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Posts: 11,057
15:49 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
^You talk about responding respectfully, craig. Lead by example.

Of course it's easier to predict FBL than FCL. People won't take much notice if a default is 4-2 or 5-1. But people will definitely take notice when it's 8-7 vs 11-4. So clearly easier to predict those- always has been.
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16:02 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
right ok

if you deduct 1 point for teams not messaging
1 point for no activity
1 point for late subs

nd you have 6points how is tht easier

default panels use the same guidelines, so 3-3 is easy to predict in FBL, but there are many more factors to consider

with more points its easier, its all about the impact of loosing points
there is no difference between defaults panels wihin reason the way they deduct points

the problem seems to arise because ppl use the 15 points in a default instead of teams loosing points, it shouldnt be about giving it should be about taking points away for offenders or am i missing somthing

Question for you how times in FCL were the max 15 points awarded ???

how many lost points
Posts: 11,057
16:14 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
In my opinion, points should be deducted if there are valid reasons to deduct points (no messages were sent; people were barely online; people didn't show up for agreed times).
If the two players were online a decent amount, each sent 2 messages, but just weren't able to find a time, there is little reason to deduct points.
There were defaults this season where a player had been active almost the entire time, sent 3 messages, and asked for subs. In defaults, the score was something like 8-2. Why did the player not receive 13-2? What more could he have done to get the game played?

The point dgen was making was that with 15 points, you'll have more variance among the default members. You'll have someone saying 8-3, another saying 9-6, another saying 8-6. So it's much more difficult for the default team to agree on a score.
Whereas in FBL, people will say 4-2, 4-1, and 3-2. That's easier to settle.
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16:20 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
as i asked how many defualt games had all 15 points awarded oppose to teams losing points

its only a question
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17:01 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There are some fair comments about defaults here.

I think the best thing for me and Jay to do as managers of defaults is to issue a set of guidelines or questions they should be asking themselves when predicting defaults.

For example...

How active were the players?
Where subs made?
If subs where made, what was the previous players activity?
What messages were sent?

I think that players sending in their version of events needs to be stopped or ignored if sent in as this can be false, we should be dealing with concrete evidence submitted by players.
Deleted User
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17:14 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you might find this link helpful FBL used this all last season

default guidelines that are given to default staff, and are available on the default website also panelists were given trial defualts before the season began to makesure that they were up to standard

you may want to use it you may not

Edited at 14:17 Tue 22/05/12 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
17:17 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
of course its easier to predict FBL, 6 points, lets say FCL got raised to 200 frames and player was active for 3 out of 14 days, sent 0 messages and the other guy was active for 11/14 days and sent 4 messages. how can you possibly work out default for that? its very hard, if its same scenario for FBL active player wins 4-2/5-1 easy to predict so yes craig i am for real and i do think what im posting.

sometimes i worry about you too at being a runner next season if this is treatment i get for a simple post which is fair what will you be like at thick of it all? to be a runner you need to keep your emotions in check, yes sometimes you need to lose steam but over a valid point, i don't think so. I thought you was really trying but obviously not.

have a good day
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17:21 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
james you have fear of me being a runner nxt season both me and sarah have done everything all season and had possibly the most successful season in the FBL thats a fact

weve moved things on and become progressive

i will leave it at that...
Posts: 38,097
17:24 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
james you have fear of me being a runner nxt season both me and sarah have done everything all season and had possibly the most successful season in the FBL thats a fact

weve moved things on and become progressive

lets just look back at your last season in FCL leaves alot to be desired... any way moving and maybe get this thread back on topic,,,

its not the running side of things, i think you do that ok, its the arguing side that has me in doubts
Deleted User
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17:24 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

I think that players sending in their version of events needs to be stopped or ignored if sent in as this can be false, we should be dealing with concrete evidence submitted by players.

Just getting captains to post the links to the relevant forum posts is so much easier than having big blocks of text up there...just messages then
Deleted User
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17:25 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
agreed there lee

save ppl trawling through all the rubbish
Posts: 38,097
17:25 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There are some fair comments about defaults here.

I think the best thing for me and Jay to do as managers of defaults is to issue a set of guidelines or questions they should be asking themselves when predicting defaults.

For example...

How active were the players?
Where subs made?
If subs where made, what was the previous players activity?
What messages were sent?

I think that players sending in their version of events needs to be stopped or ignored if sent in as this can be false, we should be dealing with concrete evidence submitted by players.

should be asking themselves that anyway Jem, the new panelists should get some trial defaults provided by the runners of different scenarios then you can sort the ones who do a good job from ones who can't
Deleted User
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17:32 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
james you have fear of me being a runner nxt season both me and sarah have done everything all season and had possibly the most successful season in the FBL thats a fact

weve moved things on and become progressive

i will leave it at that...

It was an amazingly successful season up until you plunged it into farce rather than just accept you shouldn't be able to make a sub if you aren't even on the team sheet.
The rules that had worked brilliantly all season were changed and total mayhem followed as I told sarah it would.
I do have major doubts in you still not being able to make any decision where the first priority isn't shooters to be honest but you do judge defaults fairly so willing to give you a chance and hopefully be proven wrong.
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17:39 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh James they should be asking that, but I think that not everyone is, perhaps if they are on the default forum in black and white with example predictions, the less experienced panelists have something to refer to if they are unsure.

as you quite rightly pointed out 15 frames is difficult to deal with
Posts: 38,097
17:43 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah if it was on free forums you could link each default to default guidelines which the link would show at top/bottom of each page so if they want to refer to that they can.

never been on google forums as administrator (don't want to be either) so i can't comment there.
Posts: 22,512
17:44 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Before the above which has been posted about doubts on the FBL turns into a heated argument. Can i please ask if you can take that to offline message please. It may turn into a heated argument and as many people have said before it can be very annoying reading through it all to find one thing. So if you can talk in private message that would be great lads thanks
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17:56 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Wasnt even the hint of any argumentative tone in my post Jay so no need for that post at all.
Posts: 22,512
18:00 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It wasn't directed at you mate, was more in the way of James's post towards Craig.
Posts: 22,512
18:01 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I am going to have a look at the link that Craig posted earlier later on tonight about guidelines, and possibly add another few to the FCL.
Deleted User
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18:04 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Should definitely add that leaving games counts majorly against you as does not showing up when arranged (should be more important than activity)
Shouldn't really need to point those out but after some of the decisions obviously you do.
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