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Posts: 19,819
19:39 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And the format should be 8 frames of the other types and 4 frames of straight with 2 point each. That way each type has the same weight in the fixture.

Thats what i was thinking.

Book it
Posts: 2,463
19:41 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yes!, please!

killer I still feel should go to SL, not FBL
FBL and FCL will be plenty different without it in FBL
FCL and SL need some more difference (pretty much only difference is in length and bonuses), killer would do that.

Edited at 16:57 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
19:45 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer shouldNt be in any of the current leagues. The current killer cup has been very successful in my eyes but if people want more games of killer than change the format of the killer cup drom knockout to a league style competition.
Posts: 2,463
19:56 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ab, about me "spitting my dummy out and threatening to leave" if it doesn't have at least 8 frames. That isn't just about not getting my way.
I've gone 10 seasons, very rarely getting my way, and I've never threatened to quit all clan leagues before this week!
I admit that history is a factor, but certainly not my main reason.

I explained already that I believe I've been tricked, quite maliciously. and I'm certain I've been lied to.
If he continues to be so concrete in his stance on 6 frames of regular types, when the majority is obviously just fine with having 8 it'll confirm for me that my suspicions are true too.

If that happens, I'll begin to find the whole thought of clans more frustrating and depressing than it is enjoyable.
and that's why I'll quit.

and for the last time, I'm not after a greater advantage over smaller teams when I ask for accuracy.

Did you just ignore it yesterday when I pointed out that there's always a huge gap between top and bottom anway!
There would be even if FBL started playing 4 frames!

It needs to be accurate to seperate the top teams!

Edited at 17:27 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 2,463
20:08 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer shouldNt be in any of the current leagues. The current killer cup has been very successful in my eyes but if people want more games of killer than change the format of the killer cup drom knockout to a league style competition.

I've been wanting that since the killer cup started
If that can happen, then yeah we'd have plenty of killer as it is.
Posts: 2,327
20:20 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not sure why these things cause so many arguments here. (without wanting to dribble on about snooker) each power game in clan snooker is 2 points per frame and a total of 3 frames, so the point system equals the same amount as the other game types, 6 frames/points. Even the killer is 2 games, each has a total of 3 points for grabs, so 6 in all, again all equal to the other game types.
Maybe it would be fairer to instill something along these lines, take it to a vote and majority opinion wins. Anything has to beat arguing over it for days on end to no avail.
Posts: 2,463
20:23 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The majority opinion is already pretty obvious (8 and 4, 2 for straight, 2 indiv fixtures of each type). The runner, his best buddy, and one more just don't like it.

Edited at 18:27 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,940
20:25 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome to pool lol, end of season wouldn't be the same without all the format arguing, its happened every season since the leagues began, why change now lol
Posts: 7,940
20:26 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The majority opinion is already pretty obvious (8 and 4, 2 for straight, 2 indiv matches of each type). The runner, his best buddy, and one more just don't like it.

His best buddy lol, call me that again and I'll spit my dummy out and quit.
Posts: 2,327
20:29 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about each captain has the responsibility of asking each person on their own clan thread for their vote, the majority vote within the clan (including the captains vote without them influencing anybody) is reported to the league runner by the captains as one vote for or against whatever it is you have to decide on, and the majority wins! You really just can't get fairer than that because everybody who either runs the league or plays within it is as important as each other and has as much say! This way everybody gets their vote.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:31 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ab, about me "spitting my dummy out and threatening to leave" if it doesn't have at least 8 frames. That isn't just about not getting my way.
I've gone 10 seasons, very rarely getting my way, and I've never threatened to quit all clan leagues before this week!
I admit that history is a factor, but certainly not my main reason.

I explained already that I believe I've been tricked, quite maliciously. and I'm certain I've been lied to.
If he continues to be so concrete in his stance on 6 frames of regular types, when the majority is obviously just fine with having 8 it'll confirm for me that my suspicions are true too.

If that happens, I'll begin to find the whole thought of clans more frustrating and depressing than it is enjoyable.
and that's why I'll quit.

and for the last time, I'm not after a greater advantage over smaller teams when I ask for accuracy.

Did you just ignore it yesterday when I pointed out that there's always a huge gap between top and bottom anway!
There would be even if FBL started playing 4 frames!

It needs to be accurate to seperate the top teams!

