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Deleted User
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20:35 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't control my heartburn at the minute no mind them buttons
Posts: 14,736
20:37 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't control my heartburn at the minute no mind them buttons

Omeprazole are good for that.
Posts: 38,097
20:48 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is it that when I look over to the snooker side someone is always trying to promote the place. Would be good to have I think it's stormforce unsure' he has said some useful things there can we not get it posted on Funkypool too as it is a 2 into 1 site no.

Yup, Cam has done a twitter account for funky but only snooker at the moment. I have done a Facebook Group for combined Snooker and Pool users (just need the banner which Cam and Sarah are working on) which includes Java + Fixes, Site Links, Videos of Game play so far
Posts: 254
21:22 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That sounds awesome.
Posts: 7,940
21:33 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm mates with almost everyone, i still think of them as friends but i wouldn't be in a team with them as i wouldn't be able to trust them not to do it again. They deserve to be banned honestly and wouldn't blame the runners if they made the decision not to allow them to play again.

When this happened in the past i wanted to ban them (Not anyone from CnG but another person) from the league and this is on par with that as i mentioned to Seb the other day, i was thinking about it.

Lost some respect for them too despite being friends with them and would be hard to trust them in a league environment again. In time maybe i could trust them but could take years, i mean i held a grudge against MVP for years which is why i stayed clear for my new clan as it resembled MVP, only the past month i was finally able to let go and despite the grudge i have been and still friends with those associated with MVP even this day years later.

Basically just because i like them as a person and their banter, i lost respect for them on a league scale , their non-league ability on the table i still think highly of them though but from a league perspective deserve to be banned.

Why ? lol
Posts: 38,097
22:45 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
because i was an upcoming star and you crushed my dreams then joined troublesome UT which put me on the map

back then i took it serious, i mean i cried when folding a clan lol, nowadays no regrets and in a sense without MVP i wouldn't be 840+ in main 3
Posts: 38,097
22:51 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That sounds awesome.

Thanks mate, will post a link once its done
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:23 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners

Dont go passing the buck. When we all signed up we had to wait for a confimation email. Its up to the sites authorities to decide if people get this email. If they are granted it then they have joined the site and are available to be signed to a clan. How the hell am i supposed to know whos been banned and when? You do your job and i as a captain will do mine.

Gotta agree here. Not to mention there are plenty of people who are known banned on other accounts still here on new names. If you are going to hold the newly banned players to these rules those older ones should be sorted as well. Or just let then come back as new members and for league play wait their 30 days like everyone else.
Posts: 7,940
01:05 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Interested to know who these older ones are ?, bans usually last 1 month and apart from the latest ones I don't think there's been any other bans in the last month or 2, possibly longer.

As for letting them back for league play do you think this latest group of banned members should be allowed back in the leagues ?

Edited at 22:17 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:05 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Apologies on the banning issue. As I've never been banned I didn't know they only lasted a month.

For league purposes, I think they should be allowed to play again after serving the 30 waiting period. I mean from the beginning of the season the known purpose of CNG was to get banned and fold before season's end. They did exactly what they set out to do. In the past these players have played by the rules and enjoyed league play like the rest of us. I don't think they should be punished indefinitely for this silly act.
Posts: 254
15:30 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I disagree.

If somebody is as you rightly stated 'silly' enough to disrupt the clan structure purposely and 'just for a laugh' why should they be able to freely join again?

Think for a moment about the bother it's caused.

1.Players having to join different teams.

2. Fixtures changed.

3. Admin having to chase them up on new accounts because they can't serve the banning period.

4. A wrath of players not knowing who they actually played in their games.

Don't we have to question the integrity of adults (Yes, adults apparently) that set out to cheat/get banned simply for their own amusement and with complete disregard for the hassle it causes others?
Posts: 317
15:31 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Interested to know who these older ones are ?, bans usually last 1 month and apart from the latest ones I don't think there's been any other bans in the last month or 2, possibly longer.

