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Posts: 7,164
22:23 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i posted this on FBL but maybe a solution for the way awarding bonus points are awarded

the main problem with defaults is why should say for example 7 players get games done on time and 1 player loosing it for the whole team

for next season maybe

there is no excuse with over 14 days to play and 15 players online not to get these games played.

My solution is to award 2 players on each side who
message each other and post the message on their own clan thread that they agree a time to play with maybe 3 time slots

If the game say gets played within 7 days allocate 3 bonus points

If the game say gets played within 10 days allocate 2 bonus points

If the game say gets played within 12 days allocate 1 bonus points

Zero points after the 12th day

Subs must be made after 7 days if no agreement is made by the players

however if one player has messaged they remain in the fixture (all they need to do is post their message on the first or second day on the opposing clan thread) and a sub must be made by the opposing team.

Maximum bonus points will be awarded to the player who messaged automatically and had been available to play

This will force captains into making subs earlier and to get games played and hopefully not leaving games till the end and all the rubbish being posted I did this she did that

its an idea to be looked at after recent events
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22:24 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
If you would like me to go into "teacher mode" I could inform you of the mistakes you made in that post.

By the way you voted, it's past tense and as I was not involved it can not be the plural form.

Strangely enough last time I checked "default circumstances" did not apply in the national curriculum.

if you put that much effort into babysitting, you might not have some cut backs
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22:26 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
melody said:
If you would like me to go into "teacher mode" I could inform you of the mistakes you made in that post.

By the way you voted, it's past tense and as I was not involved it can not be the plural form.

Strangely enough last time I checked "default circumstances" did not apply in the national curriculum.

if you put that much effort into babysitting, you might not have some cut backs

Am sure you would know all about how my job works....
Posts: 11,057
22:27 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
horse10000 said:
Now because lyle was not available for the only 2 hours that his opponent was online after this point we should not get a completion bonus because the games weren't finished and he offered 2 hours in approx a whole week!!!
Have a look at skiller10's events:
He has events on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday leading up to the deadline.

I'm not sure why you all keep bringing up 2 hours?
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22:28 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
if this is the case, they still didnt put this information forward for the default, therefore it is not relevant.

Although this does change everything, the bonus points wouldnt have been awarded with this evidence.
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22:29 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seb if completion bonuses were demolished, do you see anything taking it's place or just leaving defaults and win bonuses?
Posts: 11,057
22:30 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You mean the clan has to provide the times when a player was online? Nobody does that. No one else did that.
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22:31 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
no, they have to provide the information that the player has been online before the deadline and that he wasnt able to get it finished. Not just give no info at all and hope for the best.
Posts: 7,164
22:31 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
to be fair is this a league discussion thread

defaults have always been reviewed from monday onwards
so i really dont know what all the squabbling is about

your supposed to be league runners and people on the default panel ,, setting an example to the league

so maybe now get this back on topic
Posts: 11,057
22:31 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
Seb if completion bonuses were demolished, do you see anything taking it's place or just leaving defaults and win bonuses?
Nothing really. Somewhere on some topic it was suggested that at the end of the season in case of ties, the amount of games completed would be the tie breaker. But that's fairly insignificant.
No, considering the original idea of the completion bonus and how it's being applied now and how it causes arguments now, I think we are better off without it.
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22:35 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
It wasnt causing arguments, lets face it, if it was snooker squad who was benefitting here you wouldnt have a problem, there will always be some form of loyalty to your clan and as a result being bias is a problem..

This is a good rule, you cant expect a clan who is facing a clan where their player deactivated to face punishment of no bonus points..
Posts: 7,164
22:36 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
the whole idea of the bonus was to get games played and avoid defaults the principle is right

how they are awarded is wrong

why should teams loose out ,,, when there team completes 7 out of 8 fixtures and one player dosnt ,, because his opponent is off line for 7 days including the deadline

surley penalise the player and the team who didnt complete

and maybe ppl who have 2 defaults go against them should be suspended for 2 matches

just a sugeation
Posts: 7,940
22:37 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
Simple really. It has gone from being a completion bonus to a "win your defaults" bonus.
The rule was you get completion bonus for completing your games. Exceptions were added for
1. deactivation mid-fixture without subs
2. refusal to play

Neither of these happened in the case of skiller, so why should the COMPLETION bonus be given?

To illustrate, if someone wins their default, that means they were less at fault than their opponents.
If that is true, Snooker Squad should be getting their completion bonus points in the game against Underdogs, since the only default went 8-7 to crazy_greg.

Would that make sense? No! Same with the skiller fixture. It could've gotten played on the last day. There were posts on the MVP thread saying lyle won't be able to make it on that night. MVP still got all the default points, but it could've gotten played.

If the completion bonus will be given just for winning the default, let's just get rid of it.

In the crazy_greg default one player was clearly not at fault or you wouldnt have awarded an 8-7 score.

In the MVP default, did you actually read the default info, maybe I should post it here, as for the posts that said Lyle couldn't get on, that was made after skiller10 went offline, I had skiller10 in a pm, I asked if he could play if we could get Lyle online, he said we would need to be quick as he was going out to the pub to play pool/snooker, as far as I know eemad phoned one player to get lyle's number and by the time he contacted Lyle skiller10 logged out without a word, despite being in pm with me, I know he said be quick but 10 mins was no use to us, turns out Lyle couldnt get on at that point but wouldnt have mattered, skiller10 left, so be honest Seb, what chance did skiller10 give us to get that played on the Sunday ?.
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22:37 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
to be fair is this a league discussion thread

defaults have always been reviewed from monday onwards
so i really dont know what all the squabbling is about

your supposed to be league runners and people on the default panel ,, setting an example to the league

so maybe now get this back on topic

Thanks for your concern but we were already back on topic if you read the posts above yours, have a nice day
Posts: 11,057
22:38 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
It wasnt causing arguments, lets face it, if it was snooker squad who was benefitting here you wouldnt have a problem, there will always be some form of loyalty to your clan and as a result being bias is a problem..

This is a good rule, you cant expect a clan who is facing a clan where their player deactivated to face punishment of no bonus points..
If you look at my posts during the discussion about this rule 3-4 weeks ago, if you look at my posts on the discussion about this rule on snooker a long time ago, you'll see that I have maintained this position the entire time.

This has nothing to do with MVP. I expect them to run away with div 2. More importantly, the top two clans get promoted, so there's no need for us to come first.
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22:40 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
im really not accusing you of anything seb, i was close to voting no, infact i didnt want to vote because i couldnt decide.. im just pointing out that loyalty to a clan mostly comes first in these kind of decisions.
Posts: 38,097
22:40 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
im keeping tabs on lost defaults whoever has 2 10-5 or worse defaults will get a fixture ban.

far as i know theres only 1 player who has that at the moment.
Posts: 11,057
22:40 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
In the MVP default, did you actually read the default info
I did yes. That's why we gave you all the default points.
However, your info also stated that skiller10 appeared on Sunday night. Well, this turns out to be false.
skiller has events in the 3 days leading up to the deadline, so he actually appeared on Friday after his absence.

Not quite sure what to make of the information provided now.
Posts: 7,164
22:41 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
doubted2 said:
to be fair is this a league discussion thread

defaults have always been reviewed from monday onwards
so i really dont know what all the squabbling is about

your supposed to be league runners and people on the default panel ,, setting an example to the league

so maybe now get this back on topic

Thanks for your concern but we were already back on topic if you read the posts above yours, have a nice day

instead of having ago maybe take the role you accepted aliitle more serious

and less the cheap jibes
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22:42 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes if i'd known this 3 days previous thing, i think i would have changed my decision on the spot.
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