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21:01 Fri 12 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My palms are sweaty, so maybe but it is hot outside
Posts: 7,940
22:19 Fri 12 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just my opinion but I think all CnG players that move to another clan should be able to play straightaway, they were in the leagues and fixtures already and shouldnt be punished for others actions.
Posts: 9,456
03:27 Sat 13 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 105
03:29 Sat 13 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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Posts: 13,570
11:20 Sat 13 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 19,967
20:07 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just my opinion but I think all CnG players that move to another clan should be able to play straightaway, they were in the leagues and fixtures already and shouldnt be punished for others actions.

I've seen that Fearless Knights are fine with this, Uprising are fine with this. Perhaps if other clans are happy for it to happen then the decision can be made easier. Currently 10 players are eligible and 6 are active with a fair few outstanding matches. With shorter sets, the players would be available for some of the matches that they will miss out on now (for FCL).

Obviously some individuals won't be happy, but it's a lot of hassle for a lot of people. They don't really think about that above themselves.

Anyone else got constructive input? Keep it on topic.
Deleted User
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20:43 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just my opinion but I think all CnG players that move to another clan should be able to play straightaway, they were in the leagues and fixtures already and shouldnt be punished for others actions.

I agree with this. I also believe that whatever could be done to ensure the livelihood of a clan should be done. Nobody wants to see a clan fold especially as we've just lost one
Deleted User
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20:45 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
as ab said its not there fault cos a few of there players played silly games so we at revs will be happy for them to play
Posts: 4,971
20:45 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd be fine with it in most situations too. Especially if a clan has got many players who have got server problems or other technological problems going on and nothing can be done about it, due to the sites state with the server at the moment. Or if a clan has got many people busy at a certain time unfortunately and has a lack of availability at that moment in time. But the idea of people being signed late on in sets just to get games played when they've got no one on should be avoided. Only ones signed earlier/mid set and where really needed should be allowed.

And as Ab said, id agree because they couldn't do anything about it, so they should be eligible for this set wherever they are. Its a long set and the final set of the fcl too.
Posts: 38,097
21:41 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it should be allowed only if the clan has no active subs to get games played. If this was on Snooker though then i'm not sure what would happen as we tend to be stricter but with 5 clans and league almost in turmoil i'm not sure.

Reason i say that is no one wants to win by defaults and its better to play on the table.

For now from a runner perspective i think hes done right by disallowing us to play as were ineligible.

If Captains agree i think it should be okay too
Posts: 9,926
23:22 Mon 15 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just my opinion but I think all CnG players that move to another clan should be able to play straightaway, they were in the leagues and fixtures already and shouldnt be punished for others actions.

I've seen that Fearless Knights are fine with this, Uprising are fine with this. Perhaps if other clans are happy for it to happen then the decision can be made easier. Currently 10 players are eligible and 6 are active with a fair few outstanding matches. With shorter sets, the players would be available for some of the matches that they will miss out on now (for FCL).

Obviously some individuals won't be happy, but it's a lot of hassle for a lot of people. They don't really think about that above themselves.

Anyone else got constructive input? Keep it on topic.

I wanted to try and give what was left a chance to play them but as it stands UB have a maximum of 7 active players so are never going to complete 8 fixtures in FCL. On this basis I allow all the new signings to play as it appears most teams would prefer this to either folding or lots of defaults.

Posts: 9,456
03:22 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.
Posts: 13,570
03:25 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban. Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.

Maybe a good idea to check with staff who yer signing then Clan Numpties
Deleted User
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03:28 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Decorum at last
Posts: 38,097
12:36 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A note to all members, if you have been banned from the site and continue to come back with new names the length of your ban will continue from the most recent ban.

I doubt that will change things mate personally not because the ban is longer but some players don't care that they got banned otherwise would have taken stealthier methods

Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.

How do members know who they are signing? they can't mate without asking staff and was told in the past staff can't say who a member was as its breaking rules for them.

Only thing you could do is any staff currently in a league running position or helping out that runner is post on the thread or in a PM either not to sign the player or force remove before they can play a match.
Posts: 317
12:43 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Also a note to all clan teams signing a banned member this could effect you in the clan leagues as previously happened so please make sure you know who you're signing. All rules and bans in clans are based on the league runners.

Does this mean you'll be posting who all the banned players are from now on? If not then what a ridiculous statement to make.
Posts: 254
13:00 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Common sense.

If you have a player a few days old with stats that obviously don't fit a newbie criteria you can either ask for their history of don't sign them in the first place. We have all been here for years and know full well if somebody is genuinely new or not. Sure, you will get the odd new player that can hold their own on the table, but even then you can still tell if they have a history on the tables.

As for naming the banned members, look no further than the last few days for names, all from a single clan. I know who they are, so why would admin need to name them when it's common knowledge? We have mich, jimmy and somebody called Lee? All preachers of 'it's just an online game', yet here they are trying desperately (IMO) to return to the site they shrug off as just a laugh. These guys need to be kept away as they are now known cheats that when caught tried to play the issue down and still continue to do so, all under the 'it's just a laugh' banner. It seems even now there are a few obvious members that actually look up to these losers...Seriously?

Admin are on top of this and on behalf of all the members that 'don't' idolise losers I would like to say a big thank you. Keep up the good work!

Edited at 10:03 Thu 18/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
13:11 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
don't idolise them, still mates with them sure but don't agree with what they did and even told them that.

my above post is about 'staff' rules as they have set rules also and letting people know who are banned as far as i'm aware is still one of those rules they can't do.

will have a word with admin later and see if things has changed from years ago
Posts: 254
13:21 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
don't idolise them, still mates with them sure but don't agree with what they did and even told them that.

my above post is about 'staff' rules as they have set rules also and letting people know who are banned as far as i'm aware is still one of those rules they can't do.

will have a word with admin later and see if things has changed from years ago

I mean this kindly....You remain mates with people that tried to pull one over on fair play and you'll undoubtedly get lumped in with them. You joined their team (after leaving another) to help and with respect they left you looking stranded, so I honestly believe you should pick your mates more wisely.

Why hold loyalty to a handful of people that basically made a mockery of all the effort put into running these clans, as you personally know? All the players doing it the right way and playing fair only for the few to try and ruin it, yet still you want to be 'mates' and don't care who knows it.

Sorry, but I don't understand.

As a fair playing member I'll steer clear from anyone trying to cheat, let alone become or stay mates with them.
Posts: 38,097
13:38 Thu 18 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm mates with almost everyone, i still think of them as friends but i wouldn't be in a team with them as i wouldn't be able to trust them not to do it again. They deserve to be banned honestly and wouldn't blame the runners if they made the decision not to allow them to play again.

When this happened in the past i wanted to ban them (Not anyone from CnG but another person) from the league and this is on par with that as i mentioned to Seb the other day, i was thinking about it.

Lost some respect for them too despite being friends with them and would be hard to trust them in a league environment again. In time maybe i could trust them but could take years, i mean i held a grudge against MVP for years which is why i stayed clear for my new clan as it resembled MVP, only the past month i was finally able to let go and despite the grudge i have been and still friends with those associated with MVP even this day years later.

Basically just because i like them as a person and their banter, i lost respect for them on a league scale , their non-league ability on the table i still think highly of them though but from a league perspective deserve to be banned.
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