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22:03 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
theukspoon said:
wow, hope your getting payed for what.. 96 hours of work out of 96 hours? wow, if we all was like you eh, a machine.

No I'm not, if you paid attention to national news recently you would understand this.

I do, better things to listen too than a few people striking because there is a few cut backs.. there are cut backs everywhere.
Posts: 9,926
22:04 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also, for the record i am only looking for clarification and personally i think it is better when the league staff explain their decisions / reasons at least then all the members can stick their tuppence worth in and hopefully long term it helps the league.

No one is ever going to agree with them all off the time but i am sure that now some players will agree and some will not at least it is not a secret anymore which i believe causes more arguments than anything.
Deleted User
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22:04 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ha ha he to busy to watch the news he on here.
Deleted User
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22:05 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
theukspoon said:
DEFAULTS is apart of the scoring system too, so how is this much more important than them? perhaps you should re-read the forum, we are NOT voting on a new rule, we are voting on whether to award bonus points under a rule ALREADY in place.

get your facts right and come back.

If this was as easy as "the rules are in place" you wouldn't need the discussion in the 1st place!

yes we would, maybe the babysitter might come up with a whole rule book for every event that happens, didnt know melody could see into the future, dang, might aswell make her league runner, she can tell us who's going to win too in her rule book of rules that has a rule for everything that might ever occur.
Deleted User
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22:05 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
melody said:
theukspoon said:
wow, hope your getting payed for what.. 96 hours of work out of 96 hours? wow, if we all was like you eh, a machine.

No I'm not, if you paid attention to national news recently you would understand this.

I do, better things to listen too than a few people striking because there is a few cut backs.. there are cut backs everywhere.

A half informed comment based on the biased image the government have portrayed, Well done!
Deleted User
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22:06 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
staffie_man said:
ha ha he to busy to watch the news he on here.

Yep, maintaining a table that someone had a way better version of last season and then just dumped because he spat out his dummy.
Deleted User
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22:07 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
melody said:
theukspoon said:
DEFAULTS is apart of the scoring system too, so how is this much more important than them? perhaps you should re-read the forum, we are NOT voting on a new rule, we are voting on whether to award bonus points under a rule ALREADY in place.

get your facts right and come back.

If this was as easy as "the rules are in place" you wouldn't need the discussion in the 1st place!

yes we would, maybe the babysitter might come up with a whole rule book for every event that happens, didnt know melody could see into the future, dang, might aswell make her league runner, she can tell us who's going to win too in her rule book of rules that has a rule for everything that might ever occur.

Rather the ruling lord "Spoonie" have the riding decision on the matter you mean?
Deleted User
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22:08 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i was asked to have the final decision, i couldnt make a choice, would have been much easier if other defaulters had actually checked the forum? you know the thing your supposed to do?
Deleted User
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22:10 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh spoonie u know nothing lol i had more important things than pool
Posts: 38,097
22:10 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets cut it out now please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:10 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think there should be some clear guidelines regarding the defaults bonus. the main problem atm seems to be either players leaving before a game is complete, or not being able to get online the same time as their opponent. in the first instance, if a player leaves during a clan game, whether it be through no fault of their own, why should the other team lose their bonus ?
there are 2 weeks to play a fixture, why are players defaulting when they say they cant get online the same time as their opponent ? surely that is the reason we have option to sub players in, or ask for subs. if neither are done, then neither team should be given the bonus. i think the main issue atm with the default bonus, is for teams to have the back up information ie. offline messages, team thread posts to show that they have made every effort they can to get the game played, if they can show this, and its the opposing team/player who has been uncooperative then they should not forfeit their bonus. Without the relevant information though, a bonus should not be given, maybe all captains should make it clear to their players that offline messages and any other info need to be kept , incase the game does go to default, if they dont it is their own fault for losing points .

as i said on default discussion
Deleted User
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22:11 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well unfortunately if you'd have let the reminder of dgen actually be of use... you wouldn't have had to make the "final decision" I actually don't see why Jay's decision couldn't stand, you would assume you could rely on a league runner being unbiased, as I assume this will be used in the future? Or are we going to do this every time this issue comes up?
Deleted User
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22:12 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
we do this everytime, the circumstances will always be different melody, unless you can forwarn us?
Deleted User
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22:14 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
theukspoon said:
we do this everytime, the circumstances will always be different melody, unless you can forwarn us?

Surely if this same situation arises again, for mvp or another clan, the same decision would be reached, or are you planning to pick and choose depending on the clan involved?
Posts: 11,057
22:15 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Since a completion bonus is no longer a completion bonus (and seeing how it has been applied here), I would be very much in favor of getting rid of the completion bonus completely.

For situations where it's a player's/clan's fault that the game wasn't completed, we already have various other means to punish the player and award the opponent. We give out default points, we give a fixture win bonus, we can warn the defaulters, etc.
The completion bonus is not for this. Apply it with at least some sort of a boundary so it can't get used all the time with incomplete games. Or get rid of it.
Deleted User
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22:16 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i totally agree with seb
Deleted User
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22:17 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
Since a completion bonus is no longer a completion bonus (and seeing how it has been applied here), I would be very much in favor of getting rid of the completion bonus completely.

For situations where it's a player's/clan's fault that the game wasn't completed, we already have various other means to punish the player and award the opponent. We give out default points, we give a fixture win bonus, we can warn the defaulters, etc.
The completion bonus is not for this. Apply it with at least some sort of a boundary so it can't get used all the time with incomplete games. Or get rid of it.

Finally some sense!

I'd be in agreement with that!
Deleted User
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22:17 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
melody said:
theukspoon said:
we do this everytime, the circumstances will always be different melody, unless you can forwarn us?

Surely if this same situation arises again, for mvp or another clan, the same decision would be reached, or are you planning to pick and choose depending on the clan involved?

melody do you even know what we are voting on love?

Yes, we are going to get someone quit the game at 4 - 1 down to play a tournament, yes he will then not log on for the rest of the week and then he will log on with 2 hours remaining to find that his opponent cannot make it on that day.

Yes all defaults are different circumstances, wow, i thought you was a teacher?
Posts: 11,057
22:21 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
horse10000 said:
Now because lyle was not available for the only 2 hours that his opponent was online after this point we should not get a completion bonus because the games weren't finished and he offered 2 hours in approx a whole week!!!
Have a look at skiller10's events:
He has events on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday leading up to the deadline. I'm not sure why you all keep bringing up 2 hours?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:21 Thu 8 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you would like me to go into "teacher mode" I could inform you of the mistakes you made in that post.

By the way you voted, it's past tense and as I was not involved it can not be the plural form.

Strangely enough last time I checked "default circumstances" did not apply in the national curriculum.
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