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15:53 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
I could be a captain if i want mate but choose not to be one. I would allow players to move as long as i had cover or i could use the guys i have without many problems.
If i was struggling or feel i was then i would politely ask the player if they can stay until i find cover or until season ends.
Top players do win most but i would rather have active players who could win rather than the top ten of the site who may rarely log in.
Fair enough about Transfers but heard some rules was 'out of date' particularly the last time it cropped up.
If i was struggling or feel i was then i would politely ask the player if they can stay until i find cover or until season ends.
Top players do win most but i would rather have active players who could win rather than the top ten of the site who may rarely log in.
Fair enough about Transfers but heard some rules was 'out of date' particularly the last time it cropped up.
15:57 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
It would be down to the runners discretion, the last case it should have been handled differently for sure but hope players and staff alike can take a lesson from it and get all the facts before making a decision to allow the move.
Allowing players to decide 'oh i don't feel too content today' maybe i'll leave and join another team completely obliterates the whole aspect in creating a team and it's ethic. Now a player could lose on purpose or not try their utmost as 'it'll be okay i'm sodding off after this match, i'm not happy'. (where are my unhappy youtube vids)
Absolute nonsense. IF a players unhappy then the Captain or Vices try to resolve it or the player leaves and waits till an open spot to join another team becomes available (known as a transfer window) or waits till the following season.
Just for the record the 2nd player to move we're actually content until got tapped up. So there are no comparisons to the previous transfer only similarity being 'it's still farcical and a joke!'
Absolute nonsense. IF a players unhappy then the Captain or Vices try to resolve it or the player leaves and waits till an open spot to join another team becomes available (known as a transfer window) or waits till the following season.
Just for the record the 2nd player to move we're actually content until got tapped up. So there are no comparisons to the previous transfer only similarity being 'it's still farcical and a joke!'
It would be down to the runners discretion, the last case it should have been handled differently for sure but hope players and staff alike can take a lesson from it and get all the facts before making a decision to allow the move.
16:05 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
Laughable !
Mirrr was taken from us and we had no cover for him and only the clan losses out which is wrong . I would of liked some time to get a replacement then release him which would of been fair for the clan and player which league runner should of done. I also asked the player politely to continue but due to all this rule changing we was left with no cover .
The league runner DIDNT even let me know any outcome , i found out by another clan announcing him . Fair ? No way!
Bring back transfer window ! Then all is clear for players and captains.
Edited at 13:16 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Mirrr was taken from us and we had no cover for him and only the clan losses out which is wrong . I would of liked some time to get a replacement then release him which would of been fair for the clan and player which league runner should of done. I also asked the player politely to continue but due to all this rule changing we was left with no cover .
The league runner DIDNT even let me know any outcome , i found out by another clan announcing him . Fair ? No way!
Bring back transfer window ! Then all is clear for players and captains.
Edited at 13:16 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
16:11 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
Without any player security then there's really no point in having and building a team. Tapping up players and building for the following season (s) is fine as it doesn't affect the present but being able to take another teams player due to losing in tournaments is just pathetic.
Edited at 13:28 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Edited at 13:28 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
16:21 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
James, you are a league runner
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
16:25 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
James I happen to agree with huts here, also you'd ask you players politely. Why bother?? There's no support mechanism for you too rely back on as there's obviously no rules and common decency with regards to dealing with another team and it's Captain.
I've been accused of ruining clan's in the past, time to take a reign check. This is solely ruining clans, the apparent lack of resolve and no player security.
This isn't a personal attack on the League Runner it's an observation and with being a part of the clan community then hopefully addressing some of the fundamental points can help improve them for the future.
Clans are what keep this site alive, kill clans and it's a gonner.
I've been accused of ruining clan's in the past, time to take a reign check. This is solely ruining clans, the apparent lack of resolve and no player security.
This isn't a personal attack on the League Runner it's an observation and with being a part of the clan community then hopefully addressing some of the fundamental points can help improve them for the future.