Edited at 17:27 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)

You are saying you are not after a greater advantage over smaller teams but in reality that is what it will lead to IMO.
Posts: 2,463
20:36 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's a side effect sure, but it doesn't change anything because there's always a huge gap between top and bottom anyway.
The purpose of accuracy is to seperate the top teams, doesn't need to be very accurate to seperate the best from the worst.
Posts: 2,463
20:38 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about each captain has the responsibility of asking each person on their own clan thread for their vote, the majority vote within the clan (including the captains vote without them influencing anybody) is reported to the league runner by the captains as one vote for or against whatever it is you have to decide on, and the majority wins! You really just can't get fairer than that because everybody who either runs the league or plays within it is as important as each other and has as much say! This way everybody gets their vote.

The runner lied to me yesterday, right on this thread. I wouldn't trust him not to tweak the results. Wouldn't trust certain captains for that matter, not to tweak their teams report more toward their own opinions.
I think most can already see what the majority opinion is here anyway. Problem is it's different than the runner's opinion.
Posts: 7,974
20:40 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
people voted for Keith to run the leagues

its pretty obvious to all playing members
there is simply to many games and the hassle involved
so support the current league runner

clan pool is boring and predictable (I happen to enjoy it), same outcomes season in season out

why not start with div 1 and 2 and play each other twice or 3 times
give all teams an equal footing, instead of new players and teams constantly being battered

lets be right, the only reason people want frame count is to look great by beating inferior players into the ground
massive satisfaction to be had I guess, players championship is there to show who Is ultimately the best player

make the changes Keith, most will still stamp their feet and spit their dummies out, but strangely enough they will all be there to play
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:41 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why dont you set a league up with pros uprising and fks then, and leave the so called lesser teams to have their fun. I will admit I won't find it fun getting hammered by yourself or corsair every other week (which happens now btw but on a lesser scale) lol
Posts: 19,967
20:41 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And the format should be 8 frames of the other types and 4 frames of straight with 2 point each. That way each type has the same weight in the fixture.

Then you have a frame count where a team who wins the most frames can end up not winning the league though. That would be a points count, not frame count .
Posts: 2,327
20:41 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about each captain has the responsibility of asking each person on their own clan thread for their vote, the majority vote within the clan (including the captains vote without them influencing anybody) is reported to the league runner by the captains as one vote for or against whatever it is you have to decide on, and the majority wins! You really just can't get fairer than that because everybody who either runs the league or plays within it is as important as each other and has as much say! This way everybody gets their vote.

The runner lied to me yesterday, right on this thread. I wouldn't trust him not to tweak the results. Wouldn't trust certain captains for that matter, not to tweak their teams report more toward their own opinions.
I think most can already see what the majority opinion is here anyway. Problem is it's different than the runner's opinion.

Well that's why all votes should be done publicly on each clans own thread so should anybody wish to check and count eachothers, you are free and open to do so. Stops anybody telling little porky pies
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:42 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
people voted for Keith to run the leagues

its pretty obvious to all playing members
there is simply to many games and the hassle involved
so support the current league runner

clan pool is boring and predictable (I happen to enjoy it), same outcomes season in season out

why not start with div 1 and 2 and play each other twice or 3 times
give all teams an equal footing, instead of new players and teams constantly being battered

lets be right, the only reason people want frame count is to look great by beating inferior players into the ground
massive satisfaction to be had I guess, players championship is there to show who Is ultimately the best player

make the changes Keith, most will still stamp their feet and spit their dummies out, but strangely enough they will all be there to play

Well said
Posts: 775
20:42 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
people voted for Keith to run the leagues

its pretty obvious to all playing members
there is simply to many games and the hassle involved
so support the current league runner

clan pool is boring and predictable (I happen to enjoy it), same outcomes season in season out

why not start with div 1 and 2 and play each other twice or 3 times
give all teams an equal footing, instead of new players and teams constantly being battered

lets be right, the only reason people want frame count is to look great by beating inferior players into the ground
massive satisfaction to be had I guess, players championship is there to show who Is ultimately the best player

make the changes Keith, most will still stamp their feet and spit their dummies out, but strangely enough they will all be there to play

Why dont you leave this game we are in rather than waiting for me to get DQ'd?
Posts: 2,463
20:46 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why dont you set a league up with pros uprising and fks then, and leave the so called lesser teams to have their fun. I will admit I won't find it fun getting hammered by yourself or corsair every other week (which happens now btw but on a lesser scale) lol

FBl already playes 8 frames now, I'm asking for it not to decrease!

How would staying at 8 change the scale in which you "get hammered" as you put it?

How can you have a problem with playing me 8frames in FBL, and not complain one bit about FCL being 15 frames!?

Edited at 17:52 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
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