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Posts: 22,512
05:37 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like i said mate, that rule will be changed as soon as possible, and the default is re-opened, if the score changes then yes of course i will change it as the new information was posted by Jema not to long ago.

I really want to post about a possible change of rule that would maybe stop this from happening with games again, im sure someone mentioned it before but i cant seem to find it on the threads. I will write it up when i get up. Im sorry but i really need to get some sleep, i get more wound up when im tired (probably why i tend not to sleep to much as i get wound up easy anyway )

Im on constant browse by the way as i dont turn computer off so if you message me or anything i wont get it till morning/afternoon
Posts: 7,940
10:02 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Missing information, Are we talking about Lee giving his side of the story, we could all sit and type a big story but is it facts ?, is there any proof ?

This is all going to get very interesting

Edited at 08:08 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:23 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
who is vipers default team member?
Deleted User
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14:02 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Missing information, Are we talking about Lee giving his side of the story, we could all sit and type a big story but is it facts ?, is there any proof ?

This is all going to get very interesting

Edited at 08:08 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)

Why were yours and rapid_pots lying forum posts in there and rapid_pots lies in there as your team's evidence alan?
The truth is far easier to find proof for especially when your player has admitted to everything in messages.

rapid_pot posted to the default forum that he had to be online on snooker each night as he was the only mod on there and I knew that and didn't come over to get him.
Yet his explanation to me in the messages I provided was that he didn't come back for 2 days because he had memory problems and he hadn't shown up when we rearranged because his mum had been attacked by a kid with a knife on the thursday and he was traumatised on the friday because a kid nearly got killed with a cricket ball.
The truth(which I have given you evidence of everytime you try and query any of it) should have been there too.

If we had activity logs like we were supposed to you wouldn't have made all these lies about your player being online up.
If I knew you didn't have them I would have been posting on your thread everytime he didn't show up but the evidence is still there.

Insulting other members on the forum won't be tolerated.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 12:31 Sat 24/03/12 (GMT)
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14:37 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Insulting other members on the forum won't be tolerated.

Funny how you can accuse me of lying, cheating and dodging the game on our thread though eh alan?
Sure that's against the forum rules but when you get it back with evidence you don't like it lol

So what are the forum rules then you're allowed to make up crap about people on the forum pages as long as you're a moderator but telling the truth with evidence to support it to counter the lies of said moderator isn't allowed?
...glad we're clear on that now!
Posts: 7,940
14:42 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your starting to get personal with insults and thats going too far, the default panel has been reopened so let them do their job. then decisions can be made.
Posts: 9,926
14:47 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Suggestion for rapid_pot v ipotalot.

Let them have till the end of current fixture set to complete the game and then no default would require to be done and no one could complain.

Stops all arguing
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14:50 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults shouldn't have been reopened, a deadline should be a deadline imo, if sufficient evidence is not provided by then, tough!

I'm sure jay has his reasons whether they be right or wrong and I'm not sure what these "lies" are but I'm sure screenshots of conversations and what not would be more helpful than "he said/she said"
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14:50 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I take it personally when you post lies about me on forum pages and have the right to defend myself...simple enough

Posted Image

Posts: 7,940
14:50 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can't see a certain player going for that, he would lose badly lol
Posts: 9,926
14:52 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults shouldn't have been reopened, a deadline should be a deadline imo, if sufficient evidence is not provided by then, tough!

I'm sure jay has his reasons whether they be right or wrong and I'm not sure what these "lies" are but I'm sure screenshots of conversations and what not would be more helpfull than "he said/she said"

Couldn't agree more. But now we have gone down this road, why not just leave them to play the game out to stop any more tears
Posts: 9,926
14:53 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He said, she said shouldn't be used for default. Never has been and never should be because anyone can tell a story
Deleted User
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14:57 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was used for your evidence keith and as for your crap what you are basically saying is you should have extra weeks to complete your games rather than defaults being judged correctly....typical crap from you
Deleted User
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14:57 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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14:58 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
All the rest is just MVP cheating, smokescreen crap
Posts: 7,940
15:01 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You carry on believing that mate and you never know someone else might eventually believe you.
Deleted User
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15:01 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who told u what was said on defaults forum? I was under the impression it was private
Posts: 9,926
15:05 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was used for your evidence keith and as for your crap what you are basically saying is you should have extra weeks to complete your games rather than defaults being judged correctly....typical crap from you

Default was judged correctly so please do not insult the 5 members of the default team who voted.

And thought you wouldn't go for playing the game

Like after rapid_pot left when you ducked and dived not to play the remaining games. You are still choosing to duck and dive rather than have the bottle to play him
Posts: 9,926
15:05 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who told u what was said on defaults forum? I was under the impression it was private

It is meant to be, but the dummy went so far out of the pram it has now became common knowledge
Posts: 7,940
15:06 Sat 24 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He got to see it, we should all get to see his default info now or this default is a complete farce, he gets to see ours and then come back calling us cheats and liars, let us see and reply to his default info.
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