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00:45 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
according to the kev04 situation not only could you captain you could also run the league

and there are others

this season no_talking ---- is now big_mouse he didnt have 1 seasons experience under his user name was allowed to captain and as i say there are others

but that isnt the debate im just answering you spoonie without setting a new debate going

Edited at 18:14 Sun 11/12/11 (GMT)

i guess the boy cant help him self nor was another clan captain in for a full season so dont name and shame players that bang out of order if so name both team captains ops it a mate of yours ?????????
Posts: 7,164
14:13 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hardly naming and shaming rick / scott

its a fact you didnt have a seasons experience on that account

so before you decide about posting think again
Posts: 7,164
14:15 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
jay read in the context of my post

its fact
Posts: 38,097
14:26 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
it was decided last season that rick could captain TPA as hes had experience on another account, now even if this "rule" did change rick would have completed a season anyway.

don't know why people are calling him Scott when he isn't.
Posts: 7,164
18:18 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
when the player no_talking deactivated

a new player called big_mouse called himself scott it was even on a clan pic

i myself was in a room with big_mouse when an FBL league runner and FCL default person corrected me when i called him rick so both he and a third party denied ever being called rick and told me there name was scott

now to be frank about this its moving away from the context of my post, i dont give a didly jot about who he is, what i said was the rules were moved to accommdate a player whos account was less than the required amount of time needed to be a clan captain

i also said the 1 month rule allows ppl to deactivate and come back as whoever and rejoin clans in a season surley this leads to unreliable players, the 2 month rule shows a player may well be more relaible than someone on a month

which comes back to isnt quality better than quantity
if we need less clans with more reliable players isnt it the way forward rather than changing rules to suite
Posts: 19,967
20:10 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
teams have folded before,, ive said already 15 players 2 weeks there is no excuse for games not getting played

You can't just expect 15 reliable players to fall out of the sky, sometimes you need to make up numbers to avoid folding. So according to you, you don't have an excuse as to why you didn't play if your opponent leaves after 1 game and deactivates? and player reliability is never static, it fluctuates.

doubted2 said:
boot players who dont get games played, that is the problem
a whole team gets penalised for unrealible players

That is a problem for the clan to be dealing with, not the runners. Whole clan punishment should be incentive for a clan to boot inactive players, etc. (which you said above that there is no excuse for)

doubted2 said:
players with one season playing experience qualifies you to be a clan captain
should that not be one season as a vice captain before you can make a clan

we see players with one seasons playing experience running clans are we surprised teams fold,

Really, it should be whoever is capable of running a clan - but there isn't an accurate way to tell that. Using one season as vice is good in theory, but in practice teams can have as many vices as they like, vices may do no actual work over a season an be considered 'experienced' and normal players may put in VC work and not be eligible
Posts: 19,967
20:11 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Less clans means either less games per player (more chance of a player moving clans because they aren't getting a game) or an increase in games per fixture (leading to a greater chance of defaults)

Its all swings and roundabouts really.

ipotalot said:
ipotalot said:

Breaking a quarantine rule that has been in there for ages should no way be allowed.
The idea of rules is that everyone plays by the same ones not make them up as you go.

The rules are changing for everyone, not just some - so everyone would be playing by the same rules.

If the majority agrees with a rule change, why does it particularly matter when the change is for better and within the season there has not been a situation where this change could've had an effect if it was implemented at the start of the season instead of the middle.
Posts: 7,164
21:15 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
zante you make me yawnnnnnnnnnnn

why not give us your big idea instead of your big issue

never constructive always destructive

you should be in govement full of it

its called discussion your comments are like eating apples
Posts: 22,512
22:44 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Zante is discussing so i dont see what your big problem is Craig, he replied to your earlier posts dont like what he is saying then stop posting

Who the hell cares about if his name is Rick or Scott, you ever thought he went with Scott to keep a low profile? i have done it in the past am sure many others have!

IF it is proved they have the experience on a previous username then they should be allowed to captain or whatever they want to do, but every single player sticks to the one month rule it never gets broken. If you are suggesting that it be increased to 2 months then say that and it will be discussed.

As a league runner i respect anyone on here even if i dislike them, but Craig you go on and on and on and on worse than my gran to be honest. You can give it out but you cant take it.
Posts: 11,057
22:59 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22,512
23:00 Mon 12 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spit it out man jesus haha everyone else has been
Posts: 7,164
00:16 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
how can you prove they are who they are ????

information on accounts is private and confidential
Posts: 19,967
03:23 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was and have been giving my ideas, you just only see what you want to see.

Critical analysis is an essential part of a good and useful discussion, without it there would only be a selection of naive suggestions from which no real progress can be made, without potential weaknesses and a general idea about whether the idea can be considered good or bad. My posts were constructive to the debate, as it added an extra thinking style and viewpoint of the suggestion. Your reply seemed to ignore everything I said in favour of making comments puring about me (not the content) and attempting to mock or put me down, which is what you're trying to say i'm doing right?

