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Deleted User
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19:07 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
how stupid do you think people are keith?

You keep bringing the other legitimate swap in to confuse the issue and it isn't going to work.

You do the swap to get the game played because our player has been offline, you leave the one where you cheated alone and it gets played tomorrow as arranged that's 2 games played too!
Scott would have also i'm sure met up with eemad over this weekend so that would be 3 games played in case your maths is as off as your reasoning.
Posts: 9,926
19:13 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
how stupid do you think people are keith?

You keep bringing the other legitimate swap in to confuse the issue and it isn't going to work.

You do the swap to get the game played because our player has been offline, you leave the one where you cheated alone and it gets played tomorrow as arranged that's 2 games played too!
Scott would have also i'm sure met up with eemad over this weekend so that would be 3 games played in case your maths is as off as your reasoning.

You just go back to planet Team Angry and everything will be fine

If league runners have a problem with games getting played, please can they post here as i am struggling to understand your point.

Everyone from what i can tell has posted 100s of times hoping that all games would get played and that there would be no defaults. If you are now telling me that you decide when games get played and when they don't, i have missed that rule change and i am guessing so has everyone else in the league.

I have made 2 games get played today - FACT

If league staff don't want captains to do subs or swaps to get games played, please again can they post here.

Or if i require to ask ipotalot's permission first again, please can they post here.

Thank you and i await clarification
Deleted User
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21:00 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
tht stupid owen kid is back he wrote to me asking to set up a clan with him hes called west ham on snooker then i said owen i no its u then he logged out so just a heads up as he is getting on my wick.

Please don't use offensive words in your posts - thanks

Edited by forum moderator chris, at 19:06 Sat 10/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:01 Sat 10 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
_mich_his name is
Deleted User
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02:58 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a summary is in order here. ipotalot has a valid compliant. One of his clan members had a game date and time arranged and before that game could be played his opponent was swapped out; leaving his arrangements in tatters. I think we can all appreciate the issue avicii could have with this.

Unfortunately, according to the rules as set at the beginning of this season and the rules by which we are all bound to abide, captains are permitted to swap players within a match (see rule 5.7 on FCL website)

I think Lee's point is fair, if terribly made. It being full of unnecessary assumptions and accusations which only lead to arguments and ultimately failure to ever agree. The point is worthy of consideration for a possible rule adjustment.

I would like to suggest the following rule adjustment:

5.7 Swapping players
Captains may swap players within a match if one of the said matches have not been pre-arranged.

And the the following rule addition:

5.8 Pre-arranged games
Once a game between two players has been mutually agreed the meeting must be posted in the official League forum thread Official clan pre-arranged games.

Edited at 02:02 Sun 11/03/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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05:54 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry I have enough on my plate without worthless posts sayin 'I have arranged this', having just put up with playing a fixture in which I had 5 diff opponents, it unfortunately something at times you have to put up with, shut up moaning about and deal with :/
Posts: 7,940
10:11 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
We don't need a rule change, the MVP v Team Angry fixture went from no fixtures in 6 days to 4 played in a couple of hours due to swaps getting done by both clans, its all about getting games played and avoiding defaults, I still laugh at us being accused of cheating and picking our opponents by doing the swaps, at MVP we trust all our players and rate them all the same, makes no difference to us who plays who aslong as games get played. MVP are a team.
Posts: 7,164
10:31 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive got to say i truly dont understand your situation lee,, getting games played is always the imporant issue

i made a swap last season, it got reversed immediately (very tactical ) to avoid a situation, didnt really see to many people grumbling on.

i agree the use of tactical subs is an issue but you cant stop it..

swaps on FBL now need captains permission wouldve been a good idea here to ,, and this unlimited subs is another joke

why do we need to have fixtures.... drawn,, unlimited subs really means do what you want, i questioned why you even need swaps because you can sub in and out no real need to have it,,, oh yes if a captain aint on you can just swap anyone in thats what i was told..

so based on that lee blame the rules not MVP regardless of what your argument is tthe rules have let you down not MVP all they have done is get games played

if swaps needed captains permission or were done away with all together and players who were subbed out of agame could only play in the game they were subbed out of ,, life would be so much easier captains would have to think a little more

again teams of 16, still didnt address getting games played as the pre season friendlies showed, its down to captains always has been and until this is addressed it will carry on...

