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Posts: 6,262
17:30 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
i will have to talk to kev on that one.

hes had experience on other names aka no_talking but im not sure if hes done a full season under this new name.

unless rules are twisted again he's invalid as a captain as other user names count for nothing as always has been the case. Scott was playing in Mousekeeters not Rick anyway.. he doesn't have full seasons experience under his new name.. or names..
Posts: 38,097
17:30 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
They shouldn't be able to with him as there captain... but he could be a vice to any of the team who have a played a season can't he?


if he hasnt done a full season under this new name then under rules he probably wont be able to captain but will wait for kevs feedback before posting anymore.
Posts: 7,164
17:33 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
doubted2 said:
totaly agree zante

ive never howver mentioned harry once that is a differant matter

dont know why harry has been mentioned totally differant issue

Keep up craig he named himself and to be fair only after you subbed him out of the mighty_zeus match without any reason.
Huts dedicated a win to poolbiird on your thread, you included harry in your complaint at that when he hadn't done a thing and then subbed him out of his game.....
Wonder why he suddenly named himself!
If you're making people stay till the end of the season and they are respecting that and playing their games why treat them like that?

when do i need to ask you about me making subs within my own team ,,, sorry it has totally nothing to do with you
you dont just want my players you now want to advise me who to play

i have 15 players and i can makes subs when how i deem fit
Posts: 7,164
17:41 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
you know the more i think about this the more i laugh

your team approached my player ever asked yourself why,, hmmmmmm, and you tell me how to run a clan, just maybe ask a question of your own clan,, why do you need to poach players captains own words if your team is so great

if your captain in her own words didnt want the player till next season why even metion it

somthing lost here i think,,, dont you
Posts: 38,097
17:42 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the blueberry thing was a joke.
Posts: 6,262
17:54 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yes and I apologised right away, both on thread and by pm, correct me if I'm wrong dgen... or have you never made a mistake
Posts: 38,097
18:15 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i meant when lee asked you to join lol.
Posts: 6,262
19:27 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
i meant when lee asked you to join lol.

whatever you say dgen, lee never asked me to join btw
Posts: 3,610
19:41 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i got asked to play 4 team angry through huts?? he said the team doesnt want me to tell u the name but im going... and they want u 2... which is me?? then huts signed 4 team angry the next day?

tratter doesnt think its right askin players to leave there clan
Posts: 19,967
20:10 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its_me said:
i got asked to play 4 team angry through huts?? he said the team doesnt want me to tell u the name but im going... and they want u 2... which is me?? then huts signed 4 team angry the next day?

tratter doesnt think its right askin players to leave there clan

There isn't really anything wrong with it, nothing against the rules... personally i get at least 4 offers asking me to leave whatever clan i'm in, and i'm sure there are a lot of players who get more offers than that. If someone has taken their time to ask you a genuine question and have taken thought into offering a place to you, which is there way of saying you are a quality player and would love to be teammates with you, I personally don't think it is right to try and name and shame them
Posts: 4,195
21:16 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Moving onto something more important, i noticed the site is down again, unsure if it's been noted down through all that rot ^. Also i noticed kenny has deacted so does this mean the sites gone for good or what as it always seems to be down every other day?
Posts: 11,056
22:34 Sat 13 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
It's his ISP at the moment, there's not much he can do. He did tell us that he'll maintain the websites for the rest of the season, so whenever it's down, it's out of his control.
I think dgen has a backup?
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00:24 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
you know the more i think about this the more i laugh

your team approached my player ever asked yourself why,, hmmmmmm, and you tell me how to run a clan, just maybe ask a question of your own clan,, why do you need to poach players captains own words if your team is so great

if your captain in her own words didnt want the player till next season why even metion it

somthing lost here i think,,, dont you

Don't be so stupid, remember who you are talking to we have had at least 10 players 'poached' in the last month and I have replaced them all with players that weren't in clans.
The only player you had 'poached' by us was huts24, we have both had each other on ignore for months so would be a hard task for anyone.
Fact is you're crying about harry posting on our thread and naming himself and trying to get him banned from playing.
It's obvious why he did that because his captain attacked him for what someone else had done and subbed him out of a game he was online to play.
You carry on captaining the way you see fit though
Posts: 38,097
00:24 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yep the backup is on my profile, i still got to put it up to date this fixture set.

ill do the division 2 table shortly as been watching harry potter

yeah kenny told me he will host until end of season, when sites down his net is either down or its his ISP.

i did say i would hopefully update the backup more for instances like this.

if your interesting in hosting next season look under League Help Required for the requirements needed.

Deleted User
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00:36 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its_me said:
i got asked to play 4 team angry through huts?? he said the team doesnt want me to tell u the name but im going... and they want u 2... which is me?? then huts signed 4 team angry the next day?

tratter doesnt think its right askin players to leave there clan

ipotalot doesn't think it's right talking about yourself in the third person

Deleted User
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00:42 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
When do the cup fixtures come out dgen/kev is it next game set or we getting them this weekend?
Posts: 38,097
00:44 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
this weekend, i could do them tonight if people wanted, it would mean i would do division 2 table tomorrow but doesn't matter either way.
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00:45 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Cup first
Posts: 38,097
00:58 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
done, found it quicker to do it on funky forum then upload to site.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Sun 14 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers mate, there's some gems of games in there
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