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Posts: 11,057
13:36 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
1) i am captain of shooters this isnt in dispute
Couple of problems with your version:

You are not captain of Shooters. lethal_lures is the captain. vice captains are anoneeemouse, blueberry, and its_me.

There is no mention in the FBL rules of other players being allowed to make subs, even if they have permission from their captain. So I'm guessing you are referring to FCL rules then?
In that case, rule 5.7 of the FCL rules says the following:

Only the registered Captain or Vice Captain can make a substitution. If any other player wants to make a substitution they need the Captain's permission first which should be posted in the substitution thread or in their own clan's thread.

If someone posted this permission somewhere, then I think you're within the rules (despite not being a player, which is also questionable). If permission wasn't posted, then I think it's pretty clear the sub was against the rules.
I know we all want to avoid defaults, but the rules must be applied the same way for everyone.

I think anoneeemouse has handled this very well in making a decision and then giving the other two league runners (ipotalot and fastboysam?) the responsibility to confirm or overturn it.
Deleted User
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14:00 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

As the above sub was not made by a registered captain/vice , it is therefore invalid, the game cam07 v i_am_classic will go to default .
Any queries regarding this, please offline message me, it is not up for discussion on the thread ,


Head League Runner

If a captain or vice had given permission for players to sub in on the threads then I would have accepted craig posting a sub but looking through the threads this hasn't happened.
Craig hasn't been re-registered as a captain or vice so unfortunately the game will have to be void and go to default as the rules clearly state only a registered captain or vice can make subs.
Posts: 38,097
14:39 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
1) i am captain of shooters this isnt in dispute

you wasn't under team changes though thats why therev questioned it and if only captains and vices can make subs then rightfully so.

when i read about this sub thing i thought, craig will think he is the founder so he thinks he can do any subs so in a way i was right but if your a captain under team changes like Sarah has posted then your legally a captain for FBL otherwise your not, founder or not.

about authorisation i didn't see a post about it but if it was posted (not sent by offline message as then people can't see) then i apologise.

Edit: read it was in a pm so because it was in a pm people couldn't see the permission, it needs to be posted really as people could claim they gave permission when they didn't (not saying you either but it could be done)

whocares8x8 said:
I think anoneeemouse has handled this very well in making a decision and then giving the other two league runners (ipotalot and fastboysam?) the responsibility to confirm or overturn it.

well said, she has proven those wrong who thought she was a biased league runner, the question was asked a long time ago and sarah delivered proving them all wrong.

i am probably one of the few who believed in sarah.

so well done sarah and don't beat yourself up about it

Edited at 11:46 Mon 07/05/12 (BST)
Posts: 1,594
17:23 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i gave permission to craig to make the sub even tho we all no he is a shooter captain and he would do anything to sort out the last game to avoid a default which he did, all that seems to be missing is me giving craig permission to do this publicly.

Why is this rule here, probably to stop any random person making changes to the team, but craig isnt a random person he has been a shooter captain for a while now some common sense hopefully should prevail here.
Posts: 11,057
17:37 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
So can harry (formerly captainking1) come in and make a crucial sub that gives us default points? He was the one who created Snooker Squad. Just wondering.
How about any other player that is not a captain or player or vice?

It may sound petty, but it counts. I flipped my lineups this fixture, but wasn't allowed to flip them back, because the fixtures had been released an hour earlier (in accordance with the rules). So I had to burn loads of subs to get the lineups sort of fixed.
These are all seemingly petty things, but making exceptions to well-known rules isn't the way I thin.
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17:39 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems to me? That even with people with 2 or more seasons expierence, still have the same problems? Like i said before, the problem lies with the players!
Posts: 38,097
17:39 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
thats exactly why it was illegal because the permission wasn't posted for everyone to see. let me use an example.

last fixture Snooker Squad need 1 point to secure a victory, at the time i wasn't a registered vice/captain and do the sub and i say "oh captain gave me permission in pm" and then game played then day after fixture end was found out captain did not give permission.

i know it probably wouldn't happen but can't rule out possibility.

about captain he lost that right when he got banned and was only officially registered as captain this morning.

permission should be posted for everyone to see or at least to a league runner.
Deleted User
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17:40 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There isn't any room for interpretation in the rules for a reason, we want a clear set that everyone sticks to.
It was clearly an oversight by shooters not reinstating craig as a captain, vice or even a player but because they didn't he can't make subs the rules are clear.
Unfortunately a game that has been played has to go to default because of this.
What could happen otherwise is...

player makes a sub to get a game done > team loses baddly in the game > captain comes on and says they didnt want the sub done > no choice for the league but to replay

This is why we ask for posted proof of players being allowed to sub themselves in for games from captains or vices.
Posts: 6,262
17:42 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

As the above sub was not made by a registered captain/vice , it is therefore invalid, the game cam07 v i_am_classic will go to default .
Any queries regarding this, please offline message me, it is not up for discussion on the thread ,


Head League Runner

If a captain or vice had given permission for players to sub in on the threads then I would have accepted craig posting a sub but looking through the threads this hasn't happened.
Craig hasn't been re-registered as a captain or vice so unfortunately the game will have to be void and go to default as the rules clearly state only a registered captain or vice can make subs.

