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Posts: 38,097
18:31 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
also an idea those who try concede frames gets warned by the FCL (words by message for 1st time in case they wasn't aware of rules), multiple warnings can equal a suspension of 1 or 2 fixture sets (or worse), we use this system on snooker and works effectively as normally they didn't look at rules etc and when we tell them that they can't then normally they apologise and doesn't happen again.
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20:09 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
We had 1 person voting 0-0 for everything

To be honest, in most defaults that wouldn't be too far off the truth if you actually drilled down to the facts and the real effort made by players.

If nothing else, that should certainly be your starting point.

In an FCL game, any default score where both sides are scoring more than say 3 each is farcical. If that amount of effort to warrant 4 points or more was really going on to try and get a game played, then it would get played.
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20:51 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Again I have to read about 6 or 7 pages of rubbish and people arguing over nothing
Posts: 22,512
20:53 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Not over nothing, the discussion at hand is about defaults.
Posts: 11,057
21:06 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
In an FCL game, any default score where both sides are scoring more than say 3 each is farcical. If that amount of effort to warrant 4 points or more was really going on to try and get a game played, then it would get played.
It depends on what we can really expect from people in an online pool game. I would say sending a couple of messages and logging in at least every other day is enough effort to be making for a game.
Deleted User
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21:10 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
To score up to 3-3 maybe - to get to 7-8, 8-7 or 7-7 then no way.

Where one player/team is making effort at the expense of the other then thats a different story.
Posts: 11,057
21:17 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
What do you consider enough effort for getting a game done?
Posts: 38,097
21:27 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
easy seb you need to be online 24/7, send a message every second then you may get 8 points

i think system is fine as it is, id rather start at 15 then subtract than start at 0 and add on as it seems more realistic to me
Deleted User
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21:47 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you dont want defaults, but if they do go to deafult teams who fail their responsibilities shouldnt be rewarded, why should teams start at 15 then work back wards

you should start at 0 and work up

the player should
if you show a copy of a message 1 point
if your online activity is good 1 point
messages on threads 1 point
3 defo points,,

captains / vice
makes subs early 1 point
communication on threads 1 point
sending in default info 1 point
max 3 points
why should 2 teams be awarded 15 points for failing the above
again captains refusing to make subs should be heavily penalised if players are available to play and games go to default, if games say go 9 days into a fixture subs have to be made
if most of the above was followed, most games would be played anyway

i asked already earlier how many games were awarded the max 15 points and why, how many wernt , this is important

we are looking to introduce to the FBL
a default bonus in, this comming season for matches played within the 1st week eg: an extra point for getting the game played, hopefully another step to reduce defaults. sarah is working on this

i think both leagues had record low defaults this season so things are better than ever .

by reducing points for games going to default
and rewarding players for getting games done
surely this is a step in the right direction.

this will mean more reliable players who get games done.
this cant be a bad thingcan it
Deleted User
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21:50 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
As much as we want to stop them defaults are at times unavoidable I think we should be happy with the current formats in both leagues purely because the default numbers have been at a record low.
Deleted User
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21:57 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig WHY should captains sub out a player if they are active and your opponent makes a last minute sub and that player just happens to be offline for that last day?
Posts: 9,926
22:03 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
As a neutral observer in the defaults, i have to say with the exception of a couple defaults, all the rest were done to a very high standard based on the information provided by each team.

The problem with most defaults is the quality of the information provided is not very good.

Encourage players to message each other back and forward and don't leave it days between messages.

Inactive players, maybe clans should be forced to sub if a player is off for 3 days in a current fixture. They can always sub him back in if they return and game is still unplayed.

If players message and the times they play don't match advise early in the fixture so games can be swapped to allow for the times that they play.

There are lots of other things that would ensure games get played and that if they don't get played, defaults would be easier to judge as the information provided would leave it far more obvious why the games are not played.
Deleted User
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22:10 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig WHY should captains sub out a player if they are active and your opponent makes a last minute sub and that player just happens to be offline for that last day?

to avoid defaults hence the topic, why else

the rules also state both teams make efforts to play the game, it dosnt say you can refuse to sub anywhere,

so why would you not make all efforts,,
you say active ,, that player isnt on 24/7 so the word active could mean anything...

im not arguing stating a fact
Deleted User
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22:13 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig WHY should captains sub out a player if they are active and your opponent makes a last minute sub and that player just happens to be offline for that last day?

to avoid defaults hence the topic, why else

the rules also state both teams make efforts to play the game, it dosnt say you can refuse to sub anywhere,

so why would you not make all efforts,,
you say active ,, that player isnt on 24/7 so the word active could mean anything...

im not arguing stating a fact

ill just use this as an example Craig

vidic online for 11/14 days
mdj offline for over 3/4s of the fixture

and shooters make a sub in the dying hours, LL aint gunna sub out an active player just because you JUST made a sub

also if ya dint know mdj as now been offline 2 days now and he is in a cup fixture LOL (MVP ya gotta long wait for a sub there)
Posts: 22,512
22:16 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

What a stupid example to post when you know fine well that that will cause/start another argument, if you want to use that example then please feel free to use another forum thread. It is also related to FBL not the FCL!
Posts: 11,057
22:17 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
the player should
if you show a copy of a message 1 point
if your online activity is good 1 point
messages on threads 1 point
3 defo points
Wait so you're saying that a player who has good activity, sent messages to his opponents, and posted on the threads should only get 3 points?????

What else is he supposed to do to get the game done lol?

A player who has done all of the above deserves 15 points (assuming his opponent did nothing).
Deleted User
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22:20 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
This is the sort of thing that needs saying off these topic threads due to the fact It will just incite arguing needless arguing to say the least, why not use a random example rather than something that happene as you know this is going to cause an argument now.

Anyway I agree with Keith (doesn't happen very often) but he is right with what he is saying as much as a couple have been dubious this is an online game and everyone is from all different walks of life you can't trust everyone to be unbiased because let's far it you don't know most people on here from Adam but with how it's run I feel this is the closest to perfection we will get and jay and the default panel aswell as Sarah and her defaul panel are doing a fantastic job but they Are only human and we can't control people's views or opinions.
Deleted User
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22:21 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
the player should
if you show a copy of a message 1 point
if your online activity is good 1 point
messages on threads 1 point
3 defo points
Wait so you're saying that a player who has good activity, sent messages to his opponents, and posted on the threads should only get 3 points?????

What else is he supposed to do to get the game done lol?

A player who has done all of the above deserves 15 points (assuming his opponent did nothing).

What counts as activity I can sign in everyday in my phone buy claim
I've been active?
Deleted User
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22:21 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Have to say I agree with the mods
Deleted User
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22:22 Tue 22 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont enter into your childish attempts of causing an argument,

but let me point out, many fixtures are played in the last 3 days, why not just ban all fixtures why have 16 players

youve never had a player offline ?????? and left the player in the fixture ?hmmmmm
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