Anyway, proving who someone is from a previous account would be done in exactly the same way as a league runner would determine a user has a 2nd account within the league, which is overlooked or rejected by moderators/admin. Writing style, language habits, off-site means involving a social group, etc. can all be unique from one person to another (though the difference for some can be very subtle, for others it can be quite obvious especially over an extended period of time). Credible evidence for can be looked at by those privy to the information, without them being able to post certain things because of privacy issues. There would need to be a general consensus of agreement for those with the relevant information that it is accurate and sufficient enough to seen as that person in the eyes of the league
Posts: 22,512
03:29 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
how can you prove they are who they are ????

information on accounts is private and confidential

How can you prove they are not who they say they are?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:27 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Craig-Why keep bringing up the same thing about big_mouse over and over again? The decision was made last season, you've brought it up at least 3 times since just saying the same things over and over, just let it go.
Zante-I don't think ignoring a rule that everyone agrees with the necessity of is for the good of the league at all.
You say it's hard finding 15 reliable players? You only need 8 reliable to get no defaults all season and if captains don't put in the work to get players in then it's their own fault nobody elses!
You would start getting players in when your clan got to 13 or 14 there are loads of free agents who want to play.
The effort hasn't been made by captains or vices. Teams with strong captains help the league grow, teams with weak captains don't.
Same as teams who play the same 8 players all season then wonder why when they need subs they aren't willing.
Posts: 7,164
12:05 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
Rules are never changed during a season, except in extreme circumstances. Suggestions for rule changes for future seasons may be posted on the FunkyPool forum or sent to the league hosts directly - input and opinions are encouraged!

League Hosts reserve the right to make any changes to the rules they see fit but normally rules are never changed during seasons

ive got to agree with lee on this

we are changing rules to suit

teams have folded before,, ive said already 15 players 2 weeks there is no excuse for games not getting played

boot players who dont get games played, that is the problem
a whole team gets penalised for unrealible players

you relaxed the 2 month rule to 1 month what do you expect
reliability i think not in 1 month

players with one season playing experience qualifies you to be a clan captain
should that not be one season as a vice captain before you can make a clan

we see players with one seasons playing experience running clans are we surprised teams fold,

then we will have reliable players in clans , this is somthing that is being missed ,, dont bend rules to suit, life is made so easy for new clans to form in the first place

and now loan players etc jeeeez

can we all just not abide by the rules now and enforce them
Posts: 7,164
12:07 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
and again players banned can use previous experience on banned accounts

under new names to qulaify to run clans

come on ppl

if your account says 1 month old it is 1 month old it isnt 3 years old

lets start just using existing rules

this is what i said no mention of no_talking or whatever some people got very tetchy and asked me to clarify what i was saying read back please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:55 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
it about time you drop this doubted2
your the only person as a captain dose not like people posting on his thread but loves to stir things up with every clan on this site
when people reply to you.
you hate it as they say doubted2 don't give out if you cant take it back

as from my names your talking about no_talking or big_mouse both you and blueberry knew who i was so i thought i dig that out just for you to make people laugh again
(all you do is provoke an argument)
this from page one on my thread
Good Luck Rick, the return of my first clan....
I'd have preferred to see 'X-Factor', the Return..
and people can see what you put

one thing for you doubted2 stop moaning at every one have a new year wish i promise i keep clean quiet from now on lol

that why both league runners will not have you as a league runner in there leagues sit back and think your only making a rod for your own back that if you can understand the old saying
Posts: 19,967
13:48 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Zante-I don't think ignoring a rule that everyone agrees with the necessity of is for the good of the league at all.

Since it was brought up 2 pages ago by chris: horse10000, dgeneratio, thegreatone7, ab_rfc and myself have stated a change would be good. Only yourself and doubted2 have argued against it, thats not really everyone giving their opinion.

ipotalot said:
You would start getting players in when your clan got to 13 or 14 there are loads of free agents who want to play.

(I would agree with you that you don't need 15 reliable players, but 15 was the number mentioned)

ipotalot said:
The effort hasn't been made by captains or vices. Teams with strong captains help the league grow, teams with weak captains don't.
Same as teams who play the same 8 players all season then wonder why when they need subs they aren't willing.

Would agree that the league needs strong captains to grow, but people's personal circumstances change, meaning a strong captain today can become an unreliable player tomorrow.
Posts: 19,967
13:49 Tue 13 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
doubted2 said:
and again players banned can use previous experience on banned accounts

under new names to qulaify to run clans

come on ppl

if your account says 1 month old it is 1 month old it isnt 3 years old

lets start just using existing rules

this is what i said no mention of no_talking or whatever some people got very tetchy and asked me to clarify what i was saying read back please

You may be missing a post...

doubted2 said:
according to the kev04 situation not only could you captain you could also run the league

and there are others

this season no_talking ---- is now big_mouse he didnt have 1 seasons experience under his user name was allowed to captain and as i say there are others

but that isnt the debate im just answering you spoonie without setting a new debate going

Edited at 18:14 Sun 11/12/11 (GMT)

No mention of Rick whatever in this post Craig?

He's not been dragged into this at all has he?
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