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Posts: 19,819
14:41 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Special dispensations or rules are rules?

Should clans be allowed to add players when they are low? Or should rules be rules?
A clan against us hasnt got enough active players, they can add a player who isnt be the rules eligible as it would go to default.
should this be allowed or not?
For me im a rules guy, i follow the rules, but doing so will get a default, and as i runclans for fun shouldnt i just allow the ineigible player to be played.
I honestly don't know and to be frank abit fed up of worrying about clans for now.
Let m know what you think, and oh yeah no arguements.
Posts: 4,046
14:59 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the rules should be followed. However, maybe a new rule that allows Captains to play upto 3 times or something in a set to guarantee they dont fold.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:10 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a match not be played regardless who your opponent is? Is there any need for constant crap going back and forth?

Justify this and justify that

complain about a substitution and then say you don't care who you play.

Personally I'd Cap a couple of threads and shut folk up.
ALL as bad as each other
no one complained about the substitution, we complained they lied about the reason. How is it so hard for a few people to get into their head. If ash hadn't made a song and dance at the start of the season about defo not making tactical subs then his clan do it and claim it's not tactical. How on earth can you not see that's the problem?
Posts: 10,109
15:57 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Special dispensations or rules are rules?

Should clans be allowed to add players when they are low? Or should rules be rules?
A clan against us hasnt got enough active players, they can add a player who isnt be the rules eligible as it would go to default.
should this be allowed or not?
For me im a rules guy, i follow the rules, but doing so will get a default, and as i runclans for fun shouldnt i just allow the ineigible player to be played.
I honestly don't know and to be frank abit fed up of worrying about clans for now.
Let m know what you think, and oh yeah no arguements.

I was totally behind sticking to the rules, but a precedent has been set this season. Due to several unfortunate events our SL team have been left short. If we don't get dispensation for 2andygorams to play - the match won't get played. When Pro's was given dispensation for nike to play, the fixture wasn't even at risk. I'm not condemning any move, but since they was allowed - it's only reasonable that we should be allowed also.

Next season there should either be free movement entirely, or no movement with no dispensations.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:01 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are golden cue tables being run this season for all the leagues?
Yes , all are on the league site

Yep, I saw this, but the actual tables aren't currently hosted on the website (clink on the links on the one above). Good to know though.
Posts: 14,736
16:09 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree here with faust:

Rules have to be the same and consistent for all - Rules are put in to place to combat any possible manipulations and to set the precedent for all to adhere too.

The moment any rule is broken or a sign of leniency displayed then it only opens up the thinking 'why them and not us?' or creates a lot of unnecessary hysteria.

SL - We have a match currently in place and have been informed due to lack of team members or activity they have requested to fold that side. It's very unfortunate and annoying at the same time due to the players who have completed their fixtures and achieved some pretty good results. Now their efforts and application are going to count for nothing.

I think a team should ONLY enter one side UNLESS they have a proven track record in being able to sustain 2 in future. Maybe another suggestion could be 1 player is used as a Wildcard in order to complete a fixture but can only achieve 0.5 points per frame won.

(or something along those lines - not necessarily that suggestion)

Main premise is: Rules should be Resolute, Consistent & Applicable to ALL no Dispensation should be given at all. (IMO)
Posts: 19,819
18:27 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Special dispensations or rules are rules?

Should clans be allowed to add players when they are low? Or should rules be rules?
A clan against us hasnt got enough active players, they can add a player who isnt be the rules eligible as it would go to default.
should this be allowed or not?
For me im a rules guy, i follow the rules, but doing so will get a default, and as i runclans for fun shouldnt i just allow the ineigible player to be played.
I honestly don't know and to be frank abit fed up of worrying about clans for

I was totally behind sticking to the rules, but a precedent has been set this season. Due to several unfortunate events our SL team have been left short. If we don't get dispensation for 2andygorams to play - the match won't get played. When Pro's was given dispensation for nike to play, the fixture wasn't even at risk. I'm not condemning any move, but since they was allowed - it's only reasonable that we should be allowed also.