I spoke with him in pm whats the issue, rules state that common sense can be used and results overturned.

Game was played and was valid, sorry theres a technicality Lee and Seb..
Deleted User
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17:48 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Rules are never changed during a season, except in extreme circumstances. Suggestions for rule changes for future seasons may be posted on the FunkyPool forum or sent to the league hosts directly - input and opinions are encouraged!
League hosts reserve the right to make any changes to the rules they see fit but normally rules are never changed during seasons.

From the top of the rules page blueberry, we are in season and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the rules to warrant a change.
In fact more applause to sarah for the clear wording of the rules and covering eventualities.
Deleted User
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18:45 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
so to clear this up once and for all... forget what may have may been these are the facts here

its_me v cam07

its_me was online 14 days of this fixture one player from fighting eagles came online at 9 oclock last night 2 more came on at 10 ...and shooters players were on line all day ..mikeee tried to get blueberry to play even calling me an idiot,, however blueberry had already played in this game ... rest my case there .. a shooters player came online id been given permission from both pete and blue to sort it if it could be and one would confirm the sub later which was done fact

regardless of wether its right or wrong here i shouldve let the game go to default which is what ur saying nps

regardless of the outcome defaults will sort it ive np there,

what i will say is both sarah and blueberry were both online at the time and both v busy i was asked to do it i did
i really dont see the problem
but let me say this, your going to set a standard here and one im sure you know i wont forget

lets not forget blueberry okayd later so there was np sarah if she wasnt so busy doing FBL couldve done it and couldve confirmed the sub before 12 last night i advised her not to and remaim impartial

a mountain out of a mole hill,

but technically a rule was broken for 4 hours mmmm
ive np with defualts sorting this none what so ever,

Edited at 15:50 Mon 07/05/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:59 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
have you or your team played a game then confirmed a sub either during or after a game was played ..... i guess being truthfull most teams have

from now if any game gets played and its not down before a game starts on both teams threads and on the FBL or FCL subs page i will demand every game goes to default,,, this happens regular

all this happened because i did as i was asked ,, i posted a sub before the game was played ,,, why didnt the happy poeple who are shouting now not speak up then ,, mmmm

they waited till the game was played and after i went off line to complain..
sarah couldve easily posted the sub shortly after the game was played i couldve easily come back online and edited my post.. why didnt i .. because there wasnt a problem
... well before 12 oclock nd there wouldnt have been a problem would there ,, but im no cheat

as ive said defaults will deal with it thanks
Deleted User
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19:16 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Stop with the rant mode conspiracy theory posts craig.

You weren't added back into the team as a player let alone a vice or captain and the rule states...

5.7 Captains/Vices doing subs or swaps
Only the registered Captain / Vice Captains can make a substitutions or swap, as per rule 5.2

It's quite simple, default info goes to the default teams not posted on the league discussion thread.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:45 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
not a problem no rant just facts

i couldnt be registered to play 1 month rule
dosnt stop me from being clan team captain or co captain
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:03 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You could have been added to the squad, put in as captain or vice and made as many subs as you liked.
You weren't...your team's mistake/oversight unfortunately it means 2 people have played a game and it won't get counted and the league has an un-necessary default.
If there was any room for manouevre in the rule I would allow it but it states 'registered captain or vice'
If bluberry/pete or another vice had posted permission on the threads for players to sub themselves into games I could allow it but nobody did.
You might not appreciate it because you are directly involved so impossible to be impartial but there is no other choice available than the one that was made.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:21 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
who is arguing the fact ????
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:41 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shooters were reported by latin_legends for a minor rule break however correct procedures were followed, from there however snooker squad jumped on the usual band wagon against shooters

when looking i find amazing that both said clans have done the same played an invalid game

red4ever and pirate_steve

red4ever isnt a captain or a vice and dint follow the rules on allowed subs also subbing himself into a game without official permission on the thread to do so..

it dosnt appear on Latin legends or SS forums pages

can the FBL league runners please investigate this match as not even the formal procedures were followed id suggest that this game is aslo referred back to the default panel

enjoy your day i look forward to your comments ,, as ive said an oversight was made by shooters and condemed by both the above teams

Posts: 11,057
18:44 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You sound bitter craig........

That post clearly shows that he was supposed to sub in.
Posts: 3,610
18:46 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
seb can u plzzz stop calling craig bitter or any other names

it doesnt sound good of a captain on a online game lol
Posts: 11,057
18:48 Tue 8 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I can call him bitter if I like
He certainly sounds it!
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