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15:35 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
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in season transfershowever ive got to say,, the stupid rule regarding transfers is killing a clan,, isnt this what i said could happen,,

im taking advantage of a situation, by asking a player to come to shooters and maybe even another who is talking to me aswell
It cant be right that the rules allow you to do this

if you are so against this rule then why are you even approaching my players? dont harp on about the unfairness of a rule and then use it to your advantage. fyi - not bitter - huts deserves 100% to be in a division 1 clan - just dont be a hypocrite =\

oh and even if captains permission was implemented, i wouldnt refuse anyone leaving as i dont think that is right.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:41 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
more things craig posted id like to reply to...

when i read a captain saying ive done my best im not subbing etc.... what is tht all about ?? and also... captains saying my players have been active well toooot toooot, you can still work with the opposing captain and get games played..

assume you are referring to my situation with Rick - if my players had ALL been on within the last 12 hours and the majority of TPA players had been offline for several days, some were even, 6 + 13 days, why should i sub when my players are fully active? subbing an active player for another active player against an inactive player is pretty pointless dont you think? - worry about your own clan and not the running of everyone elses.

league runners should demand a sub is made and give that captain a warning


FBL rules state you do require captains permission, im pleased about that to be honest

we are not FBL nor to do want to be FBL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:44 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If league runners have a problem with games getting played, please can they post here as i am struggling to understand your point.

Keith you are league runner lol!

Jay might see it different and butt his nose in but personally i feel this is more a dispute between MVP and Team Angry not a league matter, it looks like no rules have been broken so really there is no input needed from League Runners, albeit Keith already being one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Re the swap dispute that occurred. Surely if you are not happy with the swap given to you then your option is to simply swap your own players back again!! And to make sure your players know to do that too if you're not around. One team cannot control a swap at the expense of the other.

Yes its a bit farcical and yes it could count against you if the game went to default. But presumably in this situation there were no concerns that the games would go to default anyway?

But as soon as the game is started or played then thats it - no going back - and no room for complaints.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:03 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
We don't need a rule change, the MVP v Team Angry fixture went from no fixtures in 6 days to 4 played in a couple of hours due to swaps getting done by both clans, its all about getting games played and avoiding defaults, I still laugh at us being accused of cheating and picking our opponents by doing the swaps, at MVP we trust all our players and rate them all the same, makes no difference to us who plays who aslong as games get played. MVP are a team.

I'm certainly not accusing you of cheating! I only think that the situation avicii found himself in is unfair. We can still allow unlimited swaps, but just alter the system slightly to prevent people's plans being put out.
Posts: 38,097
16:17 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
simple solution in future post your arrangements on clan threads, childish i know but at least then the opposition shouldn't have a reason to sub/swap unless its close to deadline.

about unlimited subs/swaps yes it can be abused but thats what league runners are here for, if they feel it is being abused they can reverse any sub they like, ideally you could do what antione did last season and reverse the swap but since they was playing when lee realised that wouldn't be an option.

i think its more a case of mis-communication rather than abusing the system.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:27 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Re the swap dispute that occurred. Surely if you are not happy with the swap given to you then your option is to simply swap your own players back again!! And to make sure your players know to do that too if you're not around. One team cannot control a swap at the expense of the other.

Yes its a bit farcical and yes it could count against you if the game went to default. But presumably in this situation there were no concerns that the games would go to default anyway?

But as soon as the game is started or played then thats it - no going back - and no room for complaints.

Keith did the swap and they started playing straight away we didn't have time to say a thing or reverse it.
Jem has already said according to her interpretation no rules were broken.
Why have the parts in the rules where it says 'to solve time zone issues' and 'if it helps get games played' if people are allowed to make tactical subs and swaps...joke but you guys carry on i'm past caring.
potlimit-can you stop tagging avicii please mate he hasn't even got posting rights.
Posts: 38,097
16:32 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

potlimit-can you stop tagging avicii please mate he hasn't even got posting rights.

ah that explains it.

a possible idea, limit clans to 1 swap during the first week (this makes clans think carefully) then unlimited during second week where you need it the most.

not saying do it by all means as some clans wouldn't be happy about the idea but its a possibility
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:51 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If a player starts a game following any sub or swap then that has to be an implied acceptance of it on behalf of the clan as a whole.

The alternative is a simple briefing to your team not to play until it has been agreed by Captains/Vices but really that shouldn't be necessary if a clan is being run properly.

Tactical subs are allowed - have been for at least ten seasons now. The real point is that they do not apply to MVP as all their players are much of a muchness unlike the rest of us where there is scope for that sort of thing due to disparities between playing abilities in our clans. As for swaps specifically they are just a quicker way of making four subs in one go.
Posts: 7,940
17:45 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just want to make this clear, the swaps were not tactical, it was done to get games played, I've already said MVP trust and rate all our players the same and we aint bothered which players play the games aslong as games get played, why would we even think tactics in this fixture lol.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:41 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just want to make this clear, the swaps were not tactical, it was done to get games played, I've already said MVP trust and rate all our players the same and we aint bothered which players play the games aslong as games get played, why would we even think tactics in this fixture lol.

eemad vs scott7a
dvz vs avicii

Both of those games would have been played by now if you hadn't swapped them...simple as that.
if nothing happens by Monday we will start looking at Subs

Maybe you just don't communicate with your players and maybe it was just genuine that you don't have any faith in them arranging games and getting them done who knows and who cares but you can't convince me that this was done for genuine reasons and to be honest you don't have to.
Posts: 7,940
18:47 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your right I don't have to, you can also quote me all you want and talk a load of dribble about me, but just remember I wasn't online when the swaps were done, so before you go accusing people of cheating maybe get your facts right, your getting good at making accusations, which is clearly against the forum rules.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:53 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
simple solution in future post your arrangements on clan threads, childish i know but at least then the opposition shouldn't have a reason to sub/swap unless its close to deadline.


i think its more a case of mis-communication rather than abusing the system.