Next season there should either be free movement entirely, or no movement with no dispensations.

Well ive okayed the dispensation as its been put, i agree with the above and with ash that there needs to be specific rules, and also only proven teams shoukd be allowed 2 teams, personally ive always shyed away from 2 teams lol.
Though obviously i had the uprising idea in mind i was looking for just general opinions.
Posts: 10,109
19:00 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Well ive okayed the dispensation as its been put, i agree with the above and with ash that there needs to be specific rules, and also only proven teams shoukd be allowed 2 teams, personally ive always shyed away from 2 teams lol.
Though obviously i had the uprising idea in mind i was looking for just general opinions.

Well I agree with everyone else. There shouldn't be dispensations - there should either be complete movement or no movement. In the latter case, we'd have had to take a hit on the default - but that would be ok if everyone was in the same boat.

To be fair, we've always entered 2 teams and this is the first time we've had an issue. You never expect 3 people in the same team to
break computers in the same time period, and one player to quit at the same time. It's incredible misfortune for 4 players to become unavailable at once from a 7 man SL team.
Posts: 19,819
19:41 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Well ive okayed the dispensation as its been put, i agree with the above and with ash that there needs to be specific rules, and also only proven teams shoukd be allowed 2 teams, personally ive always shyed away from 2 teams lol.
Though obviously i had the uprising idea in mind i was looking for just general opinions.

Well I agree with everyone else. There shouldn't be dispensations - there should either be complete movement or no movement. In the latter case, we'd have had to take a hit on the default - but that would be ok if everyone was in the same boat.

To be fair, we've always entered 2 teams and this is the first time we've had an issue. You never expect 3 people in the same team to
break computers in the same time period, and one player to quit at the same time. It's incredible misfortune for 4 players to become unavailable at once from a 7 man SL team.

I think the idea of your team has proven they can do 2 teams i meant a different team on that part.
Posts: 13,570
19:50 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a match not be played regardless who your opponent is? Is there any need for constant crap going back and forth?

Justify this and justify that

complain about a substitution and then say you don't care who you play.

Personally I'd Cap a couple of threads and shut folk up.
ALL as bad as each other
no one complained about the substitution, we complained they lied about the reason. How is it so hard for a few people to get into their head. If ash hadn't made a song and dance at the start of the season about defo not making tactical subs then his clan do it and claim it's not tactical. How on earth can you not see that's the problem?

I'm having difficulty with your reasoning here.
Surely if you say that you're not complaining about the substitution, then the reason has no bearing.

I have also read that UB's don't care who they play. Again another reason that there is no need for this pathetic song and dance to go on.........
Posts: 13,570
19:51 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a match not be played regardless who your opponent is? Is there any need for constant crap going back and forth?

Justify this and justify that

complain about a substitution and then say you don't care who you play.

Personally I'd Cap a couple of threads and shut folk up.
ALL as bad as each other
no one complained about the substitution, we complained they lied about the reason. How is it so hard for a few people to get into their head. If ash hadn't made a song and dance at the start of the season about defo not making tactical subs then his clan do it and claim it's not tactical. How on earth can you not see that's the problem?

I'm having difficulty with your reasoning here.
Surely if you say that you're not complaining about the substitution, then the reason has no bearing.

I have also read that UB's don't care who they play. Again another reason that there is no need for this pathetic song and dance to go on???
Posts: 13,570
19:51 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My Final Word on this is quite simple.
In your post above you state how Ash said. That statement in itself is crap. I've read the things Ash says. Surely to God you should know by now to ignore and get on with it??
Having had to troll through ALL the crap on the thread the last time, my sympathy goes out to a lot of the Knights, but you cannot just blame Ash. One day he may get full control of his gob, I pray he does, and refrain from could others!
Posts: 9,926
23:13 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are golden cue tables being run this season for all the leagues?
Yes , all are on the league site

Yep, I saw this, but the actual tables aren't currently hosted on the website (clink on the links on the one above). Good to know though.