Clans are what keep this site alive, kill clans and it's a gonner.
16:36 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
No i'm not just helping out with results but with me busy doing other formulas for Snookers Clan League and Carom League then i haven't done as much as what is required.
Keith is the sole runner and we are his disciples, children, helpers etc.
James, you are a league runner
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
No i'm not just helping out with results but with me busy doing other formulas for Snookers Clan League and Carom League then i haven't done as much as what is required.
Keith is the sole runner and we are his disciples, children, helpers etc.
16:42 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
We don't have control that, the thing people are forgetting is Jack agreed to let him move so in my personal opinion he should be allowed to move. If declined then we would be at the dom situation only this time i would get all info required therefore learning from the last time.
Yes and we apologised for the way we handled things, people make mistakes, people learn, its human nature. Should really move on mate.
As for Transfer Window i have always said it was a poor decision to get rid of it. Either Transfer Window or the One Pass per player rule i think should apply next season
Without any player security then there's really no point in having and building a team. Tapping up players and building for the following season (s) is fine as it doesn't affect the present but being able to take another teams player due to losing in tournaments is just pathetic.
We don't have control that, the thing people are forgetting is Jack agreed to let him move so in my personal opinion he should be allowed to move. If declined then we would be at the dom situation only this time i would get all info required therefore learning from the last time.
The league runner DIDNT even let me know any outcome , i found out by another clan announcing him . Fair ? No way!
Bring back transfer window ! Then all is clear for players and captains.
Bring back transfer window ! Then all is clear for players and captains.
Yes and we apologised for the way we handled things, people make mistakes, people learn, its human nature. Should really move on mate.
As for Transfer Window i have always said it was a poor decision to get rid of it. Either Transfer Window or the One Pass per player rule i think should apply next season
17:32 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
I actually said i saw both sides and was unsure tbh, and i predicted a fallout if mirr was allowed.
I still see both sides do feel if 1 is allowed all should be, or there should be an ammendment to the rules.
Also keith is the league runner, the people that help are more like helpers, well I am anyways lol. Cant really tell you others positions as i dont know. Hence why i dont refer to myself as a league runner, all i do is input information and handle the killer games.
Probably why dgen is saying Keith this keith that.
James, you are a league runner
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question
I actually said i saw both sides and was unsure tbh, and i predicted a fallout if mirr was allowed.
I still see both sides do feel if 1 is allowed all should be, or there should be an ammendment to the rules.
Also keith is the league runner, the people that help are more like helpers, well I am anyways lol. Cant really tell you others positions as i dont know. Hence why i dont refer to myself as a league runner, all i do is input information and handle the killer games.
Probably why dgen is saying Keith this keith that.
18:19 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
"but now there's an obvious loophole"
For starters, the ability for a league runner to make an overruling decision is not a loophole. It is not a flaw which can be abused, it's protection of common sense and reason, so rules can't be used for the exact opposite reason of the rule. Secondly, that has existed since potthelot was a league runner. So it's hardly suddenly appeared.
"This is not only an action which affects this team but ALL and affects everyone."
A touch melodramatic. Clarification isn't needed because this is by no means the first time this has happened. The rules are the same as they have been, and the rules are subject to league runner discretion as they have been. If this issue has shifted the view of the majority to include a transfer window then that can be discussed, but the league runner discretion would still exist.
"IF a season is started and a player becomes unhappy then they either deactivate and create a new account - using a new alias and follow the set 1 month inactive account procedure."
Then under the rules they would be banned from the league for a season.
"IF a players unhappy then the Captain or Vices try to resolve it or the player leaves and waits till an open spot to join another team becomes available (known as a transfer window) or waits till the following season."
"Why should A captain release a player who gets tap up by another clan ? Its all wrong and shouldnt be aloud ."
A perfectly reasonably resolution is that the player moves. In fact, it is the most reasonable resolution, because this in an amateur league purely for fun and reasonable clans have done this throughout clan league history. Any actions which go against this should not be upheld.
