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22:59 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
A warning was given by horse10000 and use all failed to listen.

Now there will be another argument about who should run the leagues next season if there is one.

Will the next runner be willing to put up with all this i'm not so sure.But i have privately cast my vote to the one i'd like to be next.

Keith mate fair play to you for putting in so much work and giving up your time to run a fair league for all to enjoy. Thank you mate.

agreed mate as a former runner myself, i know how tough Keith works and how arguments drain your motivation.
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(IP Logged)
01:24 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can see why Keith is doing what he is doing, when I ran the leagues for what five or six seasons it was always someone doing this and someone doing that. It becomes a chore at the end of the day as you have too sit there and make a decision, either way someone is not going too like it. Far as PD folding and carrying on as as same team under a new name I think giving the situation with clans and the popularity of the site right now (which is not much) that Keith made the right decision and in similar circumstances I would have probably done the same.

Keith has made his decision and that is his too make no one else's. I did the same thing and completed the season I was doing after already going on one season more than planned. (You can bring up past issues but my views and opinions on all of that are still the same) I passed on what was wanted/needed too the new runner and that was that.

Arguing will never stop on this site and on the few days I play on here I have seen several by the same people. It is just a game and some people take it far too serious and then turn it personal which is not right and has happened in the past as well as now.

As for Zac, I was always prepared for their fold when I ran the league as I kind of knew he wanted too give it up, but he never did and props too him. You made a great clan and a clan that I respected running the league in the time and effort as a captain that you put in too games getting played as much as you could.
Posts: 10,109
02:35 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
So thats 3 out of 5 clans against the idea of a new clan being formed to take PD's spot mid/late season... I honestly don't mind the clan participating in the Cups, but the leagues is just too messy and frustrating with just the 1 fixture set left.

The only clan / captain openly supporting it is Uprising

Let's ask them if they're on your side to enter a 4 team competition next season you self interested, slimy little toad! No league runner next season because of all the selfish bolIocks, no 6th clan this season because of selfish boIIocks. Let klien have his way and let's just close this site down right now? I'll get my boys with me and we'll start something on miniclip or something.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:16 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 2,588
02:39 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
So thats 3 out of 5 clans against the idea of a new clan being formed to take PD's spot mid/late season... I honestly don't mind the clan participating in the Cups, but the leagues is just too messy and frustrating with just the 1 fixture set left.

The only clan / captain openly supporting it is Uprising

Let's ask them if they're on your side to enter a 4 team competition next season you self interested, slimy little toad! No league runner next season because of all the selfish bolIocks, no 6th clan this season because of selfish boIIocks. Let klien have his way and let's just close this site down right now? I'll get my boys with me and we'll start something on miniclip or something.

Yep, I single handedly killed this site by standing my ground and not letting people take the mess out of FPD.

I only did what was good for FPD at the time, if you let people make unnecessary swaps and changes, they will take advantage of it. It happened last season in the Super League (even Seb got messed off by it), since then me and Bucky swore it wouldn't happen again.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:17 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:19 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
02:41 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Yep, I single handedly killed this site

Posts: 2,588
02:42 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Yep, I single handedly killed this site


You tell me you honestly feel that way.

You state that I single-handedly killed this site, I will happily go deactivate and leave you all to it.. All it takes is for you to say it, honestly.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:48 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
see ya
Posts: 10,109
02:48 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Yep, I single handedly killed this site


You tell me you honestly feel that way.

You state that I single-handedly killed this site, I will happily go deactivate and leave you all to it.. All it takes is for you to say it, honestly.

After your kick off, and forcing the only league runner left to quit at the end of the season, yes. Although I don't believe Keith would say so - yes I believe your outburst is partly responsible. I can't see a league carrying on next season, and believe the petty, self interested views you and others are the main reason. It was so massively over the top and unnecessary to counter what was in essence something designed to be positive. Although I was happy when you returned to funkypool, and I'm against anyone being banned or excluded

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:21 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
02:56 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Let's ask them if they're on your side to enter a 4 team competition next season you self interested, slimy little toad! No league runner next season because of all the selfish bolIocks, no 6th clan this season because of selfish boIIocks. Let klien have his way and let's just close this shyt down right now? I'll get my boys with me and we'll start something on miniclip or something.

Ok so lets address some of these points.

Firstly. There is one team here who actively goes out of its way to take 16 of the best players of the site for one team. Not 12 and 4 poorer but the best 16 so who is the selfish bllks.

Secondly. At no other point in the time i have been playing clan pool has it been made possible for a team to have its name changed, new players drafted in and everything continue as nothing had happened. Now, as it goes i dont give a monkeys if it does happen at this point but the new captain went out of his way to ask players to move to his new team. That has now been cleared up but the fact that he did it has not.Not at all!

