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New Tournament Competition, Big Update!

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Deleted User
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12:18 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry wrong thread...

Edited at 10:27 Tue 30/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:50 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
GAME: mich (843.8) v migueelz262 (689.0, Newbie)
GAME: Games will start automatically in this match

Thought newbies weren't allowed in?
Deleted User
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19:01 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
He reset after he entered.
Posts: 4,751
19:20 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
dark_angel said:
He reset after he entered.

Hmmm, that's kind of an extreme way to get to be a newbie in a tourny but I will prevent this in future.
Posts: 11,057
19:24 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hahahaha there's always one...
Deleted User
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19:32 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick...earlier on I entered the 8ball tournament offline, clicked Play-it didn't load up, instead it came up with Error, I clicked for the details and it came up with the Jave Console and the error in that (I was going to post it but it was way too much to copy, said something wasn't found-broad I know, but I can't remember lol). First time I've seen it, managed to log in after closing that window (instead of the whole browser as usual with Java crashes). Just wondering if it had anything to do with me entering the tournament beforehand, something I don't usually do, or if it was just a random Java crash? (Really wish I had that log now).

Lost me 5 points too lmao...
Posts: 4,195
21:34 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
24 points lost by flukes, even my opponent had to say sorry because it was ridiculous lol. Not that i care but many people will and although some work hard for rank to lose 24 points to flukes seems very harsh.

Its ok to say rank dont matter and so on but a lot of people take pride in it and find it a big achievement to reach pro which took a lot of hard work for some, i remember the first time i did. And if this happened to me back then id be gutted. Rank does matter in a roundabout way. And im not against this new tournypoints at all. The ranking system is heavily unfair though. 24 points lol and cos the other person wacked a ball and it went in. Why bother at all?

Also not everyone is going to win these tourny points. As you can see its a pattern of the same people winning tournies so rank is the only thing people can build on.
Posts: 4,195
21:40 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also is there any point in having rank at all if its insignificant, cant it just be done away with so then people dont get fed up with it because who likes to lose points right especially that heavy. Has no purpose anymore. Instead to get pro and everything base it on the tournapoints earned or sumin. Would be better than this lol.
Posts: 4,751
21:55 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
The ranking system hasn't changed, just slightly increased (under the old system you'd have lost 20 points, but there'd also be a slightly smaller amount for wins).

No ones saying ranking is insignificant - it's just that it should never be a reason to choose or avoid an opponent.
Posts: 4,195
22:16 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
And i agree completely with the latter part of that statement but the amount of people who have come to me and said that it sucks big time because they aint big time players or nothing. They are happy just trying to keep pro but its became increasingly difficult for them to maintain a rank they worked hard for.

It's a shame some people do take advantage of the system but i do have to agree that losing 8 points to a low rank is a bit harsh especially if it's something you had no control over.
Deleted User
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22:52 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think it would be fairer to put something in place on the ranking system that doesnt let you play anyone more than 100 points below you.i have not got time to sit playing this game for long uninterrupted periods,i just tend to steal abit of time,so i aint got time for tournies and to challenge for the medals.does anyone agree with me .
Posts: 4,751
23:00 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
They are happy just trying to keep pro but its became increasingly difficult for them to maintain a rank they worked hard for.

Admittedly those that just scraped to pro will have it tough now, but a large part of this is due to the increased ranking drop.

Possibly this could have been done another way, allow ranks in the region of 1000-1100, drop to 850, and because all the grades would be the same people would have been happy, but at the end of the day it's just your ranking score relative to other people's that counts.

davidsylvian said:
i think it would be fairer to put something in place on the ranking system that doesnt let you play anyone more than 100 points below you.i have not got time to sit playing this game for long uninterrupted periods,i just tend to steal abit of time,so i aint got time for tournies and to challenge for the medals.does anyone agree with me .