"top players win most matches , its vital u are aloud to keep them rather than loop holes for other clans to nick them"
Player ability should not be put into consideration when creating rules. The rules are not designed to restrict players and to let clans hold them prisoner. Clans need to be able to keep hold of players through their own means (e.g. being a fun, positive group of individuals who people want to join not leave). Some people only seem to be interested in the rules when they are disadvantaged. Any claim that they are broken or there is a loophole is just a lack of understanding of them.
For starters, the ability for a league runner to make an overruling decision is not a loophole. It is not a flaw which can be abused, it's protection of common sense and reason, so rules can't be used for the exact opposite reason of the rule. Secondly, that has existed since potthelot was a league runner. So it's hardly suddenly appeared.
"This is not only an action which affects this team but ALL and affects everyone."
A touch melodramatic. Clarification isn't needed because this is by no means the first time this has happened. The rules are the same as they have been, and the rules are subject to league runner discretion as they have been. If this issue has shifted the view of the majority to include a transfer window then that can be discussed, but the league runner discretion would still exist.
"IF a season is started and a player becomes unhappy then they either deactivate and create a new account - using a new alias and follow the set 1 month inactive account procedure."
Then under the rules they would be banned from the league for a season.
"IF a players unhappy then the Captain or Vices try to resolve it or the player leaves and waits till an open spot to join another team becomes available (known as a transfer window) or waits till the following season."
"Why should A captain release a player who gets tap up by another clan ? Its all wrong and shouldnt be aloud ."
A perfectly reasonably resolution is that the player moves. In fact, it is the most reasonable resolution, because this in an amateur league purely for fun and reasonable clans have done this throughout clan league history. Any actions which go against this should not be upheld.
"top players win most matches , its vital u are aloud to keep them rather than loop holes for other clans to nick them"
Player ability should not be put into consideration when creating rules. The rules are not designed to restrict players and to let clans hold them prisoner. Clans need to be able to keep hold of players through their own means (e.g. being a fun, positive group of individuals who people want to join not leave). Some people only seem to be interested in the rules when they are disadvantaged. Any claim that they are broken or there is a loophole is just a lack of understanding of them.
18:19 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
"Mirrr was taken from us and we had no cover for him and only the clan losses out which is wrong . I would of liked some time to get a replacement then release him which would of been fair for the clan and player which league runner should of done. I also asked the player politely to continue but due to all this rule changing we was left with no cover .
The league runner DIDNT even let me know any outcome , i found out by another clan announcing him . Fair ? No way!"
Mirr had deactivated with no intention of playing for you again, he was allowed to play for another clan having already left yours. Why should the league runner tell you when he is no longer your player? What isn't fair is you expecting to be spoon fed information by a league runner. It was only relevant to C&G, so only they were told. No need for an apology.
"Without any player security then there's really no point in having and building a team."
Again, this is just melodramatic. The security is there, if you make a clan unpleasant or unwelcoming then players won't want to play for you and may leave you. The rules mean players can't just switch from clan to clan whenever they choose. But common sense can still prevail where a clan prevents a player from playing purely because they want to move.
"James, you are a league runner
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question"
Where does it say anyone but Keith is the league runner? there are background staff which Keith can consult. You've already been told what we thought and our input when the problem first came about, we don't need to repeat it every time you snap your fingers.
It is also irrelevant for you to know the exact roles of each of the staff. It's not hidden, it's just not told because there is no need to. We aren't set any targets or measured against a standard. We are volunteers giving up our own time to help the league run smoothly and allow the league to exist.
The only farce and injustice is the amount of unwarranted stick and disrespect staff have been shown by people purely because a decision went against them.
The league runner DIDNT even let me know any outcome , i found out by another clan announcing him . Fair ? No way!"
