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Deleted User
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21:12 Sun 19 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
YOu see guys? He just repeats the same lie! lol
He'd never allow his precious team match count to be a league without the longest format, and we all know it.

Had another thought,
He claims that 6 frames in FBL would give the leagues more balance and variety. Let's look at that.
FCL with 15,
FBL with 6,
SL with 6

compared to
FCL with 15
FBL with 8 or 10
SL with 6

speaks for itself.

Why don't you set a league up with how you want it. I am sure most will join it
Posts: 2,463
23:23 Sun 19 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately, I couldn't donate that kind of time if I wanted to.
Would be hard for me too, because I know nothing about setting up a website.

Besides, he claims to want something for everyone. If that was true I wouldn't need to run my own league.
Posts: 7,974
23:50 Sun 19 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
don't get your point been tbh

FCL 5 of each

FBL 6 of 1 type

SL 2 of each

you can bend it to suit anything tbh

how you say lies is unreal,

I would go
FCL 4 of each
FBL 5 of one type
SL as is

make it more interesting for the majority
Posts: 2,463
23:57 Sun 19 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I repeat, the "majority" asked for 8 or 10 frames in regular types of FBL before keith proposed 6.

About my comparison, it's pretty obvious for anyone willing to consider my point.
I was showing the length of one indiv match in each league.
That's what we've been arguing over, the length of an indiv match in FBL.

Could do it by team matches instead, but if you're gonna compare the length of them you have to use the same method on each league.
You can't count the total frames of one type (1/3rd of an indiv match) in one league, then turn around and count the whole indiv match in another. That's not a real comparison.
C'mon, you learned fractions in school didn't you?
I'm sure you did, you're just being like keith. You don't want to understand.

Edited at 21:12 Sun 19/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
00:07 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I have considered your point to be honest
ive studied it in depth

however I reached the same conclusion
does it really matter

and is it important enough for some one like you to quit clan leagues

you are a player I look up to and totally enjoy games I play against you

is it really worth, 30+ pages discussing something that really doesn't matter enough.
maybe to you and im not being sarcastic, you have your opinion some may agree some may not

however does it really matter so much

you had the same debate last season and I believe the season before

respect to everyone, isn't it now time to move on
Posts: 2,463
00:17 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This was the first time I was led to believe it was gonna happen, tricked, so there would be less opposition to the change he's putting on FCL.
Then lied to, yes, I said lied. Claiming he doesn't care if team match count has the longest format. He's said the opposite to me, on more than one occasion!
Actually claiming that there isn't more accuracy in more frames!
All the while arguing that more frames would increas the gap between teams!?
He's full of it!
Posts: 9,926
00:17 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I repeat, the "majority" asked for 8 or 10 frames in regular types of FBL before keith proposed 6.

About my comparison, it's pretty obvious for anyone willing to consider my point.
I was showing the length of one indiv match in each league.
That's what we've been arguing over, the length of an indiv match in FBL.

Could do it by team matches instead, but if you're gonna compare the length of them you have to use the same method on each league.
You can't count the total frames of one type (1/3rd of an indiv match) in one league, then turn around and count the whole indiv match in another. That's not a real comparison.
C'mon, you learned fractions in school didn't you?
I'm sure you did, you're just being like keith. You don't want to understand.

Edited at 21:12 Sun 19/07/15 (BST)

Just picking up on this point, in stead of trusting a few that post on here maybe you should try speaking to members from all of the clans, just because they don't like posting doesn't mean that they don't have an opinion. The majority that I have spoken to would prefer 6 as they take no enjoyment from long games where they are getting whooped by the top players.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:17 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think 8-10 is better personally, since the longer game eliminates more of the fluke wins
. (especially in my fave type 9 ball ;P) That said, either way I'll play and put the same effort into my games so it doesn't really matter to me.
Posts: 9,926
00:18 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This was the first time I was led to believe it was gonna happen, tricked, so there would be less opposition to the change he's putting on FCL.
Then lied to, yes, I said lied. About him not wanting team match count to have the longest format.
Actually claiming that there isn't more accuracy in more frames!
All the while arguing that more frames would increas the gap between teams!?
He's full of it!

Full of what???

Accurate discussion points?
Constructive arguments?
Posts: 2,463
00:22 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This was the first time I was led to believe it was gonna happen, tricked, so there would be less opposition to the change he's putting on FCL.

Then lied to, yes, I said lied. Claiming he doesn't care if team match count has the longest format. He's said the opposite to me, on more than one occasion!

Actually claiming that there isn't more accuracy in more frames!
All the while arguing that more frames would increase the gap between teams!?
Think about it, he's in a paradox!

Using principles to justify things, and applying them only where he sees fit!

He's full of it!

Anyone who can contradict their own opinions that often, and never even realize it is confused too.

