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22:57 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
I think this is too open to abuse, lose a few frames, deact, new player subs in, game starts afresh, loses a few, deacts....
Vicious circle?
Game doesn't start afresh it starts from score when player leaves / deactivates. Point is we have 16 players in a clan and i for one do not mind who of the other teams 16 players i play, as long as game gets completed that is the important thing. I would happily play the remaining 9 players for 1 or 2 frames each if the other 7 games are completed rather than game going to default as player leaves or deactivates.
Then let league staff deal with those players who leave / deactivate.
melody said:
dgeneratio said:
sounds good but should the match be replayed from scratch? otherwise you could get a weak player deactivate on purpose then get a robot to get rest of the frames?
i think if this did get implemented (not by me as i won't be here next season) then it should only happen in a case of refusal/ban/deactivation.
sounds good but should the match be replayed from scratch? otherwise you could get a weak player deactivate on purpose then get a robot to get rest of the frames?
i think if this did get implemented (not by me as i won't be here next season) then it should only happen in a case of refusal/ban/deactivation.
I think this is too open to abuse, lose a few frames, deact, new player subs in, game starts afresh, loses a few, deacts....
Vicious circle?
Game doesn't start afresh it starts from score when player leaves / deactivates. Point is we have 16 players in a clan and i for one do not mind who of the other teams 16 players i play, as long as game gets completed that is the important thing. I would happily play the remaining 9 players for 1 or 2 frames each if the other 7 games are completed rather than game going to default as player leaves or deactivates.
Then let league staff deal with those players who leave / deactivate.
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22:58 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
Yeah I understand that, it was aimed at dgens post
22:59 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
I asked you already if you read the default info and you said yes, please explain to me where it says in that info that skiller10 reappeared 2 hours before the deadline, it doesnt because that wasnt said in the info sent to bluenose1872 or dgeneratio, so there was no outright lie. so why accuse MVP of it ?
whocares8x8 said:
Can whoever sent the default info to dgen on behalf of MVP explain the reason for the misinformation?
It looks like several members voted on the basis of the (false) information MVP provided?
Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie.
It looks like several members voted on the basis of the (false) information MVP provided?
Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie.
I asked you already if you read the default info and you said yes, please explain to me where it says in that info that skiller10 reappeared 2 hours before the deadline, it doesnt because that wasnt said in the info sent to bluenose1872 or dgeneratio, so there was no outright lie. so why accuse MVP of it ?
23:00 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
Lol you will say he was active now, he disappeared for days logging in during the middle of the night we could all do that if we want to hide.So now we're punishing him for not being online during UK peak times.....
Again, not a case for completion bonus. And MVP still provided false information.
horse10000 said:
whocares8x8 said:
Can whoever sent the default info to dgen on behalf of MVP explain the reason for the misinformation?
It looks like several members voted on the basis of the (false) information MVP provided?
Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie.
It looks like several members voted on the basis of the (false) information MVP provided?
Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie.
Lol you will say he was active now, he disappeared for days logging in during the middle of the night we could all do that if we want to hide.
Again, not a case for completion bonus. And MVP still provided false information.
23:01 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
so again another example.
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
23:02 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
Ab, this is the quote that the default team was given:
Who wrote that?
default forum info said:
After going missing for 4 or 5 days skiller10 appeared on Sunday night (....)
Who wrote that?
23:04 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
If i am up 5-0 and a player leaves. It is only fair that whoever takes his place can only fight for the other 10 points as i have already won 5 points against clan whatever. The player is subbing into get game finished nothing else.
We have 16 players we could all play half a game each if this gets games completed it shouldn't matter my point is that those 16 players make up the clan and as an opposing player to that clan i could face any of them, if they choose to leave/deactivate that is their choice if i finish game against another player from the same clan i am still playing against that clan at least the game gets completed which should be the most important thing.
Everyone is looking at each game from an individual player point of view, this is a clan league so all teams should play against each other as a collective clan to ensure game gets played just because i got drawn against player x and he deactivates why should i get all the remaining points in default, why should i not face player y from the same clan to get game completed and stop the need for defaults on that game. No one should expect points just because a player has left. If he leaves and his mate wins all remaining games good luck to him as he could have just as easily been the player i had been drawn against from day 1.
dgeneratio said:
i still dont think its right, it should be played from scratch to make it fair game.
If i am up 5-0 and a player leaves. It is only fair that whoever takes his place can only fight for the other 10 points as i have already won 5 points against clan whatever. The player is subbing into get game finished nothing else.