Thirdly. If you believe one minute that Klien has had any hand in destroying this site then you are mental. The site has been destroyed by its designer who has gone and wont be back to make the changes it needs. People are people and were the same 7,8,9 years ago. There is just less of them now so its the same 30-40 talking and rowing

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:22 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
03:02 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
And why exactly do you think we don't have a league runner for next season? Are you going to step forward? If so, I apologize profusely! If not, then we're seeing the end of over a decade of pool leagues killed due to utter, utter petulance. I include myself as part of the problem, but at least recently my singular motivation was for the benefit of the competition!
Posts: 4,046
03:03 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
In short. No one is an angel here. We will not be pushed about by teams demanding subs and making swaps because they cant get on with the opposition.We will not allow captains to openly try to poach our players. We will not tolerate abuse from captains such as the tirade just directed at my vice captain by a captain who has systematically hammered a fellow captain on here and then has the gaul to make out hes an angel.What a load of bllx
Posts: 14,736
03:05 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think there will be a next season let's just focus on bringing this one to it's conclusion as amicably as possible.
Posts: 10,109
03:06 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
In short. No one is an angel here. We will not be pushed about by teams demanding subs and making swaps because they cant get on with the opposition.We will not allow captains to openly try to poach our players. We will not tolerate abuse from captains such as the tirade just directed at my vice captain by a captain who has systematically hammered a fellow captain on here and then has the gaul to make out hes an angel.What a load of bllx

I am at the very least the joint most combative person on here. I freely admit it. It just so happens that in the last few days, my motives have been entirely altruistic. It's quite possible that my condemnation of others has had a negative impact, but it's not relevant in this singular matter. And it's "gall" btw.
Posts: 4,046
03:09 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
And why exactly do you think we don't have a league runner for next season? Are you going to step forward? If so, I apologize profusely! If not, then we're seeing the end of over a decade of pool leagues killed due to utter, utter petulance. I include myself as part of the problem, but at least recently my singular motivation was for the benefit of the competition!

The league runner has left. He has had enough of the bickering and sniping. Is this new then? The sniping and the bickering? I dont think so. It was there when he signed on to do the job and it hasnt changed. He wasnt gonna do another year season anyway. Thats a fact as i see it. You yourself said at the start of the season it would be the last in such a postive way i might point out. Its upon us and your indignation is surprising to say the least.
I did my job. I managed my team and i will not now be told that defending the team and the players within it is wrong. If that means the end of the league then it it aint worth nothing anyway.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 01:24 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
03:09 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think there will be a next season let's just focus on bringing this one to it's conclusion as amicably as possible.

I hope you're right Ash, but I think the end days are coming. I'll admit my only motivation for 3 seasons now has been to stop you winning the FCL, but with 4 - 5 teams - I'm not really that bothered anymore.
Posts: 14,736
03:11 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll get a group of ppl and run it if needs be - either way we will have a season and a damn good one too.

Fixtures use a Random Generator
Spreadsheets via Google Docs
Team Sheets

Default Panel - I'd like all Captains possibly vices to give their opinion and we go with the majority. Transparency too - none of this secrecy garbage.

Just ideas atm - but I really enjoy this site, I'm happy and prepared to fight for it.

Edited at 01:15 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
03:18 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey yeah. Theres another great one for you. The captain of the best team in the league demeaning two of its competitions. Thats half of it if you dont include killer. Yep, apparantly FBL and SL are not worth a bolt. So half of our doomed league aint worth playing in anyway according to him. So why would he be so bothered.
Posts: 10,109
03:20 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll get a group of ppl and run it if needs be - either way we will have a season and a damn good one too.

Fixture use a Random Generator
Spreadsheets via Google Docs

Default Panel - I'd like all Captains possibly vices to give their opinion and we go with the majority. Transparency too - none of this secrecy garbage.

Just ideas atm - but I really enjoy this site, I'm happy and prepared to fight for it.

Can you imagine me trying to be impartial against Phoenix? That's exactly how I'd feel about you v Uprising. Keith is quite right when he says we'd need a mod to do it. And I can't see any wanting to take on such a poisoned chalice!

Whatever your personal feelings, Keith has been amazingly impartial throughout his time as LR, just as Chris was before him. Despite all the shyt that Mich dredged up - I even thought Jay was a great league runner overall. Would Jay be prepared to take back the role that stabbed him in the back? I doubt it! Out of the active mods, I think the only slim hope is Zante - and although I'd be delighted if he took it on - I can't see it!
Posts: 10,109
03:22 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey yeah. Theres another great one for you. The captain of the best team in the league demeaning two of its competitions. Thats half of it if you dont include killer. Yep, apparantly FBL and SL are not worth a bolt. So half of our doomed league aint worth playing in anyway according to him. So why would he be so bothered.

I see no value in them. I'm not however a spokesman for my team. I only think FCL, GSC and Killer are worth their salt. I believe that's over 50% thanks very much.
Posts: 4,046
03:25 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey yeah. Theres another great one for you. The captain of the best team in the league demeaning two of its competitions. Thats half of it if you dont include killer. Yep, apparantly FBL and SL are not worth a bolt. So half of our doomed league aint worth playing in anyway according to him. So why would he be so bothered.

I see no value in them. I'm not however a spokesman for my team. I only think FCL, GSC and Killer are worth their salt. I believe that's over 50% thanks very much.

Yeah, well if you could read as well as you can apparantly spell then you would have seen i said except killer. Which is 50% Or is maths not a strong point for you?
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