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Deleted User
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14:28 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is there such a big emphasis on having a "perfect" format?

Even I think 6 frames of straight is slightly too much. If I remember rightly there used to be 2 points for a game of straight in the FBL and it was never an issue?
Posts: 6,417
14:29 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems it is an issue now.
Posts: 4,046
15:48 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
People seem to think you need to shake up the league. I have posted 3-4 times it dont need it. What needs shaking up is the site as a whole, and only the designer can do that. Same for snooker.

FCL is fine at 15. 2 bonus points for a win per person

FBL. Some want 6 some want 10 so 8 it is then! Oh hang on it is 8 lmao. Straight 2 games as i have a team full who dont like it except Seb of course

SL. 6 games and bonus for run outs ect

Its fine the way it is save 20 bonus points awarded to a team expected to win anyway!!! If you award 2 points per victory then it has an effect on the bigger team if a player dont win in FCL.

Really dont see what the fuss is all about
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:04 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
People seem to think you need to shake up the league. I have posted 3-4 times it dont need it. What needs shaking up is the site as a whole, and only the designer can do that. Same for snooker.

FCL is fine at 15. 2 bonus points for a win per person

FBL. Some want 6 some want 10 so 8 it is then! Oh hang on it is 8 lmao. Straight 2 games as i have a team full who dont like it except Seb of course

SL. 6 games and bonus for run outs ect

Its fine the way it is save 20 bonus points awarded to a team expected to win anyway!!! If you award 2 points per victory then it has an effect on the bigger team if a player dont win in FCL.

Really dont see what the fuss is all about

That's a valid point, but in terms of straight all I was suggesting was either make the straight games longer so they are actually enjoyable (for the people who enjoy straight) or remove them as the current format sucks. Surel that makes sense?

Nb - we've already established there's plenty who like it
Posts: 4,046
16:18 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Straight in my opinion is tap,tap,tap,tap,tap followed by 68 succesive pots by corsair,whocares8x8 ect.

Now please dont think i am marginalizing it. The select few who have practised and have become very , very good at it deserve a proper match. Im just suggesting that a player like me aint gonna enjoy sitting there for 68 pots until the next game. Its a very similar picture with Carom in snooker and only a handfull are good enough to play in the league and they win every match they play give or take. Same results with straight as far as i can see. If you want a better, longer match then why not have a Straight comp same as Killer. Its a specific skill and there are specific players who do it well.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:25 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Again, that's a fair opinion but it doesn't make much sense to think that way. I've already suggested to stop at 35 to avoid boredom (I already do).

Why would you cater a format to the people who don't like that game mode instead of the people who do like it? If we follow that logic we should scrap 9 ball from all the people who don't like it.

I just think that the above thought process is a little backwards....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:33 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Now theres an idea, why not seperate the leagues into sections, where you have designated players within each section, so for example individual leagues for straight, 9ball, us8, uk8 and say have 3 nominated players for each league you can have as many frames as you want as the players you put forward will want to play that format (in theory) then from here on I havent thought how to score it. Just a thought so dont shoot me lol
Deleted User
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16:34 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Each individual player playing for the team and somehow earning points for their team
Posts: 4,046
16:36 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Again, that's a fair opinion but it doesn't make much sense to think that way. I've already suggested to stop at 35 to avoid boredom (I already do).

Why would you cater a format to the people who don't like that game mode instead of the people who do like it? If we follow that logic we should scrap 9 ball from all the people who don't like it.

I just think that the above thought process is a little backwards....

I agree with that and im not suggesting scrap it. The thing is if i played you at 9bus i would feel i had a chance of nicking (yes stealing) a couple of frames over 8. If i play you at 6 games of straight i aint gonna win 1. Not even close to 1 unless you are having a very,very bad day. If a player misses against you, you will generally clear 35 pots with ease. And there are a handfull of players of that quality on here. Thats no fun for you either is it? You need a straight player to play against to test you dont you? Well over 6 games i reakon there are 10 players that would give you said challenge and they are in the 3 top teams (save Seb). I have no alterior motive here as FPD is a small team. Its just my observations
Posts: 4,046
16:37 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Now theres an idea, why not seperate the leagues into sections, where you have designated players within each section, so for example individual leagues for straight, 9ball, us8, uk8 and say have 3 nominated players for each league you can have as many frames as you want as the players you put forward will want to play that format (in theory) then from here on I havent thought how to score it. Just a thought so dont shoot me lol

No i agree with this Matt. Was having the same brain fart myself. If they want longer formats then all good
Posts: 14,736
17:10 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Been saying they should have separate leagues for types for ages, especially the Straight players. Even a Killer League would be advantageous, minimum 3 per team max 5 (two teams vs each other only) Winner is the team who accumulates the most etc

Fixtures drawn as normal but Captains must notify the League Runner within 3 days of their release or Players selected at random. Maybe only allow players so many appearances that will enhance the team aspect

Shame the black ball when potted doesn't knock a life off instead lol. Then we'd see who are the best killers.

Only an idea.
Posts: 19,819
17:11 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well the top str8 players can join my pol event
Posts: 38,097
17:23 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
To Ash:

Individual Leagues has been tried before but loses interest at end of season, Think Groups and League has been tried but if we get enough interest (and permission from Keith), i may try running one next season. All four types would feature and thinking League then Knockout. League may be play whoever in maybe 1-2 months then Knockouts with fortnight deadlines.