Mirr had deactivated with no intention of playing for you again, he was allowed to play for another clan having already left yours. Why should the league runner tell you when he is no longer your player? What isn't fair is you expecting to be spoon fed information by a league runner. It was only relevant to C&G, so only they were told. No need for an apology.
"Without any player security then there's really no point in having and building a team."
Again, this is just melodramatic. The security is there, if you make a clan unpleasant or unwelcoming then players won't want to play for you and may leave you. The rules mean players can't just switch from clan to clan whenever they choose. But common sense can still prevail where a clan prevents a player from playing purely because they want to move.
"James, you are a league runner
so why Keith this Keith that
or are you a league runner, that loves the title and does nothing ?
there have been many of those before
grow some don't tell us what you think
tells us what you are doing
and whether you agreed to the mirr move
did you and zante, punkpoet agree or disagree
because reading your posts no one agreed
so as a league runner what are your responsibilities
just a simple question"
Where does it say anyone but Keith is the league runner? there are background staff which Keith can consult. You've already been told what we thought and our input when the problem first came about, we don't need to repeat it every time you snap your fingers.
It is also irrelevant for you to know the exact roles of each of the staff. It's not hidden, it's just not told because there is no need to. We aren't set any targets or measured against a standard. We are volunteers giving up our own time to help the league run smoothly and allow the league to exist.
The only farce and injustice is the amount of unwarranted stick and disrespect staff have been shown by people purely because a decision went against them.
18:21 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
keith also kept quiet on who was voteing ect which he withheld . why withheld things from a clan captain that should know this info as it involves his clan and player.
(I already knew who voted anyways but just wanted confirmation on it )
its Error upon Error!
only james have apologised , shouldn't that be league runner posting it too ?
fact is guys this will happen again and again which we don't want . I wont tell another clans player to say untrue things like they are unhappy ect , just to sign them as its all wrong .
Fact is : No communication was done , No important information was asked which was hugely necessary to allow a fair vote .
(I already knew who voted anyways but just wanted confirmation on it )
its Error upon Error!
only james have apologised , shouldn't that be league runner posting it too ?
fact is guys this will happen again and again which we don't want . I wont tell another clans player to say untrue things like they are unhappy ect , just to sign them as its all wrong .
Fact is : No communication was done , No important information was asked which was hugely necessary to allow a fair vote .
18:35 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
zante :Mirr had deactivated with no intention of playing for you again, he was allowed to play for another clan having already left yours.
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
18:44 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
The vote wasn't a vote, it was a gathering of the thoughts of a bunch of those with a great deal of experience in captaining, league running, league staffing, being on a default panel and and huge experience of general participation in the league and who are proven to be impartial. There isn't a more appropriate selection of people to gain the opinion of.
There is no error, there is no obligation to tell previous clans the decision that a runner has come to.
No, to apologize would be to accept error. James is apologizing because he is an extremely polite person despite the criticism he has recieved and an apology is an amicable approach.
The player wasn't happy to stay, characterized by him deactivating over playing for you. You don't know how he felt because you never bothered to really speak to him.
We had all the information we needed, anything else would make no difference. We don't need a clan to say how it has rejected a players request to move because it is simply too obvious. There would be no reason for a runner to deliberate on the matter if it wasn't. What other information could possibly help?
We had the information you gave Keith when you wanted clarification like we had Dom's. There is nothing else relevant that wouldn't be inferred.
keith also kept quiet on who was voteing ect which he withheld . why withheld things from a clan captain that should know this info as it involves his clan and player.
(I already knew who voted anyways but just wanted confirmation on it )
its Error upon Error!
only james have apologised , shouldn't that be league runner posting it too ?
fact is guys this will happen again and again which we don't want . I wont tell another clans player to say untrue things like they are unhappy ect , just to sign them as its all wrong .
Fact is : No communication was done , No important information was asked which was hugely necessary to allow a fair vote .
