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Posts: 7,974
23:22 Sun 20 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
weve played alot of games in the first fixture

players are enjoying it, scoring is a little complicated but will become alot eaiser when players do there own

its new and needs a little time

but the important part is players like it
Posts: 19,967
02:26 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
About the bonus points for completion, would it not make more sense to award them after the deadline (say 7 games were completed, 7 points awarded). That way they don't get tagged onto individual games. If I won every single frame I played I still can't achieve a whitewash, 100% points (golden cue if you have one) would never be possible because of an added 1 point which you can't do anything about.
Posts: 11,062
02:33 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^Always refuse to play the last frame lol
Deleted User
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03:03 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think the scoring is stupid personally.

If you're 2-1 up in any of the game sets and someone flukes a golden break that is annoying enough but them scoring 3 points from it and being 4-2 up from one shot is ridiculous.
Even a run out doesn't deserve it, more skillful than a gb (apart from some of the 9 ball cheapies) but still just 1 frame.
Deleted User
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03:15 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think the scoring is stupid personally.

If you're 2-1 up in any of the game sets and someone flukes a golden break that is annoying enough but them scoring 3 points from it and being 4-2 up from one shot is ridiculous.
Even a run out doesn't deserve it, more skillful than a gb (apart from some of the 9 ball cheapies) but still just 1 frame.
The whole bous points per win is crazy..its bonus points for no reason really, other than to help out your team..or against your team!!
Deleted User
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03:42 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets get the chat going!!!
Deleted User
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05:41 Mon 21 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can understand they want to do something more like FCL but with a novelty factor like FSL but the bonus points for the events don't work with the bonus points for winning each game type...for the reason I have pointed out.
Deleted User
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00:05 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think the scoring is stupid personally.

If you're 2-1 up in any of the game sets and someone flukes a golden break that is annoying enough but them scoring 3 points from it and being 4-2 up from one shot is ridiculous.
Even a run out doesn't deserve it, more skillful than a gb (apart from some of the 9 ball cheapies) but still just 1 frame.

Just to clarify that scenario. Event bonuses do not affect the allocation of the Win Bonuses.

That means if you are 2-1 up and your opponent wins the 4th rack by GB or Run Out then it becomes 2-2 (3-3 with the shared Win Bonus). The Event Bonus is an additional point therefore the score at that stage would now be 4-3.
Deleted User
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02:40 Tue 22 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah ok cheers for the clarification Chris, sounds good then
Deleted User
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21:58 Wed 23 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - The League Cup

Round 1 Draw can be seen here...

Round 1 games

Fighting Eagles v The Reliable Ones
Uprising v Pocket Dynamos
The Unbeatables v The Underdogs
Elite Force v The Vipers

Games are 8 a side therefore team lists required accordingly before Saturday night please.

All games are one single rack of each game type - 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight, 9 Arcade & 8 Arcade - 6 racks in total. One point per rack won and no other bonus points.

Should the overall scores be level after all 8 matches are complete then there will be clan killer tie-break showdown for as many clan members (up to a max of 7) from each side that they can muster at the prescribed time.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:21 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Due to the amount of players who do not wish to go anywhere near arcade during the course of a clan season, we have no option but to pull out of the clan league cup and just participate in the League.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:18 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Due to the amount of players who do not wish to go anywhere near arcade during the course of a clan season, we have no option but to pull out of the clan league cup and just participate in the League.

That's disappointing. I actually thought you were going to self-create a real challenge of trying to win by only playing the 4 non-Arcade racks in each match.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:23 Thu 24 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Due to the amount of players who do not wish to go anywhere near arcade during the course of a clan season, we have no option but to pull out of the clan league cup and just participate in the League.

That's disappointing. I actually thought you were going to self-create a real challenge of trying to win by only playing the 4 non-Arcade racks in each match.

I would play arcade personally, a lot of the others wouldn't wish to.

I can run this idea past them see how they feel.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:13 Fri 25 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - The League Cup

Round 1 games

Fighting Eagles v The Reliable Ones
Uprising v Pocket Dynamos
The Unbeatables v The Underdogs
Elite Force v The Vipers

Fixtures can be found here...

All eight games consist of six individual one rack shoot-outs in each of the game types - 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight, 9 Arcade & 8 Arcade - 6 racks in total per game. One point per game type won and no other bonus points.

Should the overall scores be level after all 8 matches are complete then there will be clan killer tie-break showdown for as many clan members (up to a max of 7) from each side that they can muster at the prescribed time.

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK on 10th February 2013

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 11:28 Sat 26/01/13 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
21:56 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey, I'm not happy about being told that TRO were out of the TCL and then randomly 2 days later can you play your games with no explanation. No offence to the team but I don't feel they should be allowed back in and as they have been thinking the decision should of been made sooner.
I know alot of players arn't happy including myself
Posts: 7,940
22:04 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey, I'm not happy about being told that TRO were out of the TCL and then randomly 2 days later can you play your games with no explanation. No offence to the team but I don't feel they should be allowed back in and as they have been thinking the decision should of been made sooner.
I know alot of players arn't happy including myself

What do you need explaining, their captain pulled them out the league then one of their players said they could run the clan, last thing anyone wants to do is stop people playing in clans so if they can keep going its great for the players, lets give them a chance.
Posts: 19,819
22:08 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey, I'm not happy about being told that TRO were out of the TCL and then randomly 2 days later can you play your games with no explanation. No offence to the team but I don't feel they should be allowed back in and as they have been thinking the decision should of been made sooner.
I know alot of players arn't happy including myself

What do you need explaining, their captain pulled them out the league then one of their players said they could run the clan, last thing anyone wants to do is stop people playing in clans so if they can keep going its great for the players, lets give them a chance.

Yes but now we have less days to complete and after being told we did not have to play them we now have to with not any sort of explanation.
Now I have to message my guys and get them to play, and try and aviod a default.
Posts: 7,940
22:13 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey, I'm not happy about being told that TRO were out of the TCL and then randomly 2 days later can you play your games with no explanation. No offence to the team but I don't feel they should be allowed back in and as they have been thinking the decision should of been made sooner.
I know alot of players arn't happy including myself

What do you need explaining, their captain pulled them out the league then one of their players said they could run the clan, last thing anyone wants to do is stop people playing in clans so if they can keep going its great for the players, lets give them a chance.

Yes but now we have less days to complete and after being told we did not have to play them we now have to with not any sort of explanation.
Now I have to message my guys and get them to play, and try and aviod a default.

I really don't know why you need an explanation, its on the threads that they have a new captain, so its obvious they will continue, as for having less days its actually only one day they were out for.
Posts: 19,819
22:20 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Obvious they will continue? Though a league runner told me today they wouldn't be?
Not going to sit here and argue with you not my kind of thing, I wanted to get my point across.
Posts: 8,315
22:21 Thu 31 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
They been out 3 days Ab on team changes ...
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