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15:05 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)
never in doubt harry mentioned to me other day, could be his, well done little man
15:58 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)
Congratz Harry - 1st in the FCL GC - Awesome achievement
22:14 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)
Well done to harry on golden cue
Also well done to trats and andy for 2nd and 3rd great season all
Thanks erigert for doing the golden cue it is appreciated
Also well done to trats and andy for 2nd and 3rd great season all
Thanks erigert for doing the golden cue it is appreciated
00:04 Tue 15 Mar 16 (GMT)
Cheers all! Didn't think id manage to win the FCL golden cue despite always been close ish at times, but finally the time has come whilst clans still last and i've come out with 8 wins outta 8 for the season. , well done trats in 2nd, we woulda shared it had i not played my last fcl match of the season :L meh
17:53 Wed 16 Mar 16 (GMT)
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19:59 Wed 16 Mar 16 (GMT)
np pal... had a good season myself... it was close after seeing the table
Cheers all! Didn't think id manage to win the FCL golden cue despite always been close ish at times, but finally the time has come whilst clans still last and i've come out with 8 wins outta 8 for the season. , well done trats in 2nd, we woulda shared it had i not played my last fcl match of the season :L meh
np pal... had a good season myself... it was close after seeing the table
21:39 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Next Season:
If I'm going to help out and sort the administration side can we at least have some competence displayed by ALL Captains. A player within the same week (3rd) if he's unavailable for 1 fixture and gets subbed then the same common decency should happen with any of his other remaining fixtures versus another team. By all means IF they become active then it's their Captains right to sub them back in to the fixture but to blatantly treat one team the opposite to the other just isn't what i call competence, fair and rational.
Can we all just try to be on the same page, treat everyone equally and I have no doubts we have a great season to look forward too.
I'm more than happy to give up and dedicate as much time as possible for next season to be a successful one and I really appreciate the offers of support since Keith's initial post. (Thank you). I want next season to be a success as much as anyone else and will try my best with the superb team we have behind the scenes to deliver exactly that.
Speaking of next season - sorting out potential schedules at the moment, can we confirm every team will have 1 or 2 sides each? I know some have expressed to only have 1 and utilize their whole team within it - I just want to know what numbers we are we looking at ...just the now.
If I'm going to help out and sort the administration side can we at least have some competence displayed by ALL Captains. A player within the same week (3rd) if he's unavailable for 1 fixture and gets subbed then the same common decency should happen with any of his other remaining fixtures versus another team. By all means IF they become active then it's their Captains right to sub them back in to the fixture but to blatantly treat one team the opposite to the other just isn't what i call competence, fair and rational.
Can we all just try to be on the same page, treat everyone equally and I have no doubts we have a great season to look forward too.
I'm more than happy to give up and dedicate as much time as possible for next season to be a successful one and I really appreciate the offers of support since Keith's initial post. (Thank you). I want next season to be a success as much as anyone else and will try my best with the superb team we have behind the scenes to deliver exactly that.
Speaking of next season - sorting out potential schedules at the moment, can we confirm every team will have 1 or 2 sides each? I know some have expressed to only have 1 and utilize their whole team within it - I just want to know what numbers we are we looking at ...just the now.
21:51 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
While i would agree in one respect, you can't force Captains to do that otherwise more could leave and thats last thing we need
21:55 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Using his future administrative role to try and put pressure on another captain to make a sub?? I thought this would happen but didn't anticipate it to be this soon! lol
And with this being the FCL discussion thread, I assume all captains will be entering 1 side each as per usual. If we're allowed to enter two I better start recruiting!
And with this being the FCL discussion thread, I assume all captains will be entering 1 side each as per usual. If we're allowed to enter two I better start recruiting!
22:03 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
First of all, can we try and steer clear of labeling captains either competant or in-competant. You are not here to judge competancy levels of the captains. Just to organize the admin and arrange the schedule.
Secondly, this particular post seems to have a bearing on things going on now not next season. Lets leave next season where it belongs .................in the future!!
I will not be making decisions for next season without knowing how many players i might have so asking me 8-12 weeks before hand is daft. Im sorry to be negative and not answer the way you may have wanted but please let us finish the season we are in before bounding off into the next one.
Secondly, this particular post seems to have a bearing on things going on now not next season. Lets leave next season where it belongs .................in the future!!