(I already knew who voted anyways but just wanted confirmation on it )
its Error upon Error!
only james have apologised , shouldn't that be league runner posting it too ?
fact is guys this will happen again and again which we don't want . I wont tell another clans player to say untrue things like they are unhappy ect , just to sign them as its all wrong .
Fact is : No communication was done , No important information was asked which was hugely necessary to allow a fair vote .
The vote wasn't a vote, it was a gathering of the thoughts of a bunch of those with a great deal of experience in captaining, league running, league staffing, being on a default panel and and huge experience of general participation in the league and who are proven to be impartial. There isn't a more appropriate selection of people to gain the opinion of.
There is no error, there is no obligation to tell previous clans the decision that a runner has come to.
No, to apologize would be to accept error. James is apologizing because he is an extremely polite person despite the criticism he has recieved and an apology is an amicable approach.
The player wasn't happy to stay, characterized by him deactivating over playing for you. You don't know how he felt because you never bothered to really speak to him.
We had all the information we needed, anything else would make no difference. We don't need a clan to say how it has rejected a players request to move because it is simply too obvious. There would be no reason for a runner to deliberate on the matter if it wasn't. What other information could possibly help?
We had the information you gave Keith when you wanted clarification like we had Dom's. There is nothing else relevant that wouldn't be inferred.
18:46 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
Doesn't matter what he was told, he made the decision to quit when he deactivated. At that point he can no longer play for BS and has left them. He remains ineligible to play for another clan but he does not 'belong' to BS. It doesn't matter if he was told to do it, he still had no intention of playing for you again. If he hadn't been told, he still wouldn't have played.
Keith allowed him to play for C&G, any player is free to leave a clan at any point without consent of anyone in the clan.
zante :Mirr had deactivated with no intention of playing for you again, he was allowed to play for another clan having already left yours.
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
Doesn't matter what he was told, he made the decision to quit when he deactivated. At that point he can no longer play for BS and has left them. He remains ineligible to play for another clan but he does not 'belong' to BS. It doesn't matter if he was told to do it, he still had no intention of playing for you again. If he hadn't been told, he still wouldn't have played.
Keith allowed him to play for C&G, any player is free to leave a clan at any point without consent of anyone in the clan.
18:50 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
Completely incorrect Lee.
I actually told him the opposite, told him not to deactivate as if he comes back on a new name he would be banned from the league for a season and it was best to wait for Horse to be in touch first to see what happens.
It was his decision and his decision only to deactivate, which is completely irrelevant to the whole him moving to us anyway I think the outcome of the vote which Keith and the people who help him would have been the same either way.
If you wanna keep blaming me so be it, a friend of mine told he was unahappy at his clan, I said we may have space after he finished his fixtures (one of which he played a few hours later vs our captain) and then he asked you if he could leave, when you said no and he told you he weren't going to play for you he deactivated.
Obviously there was a bit of conversation in between but yeah that's about it.
Should players be allowed to change clans? My personal opinion is yes.
Should there be some safeguarding for the clans who are losing the players? Again my opinion is yes.
I understand why you are a bit miffed but it's done with now.
zante :Mirr had deactivated with no intention of playing for you again, he was allowed to play for another clan having already left yours.
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
totally wrong, he was told to deactivate in order to get the move and he didn't leave BS at all . Keith allowed him to leave after he deactivated. which was all planned by mich .
Completely incorrect Lee.
I actually told him the opposite, told him not to deactivate as if he comes back on a new name he would be banned from the league for a season and it was best to wait for Horse to be in touch first to see what happens.
It was his decision and his decision only to deactivate, which is completely irrelevant to the whole him moving to us anyway I think the outcome of the vote which Keith and the people who help him would have been the same either way.
If you wanna keep blaming me so be it, a friend of mine told he was unahappy at his clan, I said we may have space after he finished his fixtures (one of which he played a few hours later vs our captain) and then he asked you if he could leave, when you said no and he told you he weren't going to play for you he deactivated.
Obviously there was a bit of conversation in between but yeah that's about it.
