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Deleted User
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18:31 Sat 14 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I realise all of the above, which is one of the reasons of trialing this before the new season starts, if any changes are needed,they can be made before season 5 begins.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:53 Fri 20 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
So...whats going waiting til this season is over?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:04 Fri 20 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would trial it over the whole course of the new season.

It would be more relaxed giving the trial a chance to succeed that way if it was not a success you could bin it...If it was...then tighten the rules
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:02 Fri 20 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Captains of teams taking part of the killer games , will be messaged today regarding the trial games.
I would trial it over the whole course of the new season.

It would be more relaxed giving the trial a chance to succeed that way if it was not a success you could bin it...If it was...then tighten the rules
The point of doing the trial this season is to get it running smoothly before the new season starts, if there are any flaws, or changes to made, they can be done so before season 5 starts, and not during the season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:51 Fri 27 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
hi everyone i think it would be easy for all captains to put in all results in for they teams on the web site like it use to be done before
it would save a lot of time for the runners so if one captains put them in
then if the other captain see this he as need need to put them in to

just a thought
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:11 Fri 27 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would be happy to make a website for captains to do this but it would still mean me then transferring results over to the fbl site tho, so time would not be saved.
It is actually easier for me if players/capts check the tables on the website, and then just post any missing results on the thread. i do try to update everything most mornings, or when i come online, so as long as the FBL threads are up to date with results etc, the website will be too .

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:47 Sat 28 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i think u not seen it done sarah you do not have to touch them all captains put in the results in
pot_lot_lot and jan use do it that way
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:45 Sat 28 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The method you are referring to was used when i first started in clans. The system i have in place atm runs fine, the tables are clear, and players/captains can also see which players have been subbed in/out of games. It has worked this season, and i will be leaving it the same for next season,

Head League Runner
Posts: 4,700
21:40 Sun 29 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i take this from our thread if u guys wanna carry on please do it here not on our thread thx

Aint that your job as a league runner tho to look at the threads to see if everything is all above board and correct once again *confused smilie*

Sure it's your job to make sure players are eligible before signing them or putting them into games.
Apologies for making you play by the same rules as everyone else that have been there in black, white and a little bit of red all season

Show us where straightline has been signed, he's waited his month. he's eligible now. If he didn't say he was prefect_play, there would be no problems. But he still had to wait a month to play, so MUST be re-registered, therefore eligible

He can deactivate wait and do what he wants, but as he has already played in the cup he is cup-tied, the rules are quite straight forward in this respect. Just because you are on a new name after deactivating it is not a reason to get round being cup-tied as you have already played.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:02 Mon 30 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  

anonemouse, when you post on a clans thready y not look at the above post? or anyof them for instance, or in fact why not even reply in person yourself instead of other do your bidding?

i want to play for latin legends, i havent played an fbl match for 2 mnonths now, i have a new account new name ect,,,, i have waited my time so i can coime forwarth and play clan matches with no hassel,

so y is there a problem now? im not6 perfect play anymore ami, ? do you see that name anywhere on my account, i dont and th fact is, its deactivated and the fact is, the accounts are totally not related.

so why cant i play? also if you look on mvp thread you will see where it infsct says i wish to not compete with mvp in fbl,,, its clearly there in bold letters, posted by perfect play, so why wasn't i released? its because some players dont want me to join another clan, to give a hand to other people, and its the fasct that i will beat them,

in my eyes this is seriously total muth dribble im hearing, from ipotalot and ond other league runners, i have posted on the threads but i see no reply so im coming dirctly too you,
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:03 Mon 30 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
in reference to your post above
FBL Notice

With straightline previously having played as perfect_play this season, he will not be eligible to play in any current cup games.This decision is final, and will not be changed.
Please will Latin Legends make a replacement as soon as possible.
Any questions, please offline message me,

Head League Runner

My post above, which was posted on Latin Legends thread is quite clear. Toluca has been offline messaged regarding this matter. I was unaware when Legends posted the signing, that straightline had also played as perfect_play who has not been released from MVP.The rules are in place for a reason,the decision will not be changed and it is not up for further discussion on threads.
As i said in my post, if you have any questions, i will gladly answer them in offline message.

Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:29 Thu 3 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The Synchronization of both the FCL & FBL should be abandoned as with different clan numbers in both leagues due to the pre-season tests will always put 1 ahead of the other and if players are regular on here whats the need for the break to let the other league catch up ? It's a online game and its not like you need a vacation after a season.

Join a clan and play for that clan when the leagues start it does not matter really when they start.


Both fixtures start 1st june as a example

Fixture 1 FCL
Untouchables v Shooters Revenge
dgeneratio v doubted_u2

Final fixture 5 of FBL
Snooker Squad v Top Pool Aces
dgeneratio v big_mouse

Untouchables may or not enter both leagues..It has no bearing on the player involved as one league is finishing the other starting.

Once the FBL has finished and Untouchables want to enter it dgeneratio joins them.

If the naming in clans thing applies....well easy way is whatever league starts first has priority over this. Eventually One league will take over the other.

If is is felt by the League Runners that a player may throw a match to decide a outcome of a fixture for his/her new clan it is then upto the League Runners to decide if that player is eligible to play in the fixture when the team sheets are submitted or even prior to this requested.


Just a matter of a coalition between the leagues on a way forward.

Edited at 04:28 Thu 03/05/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:51 Thu 3 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Last season the FCL turned the league round unusually quickly rather than have a break, which allows players to relax from clan pool for a few weeks, this then put pressure on the FBL to fall into line with the FCL. As it was, it was clearly decided to push ahead and start early regardless of any thought of the FBL.
The current season in FBL has been most successful, and will not be finished until the final of the cup game has been completed.If FCL wish to start season 15 before FBL has finished,i cannot do anything about that.
We intend to release our schedule on the Friday of next week.
Obviously with FCL teams announcing their new players , there are going to be players named that are still playing in the FBL for their current team , please will captains respect this, and out of courtesy message the previous captain and let them know that they will be naming the player for FCL.

FBL Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:23 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Next season , FBL will be keeping the rule of one transfer per season with captains permission, however we are looking at the possibility of changing the following rule to 2 months :

1.12 Player account requirements
Any player entering the league must have an account that is at least 1 month old. This is to discourage constant name changes, deactivations/reactivations and the like. In short, if you want to play in the league, be stable and don't do something as foolish as deactivating your account.

We would appreciate players opinions on this, before any decision is made,

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Sun 6 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Agree with that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:05 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
fighting eagles v shooters
cam07 v its_me
is now
cam07 v i_am_classic

A player with an account under one month old making subs i dont think that is allowed

Not even a registered member on the site either *confused smilie*


Nothing like bending the league rules so a game dont go to default

5.7 Captains/Vices doing subs or swaps
Only the registered Captain / Vice Captains can make a substitutions or swap, as per rule 5.2

lethal_lures (capt)
anoneeemouse(co capt)
blueberry(vice capt)

There the only people that can make subs

Edited at 00:03 Mon 07/05/12 (BST)

Surely this shouldnt be counted due to league rules as craig isnt a registered player

what ya think of this ipotalot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:38 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Notice

As the above sub was not made by a registered captain/vice , it is therefore invalid, the game cam07 v i_am_classic will go to default .
Any queries regarding this, please offline message me, it is not up for discussion on the thread ,


Head League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:53 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
let me start by stating the following
the revs comments certainly are a little wayward

1) i am captain of shooters this isnt in dispute

2) accepted by all players

3) account requirement 1 month + ( were does this stop you from being a clan captain ??? )

4) the rev should read the rules correctly before making silly comments

5) both sarah and blueberry were online sarah was very busy with FBL stuff col said sort it and i will confirm later

6) hasnt blueberry approved this

7) whats the problem ??????????? game got played as i said dormant captain

this can be done now without any breach of any rules
with lethal_lure not being online the dormant captain if we are going to the letter of the law here

Edited at 10:17 Mon 07/05/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:13 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 09:18 Mon 07/05/12 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:08 Mon 7 May 12 (BST)  [Link]  
This game and the sub made will be looked at by two league runners , and a decision will be made as to whether to allow the sub stand . I will not be involved in the decision made, so no accusations of biasm can be made, the league runners will base their decision, on the relevant information and their decision will be final.

Head League Runner
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