I will not be making decisions for next season without knowing how many players i might have so asking me 8-12 weeks before hand is daft. Im sorry to be negative and not answer the way you may have wanted but please let us finish the season we are in before bounding off into the next one.
22:03 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
As per last season any clan who wishes to enter FBL & SL will have to enter 2 teams as the FCL has 8 games and 2 teams in FBL or SL is still 8 games. It would be unfair on others if one team used their whole team while others were splitting theirs. The only question i can see are any clans looking to enter 3 teams. FPD have done it successfully apart from one or two blips the last 2 seasons which has increased team numbers at a time when we are struggling for numbers which i think is a positive thing but up to each clan. FCL will always be one team per clan.
With regards to subs while what you state would be great in an ideal world, every scenario can be entirely different. It is up to captains if they wish to sub or not, if in a 3 week fixture i make effort for 2 weeks and advise that i am on holiday week 3. My opponent is inactive and yet the opposing clan demands a sub week 3, i would hope my clan would decline and leave game to go to default. The team with the inactive player should have swapped fixtures for me to play and then their inactive player who is active week 3 has more chance to actually play.
Next Season:
If I'm going to help out and sort the administration side can we at least have some competence displayed by ALL Captains. A player within the same week (3rd) if he's unavailable for 1 fixture and gets subbed then the same common decency should happen with any of his other remaining fixtures versus another team. By all means IF they become active then it's their Captains right to sub them back in to the fixture but to blatantly treat one team the opposite to the other just isn't what i call competence, fair and rational.
Can we all just try to be on the same page, treat everyone equally and I have no doubts we have a great season to look forward too.
I'm more than happy to give up and dedicate as much time as possible for next season to be a successful one and I really appreciate the offers of support since Keith's initial post. (Thank you). I want next season to be a success as much as anyone else and will try my best with the superb team we have behind the scenes to deliver exactly that.
Speaking of next season - sorting out potential schedules at the moment, can we confirm every team will have 1 or 2 sides each? I know some have expressed to only have 1 and utilize their whole team within it - I just want to know what numbers we are we looking at ...just the now.
If I'm going to help out and sort the administration side can we at least have some competence displayed by ALL Captains. A player within the same week (3rd) if he's unavailable for 1 fixture and gets subbed then the same common decency should happen with any of his other remaining fixtures versus another team. By all means IF they become active then it's their Captains right to sub them back in to the fixture but to blatantly treat one team the opposite to the other just isn't what i call competence, fair and rational.
Can we all just try to be on the same page, treat everyone equally and I have no doubts we have a great season to look forward too.
I'm more than happy to give up and dedicate as much time as possible for next season to be a successful one and I really appreciate the offers of support since Keith's initial post. (Thank you). I want next season to be a success as much as anyone else and will try my best with the superb team we have behind the scenes to deliver exactly that.
Speaking of next season - sorting out potential schedules at the moment, can we confirm every team will have 1 or 2 sides each? I know some have expressed to only have 1 and utilize their whole team within it - I just want to know what numbers we are we looking at ...just the now.
As per last season any clan who wishes to enter FBL & SL will have to enter 2 teams as the FCL has 8 games and 2 teams in FBL or SL is still 8 games. It would be unfair on others if one team used their whole team while others were splitting theirs. The only question i can see are any clans looking to enter 3 teams. FPD have done it successfully apart from one or two blips the last 2 seasons which has increased team numbers at a time when we are struggling for numbers which i think is a positive thing but up to each clan. FCL will always be one team per clan.
With regards to subs while what you state would be great in an ideal world, every scenario can be entirely different. It is up to captains if they wish to sub or not, if in a 3 week fixture i make effort for 2 weeks and advise that i am on holiday week 3. My opponent is inactive and yet the opposing clan demands a sub week 3, i would hope my clan would decline and leave game to go to default. The team with the inactive player should have swapped fixtures for me to play and then their inactive player who is active week 3 has more chance to actually play.
22:08 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
The biggest problem we still have is captains putting in their top players who are inactive then when they become active again demanding a sub. This is totally unfair on other teams yet the captains who do it do not understand why their is an issue with it.
If all players message and try to chase and play the default system will protect them and punish the clans who's players are at fault. This is the same for all clans which is how it should be, every player is equal and regardless of ability you are judged on actual effort. It is up to captains to monitor their own players efforts and activity and decide if they want to sub or not.
