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00:01 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)
Division 1 has been amended with the folding of unbeatables.
Division 1 has been amended with the folding of unbeatables.
01:09 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)
you make me giggle with this hard done by attitude
you had plenty of people online over the holiday period
when i spoke to you ,,,,,,
your words to me when you had 5 players online im not making any subs till the last week ..
its truth i dont need to lie about that,,,,
just get games played ur in div 2,,, hardly gunna win the league with all due respect prove reliability.... and play games
dont bleat about it
cke1982 said:
in deed who cares mate people go on holidays etc and some people have family problems etc
you make me giggle with this hard done by attitude
you had plenty of people online over the holiday period
when i spoke to you ,,,,,,
your words to me when you had 5 players online im not making any subs till the last week ..
its truth i dont need to lie about that,,,,
just get games played ur in div 2,,, hardly gunna win the league with all due respect prove reliability.... and play games
dont bleat about it
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01:33 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)
Don't see 8 defaults before christmas as good at all. Looking through the division 2 games it's just ridiculous 3 or 4 games in a match going to default.
Pretty sure we haven't had any in either league and nor have most of the first division teams, captains and players need to get their acts together and stop looking for excuses...just a mess.
whocares8x8 said:
Of course! It's always more difficult in division 2, because there are newer/unestablished clans with new players, who's reliability isn't proven.
About our clan- as I said before, we've gone through the season with exactly the same players and had 4 total defaults in FBL all season and 4 total FCL defaults all season.
That's 8 defaults out of 106 fixtures. A good rate.
Then this fixture comes along and several of the players who were reliable the entire time suddenly have trouble getting games played. Is it coincidence that they've all suddenly become unreliable?
I doubt it.
Also notice that the players with lots of defaults (ccfc, pirate_steve) both got a game done early in the fixture, before the holidays....)
You'll see that we'll have few to no defaults in the next set as usual.
About our clan- as I said before, we've gone through the season with exactly the same players and had 4 total defaults in FBL all season and 4 total FCL defaults all season.
That's 8 defaults out of 106 fixtures. A good rate.
Then this fixture comes along and several of the players who were reliable the entire time suddenly have trouble getting games played. Is it coincidence that they've all suddenly become unreliable?
I doubt it.
Also notice that the players with lots of defaults (ccfc, pirate_steve) both got a game done early in the fixture, before the holidays....)
You'll see that we'll have few to no defaults in the next set as usual.
Don't see 8 defaults before christmas as good at all. Looking through the division 2 games it's just ridiculous 3 or 4 games in a match going to default.
Pretty sure we haven't had any in either league and nor have most of the first division teams, captains and players need to get their acts together and stop looking for excuses...just a mess.
07:22 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)
Look at the table. Before this set, we were the second-best team in division 2 with defaults. Only Fighting Eagles had fewer.
Point is, in this set (which just happened to be over christmas/new years break), our rate soared. It will be back down to normal levels after this fixture. Same players, same team.
So what is the factor that changed for us? I can only think of holidays.
ipotalot said:
Don't see 8 defaults before christmas as good at all.
Point is, in this set (which just happened to be over christmas/new years break), our rate soared. It will be back down to normal levels after this fixture. Same players, same team.
So what is the factor that changed for us? I can only think of holidays.
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14:51 Tue 10 Jan 12 (GMT)
Jeffrey Dahmer could stand in a room with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and Saddam Hussein and say his record for killing people was really good by that reckoning then.
Nobody is taking holidays as a valid excuse, you had 3 weeks and you've now had 3 times as many defaults as the whole of the first division put together.
We had 1 default last season a 5-1 win where unbeatables had nobody to play for the whole fixture except for the last 2 hours and we had asked for subs the whole way through and no defaults this season...obviously down to the captains and players, not the rules.
Nobody is taking holidays as a valid excuse, you had 3 weeks and you've now had 3 times as many defaults as the whole of the first division put together.
We had 1 default last season a 5-1 win where unbeatables had nobody to play for the whole fixture except for the last 2 hours and we had asked for subs the whole way through and no defaults this season...obviously down to the captains and players, not the rules.
01:01 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
Well, considering as I said before we were second-best regarding defaults in div 2, I think we've done all right.
As I also said before- the only variable that changed on my team between the christmas fixture and all the other fixtures was the holidays. Before this, my players were getting games done at an above-average level (compared to the rest of the league), then suddenly these same players were unable to get games done at an unprecedented level (and you will find that we'll get several default decisions in our favor, meaning we weren't the only ones with a problem).
We'll just play with few defaults in the remaining fixtures, like we always do.
