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Posts: 9,926
01:09 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
horse10000 said:
I for one would not want to play someone who wasn't able to play at start of fixture as a sub later in that fixture
Why not? Are they diseased or something?

No because as FCL rules have stated for most seasons since it started, a player can not join a clan until he has been a member for 1 month. And only after this period he is available for selection for next fixture set, which could be 1 day or 2 weeks away.

If some have to wait 6 weeks that is unlucky on them.

This rule was added for serial deactivators (Who let teams down when they deactivate anyway) and new players who if they have not played in a clan previously another 2 weeks is not going to matter if they are keen to participate.
Posts: 11,057
01:21 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, I know I won't be able to change your opinion.

The argument "no one has complained until now" means nothing by the way. That can be said for every single rule there is, which means nothing would ever be improved.

horse10000 said:
If some have to wait 6 weeks that is unlucky on them.
This is the thing I was hoping would go away with a change. People are punished for deactivating by not being allowed to play 1 month. Some people are punished more than others, purely because of luck. Why not change this to make it equal for everyone?

Can't add anything else after this. Up to the league runners now.
Posts: 5,702
02:03 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree with seb but also the bit about 'another 2weeks isn't going to matter', i can disagree with, take my player uncharteredx for e.g. she was so excited about joining a clan, she was bouncing of walls and really couldn't wait for her month to be up... so IMO i think it does matter. anyways, good luck with deciding league runners, hard call
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02:08 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair Adam, uncharteredx is always excited and bouncing of the walls.
Posts: 5,702
02:16 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats true Chris, but i seriously never seen anyone so excited about it thebadone was another eager beaver about playing his first games, kept going 'whens my first game whens ma first game lool,' as too was obiee when he first joined (R.I.P obieeeee, he's not dead but to FP he is atm )
Posts: 5,250
08:07 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I had owen long before you adam and he was like a wee jack russell tearing at the bit to play all the time.

Edited at 05:12 Thu 13/10/11 (BST)
Posts: 5,250
08:15 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted on FCL facebook page...Posted by Jay.

Just like to voice my opinion on the current discussion at hand.

I like the idea that has been brought to attention about changing the way the one month rule works for the fixtures and all that, but i am going to have to say no to this, many of you have mixed opinions and thats what kind of feedback we need to make the league even better.

I understand the one month rule more than some due to the fact previous bans have made me miss out on games, but even then i agree your account has to be one month old before you can play clan games for what ever clan you play for, it was a punishment brought in too stop so many deactivaters playing in games straight away and it also punishes the banned users (as it should).

The other thing is due to previous bans i also know the rule that yes you cant play clan games but even though your account is not one month old yet you can still be displayed in the team sheet, captains should know who is allowed to play and who is not so if your accidently put it it is easy to be replaced.
Posts: 38,097
16:41 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
horse10000 said:
cphaynes said:

Your not allowed to join a clan unless your account is 1 month old.

Exactly thus why they are not registered at start of that fixture set so exempt from selection until next fixture set. This rule was introduced way back in about season 3 or 4 and no one has complained until now.

again misunderstood, im not complaining was just an idea (once people know definition of idea then maybe can stop complaining) because it was bugging me for 4 seasons and kept it in until now wanted to know peoples thoughts and im glad to see mixed reactions as Jay said.

as for not displayed in teamsheet, jan did it, kev did it, kenny did it, why can't i do it? its been in affect for 4 seasons.

your ineligible for a month, soon as your eligible (1 month old) you can play and its harsh to wait even longer imo (only if your in teamlist)

anyway people have views and cant change your mind.

ill have a chat with league runners see where we go.
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17:14 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dextr said:
Posted on FCL facebook page...Posted by Jay.

Just like to voice my opinion on the current discussion at hand.

I like the idea that has been brought to attention about changing the way the one month rule works for the fixtures and all that, but i am going to have to say no to this, many of you have mixed opinions and thats what kind of feedback we need to make the league even better.

I understand the one month rule more than some due to the fact previous bans have made me miss out on games, but even then i agree your account has to be one month old before you can play clan games for what ever clan you play for, it was a punishment brought in too stop so many deactivaters playing in games straight away and it also punishes the banned users (as it should).

The other thing is due to previous bans i also know the rule that yes you cant play clan games but even though your account is not one month old yet you can still be displayed in the team sheet, captains should know who is allowed to play and who is not so if your accidently put it it is easy to be replaced.

what happened to the forum rule of posting on members behave especially when they are banned users?

so does this mean Jay is still runnin the FCL even tho hes banned?
Posts: 38,097
17:17 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yep, hes doing the fixtures for us, while me, dex and techno update the site.
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17:18 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought that was a total joke too but James didn't even think it was worthy of questioning.
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17:19 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
if hes doing the fixtures, what name do they get messaged to as hes banned? Or as he got another name that they are messaged to?
Posts: 38,097
17:23 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no i send them to jay because i get the teamlists.

either way im still happy to let jay run league alongside us, was one of top candidates who applied, despite being banned i won't kick him out (same with my clan on snooker, i only kick people if they really deserve it).
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17:25 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
so if you get the lists why cant you do the fixtures? instead of forwarding them onto a banned user?
Posts: 38,097
17:27 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
he wanted to continue to help running league, jay has a fixture generator which takes half time instead of me doing them (dont forget i run 1 clan and 2 leagues) so i can't be on top of everything.

given league runners jobs this season so i can help seb run snooker and it cuts my work load.
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17:30 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
if ya cant handle the stuff that comes with running the league why are you running that many leagues? why not get someone in to do the fixtures that isnt banned? it aint hard to pick someone to write them up at all, i dont agree with it as Jay messed up the angries teamlists last week, i no she aint ere now but steph would never had let this happen if she was still incharge
Posts: 38,097
17:34 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
wasnt jay it was the generator, but jay said its fixed now.

i don't treat banned users any different to normal ones, i still contact jay through facebook and defaults forum and doing behind scenes work.

why should banned users be treated any different to normal users or even those who deactivate a lot?

if jay did something serious i would kick him out but he hasn't.
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17:38 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
of course they should be treated differently as they AINT MEMBERS ON THIS SITE NO MORE, at least the ones that deactivate come back banned users cant come back to the site for how ever how long and you no that Dgen, this is a clan league for PEOPLE ON THIS SITE not for people that are banned on this site so he shunt be running the league.

Jay as done something serious tho aint he as he got banned by admin or aint that serious enough for ya Dgen?
Posts: 4,775
17:38 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont have a problem with jay doing the fixtures aslong as they not messed about, ours against unbeatables was last week...... but against topguns it wasnt..... weird
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17:39 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
therev said:
of course they should be treated differently as they AINT MEMBERS ON THIS SITE NO MORE, at least the ones that deactivate come back banned users cant come back to the site for how ever how long and you no that Dgen, this is a clan league for PEOPLE ON THIS SITE not for people that are banned on this site so he shunt be running the league.

Jay as done something serious tho aint he as he got banned by admin or aint that serious enough for ya Dgen?

lol didnt i warn you about getting yaself involved in "funkypool politics"
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