I have updated FCL and FBL fixture set 1 in full, when I get a chance later I will post them onto the website.

Posts: 9,926
03:21 Fri 8 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are golden cue tables being run this season for all the leagues?
Yes , all are on the league site

Yep, I saw this, but the actual tables aren't currently hosted on the website (clink on the links on the one above). Good to know though.

I have updated FCL and FBL fixture set 1 in full, when I get a chance later I will post them onto the website.


FCL and FBL golden cues now on website.

FBL table added as well for fixture set 1
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:33 Fri 8 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah yeah, have just seen those, thanks!

Are you bothering with a super league one this season? Can understand if not!
Posts: 19,967
23:53 Fri 8 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah yeah, have just seen those, thanks!

Are you bothering with a super league one this season? Can understand if not!

That would be my fault, yes there will be. GC for the frames and an award for most runouts and GBs. It'll be some point in the next few days (remind me if I forget).
Posts: 14,736
15:08 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Copied from.Revolutions threa:

Correct I told you to contact horse10000 he's the League Runner. That has absolutely nothing to do with the outcome and my own personal opinion. I'm speaking more as a current Team Captain who is concerned by the recent lack of rules and what it could entail for everyone else.

It could have an adverse effect on Fearless Knights, I like to think that ALL our players are happy being where they are but now there's an obvious loophole in when a player is actually available then of course I am going to express some concerns.

I think we need clarification on the whole subject matter preferably from the League Runner ASAP. This is not only an action which affects this team but ALL and affects everyone.

* So if any player expreses a displeasure with being in a team if they ask nicely and are given approval by the League Runner they can pack their bags and join another team even though a season's ACTIVE?
Posts: 38,097
15:36 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If a captain releases which jack did then theres no reason for keith to prevent the move. runners should only intervene if jack refused to release in which case a case could be sent to keith or keith says no and its the end.

Far as i understand if captains release then moving is fine otherwise your stuck unless the runner allows the move.

One player moving i think doesn't have a major impact on any team except the two involved as they could be replaced
Posts: 14,736
15:43 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm questioning the initial principle which to me seems to be completely wrong.

IF a season is started and a player becomes unhappy then they either deactivate and create a new account - using a new alias and follow the set 1 month inactive account procedure.

Allowing players to decide 'oh i don't feel too content today' maybe i'll leave and join another team completely obliterates the whole aspect in creating a team and it's ethic. Now a player could lose on purpose or not try their utmost as 'it'll be okay i'm sodding off after this match, i'm not happy'. (where are my unhappy youtube vids)

Absolute nonsense. IF a players unhappy then the Captain or Vices try to resolve it or the player leaves and waits till an open spot to join another team becomes available (known as a transfer window) or waits till the following season.

Just for the record the 2nd player to move we're actually content until got tapped up. So there are no comparisons to the previous transfer only similarity being 'it's still farcical and a joke!'
Posts: 7,297
15:48 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If a captain releases which jack did then theres no reason for keith to prevent the move. runners should only intervene if jack refused to release in which case a case could be sent to keith or keith says no and its the end.

Far as i understand if captains release then moving is fine otherwise your stuck unless the runner allows the move.

One player moving i think doesn't have a major impact on any team except the two involved as they could be replaced

James i dont think your seeing the point here , u cant allow players to sign for other clans when rules state no transfers are aloud .

Why should A captain release a player who gets tap up by another clan ? Its all wrong and shouldnt be aloud .

No offence james but your not a captain on here and if u was one u would want some cover for your players against other clans trying to take your players . One player can count for an overall win or loss.

Example - top players win most matches , its vital u are aloud to keep them rather than loop holes for other clans to nick them .
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