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Posts: 254
14:15 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You explained that well James and I take my hat off to you for publicly denouncing their actions.

We just have a different outlook on the situation. I see you as being a good friend to them but not the other way around. They let you down, themselves down and the majority of players on this site down. They should now do the time and come back the wiser instead of continuing to make a mockery of the system.

Just to clarify - They let you down in that you've given loads to events on both sites and if everyone did what they did events would basically mean zilch.
Posts: 7,974
14:38 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
its such a shame really, that a lot of people taking the moral high ground themselves, remembering a comment for a long while ago and one I cant ever forget

"I cant trust you, so your out" because I spoke out about defaults been manipulated to suite

no difference in my book
to whats gone on

been banned from clan leagues because I spoke out
laughable really, when clan captains all agreed with the league runners
funny though how quickly they all turned against the runners themselves and agreed with comments id made previously

and then these guys get booted for a massive crime against funky, like its never happened before
really ???? read the threads its littered with the same people getting banned re-banned new names daily

people coming on here with new accounts, sprouting off causing grief everywhere, getting long term members muted, warnings or banned

mute these so called newbies to start with
less crap on threads immediately, less reaction and counter reaction

then there is the so called respectable captains
who have given away accounts, let people play on theirs.
is it so new all of this ?????

its site security that needs sorting out

but unfortunately you will always have cheats
and people who will do anything to win

just another sad day in funky history unfortunately
Posts: 4,228
14:45 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.

how the hell am i supposed to know who used to get banned some years ago?
Posts: 317
14:49 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.

how the hell am i supposed to know who used to get banned some years ago?

Take umma's advice and It's pretty simple lol. He's only been signed up a couple of weeks and his stats are not bad at all so by his post surely he has to be a banned user too??
Posts: 4,046
15:19 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners

Dont go passing the buck. When we all signed up we had to wait for a confimation email. Its up to the sites authorities to decide if people get this email. If they are granted it then they have joined the site and are available to be signed to a clan. How the hell am i supposed to know whos been banned and when? You do your job and i as a captain will do mine.
Posts: 4,228
15:27 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners

Dont go passing the buck. When we all signed up we had to wait for a confimation email. Its up to the sites authorities to decide if people get this email. If they are granted it then they have joined the site and are available to be signed to a clan. How the hell am i supposed to know whos been banned and when? You do your job and i as a captain will do mine.

i couldnt possibly agree more with the above! very well said m8
Posts: 254
15:39 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Dont go passing the buck. When we all signed up we had to wait for a confimation email. Its up to the sites authorities to decide if people get this email. If they are granted it then they have joined the site and are available to be signed to a clan. How the hell am i supposed to know whos been banned and when? You do your job and i as a captain will do mine.

Admin are simply asking in a roundabout way that you keep an eye on new signings, especially since a batch of accounts were recently banned and are currently making attempts to return. If you see some guy (or girl) attempting to join your clan or you approach them to join simply be mindful of the date they signed up. I guess the stats will be good or else they most likely wouldn't be joining the clan.

A simple question like 'what was your previous account' wouldn't be so difficult. If they won't tell you that says a lot IMO. If they say something along the lines of 'I used to play years ago, just returned' you have at least covered your own back and they should give you the previous account. If they can't remember the account use your common sense and make a decision.

At the end of the day it's in your best interests to help yourself. You know about the recent batch of bannings and why, so it begs the question, do you really want those guys representing your team? Admin are simply asking for a little help in implementing the rule that keeps the site fair for all.

Posts: 4,046
15:52 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you now trying to moderate on this forum/discussion thread as you accused me the other day?. I am suprised that a person who is not involved in the clans and is not a captain should feel a need to contribute let alone try to govern what is said with-in it.

Its nice though to read the views of people outside of the game regardless of their level of intellect or position in the clans.
Posts: 254
15:55 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Its nice though to read the views of people outside of the game regardless of their level of intellect or position in the clans.

No you're riight.

Carry on posting that you don't understand a simple request and how it's soooo difficult for you to come to grips with a way to even approach said simple request.

Ironic considering your low blow statement regarding intellect.

Now can we carry on with the topic instead of making personal digs at individuals? If you want to make personal digs do it to me via the message system so as not to bore others with the same ole same ole.


Edited at 13:00 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
16:37 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
just because the dates may marry up to recent events
does not mean anything, a lot of times this is pure coincidence

people on this site and I know of many
make accounts daily, one recently was an 09 account
its ridiculous to think people will go to these lengths but trust me, its true they do

admin know of many serial account makers, but unfortunately with ip blockers and computer registration blocks, its not easy

however, id suggest that anyone that's is blatantly from this country, should have ip located in this country not Canada, US or any country for that matter.

its a start
Posts: 19,967
16:56 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Dont go passing the buck. When we all signed up we had to wait for a confimation email. Its up to the sites authorities to decide if people get this email. If they are granted it then they have joined the site and are available to be signed to a clan. How the hell am i supposed to know whos been banned and when? You do your job and i as a captain will do mine.

Isn't that just the automated service to prevent spambots making accounts like most other sites?

