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02:59 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)
Now why would you want to go and do a thing like that?
Site Admin
little haha funny but we will keep mesgin u scores and that once ur gone lol laters
Now why would you want to go and do a thing like that?
Site Admin
03:01 Tue 6 Mar 12 (GMT)
08:00 Wed 7 Mar 12 (GMT)
Oops was meant to post this earlier so will do it now before i go and try and fall asleep again.
Golden Cue - The golden cue will be tallied up at the end of every fixture set, i had a few players message me about this and that is the way Jema is going to do it and i agree it is a good way to do things.
Golden Cue - The golden cue will be tallied up at the end of every fixture set, i had a few players message me about this and that is the way Jema is going to do it and i agree it is a good way to do things.
Deleted User
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16:46 Thu 8 Mar 12 (GMT)
Wrong place im guessing but just a quick question.
A player once in a clan is only allowed move to another clan once in a season?
A player once in a clan is only allowed move to another clan once in a season?
03:23 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
There is a little tweaking going on with the default panel and things.
First off division one is a panel member short due to q_tip deactivating, but that is being sorted and someone has been approached if they would like to step up and do it.
The other thing is... Myself and Jema were talking and i brought up the problem of im
unsure when posting for default information to be handed in that i may misplace some information (like if all clans had some defaults) because last season i did end up deleting one by accident but thank fully i got it back just in time. So i came up with a simple solution for this.
Jema is going to be basically the captain of the division one default panel members and anything related to the division one side, where as my self i will be doing the same for division two. For example.
All division two teams have at least one default during the first set. So after the deadline is up i would post on those clan threads stating they have two days to hand in their default information. After those two days are up i will then post that information on the website under the division two defaults. Will message each division two default panel member telling them that there is defaults to be processed and they have two days to make a prediction on them.
Continued Below
First off division one is a panel member short due to q_tip deactivating, but that is being sorted and someone has been approached if they would like to step up and do it.
The other thing is... Myself and Jema were talking and i brought up the problem of im
unsure when posting for default information to be handed in that i may misplace some information (like if all clans had some defaults) because last season i did end up deleting one by accident but thank fully i got it back just in time. So i came up with a simple solution for this.
Jema is going to be basically the captain of the division one default panel members and anything related to the division one side, where as my self i will be doing the same for division two. For example.
All division two teams have at least one default during the first set. So after the deadline is up i would post on those clan threads stating they have two days to hand in their default information. After those two days are up i will then post that information on the website under the division two defaults. Will message each division two default panel member telling them that there is defaults to be processed and they have two days to make a prediction on them.
Continued Below
03:24 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
After those two days i will lock those defaults and announce them on clan news or something like that.
Basically if something in the division two section needed more attention or something along those lines then i would deal with it and Jema would do the same for division one.
I think this would shorten our inbox aswell so that no information was misplaced/lost.
End of post
Basically if something in the division two section needed more attention or something along those lines then i would deal with it and Jema would do the same for division one.
I think this would shorten our inbox aswell so that no information was misplaced/lost.
End of post
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
03:27 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
Supposed to be once with captain's permission mate
Wrong place im guessing but just a quick question.
A player once in a clan is only allowed move to another clan once in a season?
A player once in a clan is only allowed move to another clan once in a season?
Supposed to be once with captain's permission mate
20:41 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
Post removed by forum moderator
Edited at 18:57 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
Edited at 18:57 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
20:46 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
yeah i posted a while back about people pretending to be other people, something needs to be done
is this league business ????
yeah i posted a while back about people pretending to be other people, something needs to be done
20:47 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
If he tries to captain a clan on someone else's experience then potentially. He's usually spotted by someone anyway.
20:49 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
amongst me having fun i am trying to point out a more serious issue
20:50 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
Wait a minute he pretended to be me? then Sam?
Owen mate im 22 not 21
Owen mate im 22 not 21
20:56 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
and now im on ignore
EDIT: why has my post been removed. This is a perfectly apropriate issue?
EDIT: why has my post been removed. This is a perfectly apropriate issue?
21:00 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
__pro__frog__ please observe the forum rules, naming and shaming is not allowed. If you have an issue with anyone, please use the send complaint button.
The Forum Rules:
Please can everyone else remember this also
The Forum Rules:
Please can everyone else remember this also
21:02 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
I already seen it before it was removed no worries. Ill deal with this soon, i already had words with Owen last week
21:10 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
i dont need reminding of the rules...
I was bringing up a topic to discuss. There was nothing bad said about owen.
If your gonna remove that then you may aswell remove all the dedi's i have had on the dedications thread.
It's very petty horse10000
and its _pro__frog_ not __pro__frog__
EDIT: Also the contact us button never works (i mean no one ever gets a response!)
Edited at 19:26 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
__pro__frog__ please observe the forum rules, naming and shaming is not allowed. If you have an issue with anyone, please use the send complaint button.
The Forum Rules:
Please can everyone else remember this also
The Forum Rules:
Please can everyone else remember this also
i dont need reminding of the rules...
I was bringing up a topic to discuss. There was nothing bad said about owen.
If your gonna remove that then you may aswell remove all the dedi's i have had on the dedications thread.
It's very petty horse10000
and its _pro__frog_ not __pro__frog__
EDIT: Also the contact us button never works (i mean no one ever gets a response!)
Edited at 19:26 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
21:13 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
i know its silly but why not create a topic on defaults forum for general discussions?
21:19 Fri 9 Mar 12 (GMT)
more people view these forums
dgen if you saw my first post before it was rudely removed, there was a serious point to it
Edited at 19:27 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
dgen if you saw my first post before it was rudely removed, there was a serious point to it
Edited at 19:27 Fri 09/03/12 (GMT)
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