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10:47 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
i think we should make teams more fair in clans, like say players get an average from the season before (golden cue) and have a limit on how many high averaged players they can have in their team this would make teams fair all round no matter what the league there in.

well what would you do with new members and also players that have been banned and have returned to clans after there wait?
Posts: 1,594
11:00 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
I don't see the above ever being implemented into the league due to the fact league runners can not control or tell a player where they can and can not play. It is up to the player themselfs where they play.

ok lets stop talking about fair leagues and teams then plz.
Deleted User
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11:17 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Another idea then that could close the gap between teams if it was ever tried...

Shorten the match formats down from 15 (5 of each) to 9 (3 of each). Longer formats will clearly favour better players over time whereas a shorter format has the benefits of a) taking less time per game b) producing more surprise results c) being less soul destroying to a heavily losing player.

Over 9 games the better player should still win but I bet there would be more close games between all clans from top to bottom of a league, and more surprise results, as opposed to now where I cannot remember one off the top of my head.

To ipotalot - I am not trying to tear up rules immediately from now, or next season, I am simply floating ideas for general discussion highlighting any benefits they bring.
Posts: 22,512
11:17 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
bluenose1872 said:
I don't see the above ever being implemented into the league due to the fact league runners can not control or tell a player where they can and can not play. It is up to the player themselfs where they play.

ok lets stop talking about fair leagues and teams then plz.

I don't see why people should stop talking about it and give idea's on the topic but i was just saying that what you suggested could not happen.
Posts: 22,512
11:20 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris - The FCL has always been at 15 frames though, don't see why it should be changed because a better player is playing a not so good player. End of the day anyone can lose at anytime and surprise score lines can and will happen.

May i ask your opinion on my post about divisions next season, well my example of what would happen if it does go like that.
Posts: 1,594
11:23 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can i just say about ur 16 people per clan, why....
Deleted User
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11:32 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Chris - The FCL has always been at 15 frames though, don't see why it should be changed because a better player is playing a not so good player. End of the day anyone can lose at anytime and surprise score lines can and will happen.

It wasnt always 15 frames though - it evolved into that because it was better than what was there before. Again if there was something else that improved it further I am sure it would be changed rather than saying thats the way it is.

Someone show me one surprise team clan result from the FCL (a real surprise result based on the players that actually played the eight games). Maybe you may find one in 15 odd seasons but I still cannot remember it.

Your structure is no different really to how it has been done. The existing clans form the top league based on position and new ones join Division 2. I agree that ordinarily all new clans join Division 2 but where everyone can see that one or two will be absolutely so outstanding as to be mismatched in Division 2 (like MVP and to a slightly lesser extent Snooker Squad) consideration should be given to putting them straight to Division 1.
Posts: 1,594
11:39 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
honestly chris it doesnt make any difference ho wmany game su play the result would be the same, if it was 13-2 and u played best of 12 instead it would be 11-1 not much difference, what i want to know is how u are going to make the league fairer bluenose, cmon lets hear ya
Deleted User
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11:45 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It does make a difference - you only need to look at tournament results for that.

Most surprise winners come in Speed tournaments, then it is the best of 3 tournaments and the least surprise winners come in Marathon tournaments.

Where there is an element of luck in a game, like there is here, the longer the game goes on the more it negates it. To the point where over 8 matches of 15 frames it is not a factor at all. There is also a big difference to a player between sitting through a 14-1 15-0 defeat than a 8-1 9-0 one.

Edited at 09:48 Wed 04/01/12 (GMT)
Posts: 1,594
11:46 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
also are you gunna make a reserve league for the 8 guys u are leaving out of league matches, or are they just suppose to sit n wait around for a sub.
Posts: 1,594
11:49 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yh i get ya point there chris, and fbl has had some unexpected results which is only over 6 games, but i dont think bluenose will like it. maybe say 3 games of ech 8 us, 8 uk, 9 ball then 1 game of straight?
Deleted User
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11:52 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be honest I expect lots to hate it lol.

All I would ask though, is that like any discussion point on here, the pros and cons for something get highlighted for people to form a view on.

I have set out the pros for a shorter format if someone wants to do the same for the 15 frame one.
Posts: 1,594
11:54 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yh i also think a clan average should also be taken into consideration. obviously new players and banned players that would have to be worked out somehow, but it would make teams all round fairer which i think is what everyone would want (excluding MVP).
Posts: 22,512
11:55 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
So you think ordering players around over the internet telling them where they can and can not play is fair? It is ridiculous in my opinion, if that was ever implemented into the league there would be no league at all.

Why make a reserve team? have you read back on all the pages that were filled yesterday? players were actually wanting to see an increase in the clan size. I gave an increase.

Clan's play usually two fixtures in a fortnight (unless there is an uneven number in that division) you don't have to use the same 8 players for both games you can swap your team list about giving others a game and using a players as subs (usually the most reliable ones that dont want to play as much)
Deleted User
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11:55 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
also are you gunna make a reserve league for the 8 guys u are leaving out of league matches, or are they just suppose to sit n wait around for a sub.

If you arent selected for that fixture to play you would normally be called upon to play or keep a eye out a reserve league wouldnt be advisable...
Deleted User
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11:58 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i know this maybe a bad idea but worth a mention the cup which is played the losers of the first round or second to move into a new supplementary cup? and maybe after the season is over have the team who won the cup team the team who won the Supplementary also the league winners into a cup basically like a Fifa World Championships and team takes the best clan and a bit of pride?
Posts: 1,594
12:01 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
yh was joking with the reserve league make i was just making the point on that 16th guy so hes 16th in the list and just for arguments sake he was 16th in class then would he really get a game? i feel sorry for some of the guys now without adding anutha player.

or just add a couple of reserve matches on the end of every fixture so every1 gets a lttle taste and a chance to proove themselves
Deleted User
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12:02 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lethal_lures said:
yh was joking with the reserve league make i was just making the point on that 16th guy so hes 16th in the list and just for arguments sake he was 16th in class then would he really get a game? i feel sorry for some of the guys now without adding anutha player.

or just add a couple of reserve matches on the end of every fixture so every1 gets a lttle taste and a chance to proove themselves

Fair play dude i understand!
Posts: 22,512
12:06 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I understand that to but many clans have had the problem of inactive players within the team. The extra player could be a great asset to the team and help keep games getting played if a some players are inactive.
Posts: 11,062
12:34 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know that most people will not like it and it's a longshot to ever be implemented, but I'm all for chris's reduction in FCL clan game size. 9 frames instead of 15 would be excellent. I argued the same for the cup format.
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