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too many tournys

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Deleted User
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00:52 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bisto said:
tournys are too easy to win because there are far too many,less tornys mean more competitive games and more players for killer and other game types which arent filling now.

bisto said:

im not surprised snooker is so popular,the same people take it in turns to win tournaments on here-another reason why normal players are turning their back on pool.

Make your mind up bisto!
Are tourneys too easy to win or should we take all the pro's and clan players out so other people can win like you said a couple of days ago?
Deleted User
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00:59 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think he means they are easier to win for the minority that win them.

Posts: 12,185
01:03 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
micro's are a joke .

If they are a joke why do you enter them?
Posts: 1,170
06:29 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
jim i haven't entered a micro for a while - i entered them when there was a big hoo harr about them and when i tried to win the daily with just UK8 being played then stopped entering them.

As for potalot - the tournys have not even 1/4 of how it used to be in population. There used to be 70-100 people playing in each tourny which is why to earn 50 tourny's was an achievement now it's too easy.

Since coming back i've won 7/8 tournys in UK8 and have not failed to hit a semi final yet.... says alot really when i'm nowhere near as good as a few months back
Deleted User
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12:23 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Numbers for tourneys haven't been anywhere near that since i've been on here which was way before they went to half hourly.
Taking people's choice away won't force people to play tourneys they aren't interested in.
In my opinion the best way to get the numbers back up will be when Nick brings in multiplying tournapoints by frames as was discussed, then the micros won't be worthwhile for tournapoint events in comparison.
Posts: 12,419
13:55 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think you have to remember that ages ago newbies could enter tornaments which would have affect the numbers entered
Deleted User
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14:07 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Make your mind up bisto!
Are tourneys too easy to win or should we take all the pro's and clan players out so other people can win like you said a couple of days ago?

A dafter comment i'll never read.
Deleted User
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14:14 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
i think you have to remember that ages ago newbies could enter tornaments which would have affect the numbers entered

Very good point. If it was me I would remove the newbie restriction on players entering tournaments anyway. Get new players into the full funky experience from the start.

Do that and you can completely remove the friendly tournaments.
Deleted User
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14:18 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
_pro__frog_ said:
i think you have to remember that ages ago newbies could enter tornaments which would have affect the numbers entered

Very good point. If it was me I would remove the newbie restriction on players entering tournaments anyway. Get new players into the full funky experience from the start.

Do that and you can completely remove the friendly tournaments.

Wont that in a way increase players resetting stats?
Deleted User
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14:20 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
And what do they actually achieve by that themselves?
Deleted User
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14:22 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Cant have a game of killer without some fake newbs trying it on.
Deleted User
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14:27 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bisto said:
Cant have a game of killer without some fake newbs trying it on.

Maybe. But that doesn't exactly answer the question. By resetting you, yourself, achieve nothing other than going back to zero with anything you actually have achieved being lost.

The risk of getting drawn against new accounts, fake newbies, or whatever would be equal for everyone so they would not distort any ranking tables long term.
Posts: 12,419
14:42 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah, as chris says, you go back to the start again, which would be the same as deactivating and creating another account. People reset for new challenges and if that isnt your thing (like me) then you dont need to worry. You may lose a few points here and there but someone of your standard would be able to claim it back anyway. Besides the newbie modification restricts the amount of points you lose and allows the newbie to get up to a higher rank before they lose their newbie tag.

I do think getting rid of the friendlies is a good idead and allowing newbies into the main tournaments - but remember guys the newbie modification still applies so if you lose, chance are, you wont lose that much.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:25 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
With ranked games not as popular now and everything geared towards tourneys I can't see why you shouldn't let noobs in(fake or not) and ditch the friendly tourneys totally.
The point grading system would still be in so that covers you for their first 50 games by which point if they're that good they will be up to a reasonable score anyway.

Add that to when Nick brings in this
nick said:
I agree.

One thing is though, TournaPoints need to be in multiples of 20 per entry to ensure that there is no fraction amount of points given (of course it could round up / down to nearest point).

So it might be best to choose proportions as dgeneratio said, but doubled:
Speed/micro: 20
Normal: 40
Marathon: 60

Added for discussion on snooker too:

The most popular tournaments are still the classics but if the tournapoints were doubled for full comps I think we would definitely start hitting over 50 at peak again.
Posts: 1,170
18:04 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
there's no doubt about it by the looks of it, people want the old hourly tournys back with everyone able to enter them and the micro's to be cut or even lost.

This really does need to happen as tournapoints become more of a challenge and makes it far more interesting to see if u can win. I can guarentee it's easier to sit and play micro's for a daily win then to play the normal hourly tournys.

Everyone used to moan about the resetters but who honestly cares? remeber how it used to be unranked tournys people moaned they were "newbie" yet running and clearing off breaks - they forgot to take into account people used to sit at 675 and be an intermediate and noone then cared about those....
Deleted User
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18:17 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The scheduled changes by nick to the tournapoints as shown above takes care of people playing micros all day for the tournapoints win.

Don't think many people have stated they want it to go to hourly or lose micros we have too many varieties of tournament to not do them half hourly.
Letting newbies play them, sorting out the tournapoints grading and ditching the friendlies would get numbers right up.
Posts: 1,170
18:25 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
still would do nothing for the ranked games which is also the point why people are here - too many tournys means noone plays a ranked game hardly other then those who need to get rid of their newbieness.
Posts: 12,419
18:33 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
keep the micros, i think they are still a good addition
Deleted User
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18:34 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
People prefer tourneys to ranked games, that's just the way it is.
Deleted User
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18:38 Sat 30 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
People prefer tourneys to ranked games, that's just the way it is.

Simply because of the double points in tournaments, if that was reversed, I guarantee you'd see that totally change.

I think, even if you change tournapoints, ditched friendlies and allowed Newbies in, Micros still need to be altered (or scrapped, depending on how you have the schedule) as there are still too many tournaments being played regardless.
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