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Posts: 9,926
03:27 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Capped as we are going down personal insults rather than a discussion
Posts: 9,926
04:48 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uncapped, please no more bickering and post in line with forum rules
Posts: 14,736
04:54 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is there any way or chance you could reverse your decision Keith? Just thought I'd ask.

What would it take for that to happen? - Hopefully not HELL to freeze over etc lol or a Miracle

I'm happy to try and help out if it lessens the burden etc.
Posts: 19,819
11:06 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry for leaving mid season wasnt fair but i felt and still feel its the only option i had.
the last 2 days on here have showed what kind of people are in this clan community, and tbh i wish id left sooner. the vile arrogant idiotic posts. i mean most posts contredict the lat post by that user.
honestly clans have been coming to an end because of us as a community. too many vile people who are in clans and really its best to end it and walk away.
Posts: 14,736
11:56 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why are you still posting? What do you want...sympathy?
Or are you just posting to slander and feel a little important now you've opted to leave the Clan scene?

All of this animosity, ill-feeling and crap towards each other has been instigated by you and your sidekick for quitting and bottling lasting until the end of the season.

It didn't help with Connor actively asking teams players to join his new side so openly when the respectful thing to have done would've been to ask (All) the Captains first.

It is what it is and we unlike yourself who can now sit back and criticise are left to pick up the pieces and try (being the operative) word to mould things back together.

So kindly if you have nothing positive to say about Clans or anything then I personally do not want to read it any longer.


Edited at 10:17 Sat 05/03/16 (GMT)
Posts: 13,570
12:16 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash I think Zac was just making a point!
Don't think that called for abuse at all.
What's done is done, and we, as a clan community need to move forwards. The last few pages show a lot of where the problems lie. Is this what it's really all about?
Ideally we would get all our games played, maybe have a rant about bad results, and possibly clash with other players which can happen, but to have the amount of verbal abuse and criticism does not make for a Happy Environment in which we'd all like to be a part of.

You ALL make this what it is.

I'm no angel, but some folk need to take a long hard look at themselves and try to change their attitudes to make this more fun, with the possibility of promoting what we have left here to be able to encourage and welcome new players to join us.
Posts: 14,736
12:33 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Totally agree with you here Gaz, my post wasn't meant to be a personal attack more a request to try and keep/generate some positivity and try to move forward.

We all have said things in the heat if the moment and I expect that not to change. It's called human nature what we can ALL work on though is to try to tolerate each other a little more. That might be a step in the right direction.

Clans are and always have been competitive since my time in them and that's the lure to keep me wanting to improve as a player but improve my team progressively season upon season. IF can have fun whilst doing so then fantastic too.

I hope clans continue for at least a couple more seasons, this site to reignite a spark and become busier once again that would be awesome. There Is ZERO chance of that ever happening if we all keep back biting and ridiculing each other day in, day out.

I'm not being a hypocrite here as I am including myself with all these suggestions and comments.

IF we want the clans and site to continue...we have to change.

There's NO time like the Present!!!
Posts: 19,819
12:40 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
course it was a personal attack ash and the real reason why clans are pretty much dead.
blame me all you want, but all i did is quit midseason. same as you. east to forget isnt mate.
Posts: 14,736
13:09 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have been and done the exact same but unlike yourself I regretted it. I didn't return the next days and slander and praise myself for making such a decision.

Anyways what's done is done, I for one am disappointed to see you gone tbh.
Posts: 19,819
13:46 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
tbh ash theres alot wrong with the above but i dont see why i need to defend myself.
as ou have justa assumed my feelings and assumed my motives for posting.
Posts: 38,097
14:48 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't blame Zac or Klien for the league being as it is, i blame arguments as thats the common theme why runners leave (chris and janmb had their own reasons not related to arguments) but usually argument based.

I admit i have been in 4 in every 5 (not all were my fault but most was) arguments and already said sorry multiple times and this week, i don't think i have been in a single argument which is good.

Was worse years ago though.
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(IP Logged)
07:19 Sun 6 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get why you did what you did Zac be it mid season or not. The only thing i don't get is why refuse Connor on using the same team name if he wanted to try and continue with it? Yes Keith said no one owns a team name and fair play to Connor for honouring that respect that others have shown through the years with some clans (probably the only thing some have respect for on here to be fair) saying that though...

Keith if some random was too pop up and redo MVP i am sure you and Alan would have something too say about it (bit of banter)
Posts: 368
08:21 Sun 6 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get why you did what you did Zac be it mid season or not. The only thing i don't get is why refuse Connor on using the same team name if he wanted to try and continue with it? Yes Keith said no one owns a team name and fair play to Connor for honouring that respect that others have shown through the years with some clans (probably the only thing some have respect for on here to be fair) saying that though...

Keith if some random was too pop up and redo MVP i am sure you and Alan would have something too say about it (bit of banter)

Thanks pal, i only done it out of respect the same way if someone done it to me with Wolf Pack (as dex left the clan to me)
Posts: 7,940
22:34 Sun 6 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I get why you did what you did Zac be it mid season or not. The only thing i don't get is why refuse Connor on using the same team name if he wanted to try and continue with it? Yes Keith said no one owns a team name and fair play to Connor for honouring that respect that others have shown through the years with some clans (probably the only thing some have respect for on here to be fair) saying that though...

Keith if some random was too pop up and redo MVP i am sure you and Alan would have something too say about it (bit of banter)

I would hunt them down lol, (joking), Its a tricky one, why would someone want to use an old clans name tho ?, surely it would feel more like your own clan if you give it a name thats not been used before, plus when using an old name you will always get comments and compairing, so why bother.
Posts: 38,097
22:46 Sun 6 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
true alan

i only used an old name once (Pros) as was stuck but i also see (this isn't a pop at Ash as were ok now, even added him on FB ) how you can change clan name too much as the results won't change. i did it once on Snooker from Hustlers to Dollars & Cents but only because it felt like someone else's clan. Like with Pros it felt like Matty + Richie's even though Rich gave me his full support. Wipeout was another during MVP days, while i did well with a bunch of rookies (and couple experienced like Jan, Jgo and Obero), it felt like Aaron's clan. If i brought an old clan back, sure i could say i was apart of it (Wipeout) but in reality i wasn't as if i brought MVP back for example (wouldn't happen), i still couldn't say i was apart of it as it would need to be when Alan and Keith ran the clan.
Posts: 4,046
16:29 Mon 7 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will the deadline be moved for this set of FCL. Be nice to know now so we arnt all rushing about with 2 weeks left instead of the one.???
Posts: 9,926
01:19 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 27 Final Table

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Congratulations to Uprising for retaining their title and winning it by such a comprehensive margin
Posts: 14,736
01:33 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Congratz to Uprising for their comprehensive win - fully deserved and have been the best team throughout. I'm content with 2nd - 6 points difference from 3rd too so all good.
Posts: 6,417
14:33 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here are the final standings for the Golden Cue. Players must have played at least 5 matches to qualify for it.

Congratulations to w_hoolahan!

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14:56 Mon 14 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
wd hula
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