As I also said before- the only variable that changed on my team between the christmas fixture and all the other fixtures was the holidays. Before this, my players were getting games done at an above-average level (compared to the rest of the league), then suddenly these same players were unable to get games done at an unprecedented level (and you will find that we'll get several default decisions in our favor, meaning we weren't the only ones with a problem).
We'll just play with few defaults in the remaining fixtures, like we always do.
Deleted User
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03:27 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
Try putting as much spin on it and sectioning it how you like seb only yours and underdogs default rate went up over christmas and some teams went down, plus you can't argue with cold facts.
Team Angry...........................0
Top Dogs..............................1
Wolf Pack.............................2
Snooker Squad....................9
Latin Legends.......................11
Top Guns................................12
Top Pool Aces.......................12
Just because there are 5 other teams with as terrible record as your team you can't argue that you're doing ok and it's christmases fault.
Where the top 6 are is where everyone should be at this stage, it's ludicrous to blame rules or holidays.
Team Angry...........................0
Top Dogs..............................1
Wolf Pack.............................2
Snooker Squad....................9
Latin Legends.......................11
Top Guns................................12
Top Pool Aces.......................12
Just because there are 5 other teams with as terrible record as your team you can't argue that you're doing ok and it's christmases fault.
Where the top 6 are is where everyone should be at this stage, it's ludicrous to blame rules or holidays.
03:38 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
Cup info when is the draw made for which clans plays each other?
white_noise said:
What did you lose mate
Cup info when is the draw made for which clans plays each other?
Deleted User
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03:42 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
Next weekend for semi's and what we have done this season is get the team sheets in then do the draw so its a bit unpredictable. Firstly a pot draw is done to see who is in pot 1 or 2 then drawn that way. The pot allocation is made public before team sheets.
Edited at 02:14 Wed 11/01/12 (GMT)
Edited at 02:14 Wed 11/01/12 (GMT)
03:46 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
ahh, so it won't be long after we know which clan we play when we get our actual fixtures. Thanks!
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04:03 Wed 11 Jan 12 (GMT)
Pot 1 & 2 for the cup semi finals have been drawn by random online generator as per other rounds.
Latin Legends
Top Guns
Shooters Revenge
Pot 1 & 2 for the cup semi finals have been drawn by random online generator as per other rounds.
Latin Legends
Top Guns
Shooters Revenge
00:04 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
I know that some clans didn't suffer from it. I'm telling you mine did. You can't answer to what I posted previously.
Same players- usually reliable. Suddenly several of them can't get games played in the christmas/new years fixture.
Maybe my players just went on vacation/break longer than players from other clans.
You shouldn't compare div 1 and div 2 so much. Division 1 has all established clans with established players. Division 2 lacks this. Several clans don't have all proven players, making it more difficult for games to get played. It's always been like this.
ipotalot said:
Try putting as much spin on it and sectioning it how you like seb only yours and underdogs default rate went up over christmas and some teams went down, plus you can't argue with cold facts.
Same players- usually reliable. Suddenly several of them can't get games played in the christmas/new years fixture.
Maybe my players just went on vacation/break longer than players from other clans.
You shouldn't compare div 1 and div 2 so much. Division 1 has all established clans with established players. Division 2 lacks this. Several clans don't have all proven players, making it more difficult for games to get played. It's always been like this.
Deleted User
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00:13 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
Over Christmas Why don't Fbl/\Fcl take a break for 2 weeks hence then people/clans don't have the excuse that it was Christmas any takers ?
00:13 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
as seb said in division 2 u find it hard to recruit players i recruited players gave them games 1 hasnt been online for 10 days was that my fault no im trying to give players chances games and i our clan get treated like this and u doubted going on about subs on december 28th its still xmas i said id make subs in january and i did
00:29 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
Team Angry...........................0
Top Dogs..............................1
Wolf Pack.............................2
Snooker Squad....................9
Latin Legends.......................11
Top Guns................................12
Top Pool Aces.......................12
For the record: Out of all our defaults in FBL and FCL, we've only lost 2.
Notice that all the Div. 1 clans are at the top of your list and all the Div. 2 clans at the bottom. I think it's been explained in my previous post.
ipotalot said:
Team Angry...........................0
Top Dogs..............................1
Wolf Pack.............................2
Snooker Squad....................9
Latin Legends.......................11
Top Guns................................12
Top Pool Aces.......................12
Notice that all the Div. 1 clans are at the top of your list and all the Div. 2 clans at the bottom. I think it's been explained in my previous post.
Deleted User
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04:24 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
We were in division 2 couple of seasons back in our first seaon, got our games played and found players when needed.
It's a lot more difficult to find players in the first division because you are going for a player out of a lot smaller percentage of the site. The players you are going for there are literally hundreds out there.