We have 16 players we could all play half a game each if this gets games completed it shouldn't matter my point is that those 16 players make up the clan and as an opposing player to that clan i could face any of them, if they choose to leave/deactivate that is their choice if i finish game against another player from the same clan i am still playing against that clan at least the game gets completed which should be the most important thing.
Everyone is looking at each game from an individual player point of view, this is a clan league so all teams should play against each other as a collective clan to ensure game gets played just because i got drawn against player x and he deactivates why should i get all the remaining points in default, why should i not face player y from the same clan to get game completed and stop the need for defaults on that game. No one should expect points just because a player has left. If he leaves and his mate wins all remaining games good luck to him as he could have just as easily been the player i had been drawn against from day 1.
23:08 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
what about golden cue though, thats individuals and based on frames played i put an example above how 1 frame can make a difference.
23:09 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
If destiny plays another game he would be 38 for 51 so 74.5%
But i know what your point is, yes he would if he was 38 for 50 as he would have a 76 percent win ratio and thus a better one than ab. The only stipulation for the golden cue was you had to play a certain number of frames which is a criteria that destiny would meet thus he wins.
dgeneratio said:
so again another example.
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
If destiny plays another game he would be 38 for 51 so 74.5%
But i know what your point is, yes he would if he was 38 for 50 as he would have a 76 percent win ratio and thus a better one than ab. The only stipulation for the golden cue was you had to play a certain number of frames which is a criteria that destiny would meet thus he wins.
23:10 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
about the false info, next time it would help if both captains sent info in and we check results before making a prediction.
thats my biggest mistake in defaults i trust the information too much without checking it out first
lets just move on from that
thats my biggest mistake in defaults i trust the information too much without checking it out first
lets just move on from that
23:13 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
If destiny plays another game he would be 38 for 51 so 74.5%
But i know what your point is, yes he would if he was 38 for 50 as he would have a 76 percent win ratio and thus a better one than ab. The only stipulation for the golden cue was you had to play a certain number of frames which is a criteria that destiny would meet thus he wins.
its 70 frames to be featured in golden cue but you know what i mean thats one of the reasons why im against it, unless its started from scratch then i wouldn't be for it.
like i said though the runners next season may feel different
horse10000 said:
dgeneratio said:
so again another example.
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
a few seasons ago ab_rfc beat destiny in golden cue by 0.1 points per game average.
say this time
ab_rfc was on 75% win rate (100 frames, 75 wins) and destiny was on 74% (50 frames, 37 wins) then destiny wins 1 frame after someone deactivates after being 14-0 down or whatever then destiny will be at 76% meaning that 1 frame made all the difference.
surely it wouldn't be fair on ab?
If destiny plays another game he would be 38 for 51 so 74.5%
But i know what your point is, yes he would if he was 38 for 50 as he would have a 76 percent win ratio and thus a better one than ab. The only stipulation for the golden cue was you had to play a certain number of frames which is a criteria that destiny would meet thus he wins.
its 70 frames to be featured in golden cue but you know what i mean thats one of the reasons why im against it, unless its started from scratch then i wouldn't be for it.
like i said though the runners next season may feel different
23:13 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
I wrote that, I didnt write Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie., that statement is the outright lie im afraid.
I didnt say he reapeared, I said he appeared on Sunday night and how I spoke to him in pm, if he was on the previous days I didnt see him and believe me we had everyone watching for him, we even had players posting in his clan thread,
I also said 4 or 5 days which he was offline, the fixture started 6 or 7 days before that Sunday so I'm not saying he wasnt on, but if he was I wish he had made some sort of contact.
whocares8x8 said:
Ab, this is the quote that the default team was given:
Who wrote that?
default forum info said:
After going missing for 4 or 5 days skiller10 appeared on Sunday night (....)
Who wrote that?
I wrote that, I didnt write Saying that skiller10 was absent and then reappeared 2 hours before the deadline is just an outright lie., that statement is the outright lie im afraid.
I didnt say he reapeared, I said he appeared on Sunday night and how I spoke to him in pm, if he was on the previous days I didnt see him and believe me we had everyone watching for him, we even had players posting in his clan thread,
I also said 4 or 5 days which he was offline, the fixture started 6 or 7 days before that Sunday so I'm not saying he wasnt on, but if he was I wish he had made some sort of contact.