Absolutely agreed: "mis-communication rather than abusing system". That's why i suggested a rule addition which requires pre-arranged games to be posted on a forum; this would prevent another mis-communication.
Posts: 3,610
18:59 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree ab_rfc
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:07 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your right I don't have to, you can also quote me all you want and talk a load of dribble about me, but just remember I wasn't online when the swaps were done, so before you go accusing people of cheating maybe get your facts right, your getting good at making accusations, which is clearly against the forum rules.

Firstly learn the difference between you're and your.
Secondly I know full well Keith made the swap but you were the one on here defending it weren't you? Saying more games got played because of it when clearly 1 is less than both isn't it?
Don't even try saying that accusing someone of breaking league rules or taking advantage of them on the league discussion thread is against posting laws when clans are nothing to do with funkypool.
Nobody would have any posting rights if that was the case and we wouldn't have a league if we couldn't discuss league rules.
Don't think nick has a copy of league rules or cares if anybody breaks them to be honest
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:14 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
simple solution in future post your arrangements on clan threads, childish i know but at least then the opposition shouldn't have a reason to sub/swap unless its close to deadline.


i think its more a case of mis-communication rather than abusing the system.

Absolutely agreed: "mis-communication rather than abusing system". That's why i suggested a rule addition which requires pre-arranged games to be posted on a forum; this would prevent another mis-communication.

I can't agree with mis-communication at all.
If Ang said to me can you swap and I had my game arranged for tomorrow I would tell her....'got mine arranged for tomorrow'
If I wanted a player to swap to get a game done I would ask them first if they had their game arranged....'you heard from your opponent?'...'yeah, we're playing tomorrow'...job done

MVP have never actually said that they didn't know the game was arranged and as i've said before there is no point arguing over it, just waste of breath.
Posts: 7,940
19:18 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Before you come back with anymore accusations and dribble read this quote, im sure it says you and you also quoted me.
I just want to make this clear, the swaps were not tactical, it was done to get games played, I've already said MVP trust and rate all our players the same and we aint bothered which players play the games aslong as games get played, why would we even think tactics in this fixture lol.

eemad vs scott7a
dvz vs avicii

Both of those games would have been played by now if you hadn't swapped them...simple as that.
if nothing happens by Monday we will start looking at Subs

Maybe you just don't communicate with your players and maybe it was just genuine that you don't have any faith in them arranging games and getting them done who knows and who cares but you can't convince me that this was done for genuine reasons and to be honest you don't have to.

As for making false accusation or infact any accusations the FCL doesn't have its own set of rules, the FCL is an event on Funkypool therefore all players still have to abide by funkypool forum rules, you are clearly accusing me of being a cheat which is obviously a false accusation, the games have been played so please now move on.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:19 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If any FCL rule has been broken then state where and we can see where the discussion point lies because at the moment I can't. If you're trying to change them for future seasons then state how you believe it should be.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:20 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think its more a case of mis-communication rather than abusing the system.

Absolutely agreed: "mis-communication rather than abusing system". That's why i suggested a rule addition which requires pre-arranged games to be posted on a forum; this would prevent another mis-communication.

I can't agree with mis-communication at all.
If Ang said to me can you swap and I had my game arranged for tomorrow I would tell her....'got mine arranged for tomorrow'
If I wanted a player to swap to get a game done I would ask them first if they had their game arranged....'you heard from your opponent?'...'yeah, we're playing tomorrow'...job done

MVP have never actually said that they didn't know the game was arranged and as i've said before there is no point arguing over it, just waste of breath.

Call it what you want. Fact is, a rule addition would prevent the scenario from happening again.

I would like to suggest the following rule adjustment:

5.7 Swapping players
Captains may swap players within a match if one of the said matches have not been pre-arranged.

And the the following rule addition:

5.8 Pre-arranged games
Once a game between two players has been mutually agreed the meeting must be posted in the official League forum thread "Official Clan Pre-arranged Games".

Edited at 17:28 Sun 11/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:29 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh dear alan

2-you (i.e communication with keith and dvz)
3- MVP

The games (plural) haven't been played the swap involved 2 games that would have been played by now if the swap wasn't made, now 1 of them has been played but the way you wanted it....try and keep up
Maybe you should remove your own posting rights then for accusing people of refusing to complete games against you? Blatant naming and shaming on the forums that League rules arent the same as funkypool rules stop trying to twist them to suit yourself!
Obviously a false accusation? Not sure everyone gets to judge their own trials, would be a lot of equitals then
btw I dropped this ages ago lol have said in every post no point arguing but you carry on, I said it's my opinion and you don't have to convince me...doesn't matter what I think

Edited at 17:35 Sun 11/03/12 (GMT)
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