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Posts: 13,570
12:07 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Nothing wrong with straight.
A LOT of players capable of 35+
Keep er lit
Posts: 2,588
12:19 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't even like straight and I agree..

The only types that shouldn't be involved in the FBL are the Arcade types.
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16:04 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If we change to frame count, all frames would have to count the same as you cannot have some frames that are worth more than others.

This is where straight taking the time it does makes it awkward.

You could do as follows-
US8 x 2 games = 6 frames
US9 x 2 games = 6 frames
UK8 x 2 games = 6 frames
Straight x 1 game = 6 frames
Killer x 1 game (3v3) 3 points for 1st, 2 points for second and 1 point for 3rd.

With the above you can have all format of results, 6-0, 5-1, 4-2 or 3-3 for all game types.

Glossing over all the mindless crap....

This looks to be a solid format too (and is pretty close to what we used to have with a slightly different straight format).

With regards to straight - My original point was simply either make the straight format a proper match or remove it completely, two frames is not enjoyable in my opinion as you don't get a decent match (regardless of winning/losing etc.). It needs to be worth the same to the fixture as the other types, whether six frames or not is too long I'm not sure.

If killer is included in a new format then there needs to be some concrete regulation as we know some teams will just want to play when their best players are available (nothing intrinsically wrong with this if the format allows it but will make arranging a nightmare).

As fran said wouldn't it be best if a solid proposal is posted on every teams thread to see how well it's received across the league?
Posts: 14,736
16:38 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
6 frames of straight is just too much, some players enjoy and appreciate playing the FBL and SL for that matter due to the reduced time required to play. 6 frames is very time consuming and pretty boring tbh. We already have enough partial matches this last season and I fear this will only encourage matches to be completed in even more sessions.

Straight due to the frames possible duration, effort and application should be 3 frames, 2 points each and there's your equivalent 6 points. Should be a clear and decisive winner too either 3-0, 2-1, 0-3, 2-1.

I reiterate and ask why should straight be 6 frames when it takes a longer to complete unless you're very good at it and surely for 1 measly point for such effort isn't worth it also. 2 points per frame, maybe add some scoring bonuses for the winner and loser (possibly the losing margin etc), but 6 frames is too extreme in my opinion.

Proposal posted on threads will be a good start, also any possible rule changes?
Posts: 19,967
17:00 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
There's no justification for needing a winner from straight, it's not a waste of time when other types are drawn so why is that any different?

If you have 2 points per frame then potentially the clan that wins the most frames doesn't win the league and that makes the whole frame count invalid.

The games types are of uneven length anyway, and depends on who you play as to how long the games are.

Straight should be 6 frames because it would fit in with every other format.
Posts: 7,297
17:08 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
6 frames of straight is just too much, some players enjoy and appreciate playing the FBL and SL for that matter due to the reduced time required to play. 6 frames is very time consuming and pretty boring tbh. We already have enough partial matches this last season and I fear this will only encourage matches to be completed in even more sessions.

Straight due to the frames possible duration, effort and application should be 3 frames, 2 points each and there's your equivalent 6 points. Should be a clear and decisive winner too either 3-0, 2-1, 0-3, 2-1.

I reiterate and ask why should straight be 6 frames when it takes a longer to complete unless you're very good at it and surely for 1 measly point for such effort isn't worth it also. 2 points per frame, maybe add some scoring bonuses for the winner and loser (possibly the losing margin etc), but 6 frames is too extreme in my opinion.

Proposal posted on threads will be a good start, also any possible rule changes?

Agree :)

6 games of straight would be boring and defo would result in many more part played matches. Its time for a change and straight always favour pros and uprising .
Posts: 38,097
17:16 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If 6 points out of a 42/(48 for Killer) point match make a difference then really need to look at your team.

I'm sure each clan has one decent Straight player.

FPD has Seb, UPR has pirate/eri, PD has zac/harry, PRO has dvz/tinie, FK has legend/chocco so theres no reason at all for Straight to be removed or altered.

bumped this post, effectively you can put your best Straight players there unless there inactive. Sure you may see some Underdog matches like Seb vs Zac or Harry (no offence guys, your good at Straight but not quite at Sebs level) but may see some classy ones such as Seb vs Chocco/Legend.

If you don't play in them though so i think we really need to ask the Straight players.

In my view Straight should be at least four frames
Posts: 2,463
17:16 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Keith has said to me before that he wanted match count in FCL because the long format makes it more accurate there.

Then yesterday, while arguing about him wanting to shorten FBL, he invents this mistaken nonsense about having the same accuracy no matter how long the format!? So I asked (some of you may have seen it), "Would you be happy with FCL if it started playing only 6 frames? (I added) "Of course not, it would lose accuracy!"
Then he right out lied!

When he first brought up his idea for dropping frame count from FCL I was against it.

When he brought up his idea for dropping frame count from FCL and adding it to FBL, he led me to believe that it would be a nice long format.
He even mentioned "10 or 12 frames"! (page 56)

After yesterday, seeing how willing he is to invent bogus theories, and even lie in an attempt to be right,
I think he did this maliciously, just to get me on his side of things so there'd be less opposition to his FCL idea. Secretly planning all the while on shortening FBL to the point it can't be considered as accurate as his new FCL.

He keeps claiming to be looking out for everyone, but noone suggested less than 8 frames in FBL regular types before he put it forward. Everyone posting had wanted 8, 10, or 12.

If I'm wrong about all this, why else would he make the 6 frame thing so extremely non-negotiable as soon as he mentioned it?
He wants it shorter, less accurate than his team match count league, at all costs.