As for letting them back for league play do you think this latest group of banned members should be allowed back in the leagues ?

Edited at 22:17 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)

What's stopping them from doing it in normal games once they are allowed back? If they are permanently banned from the leagues then they should be permanently banned from the site as well and vice versa imo.

This isn't the first time they've done It so I imagine they would be checked after every clan game in future if they do play in the leagues again.
Posts: 7,297
15:32 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You clearly dont know much about the past of these players and they have been banned before for CHEATING. I feel you cant allow these players who cheat and try to cause trouble on here any more chances . Im delighted they got caught and banned as thats not how clans are run.
Posts: 317
15:43 Fri 19 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Tinie played on Jimmy's account before and if I remember right the result cost uprising the title, yet he's still playing in the leagues now, what's the difference?
Posts: 13,570
04:00 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Cancel everything then
Posts: 14,736
06:31 Sat 20 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That's the spirit lol
Posts: 9,926
02:45 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I was going to wait till the end of the season but as people are beginning to announce moving and clans folding I would be as well start the discussion now.

It is clear from running the leagues this season that 8 games per fixture in FCL and FBL is too many games. Nearly every clan in the leagues have had problems at some point this season to get 8 games complete.

I have had to allow dispensation to some rules for clans to avoid them folding which is something that should not be required but was essential to preserve teams this season.

I would love some suggestions for how to revamp leagues, number of games being a top one in my opinion.

I do think reducing the games but increasing the number of fixtures is a way to allow clans to keep 16 players if they want but you could complete fixtures with less players if required thus hopefully stopping the need for teams to ask for dispensation etc. I am sure there are plenty other ways / suggestions and would love to hear some as what we have now is too much and does not work even though plenty will try and say different.
Posts: 10,109
02:49 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I was going to wait till the end of the season but as people are beginning to announce moving and clans folding I would be as well start the discussion now.

It is clear from running the leagues this season that 8 games per fixture in FCL and FBL is too many games. Nearly every clan in the leagues have had problems at some point this season to get 8 games complete.

I have had to allow dispensation to some rules for clans to avoid them folding which is something that should not be required but was essential to preserve teams this season.

I would love some suggestions for how to revamp leagues, number of games being a top one in my opinion.

I do think reducing the games but increasing the number of fixtures is a way to allow clans to keep 16 players if they want but you could complete fixtures with less players if required thus hopefully stopping the need for teams to ask for dispensation etc. I am sure there are plenty other ways / suggestions and would love to hear some as what we have now is too much and does not work even though plenty will try and say different.

Personally, I've not struggled at all in the FCL, I only had one set in SL when 3 players from one of our 2 teams all got computer issues at the same time. Other than that - I've not noticed any difference to any other season.
Posts: 7,974
03:16 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
make one league

less players in teams
try and bring the fun back which has been absent
for many seasons now

10 players per team, mixing all players into any game format, but they can only play in 2 game types
anyone can play the killer format

5 FCL games
3 FBL specialist games (9, 8 and UK)
one of each game format
2 Super league
and a clan killer game

this format includes all disciplines
reduces team numbers
hopefully makes more teams

chuck in players championship to see who the ultimate player is

clans are folding like cards
so why not try something different
Posts: 14,736
03:23 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
1 League - Format and Fixtures drawn completely @ random
12-14 players per team
So many days to complete the fixture to win their team a Finishing Bonus.
Subs submitted with team lists (not changeable after submission)

3 weeks per clan fixture is too drawn out - need to be rapid fire, would stop players from going AWOL and thinking no rush can take a stroll for 3 weeks then apply minimum effort on the Deadline Weekend.

Matches played on Deadline Day should accrue 0.5 points ONLY.

Just to spice things up a bit. Agree more teams the merrier, but with more teams comes more Captains and most want the title and not the actual responsibility.

Ideas ONLY - don't shoot the messenger.
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