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New 8 Ball Game - Arcade Version

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20:26 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cajanka said:
Or just cuz it's funny and interesting? If you'd play it only to gain some rank, that's your mentality, not of the rest of the community.

And screw that saying. Statistics is mathematics and mathematics is everything.

I don't play it's not my mentality genius
People play this for different reasons some of us like a challenge and get nothing out of the new version.
Didn't like that quote how about

Torture numbers, and they'll confess to anything. ~Gregg Easterbrook

Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. ~Aaron Levenstein

Basically whatever argument you have you can find statistics to back it up, you obviously don't use the ones that don't back your argument.
Posts: 4,751
20:37 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Why should arcade be treated any less serious? If enough people enter then it will get all the respect it deserves, and other events will make way, but this wont be until the arcade tournament entrants increase (now they are lower than other events).

Again, arcade snooker is by far the most popular and isn't looked down on on funkysnooker, nor did it wane of after the initial period, it grew and grew, as this is hopefully going to do (and I'm quite confident of it settling to be comfortably the most popular game both in terms of games played and game time).

It's not dumbed down, nor is it without skill. The balance of potting ability compared to tactics and positioning has been altered. Obviously it's not for everyone - but 8 ball original isn't either (if only for the reason that the balls are too small on a lot of laptops and average monitor sizes, but IMO there's even more reasons than that).

Edited at 18:27 Tue 03/05/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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21:38 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The other games have tactics and positioning as well as not potting into giant pockets.
Could see the need in snooker, I take it that just like real life snooker is infinitely more difficult than pool to start with.
The games already have a scale in difficulty to learn and having a easier one is a good thing for people to start on but by putting them in the tourney schedule you're taking away challenging games from the regulars IMO.
I've argued my case for it anyway basically I think the tournapoints were a brilliant addition for longevity and competition because the amount of points reflect the difficulty of the comps you're winning. This isn't of the same difficulty level as the rest of the games no matter how much you argue it is so dishing out points for it devalues that whole side of it and as we said earlier if there's 3 8 ball arcade and 3 9 ball arcade in the schedule that's 6 tournaments I wont be bothering with.
Deleted User
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22:20 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
Again, arcade snooker is by far the most popular and isn't looked down on on funkysnooker, nor did it wane of after the initial period, it grew and grew, as this is hopefully going to do (and I'm quite confident of it settling to be comfortably the most popular game both in terms of games played and game time).

It might be just my poor memory but were the current 8 & 9 Ball games not brought in as Arcade games (in 2006 ish??)? And aren't their dimensions not more comparable to Arcade Snooker?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any new game being brought in though. But in terms of longevity is there not also an argument for also having games that players can 'advance' to if they wish?

In the same way that there is Regular and Original Snooker could Pro Pool tables not be brought back? Even if it was only for a set number of tournaments per day/week?
Posts: 9,926
22:25 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
nick said:
Again, arcade snooker is by far the most popular and isn't looked down on on funkysnooker, nor did it wane of after the initial period, it grew and grew, as this is hopefully going to do (and I'm quite confident of it settling to be comfortably the most popular game both in terms of games played and game time).

It might be just my poor memory but were the current 8 & 9 Ball games not brought in as Arcade games (in 2006 ish??)? And aren't their dimensions not more comparable to Arcade Snooker?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any new game being brought in though. But in terms of longevity is there not also an argument for also having games that players can 'advance' to if they wish?

In the same way that there is Regular and Original Snooker could Pro Pool tables not be brought back? Even if it was only for a set number of tournaments per day/week?

Would love to see pro tables brought back
Deleted User
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23:04 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
Again, arcade snooker is by far the most popular and isn't looked down on on funkysnooker, nor did it wane of after the initial period, it grew and grew, as this is hopefully going to do (and I'm quite confident of it settling to be comfortably the most popular game both in terms of games played and game time).

a large amount of users on snooker despise arcade with a passion
Posts: 38,097
23:13 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i know i do, prefer original and carom

prefer the new US table too (not Arcade)
Posts: 4,751
00:00 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
It might be just my poor memory but were the current 8 & 9 Ball games not brought in as Arcade games (in 2006 ish??)? And aren't their dimensions not more comparable to Arcade Snooker?