Possibly there will be super tournaments, winning this will all but guarantee a daily TournaPoint medal, plus the medal for a super tournament. Would you have time for this?
Posts: 4,195
23:05 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds good nick but we'd need to know what a supertournament is before we can judge if we have time lol? Or an idea
Deleted User
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02:49 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes the ranking system has to change,when i got to 943 this is what happened,i got to about 860 and keep going up and down ,i met a player called jag_sik_pot(remember him) he said dont play anyone over 720 and you will beat the best us8ball highest score,he says some players have done this.i regret doing this,it was wrong,it was back in 2008 and i am very very sorry.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:57 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is about choice, you used to be able to choose not to play someone of a much lower rank, the game even warns you at the start in red text, if the player is a lot lower ranked. What happens now is if you enter a tournament and you are 850 say, then you could win 2-1 using good tactics, and lose a frame due to a fluke for instance, against a very low player you have to play, and still lose loads of points, even though you get through to next round. Getiing through to the next stage is what all tournaments are about - its not how you win its all about the result.
Tournaments are about winning, tactics and guile, they were never, and should not be about ranking points. We should have the choice of whether to play ranked OR tournaments, as we used to. This gave a much better balance to the game, and I see this as a step too far when players are losing over 20 hard earned points in one tournament.
Please re-consider this tournapoints system, as I think at least half of the players on here dont want it. Give us back our freedom to choose to join a ranked or unranked tournament as before.
Deleted User
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09:18 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
keysersoze said:
This is about choice, you used to be able to choose not to play someone of a much lower rank, the game even warns you at the start in red text, if the player is a lot lower ranked. What happens now is if you enter a tournament and you are 850 say, then you could win 2-1 using good tactics, and lose a frame due to a fluke for instance, against a very low player you have to play, and still lose loads of points, even though you get through to next round. Getiing through to the next stage is what all tournaments are about - its not how you win its all about the result.
Tournaments are about winning, tactics and guile, they were never, and should not be about ranking points. We should have the choice of whether to play ranked OR tournaments, as we used to. This gave a much better balance to the game, and I see this as a step too far when players are losing over 20 hard earned points in one tournament.
Please re-consider this tournapoints system, as I think at least half of the players on here dont want it. Give us back our freedom to choose to join a ranked or unranked tournament as before.

Well said mate!
Posts: 4,751
14:09 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
keysersoze said:
you are 850 say, then you could win 2-1 using good tactics, and lose a frame due to a fluke for instance, against a very low player you have to play, and still lose loads of points,

This has always been the case. The fact that's it is in a tournament hasn't changed this.

keysersoze said:
even though you get through to next round. Getiing through to the next stage is what all tournaments are about - its not how you win its all about the result.
Tournaments are about winning, tactics and guile, they were never, and should not be about ranking points.

So, would you be happy if tournament games were ranked but as a single match? Example, match winner takes a chunk of points regardless of 5-0 or 5-4?

keysersoze said:
We should have the choice of whether to play ranked OR tournaments, as we used to. This gave a much better balance to the game, and I see this as a step too far when players are losing over 20 hard earned points in one tournament.
Please re-consider this tournapoints system, as I think at least half of the players on here dont want it. Give us back our freedom to choose to join a ranked or unranked tournament as before.

The rank system was flawed before. People picked and chose who they played and people retired on 800. This needed to be countered (and still more measures may be necessary to reach this goal).
Posts: 4,195
16:16 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
nick said:
So, would you be happy if tournament games were ranked but as a single match? Example, match winner takes a chunk of points regardless of 5-0 or 5-4?

Sounds like a idea, but again it would help if we had more of a idea or made one of how to do it in a fair fashion. However the lower ranked players should be rewarded for beating the higher ranked players in the odd frame as it's not always flukes my example last night was just because i lost so many points to flukes. It's more that its a harsh amount of points being lost in these tournies when you can't even choose your opponent and it takes triple the amount of frames to get that rank back when you lose.

The whole idea that rank is now supposed to be treated as unimportant because tournapoints is the new thing etc i think is a slight step back. Rank is the sole thing for many members on here and i thought merging the 2 together was a genious idea. I think it's clear that rank is a key problem here with many people and just needs looked at again.

Edited at 14:25 Wed 01/12/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:20 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
very good idea Nick - go for it

win per round - not per game
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:21 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
and bonus rank for tournie winner instead of tourniepoints - say 4pts winner - 2 pts loser - 1 pt losing semi finalist
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