If all players message and try to chase and play the default system will protect them and punish the clans who's players are at fault. This is the same for all clans which is how it should be, every player is equal and regardless of ability you are judged on actual effort. It is up to captains to monitor their own players efforts and activity and decide if they want to sub or not.
22:12 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Okay Keith about two teams but i have struggled the last two seasons with two teams (Us with two is like others with three teams it feels) and i know about one team but last set Ang asked to take a break as amount of fixtures was getting to her as she had to play 4 games every week (except FCL) because we was limited in subs. We asked if we could move Dee to Team A to help out (Dee played one fixture for Team B) to sub into Ang's games but we got refused when other clans have been allowed (especially those with 3 teams), i got a bit upset about it as our intentions were noble and Team A wasn't going to make the playoffs so wasn't tactical. Just didn't seem right at the time. It did work out as Ang agreed to complete her games. Didn't challenge the decision though as i respect your decision.
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
22:26 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Only team that was allowed movement was FPD a couple of times, they had 3 teams so the no movement policy always hurt them most and then cues_brothers to stop them folding. The none movement was only introduced as it was abused previously. If captains had less than 4 active players i have always said i would help and i would continue to do so. But if you are playing for DFE and active yet decide you don't want to play that is a DFE issue and for them to resolve it is not for then me to allow players to move as all clans would use that excuse. Again every situation is different and would be looked at that point but i again try to apply the same rule to all.
Okay Keith about two teams but i have struggled the last two seasons with two teams (Us with two is like others with three teams it feels) and i know about one team but last set Ang asked to take a break as amount of fixtures was getting to her as she had to play 4 games every week (except FCL) because we was limited in subs. We asked if we could move Dee to Team A to help out (Dee played one fixture for Team B) to sub into Ang's games but we got refused when other clans have been allowed (especially those with 3 teams), i got a bit upset about it as our intentions were noble and Team A wasn't going to make the playoffs so wasn't tactical. Just didn't seem right at the time. It did work out as Ang agreed to complete her games. Didn't challenge the decision though as i respect your decision.
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
Only team that was allowed movement was FPD a couple of times, they had 3 teams so the no movement policy always hurt them most and then cues_brothers to stop them folding. The none movement was only introduced as it was abused previously. If captains had less than 4 active players i have always said i would help and i would continue to do so. But if you are playing for DFE and active yet decide you don't want to play that is a DFE issue and for them to resolve it is not for then me to allow players to move as all clans would use that excuse. Again every situation is different and would be looked at that point but i again try to apply the same rule to all.
22:28 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
I am totally against this. I only think leniency should be given to teams that are on the verge of folding, or have entered 3 teams. The achievement of our 2nd team to win the FBL with their identity in tact (not one player swapped) would be totally diminished if we'd been swapping Harriet and Jack into it everytime they had a tough fixture.
Okay Keith about two teams but i have struggled the last two seasons with two teams (Us with two is like others with three teams it feels) and i know about one team but last set Ang asked to take a break as amount of fixtures was getting to her as she had to play 4 games every week (except FCL) because we was limited in subs. We asked if we could move Dee to Team A to help out (Dee played one fixture for Team B) to sub into Ang's games but we got refused when other clans have been allowed (especially those with 3 teams), i got a bit upset about it as our intentions were noble and Team A wasn't going to make the playoffs so wasn't tactical. Just didn't seem right at the time. It did work out as Ang agreed to complete her games. Didn't challenge the decision though as i respect your decision.
Could their be less strictability on moving teams next season please mate?
I am totally against this. I only think leniency should be given to teams that are on the verge of folding, or have entered 3 teams. The achievement of our 2nd team to win the FBL with their identity in tact (not one player swapped) would be totally diminished if we'd been swapping Harriet and Jack into it everytime they had a tough fixture.
22:31 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
To combat these issues - could a wild card or joker not be introduced - a player can play 2 times within a fixture but only say half the points (compared to normal) would be on offer?
(I can see the issue being the teams best players being chosen but we could add a curve ball and restrict the player from being one of their best).
OR is it too much work and not really worthwhile ?
(I can see the issue being the teams best players being chosen but we could add a curve ball and restrict the player from being one of their best).
OR is it too much work and not really worthwhile ?
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