Pro pool and original snooker were both quite accurate to real life proportions - which is how I initially intended all games to be. I would guess regular snooker is a similar proportioned increase in ball and pocket size to the current games.

chris said:
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any new game being brought in though. But in terms of longevity is there not also an argument for also having games that players can 'advance' to if they wish?

In the same way that there is Regular and Original Snooker could Pro Pool tables not be brought back? Even if it was only for a set number of tournaments per day/week?

Choice is certainly good, having a game suitable for a range of monitor resolutions is also good, and on the other end of the scale huge monitors are also becoming more frequent. The down side is we currently are struggling with numbers on here - it should be easy to find an opponent but this becomes increasingly difficult with more games. If there is sufficient users to spread over these additional games (to have arcade, regular and pro would mean 6 8-ball and 9-ball games) it could be possible. (This would also require some change in the interface to somehow show all 6 games at the top logically.)
Posts: 12,419
00:22 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick have you thought about using sites like twitter (not sure if you have an account or not), like the facebook one there is? Twitter should hopefully direct more traffic this way!

...just a thought

Edited at 22:08 Tue 03/05/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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00:44 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
If there is sufficient users to spread over these additional games (to have arcade, regular and pro would mean 6 8-ball and 9-ball games) it could be possible. (This would also require some change in the interface to somehow show all 6 games at the top logically.)

If they couldn't be made permanently available as a game type, could there not simply be Pro Table tournaments built into your revamped tournament schedule?
Deleted User
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01:12 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
at least i can play these new types on my laptop

what are these 'pro tables' by the way?
Posts: 4,751
01:24 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
If they couldn't be made permanently available as a game type, could there not simply be Pro Table tournaments built into your revamped tournament schedule?

I think it would need some way to have them playable without requiring a tournament, eg the core game (being 8-ball, 9-ball, 8-ball-uk) types at the top and a way to choose the table or rules beneath that.
Posts: 4,195
01:31 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I know you say about getting more users but generally users get bored with limited options, if there are more options it gives people more of a reason to stay, that's how i look at it. Personally id love to have pro,reg and arcade as you have more options and it doesnt get stale.
Deleted User
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01:33 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
and dont forget about doubles
Posts: 4,195
01:42 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Doubles would be the best option yeah to keep existing members, draw old ones back and introduce new ones. Don't think that will happen though, it's been mentioned for years.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:32 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The doubles situation has been explained by admins on numerous occasions. The coding and programming is extremely complex.
Deleted User
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06:36 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,751
15:32 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
Doubles would be the best option yeah to keep existing members, draw old ones back and introduce new ones. Don't think that will happen though, it's been mentioned for years.

Realistically doubles would have a negligible effect on drawing new users, and as mentioned before longevity is not a current problem compared to attracting new users.

Remember all of us on the forum are already content that the basic game is ok, our priorities are different.
Posts: 4,195
18:19 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
negligible? really lol?

The basic game is fine imo aswel however there ain't many games where you can play doubles if any online, if it was introduced it would be a major selling point to the game. I understand these new things helps aswel but to ignore the idea of doubles or leave it for another few years won't gain an advantage much.

Although i understand it would be difficult to code etc maybe it could be an idea to make a plan for it and take it from there, i don't think anyone is expecting it straight away but you could maybe do it as a sort of side project while you test these new games out for now. Not to forget im sure we'd all try and give input to how it could be worked etc so you have a few ideas to run off.

For now though i think it would be great to bring in the rest of the arcade games and pro.
Posts: 1,630
18:47 Wed 4 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally, I don't see doubles bringing in and keeping new users.

If I was a new user, I don't see any reason why I would want to start playing with another random player on my side.

For long term users yes, it would be a great option, but unless you know the person you are going to have as your doubles partner, you won't know how they are going to play (if they bother trying at all) and you could end up being messed around.
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New 8 Ball Game - Arcade Version

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