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Posts: 2,463
01:59 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.
Posts: 9,926
02:00 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Perhaps if we added the penalty system i suggested, you could form a penalty panel, similar to the default panel.

In which, after a guidelines of how many points should be deducted for a clan causing a default, the panel decides or votes for how many points should be deducted.

0 Effort in that individual fixture = 15 pts
Some effort, but only towards ends = 10 pts
Some effort throughout, circumstances where could or should have made more effort or been played = 5pts
Made effort but still their fault for not being played = Warning.
2 warnings = 5 pts penalty.

example for instance ive been active all the way through the fixture my oppo hasnt until final couple of days where i cant get on due to work or comp problems due to server but my oppo has been on them last 2 days how would you work out the default info then?? as it did happen to me

Assuming you could back this up, with evidence of your activity, opponents inactivity and any failings to make a sub from the opposition then:

You would win the default, probably 8, 9 or 10 - 0. (its key here that the team who have made less effort gets 0 points)

Opponents first offence: = Warning.
Opponents second offence: 5 or 10 points frame deduction from fixture.
Occuring offence made by opponent: Decision by panel or a straight 10 point deduction.

There is hardly no default where only one player makes effort, you can have pages of information with no actual effort to play, and other team has a few messages trying to pin a player down to play. The above does not allow for such, it would be interpretation which I can tell from doing defaults for seasons now is hugely different person to person and by the decision being made it will cause more arguments above the current ones as it is something else to argue about.
Posts: 2,588
02:01 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Perhaps that is why a penalty system should be used?

I mean I think most of us agree there should be no win bonus in the FCL... maybe in other leagues/competitions.. but there should be some form of reward or punishment for defaults.
Posts: 9,926
02:01 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?
Posts: 14,736
02:02 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the win bonuses should be accumulated at the END of the season, they can take in to account the amount of defaults encountered during the whole campaign. It can be used as a reward scheme and will do away with the individual match team win bonuses which aren't necessary. A team losing is enough, why jump on their grave and add further punishment through adding points which haven't been played for.

I like the FCL - it's always been the main league, unfortunately due to the dwindling number of teams, change might be a good welcome move.

FBL - I think this can remain the same seems to be okay - not sure on the Straight matches - maybe could be Best of 3 that way will do away with a draw after all the effort.

SL - Format is way too short, takes longer to get your opponent to play than it does to play the match itself. I'd scrap the bonus points and add them to the FBL instead.

Killer - Used to be in the FBL - needs to be incorporated back to the FBL or SL - Probably the SL would be better but can ONLY be played when ALL SL fixtures have been completed. Extra incentive to stop wasting time and try achieve more points for their team.
Posts: 2,463
02:04 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?

Naturally I assumed that if you did this to FBL, then FCL would remain at 20. and SL and cup remain as is
Posts: 9,926
02:05 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Perhaps that is why a penalty system should be used?

I mean I think most of us agree there should be no win bonus in the FCL... maybe in other leagues/competitions.. but there should be some form of reward or punishment for defaults.

There will always be a win bonus in FCL as long as I run leagues as format is flawed. I have posted the change that would be required to remove the win bonus but I know from past experience people seem scared to change.
Posts: 2,588
02:06 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?

Why don't we scrap the SL ... keep the FCL as it is for now and change the FBL to the idea above, where points are added straight into the league table, no bonuses or compromises...

Two different league runners, one for each league, but they will have to work together for times etc. And then a combined Players Championship and Killer Cup.
Posts: 10,109
02:09 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?

Why don't we scrap the SL ... keep the FCL as it is for now and change the FBL to the idea above, where points are added straight into the league table, no bonuses or compromises...

Two different league runners, one for each league, but they will have to work together for times etc. And then a combined Players Championship and Killer Cup.

Players like the FCL, players like the FBL. No changes are needed! No need to scrap the SL, use it as the experimental league!
Posts: 9,926
02:09 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?

Naturally I assumed that if you did this to FBL, then FCL would remain at 20. and SL and cup remain as is

No I want rid of the 20 and make FCL a proper team event where each clan game counts to the league and frames will decide if 2 teams are level on points, so you would get your frames again for all tied teams, so both leagues would move more to your preferred option but would not count if one team won all games 61-59 as other teams could win more frames but not win the league.
Posts: 9,926
02:13 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I'd go for that, and be happy with it.
Fbl with frame count straight to the league table, no compromise.
and why shouldn't straight count a little more?, so much more time in one game.
How about:
8us, 9us, and 8uk : 2 indiv matches each, of 10 frames. 1 point for each frame.
straight: 2 indiv matches, of 3 games. 2 points for each game.
(less overall, available from straight, because a whitewash is so likely. was done before, I liked it)
72 points up for grabs in each team match.