Edited at 21:31 Sun 19/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
00:30 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry ive got to say,
he does a great job
but another minor mistake

sorry Keith
don't ask anyone just do it next time
end of really

and no need ever to get personal been
Posts: 9,926
00:41 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate but it is all good, I know when they resort to personal attacks I must be right as if I wasn't they would come back with some constructive points but when they cant that is the level they need to go to
Posts: 7,974
00:46 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks mate but it is all good, I know when they resort to personal attacks I must be right as if I wasn't they would come back with some constructive points but when they cant that is the level they need to go to

I would now draw a line under it, move on
you've got a couple of great staff
consult them, they have a wealth of experience
maybe look at 2 divisions, and give new members a chance in clans

and more importantly, try and bring some fun back to clan pool
trust me it needs it
Posts: 7,324
00:49 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people need to realise the unimportance of all this. Formats are really not all that important, because at the end of the day, this site and clan leagues are not important. I think the leagues work fine as they are, my only suggestion has been for either smaller clan sizes/more games per fixture set, though I understand and accept the reasoning against this. A certain few on here take it all FAR too seriously and personally, when the reality is it's all supposed to be just a bit of harmless and (mostly) meaningless fun.
Posts: 9,926
00:54 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people need to realise the unimportance of all this. Formats are really not all that important, because at the end of the day, this site and clan leagues are not important. I think the leagues work fine as they are, my only suggestion has been for either smaller clan sizes/more games per fixture set, though I understand and accept the reasoning against this. A certain few on here take it all FAR too seriously and personally, when the reality is it's all supposed to be just a bit of harmless and (mostly) meaningless fun.

I think both of these things will need to happen sooner rather than later as it looks like we are down to 6 clans. So if we want more clans and competition it is the only thing we can do for that to happen.
Posts: 6,417
01:15 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I repeat, the "majority" asked for 8 or 10 frames in regular types of FBL before keith proposed 6.

About my comparison, it's pretty obvious for anyone willing to consider my point.
I was showing the length of one indiv match in each league.
That's what we've been arguing over, the length of an indiv match in FBL.

Could do it by team matches instead, but if you're gonna compare the length of them you have to use the same method on each league.
You can't count the total frames of one type (1/3rd of an indiv match) in one league, then turn around and count the whole indiv match in another. That's not a real comparison.
C'mon, you learned fractions in school didn't you?
I'm sure you did, you're just being like keith. You don't want to understand.

Edited at 21:12 Sun 19/07/15 (BST)

Just picking up on this point, in stead of trusting a few that post on here maybe you should try speaking to members from all of the clans, just because they don't like posting doesn't mean that they don't have an opinion. The majority that I have spoken to would prefer 6 as they take no enjoyment from long games where they are getting whooped by the top players.

Can we know how many of them like the 6 frames idea and hoe many like the 8 frame(or more) idea? I would like to know
Posts: 6,417
01:24 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people need to realise the unimportance of all this. Formats are really not all that important, because at the end of the day, this site and clan leagues are not important. I think the leagues work fine as they are, my only suggestion has been for either smaller clan sizes/more games per fixture set, though I understand and accept the reasoning against this. A certain few on here take it all FAR too seriously and personally, when the reality is it's all supposed to be just a bit of harmless and (mostly) meaningless fun.

I think both of these things will need to happen sooner rather than later as it looks like we are down to 6 clans. So if we want more clans and competition it is the only thing we can do for that to happen.

Unbeatables had 7-8 active players and they still decided to fold. That was because no one was there to captain them. So before reducing clan sizes it has to be made sure if other people want to captain a side. Otherwise we would lose more players from the leagues (actually the ones who are less active) and it wouldnt be a good idea if we want to promote the site.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:21 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't blame me cause UB folded..

1. I did not want to fold UB.
2. i asked numerous times for someone to step up
3 i stated i did not like being a captain
4.i did not want UB to fall from grace (top 3 team) leading to other teams passing us in the league standings when our team was dwindling since i took over(not fully)
5. as 4 i couldn't play a team not worthy of challenging for titles, and with the loss again of more players at the seasons end just now it was a tough decision to let go.

But i thank the support some gave me, use know who you are.
Posts: 6,417
02:24 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't blame me cause UB folded..

1. I did not want to fold UB.
2. i asked numerous times for someone to step up
3 i stated i did not like being a captain
4.i did not want UB to fall from grace (top 3 team) leading to other teams passing us in the league standings when our team was dwindling since i took over(not fully)
5. as 4 i couldn't play a team not worthy of challenging for titles, and with the loss again of more players at the seasons end just now it was a tough decision to let go.

But i thank the support some gave me, use know who you are.

Im not blaming u fran. Just said that after u decided u didnt want to captain anymore there was no one else to take over
Posts: 9,926
02:27 Mon 20 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Final of GSC cup, fixtures can be found here:-

Final of GSC plate, fixtures can be found here:-

Final of Super League, fixtures can be found here:-

Final of Players Championship, fixture can be found here:-

Deadline of 2nd August for all the above games

Killer Cup Grand Final

Professionals v Uprising v Black Scorpions
(Teams of 5 for the final)

Captains can agree a time amongst themselves, if no agreement is made this match will be played at the default time of Sunday 26th July at 9pm

Good luck to all clans / players

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