Edited at 14:32 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:18 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I do like multi sessions for a long time though as form changes with each match as while you may lose 4-2 on one day you could win 6-0 on another
Posts: 2,463
17:20 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Notice I'm not addressing him directly, I don't converse with liars.

Another thing, about the straight being worth 1 or 2 ponits each game.
He says you can't give more than one point because it's only one game, no matter how long.
An understandable argument I admit, has some validity, though I disagree.
Yet at the same time he wants one game of killer to be worth more than one point!
It seems this standard of his only comes into play when it suits him.

Seemed to me that almost everyone was happy with 8 and 4 (worth 2) except him and his best buddy.

Edited at 14:44 Sat 18/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:20 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As for accuracy, i partly agree with been that more frames used the better player normally wins but at same time its better to have a balanced clan league.

I would be for increasing frames from 6 to 8, not big boost but could be enough
Posts: 38,097
17:21 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Notice I'm not addressing him directly, I don't converse with liars.

Post above is directed at Ash/Huts mate
Posts: 2,463
17:24 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought so, not angry with you
Posts: 14,736
17:35 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Partial matches are nothing short of a headache for Captains, so encouraging their possibilities to happen is a very silly move. 6 frames in Straight, some frames can take between 10 - 30 mins (dependent of who the players are) each.

It's nothing but boring (unless you're on the table) or time wasting - I can see why the 6 frames is being suggested but seriously try and think and be a little more practical and realise that NO ONE other than the select minority will even bother to entertain the idea of playing 6 frames.

In the GSC even some straight players expressed a dislike in playing 4 frames so I really am not even bothering to think how the 6 proposal will be received. These concerns were from the STRAIGHT players themselves, so IF the premise is to alienate and upset many players then have your 6.

A player could have a lucky break and win the odd frame vs the top players but more than likely they'll end up just being a 'sitting duck' and watch their opponent clear rack upon rack on the hope they miss just before reaching 35. I can tell you exactly what will happen IF 6 frames of straight is implemented; players will request to play another type, players will not be happy, no one will want to sub in to cover, resulting in more defaults.

Is all that really worth it for 1 point per frame....I don't think so.
Posts: 38,097
17:56 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If thats really what they think then by all means decrease the frames to three worth two points each as they are the ones who should have their say, at same time its just one straight game per fixture.

I would rather Seb make 100+ a frame than be bogged by tapping in UK but thats me. Earlier in season i lost 2-0 to Sam who didn't give me a sniff but i enjoyed watching.

All i'm asking for is a balanced league where Straight is included but i would want at least 3 frames included also. 6 is too much i agree but at same time if the others aren't lowered as well then league is unbalanced but where do we draw the line not to make it long or short?
Posts: 38,097
18:01 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
would really like to hear real opinions for Straight from players such as legend_pot, dark_chocco, corsair, whocares8x8, III1III1III, w_hoolahan, punkpoet, erigert, dvz, lethal_lures, beenjammin, turtle1560

If majority of those would want short straight frames (e.g. two) then i will admit defeat long as Straight isn't entirely eliminated as then it begs question of removing other types.
Posts: 14,736
18:11 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
'REAL opinions' that's a bit RUDE James!

Why does straight need to be 'balanced' with the 3 other main/common types on the site?

What's next 6 games of Killer just to balance ALL types? When is it going to stop? All this nonsense about Straight being treated the same, the whole game type allows it to be treated differently.

There is nothing wrong with the 8 frames in 8us, 9us and 8uk - That has worked very well this season, Straight being 2 frames is too short, 6 is way too big so why not meet in the middle and go with 4 which is parallel to the format for the GSC too then. 3 was my idea to try and get an actual winner as I'm not fond of results being ended in a draw, but that's just me.

I'm not trying to be awkward or annoying just voicing my opinion as much as anyone else is entitled too.

On the whole ALL formats have run smoothly, the only changes which need to be done to hopefully increase the enjoyment and contribution factor for all is: Killer to return to FBL 3 vs 3 - Straight frames be increased but not over exaggerated, SL format maybe increased a little (best of 3 possibly each type?)
Posts: 38,097
18:19 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
True but Keith wants them balanced, id be all for 4 frames worth two points each which would be identical to Snooker except we have 6 frames with 3 Power, difference there is Power is guaranteed to last 45 minutes or 15 minutes per game unless theres conceding. Would be 1 hour with 4 frames.

If the League has to be balanced in points then i'm not sure because 4 frames of a type, minus Straight is too short, 6 is average and 8 is leaning to too long but 10 would be worse. Would need an idea to resolve that problem?

At the same time Players asked for increased frames for Players Championship? think its a Best of 31 (10 of each + decider) but heard no complaints there even though its a potential two sessions due to two FCL matches

Long as we agree Straight remains in the league then i have accomplished my goal and can start talking formats.
Posts: 38,097
18:25 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
'REAL opinions' that's a bit RUDE James!

may be classed as rude yeah and apologies didn't mean to sound like it but way i see it, we don't play Straight so our opinions shouldn't count much. Its more volume if a Straight player says the format is long/short as they play the type.
Posts: 14,736
18:26 Sat 18 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
IF the frames get increased to 6 then there is NO place for Straight as it will ONLY be favouring the top players and their teams respectively in my opinion. Firestorm Phoenix are very fortunate to have some very good Straight players but that doesn't mean I will remove or neglect 'fairness for all' when achieving any possible victories.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought we've been speaking about formats since yesterday - so not sure why the need for you to post the last sentence:
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