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12:36 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
Yep, there will definitely be a large increase. I'm not sure that playing over christmas was the greatest idea for both leagues. Although many weren't affected by it, I know that about half of my players were only a fraction as active as they usually are. I now have 4-5 players back on that were missing during the christmas/new years fixture. (tyler, pilbyjoel, greg, myself, juventus).
white_noise said:
The majority of clans do normally get a games played within the deadline but some Division 2 clans have been very high this season (total after set 3 = 49) set 4 looking to increase this.
13:28 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
playing over xmas was ridicolous none of my players where active and i kept getting teams asking for subs when its december 26th etc relaible players is the best idea but uve got to try players out and find some say they want t be in a clan u give them a chance and then they just dont play games u message them about games and have to have reliable subs in case of defaults
13:45 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
you dont need more reliable subs you need more reliable players
14:04 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
u need both but how can u tell if players are reliable with out playing them in fixtures and then find ur in trouble because theyve gone offline for 7 days is that ur fault no ur giving them a chance
14:04 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
luckily ive signed a few reliable players for nxt fixtures and will get rid of these unreliable players today
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15:42 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
There was a 3 week deadline over christmas, I was working 12 hour days right up to day before christmas eve and back in the day after boxing day, partied well over christmas and new year and got my games played...everyone had 3 weeks to find 15 minutes for a game. Christmas was not an excuse.
15:49 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
i didnt play over xmas as its xmas and also had more on my mind then pool as well as a lot of my clan
18:02 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
xmas for a week and as i said i as well as othe rpeople had more important things on my mind then pool
18:05 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
i agree with lee about xmas, an extra week was added for both because it was xmas, what happened the other 2 weeks?
personally ive found out longer the deadline the more relaxed players tend to be
personally ive found out longer the deadline the more relaxed players tend to be
22:35 Sun 8 Jan 12 (GMT)
You admit that the amount of games that have gone to default is high but you are not willing to look at increasing subs, swaps etc. to try and prevent this for next season. Seems a bit strange surely you should be wanting as few games as possible decided by default?
white_noise said:
The majority of clans do normally get a games played within the deadline but some Division 2 clans have been very high this season (total after set 3 = 49) set 4 looking to increase this.
You admit that the amount of games that have gone to default is high but you are not willing to look at increasing subs, swaps etc. to try and prevent this for next season. Seems a bit strange surely you should be wanting as few games as possible decided by default?
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01:16 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
Take it you never checked back..... i did put out a possible change with mixed responses and it's still open to discuss.
01:23 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
That's all very nice. Some people are able to manage it. Some people leave on vacation. Some people don't want to play games online during family holidays.
Let me put it this way: Before this set, Snooker Squad had 4 defaults total in 6 fixtures. In these 2 fixtures alone, we have 6 defaults, without having added or removed any players. Says it all really?
ipotalot said:
There was a 3 week deadline over christmas, I was working 12 hour days right up to day before christmas eve and back in the day after boxing day, partied well over christmas and new year and got my games played...everyone had 3 weeks to find 15 minutes for a game. Christmas was not an excuse.
Let me put it this way: Before this set, Snooker Squad had 4 defaults total in 6 fixtures. In these 2 fixtures alone, we have 6 defaults, without having added or removed any players. Says it all really?
01:34 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
in deed who cares mate people go on holidays etc and some people have family problems etc
01:36 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
I didn't even mean family problems (although that happens too). I mean when family are all home for holidays, some people understandably do not want to waste that playing games here. Or they do things and go places together that leaves little time for funky.
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17:33 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
Reliability is simply not a high enough priority in your clan seb, nothing to do with the rules...a lot of your team aren't regulars.
Nothing to do with the rules we haven't had any defaults.
You have twice as many players as is needed and can sub them all once.
Both captains can swap so that's changing half the games as it is we don't need any more. 21 days to play a 15 minute game each and people are moaning...crazy
Nothing to do with the rules we haven't had any defaults.
You have twice as many players as is needed and can sub them all once.
Both captains can swap so that's changing half the games as it is we don't need any more. 21 days to play a 15 minute game each and people are moaning...crazy
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18:03 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
Everyone had three weeks, div 1 completed fixture 4 with no defaults (well done to everyone), div 2 have got 10 defaults. Div 1 had christmas too, but managed to complete all games, which shows there is a problem in div 2 with arranging/playing games, whether it be with reliability or organisation.
Edited at 19:59 Mon 09/01/12 (GMT)
Edited at 19:59 Mon 09/01/12 (GMT)
22:16 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
Of course! It's always more difficult in division 2, because there are newer/unestablished clans with new players, who's reliability isn't proven.
About our clan- as I said before, we've gone through the season with exactly the same players and had 4 total defaults in FBL all season and 4 total FCL defaults all season.
That's 8 defaults out of 106 fixtures. A good rate.
Then this fixture comes along and several of the players who were reliable the entire time suddenly have trouble getting games played. Is it coincidence that they've all suddenly become unreliable?
I doubt it.
Also notice that the players with lots of defaults (ccfc, pirate_steve) both got a game done early in the fixture, before the holidays....)
You'll see that we'll have few to no defaults in the next set as usual.
About our clan- as I said before, we've gone through the season with exactly the same players and had 4 total defaults in FBL all season and 4 total FCL defaults all season.
That's 8 defaults out of 106 fixtures. A good rate.
Then this fixture comes along and several of the players who were reliable the entire time suddenly have trouble getting games played. Is it coincidence that they've all suddenly become unreliable?
I doubt it.
Also notice that the players with lots of defaults (ccfc, pirate_steve) both got a game done early in the fixture, before the holidays....)
You'll see that we'll have few to no defaults in the next set as usual.
23:23 Mon 9 Jan 12 (GMT)
oh yeah they use invalid sub davimiklo was sub out from the match against seriousblack he was not eligible to play king grrrrr how in the world miss thatThis match get played with invalid sub so is up to the league runners the last call so i have no default info as this match was played davimiklo (2)(4) king8ball1 david was sub out from this match davimiklo vs seriousblack
toluca321 said:
anoneeemouse said:
FBL Notice:
Please can you send all default information to anoneeemouse or white_noise by Wednesday 11th @ midnight
(FBL League Runner)
default games :
fired_up_cue v king8ball1 (toluca i have messaged you regarding this game)
Edited at 16:13 Mon 09/01/12 (GMT)
Please can you send all default information to anoneeemouse or white_noise by Wednesday 11th @ midnight
(FBL League Runner)
default games :
fired_up_cue v king8ball1 (toluca i have messaged you regarding this game)
Edited at 16:13 Mon 09/01/12 (GMT)
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