Should players be allowed to change clans? My personal opinion is yes.
Should there be some safeguarding for the clans who are losing the players? Again my opinion is yes.
I understand why you are a bit miffed but it's done with now.
19:15 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
I have all messages from me and mirrr saved and not one message said he was unhappy before he played jimmy in which jimmy got a spanking 11-4 . Also in mirrr post via thread he would put kisses on his results , sounds very unhappy not ! Lol .
Agree all done with now but your actions only opened up the bad way to sign players and the way not to do things .
Fact is he was cool at BS until he was asked to join by mich and was told what things to do to get a move . Its clear to everyone and ive had alot of people agree with me on this .
Agree all done with now but your actions only opened up the bad way to sign players and the way not to do things .
Fact is he was cool at BS until he was asked to join by mich and was told what things to do to get a move . Its clear to everyone and ive had alot of people agree with me on this .
19:25 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
Without any player security then there's really no point in having and building a team. Tapping up players and building for the following season (s) is fine as it doesn't affect the present but being able to take another teams player due to losing in tournaments is just pathetic.
Edited at 13:28 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Edited at 13:28 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
19:54 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
The vote wasn't a vote, it was a gathering of the thoughts of a bunch of those with a great deal of experience in captaining, league running, league staffing, being on a default panel and and huge experience of general participation in the league and who are proven to be impartial. There isn't a more appropriate selection of people to gain the opinion of.
Cheers pal
What its hard to find compliments on here lol.
I agree with what you say about runners and staff getting stick, dont you know I set up all of the killer games and stayed in them all which at a minimum last 50 minutes each, and one person out of god knows how many said thanks to me...
Not a big issue but tbh annoyed me quite abit.
Maybe people shoukd show more respect on here.
Cheers pal
What its hard to find compliments on here lol.
I agree with what you say about runners and staff getting stick, dont you know I set up all of the killer games and stayed in them all which at a minimum last 50 minutes each, and one person out of god knows how many said thanks to me...
Not a big issue but tbh annoyed me quite abit.
Maybe people shoukd show more respect on here.
20:03 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)
So you are saying that it is impossible for someone to be unhappy without messaging you to say so? That is just politeness, because he trying so it can't be said he didn't try. You never tried to converse with him and only spoke when he posted a result. I can put kisses in my posts whether i'm happy or not. He posted a lot less than previously had. This is all just repeating, because you aren't seeing beyond your own frustration.
Is that the only information you would have added? because we had access to that. I'm curious as to this information that you would've been so desperate to tell us had you had the chance that would've affected our decision.
The actions were fine, it is your actions that have opened up the way to do things badly and try to trap players. That is not what should be desired.
I have all messages from me and mirrr saved and not one message said he was unhappy before he played jimmy in which jimmy got a spanking 11-4 . Also in mirrr post via thread he would put kisses on his results , sounds very unhappy not ! Lol .
Agree all done with now but your actions only opened up the bad way to sign players and the way not to do things .
Fact is he was cool at BS until he was asked to join by mich and was told what things to do to get a move . Its clear to everyone and ive had alot of people agree with me on this .
Agree all done with now but your actions only opened up the bad way to sign players and the way not to do things .
Fact is he was cool at BS until he was asked to join by mich and was told what things to do to get a move . Its clear to everyone and ive had alot of people agree with me on this .
So you are saying that it is impossible for someone to be unhappy without messaging you to say so? That is just politeness, because he trying so it can't be said he didn't try. You never tried to converse with him and only spoke when he posted a result. I can put kisses in my posts whether i'm happy or not. He posted a lot less than previously had. This is all just repeating, because you aren't seeing beyond your own frustration.
Is that the only information you would have added? because we had access to that. I'm curious as to this information that you would've been so desperate to tell us had you had the chance that would've affected our decision.
The actions were fine, it is your actions that have opened up the way to do things badly and try to trap players. That is not what should be desired.
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