Others: League - 6 frames, Quarter Final - First to 4 Semi Final - First to 6, Final - First to 10
Straight: League - 4 frames, Quarter Final - First to 3 Semi Final - First to 4, Final - First to 6

2 Points for Win, 1 for Draw (must be above 0 frames), 0 for Defaulted unless effort is shown.

Other Individuals:


Edited at 14:49 Tue 21/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
17:23 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
People seem to think you need to shake up the league. I have posted 3-4 times it dont need it. What needs shaking up is the site as a whole, and only the designer can do that. Same for snooker.

FCL is fine at 15. 2 bonus points for a win per person

FBL. Some want 6 some want 10 so 8 it is then! Oh hang on it is 8 lmao. Straight 2 games as i have a team full who dont like it except Seb of course

SL. 6 games and bonus for run outs ect

Its fine the way it is save 20 bonus points awarded to a team expected to win anyway!!! If you award 2 points per victory then it has an effect on the bigger team if a player dont win in FCL.

Really dont see what the fuss is all about

Thanks Bucky. That's every single clan I have spoken to that doesn't want reduced frames. Totally dispelling Ab's myth that it's only the "top" or "successful" teams that don't want a frame reduction.

Regarding straight, Uprising for AGES struggled to compete with other clans due to lack of straight players. Eventually though, you will find 2 players in your clan that want to play it - and most people that like straight can hit a 35 run, meaning anyone can beat anyone!
Posts: 14,736
17:33 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not spoken to us lol...but we agree The FCL needs to be left alone, FBL 8 is working fine 10 would be quality and Straight needs have a few more but 6 is too extreme. It's currently 2 why can't it be 4 but if ends 2-2 then a decider be played?

SL is too short, spend more time arranging than actually playing stretch it to best of 3 in all types. Slight modification... Easily done. Breaks are the luck of the draw just like pool itself is, that's why we all enjoy playing it's too bloody addictive.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:45 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Straight needs have a few more but 6 is too extreme. It's currently 2 why can't it be 4 but if ends 2-2 then a decider be played?

I agree completely, four would be perfect!
Posts: 38,097
17:52 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem is the frame count, if we change it to point count? then maybe could do 4 straight worth 2 points each. As long as the League is frame count then it does have to be balanced (beens proposal) but with points count i think you can do it.

Of course if its the same as other leagues a team count then any format works but variety is nice
Posts: 4,046
17:54 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Regarding straight, Uprising for AGES struggled to compete with other clans due to lack of straight players. Eventually though, you will find 2 players in your clan that want to play it - and most people that like straight can hit a 35 run, meaning anyone can beat anyone!

I aint moaning about the straight games mind. Its part of the match as a whole so all good. I do think that specialist games such as straight and killer should be made better for the players that like it. I would have thought that a longer game would have served corsair and Seb better. Maybe first to 100 instead of 35. And then best of 3 or something. Its a skill to pot 40 or 50 balls in a row and it should be rewarded with more than 2 games in all three leagues imo.
Posts: 7,940
18:01 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
People seem to think you need to shake up the league. I have posted 3-4 times it dont need it. What needs shaking up is the site as a whole, and only the designer can do that. Same for snooker.

FCL is fine at 15. 2 bonus points for a win per person

FBL. Some want 6 some want 10 so 8 it is then! Oh hang on it is 8 lmao. Straight 2 games as i have a team full who dont like it except Seb of course

SL. 6 games and bonus for run outs ect

Its fine the way it is save 20 bonus points awarded to a team expected to win anyway!!! If you award 2 points per victory then it has an effect on the bigger team if a player dont win in FCL.

Really dont see what the fuss is all about

Thanks Bucky. That's every single clan I have spoken to that doesn't want reduced frames. Totally dispelling Ab's myth that it's only the "top" or "successful" teams that don't want a frame reduction.

Regarding straight, Uprising for AGES struggled to compete with other clans due to lack of straight players. Eventually though, you will find 2 players in your clan that want to play it - and most people that like straight can hit a 35 run, meaning anyone can beat anyone!

Did I say that lol, I've never mentioned reduction, I said its the 2 top teams that are fighting to get straight increased, if you read back you'll see I posted saying I dont have a problem with 8 frames, I've never discussed the 6 frame suggestion as far as i can remember, its been a long week lol, my main problem was with straight and how it suits the top teams with the best straight players, increasing to 2 x 4 games worth 2 points each would easily give a team with 2 top straight players a guaranteed 16-0 against lesser skilled teams.

I have said more frames suit the top teams and they are the main ones fighting for it. Instead of speaking to other clans get them to post here, its not me you have to convince, its the league runner.

Got a few posts on page 70 where I say i dont have a problem with 8 frames
I said it earlier as thats how your coming across, you want more frames because it sways the odds even more in the top players favour and you want 2 points for a game of straight that you know the top players will always win, I don't have a problem with 8 frames but straight would have to get binned then as thats 7 more than some people can handle lol
Posts: 10,109
18:11 Tue 21 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah, sorry ab_rfc, I should've checked. It must've been Keith!

Possibly more straight frames suit the "top" teams, but with Seb playing for FPD's, Hoolahan playing for PD's, legend_pot for Phoenix Nights and maddmgpvx5 playing for Rev's - I really don't see the argument. After all, we don't have anyone that considers themselves a straight specialist. Saying that, I couldn't give a toss how many straight games are played - but I do think the straight players should get a chance to enjoy their favourite game type as much as the other players do? And 2 frames is nothing really - even I have the pool stamina to last longer than that! lol
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