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22:20 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Right im making a decision based on what i have read here so far, i have not discussed this with anyone else so it is on me if it goes wrong in the future.

A player can transfer to another clan ONCE during the season (includes pre season). They do not need captains permission but they are urged to let their captain know about there departure from the clan. (that bit wont be in the rule obviously as you cant force someone to tell someone something haha)

That is the main rule, is there anything that should be added to it? any suggestions or what not. It will be added to the website in due course.

what does that say please
Posts: 22,512
22:23 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can't you read it? I refuse to get involved with you and these damn right stupid posts.

You have now went off the subject of accusing me of discussing this with two or three people when i have not discussed it with anyone, if i had i would have said so.
Posts: 7,164
22:23 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no alan what im against here is a massive panic, about changing a rule without clan captains being informed, its to do with each and everyone of them

this was debated for nearly 2 weeks and afer 2 hours tonight its getting changed

what has changed today, thats any differant from the original discision
Posts: 22,512
22:24 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:

The season is not officially started so any rule can be changed

Your above post has just answered my question about can you read or not, well done
Posts: 7,164
22:27 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Can't you read it? I refuse to get involved with you and these damn right stupid posts.

You have now went off the subject of accusing me of discussing this with two or three people when i have not discussed it with anyone, if i had i would have said so.

your tone leaves a little to be desired there is nothing wrong with my posts

calling them stupid ,,,,,,,

they are factual and keeping within topic
Posts: 7,940
22:27 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Jay, you can make people do things properly set out rules as to how the transfers need to be handled and we will stop a lot of unnecessary bad feeling

-1 transfer per season per player,
- new captain approach existing captain
- player approach existing captain
- existing captain attempts to resolve any issues the player has
- if nothing can be done then player can transfer

Player breaks the rules and posts on the forum slating and/or demanding a transfer they can be released by the captain but can't play for anyone else until the next season.

Captain breaks the rules and posts that they want a player on the player's clan page then they aren't allowed to sign the player that season, multiple offences punished more harshly.

We don't need all these rules, its simple, a player tells captain I'm leaving to join another clan, can you please post in team changes to release me, captain posts and says sorry to see you go, good luck mate. captain finds replacement.
All we need is that players can only move once per season.

Edited at 20:30 Wed 22/02/12 (GMT)
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22:30 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The problem is Jay when players post damaging things to clans when they are leaving like today, that wasn't handled properly by the player and caused loads of aggro and disrupted TPA unneccessarily.
This is quite obviously how a transfer should be handled so why not make it a rule that it has to be handled that way?
Posts: 22,512
22:32 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Jay can you please read the suggestion by myself and diamond_jem on the previous page?
You wanted a suggestion for improvement, everybody but craig agrees that the captain's permission part needs to be removed yet that will take up the pages and a good idea totally lost.

I will be looking at it soon mate, doing some things away from funky at the moment & trying to get a little in game time to myself on snooker
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22:36 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers Jay think if you read through it properly then you will see it will stop a lot of bad blood over transfers and is a really simple, easy fix.
Posts: 22,512
22:39 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I will be looking at anything said, who knows maybe a bit from your idea and another bit from someone else could be brought in to make it better.
Posts: 7,940
22:45 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
its not a simple easy fix, too many rules, players are allowed one move so why make it dificult for them. we don't need a long spread out process just to transfer.

1 -1 transfer per season per player,
2 - new captain approach existing captain
3 - player approach existing captain
4 - existing captain attempts to resolve any issues the player has
5 - if nothing can be done then player can transfer

1 - fine
2 - why ?
3 - should be player informs existing captain
4 & 5 - player has already decided to join another clan so why should the existing captain waste their time ?

Edited at 20:48 Wed 22/02/12 (GMT)
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22:51 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jesus alan what harm does any of that do?
Takes 2 seconds to write a message, I did originally say the captain and/or the player message the captain the only point of it being that it's done through offline messages not the players slating their existing teams and causing upset on the threads.
If a captain wants to have a go at convincing his player to stay before the transfer goes through then why shouldn't they be given the right?
If the player wants to go still they what exactly is your issue?
Posts: 7,940
23:04 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
why have all that as a rule, most captains will try convince a player to stay but if that player has made up their mind the captains wasting their time, we dont need that in the rules lol
Players and captains slating each other could easily happen after the transfer goes through, we cant stop people having opinions on the threads as long as they keep within funkypool forum rules.
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23:33 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
What you are saying alan it's ok for the first thing a captain hears about a transfer to be this?

hughsy89 said:
big_mouse, this clan is far to inactive and quiet for me mate, I like to know what is going on in the team that I play for but there is nothing going on here.

I have been asked by another (more active) clan if I would like to join them, just wanted to say and check that it is ok with you mate?

If the rule was in place..very, very simple rule can even make it 1 line for you
'Captains must be informed of transfers through offline messages not on forum pages'
Then you wouldn't have had all this grief today, Whoever signed the player would have said 'offline message rick to let him know, don't post about it on the forum'
Stopping loads of disruption to TPA and at the end of the day it's common courtesy. I don't get why players feel the need to take a shot at the captains who have given them a chance on the way out the door and I don't agree with it.
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23:36 Wed 22 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Before captains had to give permission now we're saying they don't so at least make teams and players be courteous and not disrupt a team when they are transferring.
Really shouldn't be a big deal
Posts: 7,940
00:01 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Add players must message existing captains instead of adding a load of other rules lol.
Posts: 7,164
09:55 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
why do you even need to change the fact players need captains permission...

there is nothing courteous about having players poached
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10:11 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
why do you even need to change the fact players need captains permission...

there is nothing courteous about having players poached

Because the league has decided that people can move once for whatever reason, they have already over-ruled a captain who has refused a move so the 'captain's permission' doesn't exist in reality anyway.
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11:56 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think this rule need to be look at what the captain are happy with not the league runners

its the captain that's got go though the crap not league runners

if you have 12 captains or 11 captains let them vote in what right for the teams

i think james was right open the transfer window half way though the season once sign by a captain no one can leave until the transfer is reopen
Posts: 7,164
12:02 Thu 23 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
totally agree rick

its to the captains and i would gladly go with the majority

lee it is in the rules, and there was also new ammendmants put in, so it does exisit, lee it cant be right with all due respect that captains arnt consulted on such an important discision which was debated for over 2 weeks, and agreed upon and now changed on a wim

Edited at 10:05 Thu 23/02/12 (GMT)
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