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:28 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
Thats impossible though because youd still be higher ranked than what you actually are, some would be lower it wouldnt be really a feasible. Cos youd be ranked 2 when really you would be 10 LOL. And players like andyw1 for example who is one of the best UK players around would be say 20 when he should be a lot higher.

Completely agree, like me for example, I'll steal everyone's points, that just ain't fair on all other players on funky.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:41 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
al_ said:
One of the proposals I put forward before is that all players are given a tourny ranking based on funk's knowledge of the player and the tourny ranking is used for ranking calc changes in tournies. Funk's knowledge of the player would be based on any accounts used. e.g Onua, eemad would be rank 1 etc, and so on down to rank 5 for players such as k1rk and kpow lol

If I deactivate my account, then create one which has nothing relating to my previous one, I would still be able to start from scratch and dent other people's rank in tournaments. Your idea may counteract the loss of points from playing resetting players, but not new accounts. If you say you will base a player's accounts on ip, how are you going to distinguish between family members, or stop people who may change their ip before creating a new account?

In principle it's a decent idea, but it negates the form of players too, instead bases it on a presumed level of play, not an actual one.

As for using a banded scoring system, it means a 799 player could play an 801 and gain/lose the same number of points as a 750 player playing an 849-despite nearly 100 points difference instead of two.

(Along with others, I'm still hoping for at least some friendly tournaments to be reimplemented, despite it looking less likely by the day...)
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