It's not your first season running a clan if you cant grasp it maybe you shouldnt do it instead of blaming everyone and everything because you haven't put in the effort.
cke1982 said:
as seb said in division 2 u find it hard to recruit players i recruited players gave them games 1 hasnt been online for 10 days was that my fault no im trying to give players chances games and i our clan get treated like this and u doubted going on about subs on december 28th its still xmas i said id make subs in january and i did
We were in division 2 couple of seasons back in our first seaon, got our games played and found players when needed.
It's a lot more difficult to find players in the first division because you are going for a player out of a lot smaller percentage of the site. The players you are going for there are literally hundreds out there.
It's not your first season running a clan if you cant grasp it maybe you shouldnt do it instead of blaming everyone and everything because you haven't put in the effort.
Deleted User
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04:36 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
1-None of your players are regulars on this site, that is why you have problems. You can't say they are reliable because you were only averaging just under a default a game before christmas...that isn't great, we;ve had 1 in 2 seasons.
2-You only had one default against you out of the 4 on FBL...you only had one for you too!! Two 3-3's indicates neither player active for the set to me.
3-Fighting Eagles have managed fine despite being a new clan and having to play teams that have players that are never on.
4-You aren't new to this you and dgen won the league last season so the new clan stuff is rubbish. Look at top dogs they've got a whole new team from last season, underdogs are just fraggles renamed, pythons have got some of the most experienced clan players around on their list....they aren't active though!
Blame christmas all you want but the games take no time and you're struggling because you have to go over to snooker and get players to play games.
You're all relying on the other team's opponent being on for the 1 hour a fortnight yours comes on...no wonder all the defaults are happening when you have 4/5 teams doing it.
1-None of your players are regulars on this site, that is why you have problems. You can't say they are reliable because you were only averaging just under a default a game before christmas...that isn't great, we;ve had 1 in 2 seasons.
2-You only had one default against you out of the 4 on FBL...you only had one for you too!! Two 3-3's indicates neither player active for the set to me.
3-Fighting Eagles have managed fine despite being a new clan and having to play teams that have players that are never on.
4-You aren't new to this you and dgen won the league last season so the new clan stuff is rubbish. Look at top dogs they've got a whole new team from last season, underdogs are just fraggles renamed, pythons have got some of the most experienced clan players around on their list....they aren't active though!
Blame christmas all you want but the games take no time and you're struggling because you have to go over to snooker and get players to play games.
You're all relying on the other team's opponent being on for the 1 hour a fortnight yours comes on...no wonder all the defaults are happening when you have 4/5 teams doing it.
Deleted User
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07:04 Thu 12 Jan 12 (GMT)
1 rule change will be applied next season and it's the sub rule.
Players that are subbed out of a discipline may be played in the other game of that discipline if required.
Example :
toluca321 v ipotalot
king8ball1 v therev
king8ball1 is subbed out by captain to become this in 8uk
toluca321 v ipotalot
zantetsukenz v therev
If toluca321 is becoming a problem to get game played king8ball1 can be subbed into that game to become
king8ball1 v ipotalot
zantetsukenz v therev
It can only be done in the discipline that the player is first registered to for that fixture set. (in this case 8uk only)
If these subs are deemed as being abused to gain advantage league staff have the right to cancel them and void the game played.
Also a New rule will be enforced is that no subsitutions will be excepted from any clan in the first 3 days of the fixture set. (meaning first sub can only be done after thursday 00:01 hours (GMT) UK time after the set has been released). If a clan posts a sub prior to this it will be refused and if game has been played it will be classed as void.
Edited at 07:14 Thu 12/01/12 (GMT)
1 rule change will be applied next season and it's the sub rule.
Players that are subbed out of a discipline may be played in the other game of that discipline if required.
Example :
toluca321 v ipotalot
king8ball1 v therev
king8ball1 is subbed out by captain to become this in 8uk
toluca321 v ipotalot
zantetsukenz v therev
If toluca321 is becoming a problem to get game played king8ball1 can be subbed into that game to become
king8ball1 v ipotalot
zantetsukenz v therev
It can only be done in the discipline that the player is first registered to for that fixture set. (in this case 8uk only)
If these subs are deemed as being abused to gain advantage league staff have the right to cancel them and void the game played.
Also a New rule will be enforced is that no subsitutions will be excepted from any clan in the first 3 days of the fixture set. (meaning first sub can only be done after thursday 00:01 hours (GMT) UK time after the set has been released). If a clan posts a sub prior to this it will be refused and if game has been played it will be classed as void.
Edited at 07:14 Thu 12/01/12 (GMT)
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