if rules were thought about and considered a little more, and not bent and twisted to suite, and more importantly not changed on a whim things could be better to
Posts: 7,164
10:49 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i do believe now with 16 players

unlimited subs


what needs to be done is sort out the captains,
when i read a captain saying ive done my best im not subbing etc.... what is tht all about ??
when i see a captain leaving a player in a game 10 days and the player hasnt even been online,, its a joke

league runners should demand a sub is made and give that captain a warning ( oh yes its all about enjoyment, well it isnt enjoyment ppl saying im not making subs bleat bleat or having players sit around in hope that a player may come online)

stop all captains and players playing mind games and preparing for defaults ,,, total joke tht.

captains saying my players have been active well toooot toooot, you can still work with the opposing captain and get games played..

yes as per i will get the usual knockers who will probably be bleat on

but at some time someone will wake up and smell the coffee

teams leaving matches until the last weekend should be penalised also. why should an opposing team have players active for 12 days of a fixture then have to move there players around to suite the other team who left it (now thats what i call tactics)

honestly you got rid of a default bonus,.... why i dont know call it what you want,,,, if teams played say for example 75% of their games in the first week reward them

wouldnt that help reduce defaults, as per,,, i suggested this in mid season last time for it to shot out of the water
Posts: 7,164
10:57 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
teams with no deafults,, have none for a reason,,, how about talking to them.......... no you wont ,,,because they are nasty captains lol lol i think that is so funny,,,, but it gets games played asking players to play when both players are online isnt a crime its simple

just ask

its called been organised,, trying to do your best for your team as a captain or vice

the knockers will come on again and bleat ,,, but hey look at their clan and their defaults ,,,,,mmmmmmmmm

lets have 30 players in a clan from nxt season ,

sign anyone in the chatroom on any given night you want a game played,,,,

and extend the 2 week deadline to 2months

i wonder whether we would still have defaults ????

the above suggestion was only a joke Honestttttttttttttttttttttttt

ps i no my posts are like essays however they make sense to me
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:02 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
honestly you got rid of a default bonus,.... why i dont know call it what you want,,,, if teams played say for example 75% of their games in the first week reward them

50% then you might be on to something, remember the original plan was 1 fixture set per week. Therefore, I think the obvious idea would be half fixtures for one week half for the other.

My only worry concerning this would be the near on arguments that can be created over defaults, surely this would just create tensions on both weekends, "It's their fault the games weren't played in the first week," which surely wouldn't be helpful for the clan league.
Deleted User
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12:07 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol only takes a captain to ask 'is your game arranged' before doing a swap, they would obviously be told by their player so hardly any big assumptions going on.
Through arguing about things on here though, never gets me anywhere and just wastes time...can see why loads of the people who have been in the leagues ages came to the same conclusion
Posts: 38,097
13:28 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have another discussion about the golden cue, is 70 frames enough to be featured or does it need to be raised.

number of frames available changes every season so one season it maybe hard to achieve 70 frames while others could be very easy to achieve 70 frames.

how about 60% of the maximum frames a player can achieve in the course of the season? sure it would change every season depending on clans but it would make it a level playing field each season.

Deleted User
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13:30 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
James (dgeneratio) say that again in english for me >_<
Posts: 38,097
13:42 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
say for example a possible 200 frames was available.

1% - 200/100 =2
60% - 2*60 =120

so out of 200 frames it would be 120 frames to be featured in golden cue.

say its 150 frames available.

1% - 150/100 =1.5
10% = 1.5*10 = 15
20% = 15*2 = 30
30% = 30+15 = 45
60% = 45*2 = 90

so out of 150 frames it would be 90 frames to be featured in golden cue

Posts: 11,057
13:43 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
He's talking about the minimum number of frames that have to be played to appear on the Golden Cue list.
Deleted User
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13:44 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
And why can't it be all of them :S
Deleted User
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13:46 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry I know am being blonde :(
Posts: 11,057
14:18 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
There's a minimum number of frames that have to be played in order to appear on the Golden Cue. That's to prevent a player who wins one game 14-1 from retiring and automatically winning the Golden Cue.
It can't be all of them, because virtually nobody will play every frame of the entire season.
So far it's been something close to 50% of the minimum number of frames a player can possibly play during the season.
IF you were to do that, it would be:
8 league fixture * 15 frames = 120 frames.
1 cup fixture * 15 frames = 15 frames
= 135 frames.

Roughly 50% of that would be 65-70 frames to appear on the Golden Cue list.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:33 Sun 11 Mar 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i am dealing with the golden cue and right this second i am not discussing or deciding anything on it, currently, i need to sit and work it out myself before doing anything and i wont do that until this first fixture is out the this space though...
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