What FCL and FBL changing to give both scenarios?

Naturally I assumed that if you did this to FBL, then FCL would remain at 20. and SL and cup remain as is

No I want rid of the 20 and make FCL a proper team event where each clan game counts to the league and frames will decide if 2 teams are level on points, so you would get your frames again for all tied teams, so both leagues would move more to your preferred option but would not count if one team won all games 61-59 as other teams could win more frames but not win the league.

There has only been 3 leagues where this actual change would impact on the league winner. MVP way back, Professionals a few seasons back would have lost to uprising and I want to say Cobras for the other but I might have that one wrong.
Posts: 2,463
03:31 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I disagree that your idea for FCL would be moving in my direction. I'd say the opposite (you're dropping frame count completely, except in situations where 2 teams are tied). I'd tolerate it though, not complain, if FBL did the above. We'd have one league that counts frames without compromise, in a format long enough to be accurate, that's all I want.

Do this, and I highly suggest (agree with your suggestion rather) adding killer back to SL, and keeping the short/anyone can win format. They'll end up too similar otherwise (FCL and SL).

edit: if you're still recording frames in FCL anyway(for tiebreaks), you could continue the "Frame Count Shield", chris agreed to it his last season, awarded in the rare case that the FCL winner doesn't win the most frames. Not torn up over it either way if FBL does what we're talkin

Edited at 00:39 Wed 15/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
03:37 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
responding to keith,
I disagree that your idea for FCL would be moving in my direction. I'd say the opposite (you're dropping frame count completely, except in situations where 2 teams are tied). I'd tolerate it though, not complain, if FBL did the above. We'd have one league that counts frames without compromise, in a format long enough to be accurate, that's all I want.

Do this, and I highly suggest (agree with your suggestion rather) adding killer to SL, and keeping the short/anyone can win format. They'll end up too similar otherwise (FCL and SL).

Edited at 00:34 Wed 15/07/15 (BST)

That's why I would prefer to run the 3 leagues as per my post to give variation but also accuracy in team format, frame format and SL remaining short and different to others.
Posts: 2,463
03:39 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I like it
Posts: 9,926
03:41 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol you may be the only one as change doesn't usually go down well
Posts: 2,463
03:44 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's just what I've been asking for, everyone has it their way somewhere, every method decides something. Even the indiv match thing, it's still included in Cup (to decide team matches).

Edited at 01:11 Wed 15/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
12:33 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think SL is a stronger league than FBL, it's a league for everyone. Any side can win a match but still the better teams can see out wins and get comebacks and the bonus points compliment it so much for the impact. They add a decent amount onto the potential scoring but it is fair because a lot of the time if you miss a runout you give the frame away. That risk isn't
worth it if it means nothing.

The matches have been better, you don't know how they will unfold even when you play them and teams are usually still in with a chance of winning until the last game is played (Ultras comeback against Knights where it looked like they would win). Don't change the format because the big boys struggle to dominate matches like they would in the FCL.

The killer cup has been far more successful and easy to run than attaching it to another league where it might not even make an impact on an overall match.

Keep those two the same because there was nothing wrong with them, like the GSC. FCL is the classic so only minimal changes would be accepted. FBL you can experiment with because it is the hardest league to play.
Posts: 7,974
14:35 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I like the idea you spoke of before Keith, did this go any further

FCL, FCL Cup and Players Championship
play each other twice

then when the above finishes start
FBL and SL

got to be better for League staff, you would require less
people and would give you more time to play and have fun on the site

split so you get continuous clan pool, less fixtures and we may also get ranked games and more participation in tournaments etc

its got to be better than all the games, we have at the moment, surely it would mean less hassle on threads
because teams have so many more players to chose from
Posts: 10,109
15:21 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's nothing short of rank stupidity to say there's too many games, or too many leagues. Every single aspect of funkypool is voluntary, and every player can play as few league games as they require. Every captain can enter every league, or none! The option however for the opposite isn't there!
Posts: 2,588
15:26 Wed 15 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's nothing short of rank stupidity to say there's too many games, or too many leagues. Every single aspect of funkypool is voluntary, and every player can play as few league games as they require. Every captain can enter every league, or none! The option however for the opposite isn't there!

Agreed +1

All leagues should run together and there be a month or so break between seasons. Don't have just one league at a time, that will ruin clan leagues.
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