I think what crazzymadman is getting at is that it isn't always possible to detect banned users straight away, but they may often be honest with clan captains. Knowingly signing banned players is setting your clan up for a fall and depending on their reasons for being banned may result in clan league bans/removal at the runners discretion.

It's not suggesting the captains should be punished if unbeknownst to thm a banned user joins them, but being deliberately naive is not an answer either.
Posts: 14,736
16:59 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe there could be a proper registration page? Where any false information be immeditaly a breach of the site rules and instantaneous ban.

At the moment the registration is simply: Username, Password and Email Address:

The security parameters on the site are non existent and have been like this since day one, they have never been required to be stringent until now, with mindless individuals trying to ruin the site for others.

With regards to new players: IF in doubt, just say NO - IF they continue to log on the and sustain reliability towards the site then I'm sure admin would have no reason to assume them to be a banned user. Common sense is required but agreed it's not possible to know who is genuine or not.

Edited at 14:02 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,046
17:42 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Knowingly signing banned players is setting your clan up for a fall and depending on their reasons for being banned may result in clan league bans/removal at the runners discretion.

I have no idea how i would knowingly sign a banned player. There are hundreds of players and if one asks to join who am i to know what they have done in the past. They will have a new name and reset stats which half of the "newbies" seem to have anyway. The site needs to stop them at the front door, not have the guests do it once they are inside. Its not our job to police the site for banned users, thats all im saying.
Posts: 19,967
19:43 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe there could be a proper registration page? Where any false information be immeditaly a breach of the site rules and instantaneous ban.

At the moment the registration is simply: Username, Password and Email Address:

The security parameters on the site are non existent and have been like this since day one, they have never been required to be stringent until now, with mindless individuals trying to ruin the site for others.

With regards to new players: IF in doubt, just say NO - IF they continue to log on the and sustain reliability towards the site then I'm sure admin would have no reason to assume them to be a banned user. Common sense is required but agreed it's not possible to know who is genuine or not.

Edited at 14:02 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)

I'm fairly certain that would lead to the death of the site, we want to encourage people to join not force them to undergo a DBS check. How exactly do you expect false information to be known as false, and rejecting perfectly good accounts is a terrible business stance.

Who is going to try to join a new site, fail, then try again. A banned user who knows the site or someone new to the site? The answer is a banned user.

Sorry, but there is no logic in a stance such as the above.
Posts: 19,967
19:53 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Knowingly signing banned players is setting your clan up for a fall and depending on their reasons for being banned may result in clan league bans/removal at the runners discretion.

I have no idea how i would knowingly sign a banned player. There are hundreds of players and if one asks to join who am i to know what they have done in the past. They will have a new name and reset stats which half of the "newbies" seem to have anyway. The site needs to stop them at the front door, not have the guests do it once they are inside. Its not our job to police the site for banned users, thats all im saying.

Players may admit to being a certain player, several captains on here seem pretty clued in and often give admin good information about banned users. Therefore it is not hard to say that a captain can know/suspect a user is banned. It has happened in the past.

It is impossible to stop every banned player at the door, no one is asking users to police the site. You need to stay within the realms of reason, and there are certain users who will be caught out by telling people who they are or recognising the way they post, the stories they say, the accounts creation date, etc.
Posts: 14,736
19:59 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe there could be a proper registration page? Where any false information be immeditaly a breach of the site rules and instantaneous ban.

At the moment the registration is simply: Username, Password and Email Address:

The security parameters on the site are non existent and have been like this since day one, they have never been required to be stringent until now, with mindless individuals trying to ruin the site for others.

With regards to new players: IF in doubt, just say NO - IF they continue to log on the and sustain reliability towards the site then I'm sure admin would have no reason to assume them to be a banned user. Common sense is required but agreed it's not possible to know who is genuine or not.

Edited at 14:02 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)

I'm fairly certain that would lead to the death of the site, we want to encourage people to join not force them to undergo a DBS check. How exactly do you expect false information to be known as false, and rejecting perfectly good accounts is a terrible business stance.

Who is going to try to join a new site, fail, then try again. A banned user who knows the site or someone new to the site? The answer is a banned user.

Sorry, but there is no logic in a stance such as the above.

It was a possible suggestion not an opportunity for you to slate what i say again.
Security parameters is what are at fault here, there are NONE imo.
Posts: 19,967
20:10 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I wasn't slating you, I was saying that a high level of security measures is a step in the wrong direction.

It isn't reasonable to have security measures like that.
Posts: 14,736
20:22 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I do agree the level of security needs to be as minimal but higher than its current state. It's too easy to change your IP address, there is no security to counteract that, the flushing system will wipe out 2 accounts but when the IP address is changed it has no way to locate them.

It's going to be impossible to eliminate all banned players etc but something needs to be done - what though? I'm not so sure as like you've rightly stated the demise of the site would be the worse case scenario.
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20:29 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why is it that when I look over to the snooker side someone is always trying to promote the place. Would be good to have I think it's stormforce unsure' he has said some useful things there can we not get it posted on Funkypool too as it is a 2 into 1 site no.
Posts: 14,736
20:32 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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