23:17 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
Right, you said "Sunday night", horse was mentioning" 2 hours before deadline" on this thread. Looks like semantics to me- it means virtually the same thing.
If you had everyone looking out for him, surely someone would've noticed that he came back on the Friday.
The information you provided to the defaults team makes it look like he only came back from his absence on the Sunday night.
This is how the members understood what you were saying (me included). At least one of them has said that he would've voted the other way if he had known that skiller was back on Friday.
Maybe not a lie, but certainly handpicked misinformation.
If you had everyone looking out for him, surely someone would've noticed that he came back on the Friday.
The information you provided to the defaults team makes it look like he only came back from his absence on the Sunday night.
This is how the members understood what you were saying (me included). At least one of them has said that he would've voted the other way if he had known that skiller was back on Friday.
Maybe not a lie, but certainly handpicked misinformation.
23:18 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
False info ?, that was just an accusation made by Seb against MVP that was obviously what I said reworded by himself.
dgeneratio said:
about the false info, next time it would help if both captains sent info in and we check results before making a prediction.
thats my biggest mistake in defaults i trust the information too much without checking it out first
lets just move on from that
thats my biggest mistake in defaults i trust the information too much without checking it out first
lets just move on from that
False info ?, that was just an accusation made by Seb against MVP that was obviously what I said reworded by himself.
23:20 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
whatever info then lol
about the info we aren't really getting anywhere, whats done is done, can only move on from this
about the info we aren't really getting anywhere, whats done is done, can only move on from this
23:20 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
what horse says here about the 2 hours wasnt in the default info supplied by myself so has nothing to do with the decision, I'd like to know how you know he was on the friday because we didnt see him.
whocares8x8 said:
Right, you said Sunday night, horse was mentioning 2 hours before deadline on here. Looks like semantics to me- it means virtually the same thing.
If you had everyone looking out for him, surely someone would've noticed that he came back on the Friday.
The information you provided to the defaults team makes it look like he only came back from his absence on the Sunday night.
This is how the members understood what you were saying (me included). At least one of them has said that he would've voted the other way if he had known that skiller was back on Friday.
Maybe not a lie, but certainly handpicked misinformation.
If you had everyone looking out for him, surely someone would've noticed that he came back on the Friday.
The information you provided to the defaults team makes it look like he only came back from his absence on the Sunday night.
This is how the members understood what you were saying (me included). At least one of them has said that he would've voted the other way if he had known that skiller was back on Friday.
Maybe not a lie, but certainly handpicked misinformation.
what horse says here about the 2 hours wasnt in the default info supplied by myself so has nothing to do with the decision, I'd like to know how you know he was on the friday because we didnt see him.
23:23 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
I took a peek at his events page. He played Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
On his profile, the entire Friday, Saturday, and Sunday it would've said something like "offline since 15 hours ago". Nobody noticed this?
I'm guessing everyone noticed, but nobody chose to include that information in the defaults info. Instead, it was made to look like he came back on the Sunday night.
Hey, it did the job, you got the vote. And apparently they're letting it stand.
On his profile, the entire Friday, Saturday, and Sunday it would've said something like "offline since 15 hours ago". Nobody noticed this?
I'm guessing everyone noticed, but nobody chose to include that information in the defaults info. Instead, it was made to look like he came back on the Sunday night.
Hey, it did the job, you got the vote. And apparently they're letting it stand.
23:24 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
just checked, he wasn't online on the Friday (1st week he was) unless its on his Results page however skiller was online Saturday and Sunday
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23:25 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
skiller10 didnt message me not sure about rocket but as v cap i happy with mvp geting points as our player left for a torny thats very bad sportmanship in my eyes.
23:25 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)
23:40 Sun 04/12/11
Won the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 70 TournaPoints!
17:56 Sat 03/12/11
Received 40 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament
17:28 Fri 02/12/11
9 Ball Billiards - skiller10 ran the rack!
17:02 Fri 02/12/11
Received 8 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Micro 9 Ball Tournament
dgeneratio said:
just checked, he wasn't online on the Friday (1st week he was) unless its on his Results page however skiller was online Saturday and Sunday
Won the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament, winning 70 TournaPoints!
17:56 Sat 03/12/11
Received 40 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament
17:28 Fri 02/12/11
9 Ball Billiards - skiller10 ran the rack!
17:02 Fri 02/12/11
Received 8 TournaPoints for reaching the Semi Final in the Micro 9 Ball Tournament
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